22-04-2004, 19:35
Many have argued the reasons why the US launched offensive operations into Iraq. Some have said it was Saddam's failure to comply with UN Resolution 1441. Others have claimed it was a bid to control the vast oil fields near Basra and Kirkuk. I can say without any doubt that both claims are completely erroneous.
The truth of the matter is that the US launched offensive operations into Iraq for the sole purpose of killing innocent Iraqis. The US clearly has no concern for the welfare of the people - the evidence of this is the fact that the US hasn't completely rebuilt the nation yet. If the US really cared about the plight of the Iraqis, they would have completely rebuilt the entire nation's infrastructure, established schools and upgraded hospitals, and at the same time would have set up elections so that the Iraqis themselves could choose their own leaders - a move that would give the new government legitimacy in the eyes of the people.
It is clear that the US has no concern for the lives of the Iraqi people. Just think about it. Only a few thousand tons of food, and a few billion dollars have been spent on the Iraqis. Only part of the infrastructure has been repaired, and there is no clear establishment that could bring about a new government. It is a clear sign of US apathy towards the Iraqi people.
And a bid for oil can be plainly ruled out by the dynastic ties between the Bush family and the House of Saud. With something like 23% of the worlds proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, an offensive operation into Iraq is just plain foolish.
So what does that leave? Nothing but pure malice.
Some of you might recall the bombing that killed 181 Iraqis some months ago during a religious holiday. It is plainly obvious that it wasn't suicide bombers as they US has claimed, but instead US bombs and missiles - perhaps even a MOAB. A pack of suicide bombers could not ever kill up to 181 people in one fell swoop. Only the US has such capabilities.
Then more recently, the bombing in Basra which killed many as 60 - including numerous children, some only in kindergarten. Once again, who has the capabilities of such massive slaughter? Only the US military of course. It was a careful bid to alienate the UK soldiers in Basra from the people they protect. By killing so many innocent civilians, the US administration wishes to drive a wedge between the UK and the southern districts of Iraq - and in doing so, provoke the Iraqis to rise against the British forces and thus result in more cases of government sanctioned murder.
Now some have been amazed by the cease-fire talks in Fallujah. Once again, this is a pack of lies on the part of the US. One of the best ways to renew an offensive is to call a cease-fire. A cease-fire allows troops to be rotated out, better positions to be taken up, and information to be gathered. By calling the cease-fire, the US has only strengthened its position to resume offensive operations into the city itself and thus kill many more Iraqis. Further proof of US malice can be found in the fact that the Iraqis have only turned over a 'pick up truck' full of weapons, most of which were antiquated. The US has clearly denied the people of Fallujah the chance to turn in their heavy weapons, and has fabricated this new development concerning the number of weapons turned in as an attempt to prove - at least in their minds - that the US is right, and they are wrong.
In doing so, the US has vainly attempted to save face by 'playing peace maker' so that when offensive operations are resumed the people of Iraq will appear at fault. It is very plain that the US only called the cease-fire to consolidate better positions so that when offensive operations begin they will be in a better position to murder more innocent Iraqis.
It should also be noted here that the US likely fabricated the mutilation of the bodies of the four dead contractors to gain impetus for the mass murder of more innocent men, women, and children in the sieged city of Fallujah. These facts are plainly obvious to anyone who is smart enough to open their eyes. The US does not want to help the Iraqis, but to kill them. Why else would we deploy 135,000 troops, including all the active duty combat troops available? Does it make any sense if you try to say it was a bid for oil, to clear weapons of mass destruction, or to liberate the people of Iraq? No! Murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, these are the things the US wanted.
Look at the murderous assault on the Republican Guard during the war itself! Major weapons, including 155mm howitzers, AC-130 gunships, and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were used against the Republican Guard - all a blatant attempt to murder innocent Iraqis. Everyone should know by now that the Republican Guard was actually a civilian outfit merely trying to get to US lines to plead for their lives. Instead, the US slaughtered them on the spot.
Why hasn't mass murder been launched against the Kurds in the north? It is obvious! They aren't ethnic Iraqis, but a mixture of Turks, Iranians, etc. Because they were Kurds and not Iraqis, they have been spared the mass murder.
But this is not a new trend in the US. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US tries to claim that the use of nuclear weapons would have saved lives - potentially millions of Japanese and Americans alike. This is clearly not the case. It was a purely malevolent effort to kill, maim, and irradiate millions of innocent Japanese civilians. The US tries to claim that both cities had industrial capacities, but evidence will show that such claims are clearly false and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devoid of any industrial-military complexes. US forces could easily have swept the island and cleared out any military forces with little loss of life on either side, instead they chose to execute millions in one fell swoop.
Don't listen to the US when it claims to have donated thousands of tons of food to Iraq. Don't listen to the claims the electricity is almost back to pre-war levels. These are all fabrications put in place to relax the American mind so that offensive operations can continue and millions of Iraqis can be killed. That's all the US wants, bloodshed.
The truth of the matter is that the US launched offensive operations into Iraq for the sole purpose of killing innocent Iraqis. The US clearly has no concern for the welfare of the people - the evidence of this is the fact that the US hasn't completely rebuilt the nation yet. If the US really cared about the plight of the Iraqis, they would have completely rebuilt the entire nation's infrastructure, established schools and upgraded hospitals, and at the same time would have set up elections so that the Iraqis themselves could choose their own leaders - a move that would give the new government legitimacy in the eyes of the people.
It is clear that the US has no concern for the lives of the Iraqi people. Just think about it. Only a few thousand tons of food, and a few billion dollars have been spent on the Iraqis. Only part of the infrastructure has been repaired, and there is no clear establishment that could bring about a new government. It is a clear sign of US apathy towards the Iraqi people.
And a bid for oil can be plainly ruled out by the dynastic ties between the Bush family and the House of Saud. With something like 23% of the worlds proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, an offensive operation into Iraq is just plain foolish.
So what does that leave? Nothing but pure malice.
Some of you might recall the bombing that killed 181 Iraqis some months ago during a religious holiday. It is plainly obvious that it wasn't suicide bombers as they US has claimed, but instead US bombs and missiles - perhaps even a MOAB. A pack of suicide bombers could not ever kill up to 181 people in one fell swoop. Only the US has such capabilities.
Then more recently, the bombing in Basra which killed many as 60 - including numerous children, some only in kindergarten. Once again, who has the capabilities of such massive slaughter? Only the US military of course. It was a careful bid to alienate the UK soldiers in Basra from the people they protect. By killing so many innocent civilians, the US administration wishes to drive a wedge between the UK and the southern districts of Iraq - and in doing so, provoke the Iraqis to rise against the British forces and thus result in more cases of government sanctioned murder.
Now some have been amazed by the cease-fire talks in Fallujah. Once again, this is a pack of lies on the part of the US. One of the best ways to renew an offensive is to call a cease-fire. A cease-fire allows troops to be rotated out, better positions to be taken up, and information to be gathered. By calling the cease-fire, the US has only strengthened its position to resume offensive operations into the city itself and thus kill many more Iraqis. Further proof of US malice can be found in the fact that the Iraqis have only turned over a 'pick up truck' full of weapons, most of which were antiquated. The US has clearly denied the people of Fallujah the chance to turn in their heavy weapons, and has fabricated this new development concerning the number of weapons turned in as an attempt to prove - at least in their minds - that the US is right, and they are wrong.
In doing so, the US has vainly attempted to save face by 'playing peace maker' so that when offensive operations are resumed the people of Iraq will appear at fault. It is very plain that the US only called the cease-fire to consolidate better positions so that when offensive operations begin they will be in a better position to murder more innocent Iraqis.
It should also be noted here that the US likely fabricated the mutilation of the bodies of the four dead contractors to gain impetus for the mass murder of more innocent men, women, and children in the sieged city of Fallujah. These facts are plainly obvious to anyone who is smart enough to open their eyes. The US does not want to help the Iraqis, but to kill them. Why else would we deploy 135,000 troops, including all the active duty combat troops available? Does it make any sense if you try to say it was a bid for oil, to clear weapons of mass destruction, or to liberate the people of Iraq? No! Murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, these are the things the US wanted.
Look at the murderous assault on the Republican Guard during the war itself! Major weapons, including 155mm howitzers, AC-130 gunships, and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were used against the Republican Guard - all a blatant attempt to murder innocent Iraqis. Everyone should know by now that the Republican Guard was actually a civilian outfit merely trying to get to US lines to plead for their lives. Instead, the US slaughtered them on the spot.
Why hasn't mass murder been launched against the Kurds in the north? It is obvious! They aren't ethnic Iraqis, but a mixture of Turks, Iranians, etc. Because they were Kurds and not Iraqis, they have been spared the mass murder.
But this is not a new trend in the US. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US tries to claim that the use of nuclear weapons would have saved lives - potentially millions of Japanese and Americans alike. This is clearly not the case. It was a purely malevolent effort to kill, maim, and irradiate millions of innocent Japanese civilians. The US tries to claim that both cities had industrial capacities, but evidence will show that such claims are clearly false and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devoid of any industrial-military complexes. US forces could easily have swept the island and cleared out any military forces with little loss of life on either side, instead they chose to execute millions in one fell swoop.
Don't listen to the US when it claims to have donated thousands of tons of food to Iraq. Don't listen to the claims the electricity is almost back to pre-war levels. These are all fabrications put in place to relax the American mind so that offensive operations can continue and millions of Iraqis can be killed. That's all the US wants, bloodshed.