NationStates Jolt Archive

Something I wrote while waiting for NS to respond :)

21-04-2004, 14:20
The NS blues

Alas, poor server, I knew it well.

Blame not thee for the connection timeouts.
Blame not thee for Error 404 browser problems.
Blame not thee for "The page cannot be displayed" pages
Blame not thee spammers for clogging the bandwidth.
Blame not thee for lost posts in Soccer RPs.

Blame not my ISP for bad connections
Blame not God for imperfect communications abilities.
Blame not the Internet for undercapacity.

I fear not lost posts.
I fear not lost social interlude on NS.
I fear not lost spam.

Tis time for poetry
Tis time to pray to God
Tis time to reflect on life
Tis time to wait for repentance
Tis time to pass time while server doth not respond
Tis time to buy things on eBAY

Doth desire Gold from the Holy Land
Doth desire server to respond
Doth desire a T1 connection

Time to banish Evil from the world
Time to banish the demons of NS!