late nite chat
Greater Valia
28-04-2004, 07:20
well im bored as fuck, care to talk?
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:22
come onto irc!
Greater Valia
28-04-2004, 07:23
come onto irc!wuzzat?
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:24
come onto irc!wuzzat?
IRC! the haven of the mods/ops!
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:24
/me fires his AK-109 at valia
come onto irc!wuzzat?
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:26
come onto irc!wuzzat?
seconded /me points the entire general forum in the direction of irc
Greater Valia
28-04-2004, 07:27
come onto irc!wuzzat?
IRC! the haven of the mods/ops! maybe im retarded, but is it a site or what? got a link? please further explaining
come onto irc!wuzzat?
seconded /me points the entire general forum in the direction of irc
Well I could give Lady Liberty a middle finger instead of a torch and point it at any nation I please and it doesn't help anyone....
hmmmm... :twisted:
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:27
come onto irc!wuzzat?
IRC! the haven of the mods/ops! maybe im retarded, but is it a site or what? got a link? please further explaining
check the sticky
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:28
"chat live with other general forum posters", that sticky
Tactical Grace
28-04-2004, 07:29
You need to download an IRC chat client like mIRC, get onto the EsperNet server and enter the #nationstates_general channel. There's a sticky explaining everything at the top of this very forum.
There are also channels such as #nationstates (mainly statw*nking), #nationstates_technical (mainly people testing bots), #unitednations (self-explanatory, kinda quiet though), etc.
Greater Valia
28-04-2004, 07:32
link needing
The Atheists Reality
28-04-2004, 07:34
link needing