And now, the very arrogant side of me
Purly Euclid
23-04-2004, 01:29
Tommarow, I leave for the state finals of the Student Congress section of the National Catholic Forensics League in Albany. I normally don't pull crap like this, but could you guys wish me luck? And from your expirience of me on here, am I a good debator?
BTW, in case you're wondering if you got to know me, I was Anthrus in the past.
The Captain
23-04-2004, 02:06
Good luck!
23-04-2004, 02:11
You're good in the sense that you're usually well prepared to make a cogent argument. Your weakness is your occassional inability to see the strength of the opposition's viewpoint and that makes it more difficult for you to attack it effectively. You must be able to empathize with your opponent to defeat your opponent.
And good luck.
Tactical Grace
23-04-2004, 04:54
Seeing as you are the only conservative whom I have consistently found to be a worthy debating opponent since I started, I would say yes, you are pretty good. :)
Purly Euclid
30-04-2004, 02:35
Sorry I was away for so long. I had a lot to do over the past few weeks, and this week I'm catching up on my sleep. Anyhow, I only got to the preliminary rounds. Then again, no one from my team got further. Anyhow, thanks for your support.