Can YOUR leader beat up MY leader?
"Bring it on, I'll crush you like I crushed Grey Davis"
Let's see! Post a pic of your Governor, President, Prime Minister, etc.! We can laugh, speculate, and everything else!
18-04-2004, 07:20
Too bad Jesse Ventura isn't still governer, he might be able to take Arnold. Celebrity death match style.
The Resi Corporation
18-04-2004, 07:46
Did you see Ah-nold's "Terminate Debt" plan? The name made me want to puke.
We didn't elect Arnold, we elected the Terminator. :?
and the terminator is much cooler then arnie anyways.
Toccatta Land
18-04-2004, 07:49
Yeah, our governator rules all. :D
Too bad Jesse Ventura isn't still governer, he might be able to take Arnold. Celebrity death match style.
Yes he was actually my governor for a while. Kind of funny. And the best quote of all time.
"Religion is a crutch for the weak minded."
18-04-2004, 08:47
my leader: P
P can kick your ass!!!
*n00ks j00*
My leader:
Bah :roll: not even Darth could last a minute fighting Arnold!
Cuneo Island
18-04-2004, 23:00
Too bad Jesse Ventura isn't still governer, he might be able to take Arnold. Celebrity death match style.
Yeah he's a wrestler or something right?
The Great Leveller
19-04-2004, 00:05
Here's my leader. :wink:
Remember. Jesus died for you.
Need I say any more? how many noses are those?
19-04-2004, 00:53
Lets go for round two, Ahhhnold.
The Global Market
19-04-2004, 01:27
My leader is the People of the Soviet Motherland: by one Arnold can beat up EVERYONE I've seen so far
19-04-2004, 04:37
Butch Otter? No. He can't beat anything but a tree
Bring it on!
19-04-2004, 05:29
I don't have a pic, but my governor's big brother can call Arnie a terrorist.
or maybe just give him a giant tax cut
(God I hate Jeb)