24-04-2004, 01:39
Do you agree?
Sphinx the Great
24-04-2004, 01:40
I have three and I am so glad they are all in bed (well, at least two of them... the third is stuck upstairs cleaning her room. Poor kid).
At what age of child are you reffering to? I am nearly sixteen. Are you reffering to me, or just children under the teenage years?
24-04-2004, 01:43
I am 16.
I mean like 7-10 ESPECIALLY. They have WAYYYY too much energy. I find their fidgety mannerisms to be exhausting and irritating.
Of the People-A
24-04-2004, 01:44
^Cant argue w. u there
(Im 15 BTW)
I am 16.
I mean like 7-10 ESPECIALLY. They have WAYYYY too much energy. I find their fidgety mannerisms to be exhausting and irritating.
agreed...except for the few exceptional exceptions :D
New Boniventure
24-04-2004, 01:45
I find teenagers a lot more annoying than children under the age of twelve, for some reason or another.
24-04-2004, 01:46
If I had that much energy I would get so much done.
Or perhaps I would do more of nothing.
*Sigh* it's a vicious cycle.
Sphinx the Great
24-04-2004, 01:48
I do agree with that age group. My three kids are 1, 3 and 8. My 8 year old drives me insane. She never stops talking and has recently discovered that arguing with me is just a delight. :roll:
24-04-2004, 01:50
I do agree with that age group. My three kids are 1, 3 and 8. My 8 year old drives me insane. She never stops talking and has recently discovered that arguing with me is just a delight. :roll:
hehehe. I remember when I was that age I was a real jerk to everyone. A real cynical jerk. I feel really bad. I definitely hurt some kid's feelings those years...
Adults piss me off more then kids do.
Do you agree?
Yeah, usually. But we were all kids once... so it's not really fair to complain.
Cuneo Island
24-04-2004, 04:05
Good point Sparren.
Cuneo Island
24-04-2004, 04:06
Oh, and remember my little cousin, Blues Island. And the guy that created this nation.
Dragons Bay
24-04-2004, 04:10
ahahahahaha. i LOVE kids!!!!!!! they might be all energetic and crazy at times, but then they're really fun to play with if you put down all your "oldie" character and mix with them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Greater Valia
24-04-2004, 04:11
i hate all kids (except my nephews) especially teenagers. im nearly 32 years old and nothing pisses me off more than seeing a car full of kids crusing around causing trouble and getting on my nerves. damn loud rap music. :?
I do agree with that age group. My three kids are 1, 3 and 8. My 8 year old drives me insane. She never stops talking and has recently discovered that arguing with me is just a delight. :roll:
does she tie your hair into dreadlocks while waiting for 9pm to roll around?
Before I came to university, I worked for a few months as a (very well paid) chess tutor at a fancy private school in kent. Even the supposed intellectual elite among eight year olds are annoying as hell. I spent more time yelling at them to shut up, than I did teaching them the fineries of chess.
Just give the lil' snotballs some cough syrup. That'll calm 'em down.
Arizona Nova
24-04-2004, 05:11
In America today, we have three grave problems: #1, Kids are hyper, and annoy people. #2, Our power grid is stretched rather tenously everywhere, and the need for more is ever present, and #3, aformentioned kids also happen to be rather overweight. I have a solution.
We build massize gymnasium like complexes across the US, and have them full of giant gerbil wheels connected to generators. Hyperactive and/or overweight children could run on them, and generate power, deplete their own hyperactive energy, and exercise, and get all three birds with one stone. Doctors, instead of pumping a kid full of ritalin or assigning exercise and weight loss regimens, could simply tell the parents to have the kids run the wheel. We'll have a huge supply of clean power and fit kids the nation over.
24-04-2004, 05:14
In America today, we have three grave problems: #1, Kids are hyper, and annoy people. #2, Our power grid is stretched rather tenously everywhere, and the need for more is ever present, and #3, aformentioned kids also happen to be rather overweight. I have a solution.
We build massize gymnasium like complexes across the US, and have them full of giant gerbil wheels connected to generators. Hyperactive and/or overweight children could run on them, and generate power, deplete their own hyperactive energy, and exercise, and get all three birds with one stone. Doctors, instead of pumping a kid full of ritalin or assigning exercise and weight loss regimens, could simply tell the parents to have the kids run the wheel. We'll have a huge supply of clean power and fit kids the nation over.
Arizona Nova for president!
Arizona Nova
24-04-2004, 05:17
Aw, shucks... :oops:
And they'll work up an appetite for super size fast food! Kill another bird with that same stone by giving a boost to the sagging economy.
24-04-2004, 05:31
You know that most adults think teenagers are vastly more annoying than little children, right?
Cheese Co
24-04-2004, 05:34
I am 16.
I mean like 7-10 ESPECIALLY. They have WAYYYY too much energy. I find their fidgety mannerisms to be exhausting and irritating.
When i was 2 i did nothing but sit and stay quiet then i learned to talk and unless a good topic came up i was quiet and thats how i was and thats how i am now.
Arizona Nova
24-04-2004, 08:47
Adults piss me off more then kids do.
yeah me too, some of them act childishly and try to convince people it's because of their supreme maturity, argh
24-04-2004, 08:58
We've figured out that the reason kids can be so cute is because that's their defense mechanism to keep us from killing them. :)