Foul mouthed right wingers.
I know its not a representative sample, I know that its hardly fair or balanced, but the amount of foul language, flaming, abuse and disgusting suggestions on this page ( really does show that there are a lot of exceptionally stupid and unpleasant people in the world, and a good number of them herald from the right wing
If you have a nervous disposition or are easily offended by putrile right wing trash, do not click that link.
19-04-2004, 20:40
Careful, when Connie Chung reported the actual foul language of Newt Gingrich's mother, she lost her career.
Retroactive rusty-coat-hanger abortions, racial (etc) genocide, gangland-style executions, and to top it off, such colorful language. Careful, Spoffin, it's things like this that makes that side of me which favors eugenics flare up. :wink:
SUBJECT:Posters on that website.
NAME: Getland.
MESSAGE:Greetings and salutations President Bush.The people who posted on this government web site,with out a doubt,in the past,someone had PISSED in thier collective gene pools.Probaly the same person who PISSED in yours.Probaly the same person who PISSED in Jonh Kerry's.Just to let you know I don't give an areonautical fornication for either one of you.
BTW I'm ready to beat the HELL out of either one of your supporters for the following offences.
a.putting stickers on my car.
b. waking me up at 7:30 in the morning by not knocking but banging on my door.
c.not talking to me like a normal person but rather,YELLING AT ME THROUGH A BULL HORN!!!!
Thank you and have a nice day. :D
20-04-2004, 05:03
Have you ever heard of freeping?
:lol: See you at the polls!! :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20-04-2004, 05:44
BTW, just to reiterate: These people either (a) think is the real Bush Administration's website, and are shocked and offended by what they see, or (b) know it's a parody site, and post because they're looking for an excuse to tell someone that they are destroying America. I think category (a) has funnier feedback, though (b) is still pretty amusing.
20-04-2004, 06:11
"I do not give you permission to copy,reproduce,distribute,perform,modify,adapt,publish,translate,creat,use, display this e-mail in any way ever to anyone on earth. Maybe Teddy can help drag you down to shitland."
heh heh, I copied it
20-04-2004, 06:44
after reading through more of the comments, I'm starting to wonder if they were also written by the people who run For a website that restates Republican positions in ways that make them look stupid, it would make sense to have a section of e-mail comments that are also spoofs of what Bush's fans have been saying
20-04-2004, 06:49
after reading through more of the comments, I'm starting to wonder if they were also written by the people who run For a website that restates Republican positions in ways that make them look stupid, it would make sense to have a section of e-mail comments that are also spoofs of what Bush's fans have been saying
You would be suprised at how stupid people on the internet are. Maddox's hate mail page is a good example.
To many Tightlywound people out there.
New Auburnland
20-04-2004, 07:26
I know its not a representative sample, I know that its hardly fair or balanced, but the amount of foul language, flaming, abuse and disgusting suggestions on this page ( really does show that there are a lot of exceptionally stupid and unpleasant people in the world, and a good number of them herald from the right wing
If you have a nervous disposition or are easily offended by putrile right wing trash, do not click that link.
That website is not the website. you need to check your sources before you blame it on the "right"
20-04-2004, 07:30
I know its not a representative sample, I know that its hardly fair or balanced, but the amount of foul language, flaming, abuse and disgusting suggestions on this page ( really does show that there are a lot of exceptionally stupid and unpleasant people in the world, and a good number of them herald from the right wing
If you have a nervous disposition or are easily offended by putrile right wing trash, do not click that link.
That website is not the website. you need to check your sources before you blame it on the "right"Ummm--no shit. It's a parody site that a number of right-wingers have taken exception to. Spoffin never claimed that it was an official government page; just that there were some exceptionally stupid and unpleasant people thathailed from the right wing, and that this page offered proof of that. And it does.
And just for the sake of balance--there are people on Democratic Underground who are equally as odious as the people Spoffin is talking about.
Capsule Corporation
20-04-2004, 07:41
just disturbing
20-04-2004, 08:16
I love have you ever played the ronald reagen memory game? :lol: