Why do we have to do this?
I'm talking specificly about school here. They keep moving the goalposts. SATs, GCSEs, A Levels, University, job, career... they just run into each other. ANd everything is geared towards passing exams. Exams are supposed to be there to prove that you've learnt something, but instead we're supposed to learn things to pas exams.
I'm on a 2 week Easter holiday, and the whole thing has been completely poisoned by the fact that I'm supposed to be revising.
When does this end?
Yeah its a problem alright. I guess the exam is supposed to be the bare bones of what you need to know they expect you to pick up the specifics later.
Technically it never does...but at least you eventually get to an age where it's up to you if you carry on with it or not. It depends what you want to achieve in life
13-04-2004, 15:17
Lets all just have compulsory euthanasia when we get to 75 :P
It never gets easier....one path or another..life will still manage to challenge you..whither it's university bound to fill your head up with more knowledge or if you choose to to into the work force..or if you decide to have a family and raise children...but as I enter my final few years in the workforce I find myself strangely wishing I had a few more years of work. I like feeling productive..and while I will enjoy retirement...there is something to be said for a day's work.
Definately gets better with university. If nothing else, you have control of just what it is you want to learn. For the most part.
School is the worst time of your life. University is the best time of your life.
It never gets easier....one path or another..life will still manage to challenge you..whither it's university bound to fill your head up with more knowledge or if you choose to to into the work force..or if you decide to have a family and raise children...but as I enter my final few years in the workforce I find myself strangely wishing I had a few more years of work. I like feeling productive..and while I will enjoy retirement...there is something to be said for a day's work.
You could always pull a John Howard and keep working.
School is the worst time of your life. University is the best time of your life.
Thank you so much for sayin that. I have 30 odd days before I break up for my GCSE's
It never gets easier....one path or another..life will still manage to challenge you..whither it's university bound to fill your head up with more knowledge or if you choose to to into the work force..or if you decide to have a family and raise children...but as I enter my final few years in the workforce I find myself strangely wishing I had a few more years of work. I like feeling productive..and while I will enjoy retirement...there is something to be said for a day's work.
You could always pull a John Howard and keep working.
I know..I know..it's a tug and war sometimes..work..go enjoy the Florida senior citizen gated communities..work..go fishing all day long..work..ughhhh....
13-04-2004, 16:12
The best way to be happy is to enter into a committed long-term relationship with someone you love.
That is the one place where testing and evaluations don't matter and never will.
It never gets easier....one path or another..life will still manage to challenge you..whither it's university bound to fill your head up with more knowledge or if you choose to to into the work force..or if you decide to have a family and raise children...but as I enter my final few years in the workforce I find myself strangely wishing I had a few more years of work. I like feeling productive..and while I will enjoy retirement...there is something to be said for a day's work.
Thats just it. It is easier. They dont train original qualified People (I am thinking of it in mainly scientific and Technological terms They simple churn out drones. No nurturing required, but if the Trainer spots a profound talent they might take a little extra time out with them.
The Education system in general needs a makeover, Queereye style :D
Spending time with my love, gets me through the roughest days. Thinking about her helps me deal with all the idiots and morons I get to encounter daily.
When does it End? When You die. Life wihtout challenge would be extremely boring.
Jim SC
*edited for typos*
Spending time with my love, gets me through the roughest days. Thinking about her helps me deal with all the idiots and morons I get to encounter daily.
When does it End? When You die. Life wihtout challenge would be extremely boring.
Jim SC
*edited for typos*
*sniffles* that was sooo *sniffles* sweet. I love you.
Spherical objects
13-04-2004, 18:54
Yep, I chose the last option too.
I think I can sum up how I feel about all this with the words of my motto below by the genius JL.
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-- John Lennon