A very serious issue of monstrous proportions!
Well, which is it going to be. They're completely different, and yet they are always compared, so let's have it. What's your opinion. Feel free to vote/state your piece*
*Note: Anyone voting for Star Trek shall be promptly murdered in his/her sleep.
Steel Butterfly
17-04-2004, 05:03
Star Trek, Bitch
Great Carthage
17-04-2004, 05:04
Star Trek, Bitch
I concur. 300%.
17-04-2004, 05:06
Star Wars :)
The Great Leveller
17-04-2004, 05:07
I hate both, but Star Wars is the least crap.
I voted for Star Trek, but let's face it. The Star Wars weapons were so much cooler than anything Star Trek had. Star Wars blasters were much more realistic in speed, sound, and effect than Star Trek's phasors. And no sci-fi movie ever has improved on the light saber as the ultimate sci-fi weapon! By the way, has anyone been watching Star Wars: Clone Wars? I have seen just one episode, but the action was pretty cool. I suspect the rest of the series could match Star Trek storylines. ~ Michael.
pfffffft, stupid trekkies..
GO SW!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)
Steel Butterfly
17-04-2004, 05:16
stupid lucas...go trek..."Engage!"
The haters of both miss the point that you're not supposed to like it because it's great film making (though sometimes it is); you're supposed to like it because it's a great story, despite the CGI bs and Jake Lloyd.
On another note, Trekkies fail to realise that you're not supposed to like Star Trek because it's lame ;)
Cuneo Island
19-04-2004, 00:49
Neither, how bout stay on Earth and don't fantasize and act like a nerd.
19-04-2004, 00:52
Star Wars-
1. Far more accurate than Star Trek. Most tech and other stuff in there is at least scientifically plausible, if not feasible. And the aliens are much more varied than Trek- SW aliens are different enough from humans that you could believe they evolved on a different world.
2. A much more expanded universe than Trek. Tons of books, guides, etc. Even if the prequels are crap.
The Shadows will Kick boths ass.
Demonic Furbies
19-04-2004, 05:14
spaceballs. :twisted: :lol:
Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19-04-2004, 05:22
Well, if you're going for a war it's Star Wars without a doubt.
I voted for Star Wars, and it didn't hurt that they would win.
Beth Gellert
19-04-2004, 06:25
I have to agree about the aliens... Star Trek's aliens are largely... shite. To be honest, the best aliens I've ever seen in a sci-fi series came in Stargate (the series) which is pretty sad, really... but those Unas thingis are cool!
That said, I do love the ewoks. I don't care what you say about them being there to sell cute toys, those 3ft tall stone age teddy bears were gearing up to fight a class 3 civilisation even before the Rebel Alliance showed up- why else would they have Kat-At (?) traps and heavy siege weapons set up? To fight other ewoks? I don't think so! They're fucking heroes! It's akin to Gentle Ben trying to take on the US Marine Corps... and winning.
Both ST and SW have been spoiled a bit in recent years, though. The SW trilogy was great, but these new things move me not. And Enterprise... the opening credits and theme song alone are enough to bring about the downfall of mighty empires.
Still, T'pol's mighty purdy.
Guys! Guys! Why can't we just all get along here? Let's live in a world where nerds of all kinds and races can come together and respect one another.
Star Trek, bish! :twisted:
stars wars dude.
<---------- not a nerd :wink: