NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking for Lefthanded Fretless Bass Guitars

14-04-2004, 00:41
Does anyone in here know where I can find one of these? It seems damn near impossible to find them from any website of major companies (Ibanez, Warwick, Washburn, etc.) Any help is more than appriciated.
14-04-2004, 00:50
Ever consider searching for "left handed fretless bass guitar" at google?

You'll get a ton of hits...

Here are a few:

Also, if you find a company that makes fretless basses and left-handed model's (e.g. fender), I'm sure you could custom order from them. Might cost you an extra buck - but at least you'll get what you want.

That or you could go all out an get a custom made.

Depends on your budget....

14-04-2004, 01:29
Incidentally, The warwick website is very specific that it will make left-handed and/or fretless versions of any of their instruments.