Is buying a 3 yr old a monthly present spoilinghim?
24-04-2004, 06:50
i mean do u think if it continues he willlater demandit?
24-04-2004, 06:56
What kind of present? I mean, a Hot Wheels a month won't spoil him, but a new video game a month might.
24-04-2004, 06:57
i buy him a hotwheels vehicle set every month
24-04-2004, 06:58
How much of a present is that? Is it a big deal to buy one, or is it something one could get for $10?
24-04-2004, 07:00
5 ina set, they ruyn between $8-$15 including shipping.
No, I wouldn't consider that spoiling.
Though I wouldnt make it a regimental thing. Gettin a a new toy everynow and then and a monthly present are two different things.
No at this stage I wouldn't say it is spoiling. I'm raising a 2 1/2 year old for someone I know and I buy him stuff like that too.
I try to teach him that I buy him stuff because he has done something to deserve it. Kids are smart they catch on pretty quick. He knows if he is bad, then he doesn't get anything.
Basically, just be smart about it, when you see it becoming an issue stop. Just like the buying them something just because they are good....I don't buy him something everytime he does something see my point....
24-04-2004, 11:30
i think doing it through an allowance is a good way to go. then you can also advocate saving at the same time. Like spend half on the present, and half into the bank.
Then the occassional thing that *you* buy is actually a gift, as opposed to something expected.
Dragons Bay
24-04-2004, 11:37
I guess, don't give him presents just for the sake of giving presents. Set him some goals, like, if you help with the housework for two months you get a set of cars. etc. this may encourage the kid to do things for the cars, not for the actual result of it, and therefore education is important too.
24-04-2004, 11:39
he's a cool kid.
24-04-2004, 11:43
There was a similar thread a few months ago... I suggested getting down on the floor and playing with the kid... creative stuff... but if he's not within commuting distance, send him things he can make stuff with...
...oh, and what's the parent/guardian's take on all this?
24-04-2004, 11:45
he says go ahead cuz the boy loves cars.