Sadistic Seal Hunts
Canadian Seal hunts going'm no tree hugger or PETA activist but this is disgusting...if it is so important to the Canadian local economy why on earth would can't they think of a better way to kill the seals, but bludgeoning them to death....sorry...should have said that I saw a news report just now on Fox News bout the's downright cruel the way they thin the herds.
13-04-2004, 10:47
Canadian Seal hunts going'm no tree hugger or PETA activist but this is disgusting...if it is so important to the Canadian local economy why on earth would can't they think of a better way to kill the seals, but bludgeoning them to death....sorry...should have said that I saw a news report just now on Fox News bout the's downright cruel the way they thin the herds.
People always protest the killing of seals because they are seen as "cute".
Whales and sharks are in far greater risk of extinction, yet they lack the "cute" factor.
Canadian Seal hunts going'm no tree hugger or PETA activist but this is disgusting...if it is so important to the Canadian local economy why on earth would can't they think of a better way to kill the seals, but bludgeoning them to death....sorry...should have said that I saw a news report just now on Fox News bout the's downright cruel the way they thin the herds.
People always protest the killing of seals because they are seen as "cute".
Whales and sharks are in far greater risk of extinction, yet they lack the "cute" factor.
to be fair...sharks have a far better ability to defend themselves then a baby seal...and like I said..I have no problem if the herd is that large and needs to be thinned...but bludgeoning them to death?...could they not think of a different way?...or are they too cheap to at least give them a quick death with a bullet?
The Atheists Reality
13-04-2004, 10:58
Canadian Seal hunts going'm no tree hugger or PETA activist but this is disgusting...if it is so important to the Canadian local economy why on earth would can't they think of a better way to kill the seals, but bludgeoning them to death....sorry...should have said that I saw a news report just now on Fox News bout the's downright cruel the way they thin the herds.
People always protest the killing of seals because they are seen as "cute".
Whales and sharks are in far greater risk of extinction, yet they lack the "cute" factor.
to be fair...sharks have a far better ability to defend themselves then a baby seal...and like I said..I have no problem if the herd is that large and needs to be thinned...but bludgeoning them to death?...could they not think of a different way?...or are they too cheap to at least give them a quick death with a bullet?
use a more cruel method then? :P
13-04-2004, 11:24
Indians or First Nations hunt seals; it becomes a civil rights isue as well as an environmental one.
here's one article excerpt:
Paul Phillips, in the 1994 publication, Green On Red: Evolving Ecological Socialism:
Perhaps one of the best examples of this in Canada is the anti-fur, anti-seal, anti-whale campaigns. While I strongly support programs to prevent cruelty in trapping, to prevent the slaughter of baby animals, and to preserve species, I find it unconscionable that well-meaning but ignorant middle-class environmental "reformers" condemn Aboriginal peoples to starvation and deprivation through unthinking campaigns against all hunting and trapping and all animal products.
Here's another:
an article by Cam Walker "Native American-environmental group alliances: Finding common ground." (Chain Reaction, Number 72, December 1994.) Walker, a National Liaison Officer for Friends of the Earth, speaks of the "inbuilt racism" of Greens and other Westerners. Indigenous ownership of land is accepted. Nature's bounty becomes "natural resources." "Market- based use patterns" are to be worked with. In the "hierarchy of needs," quality of life is after basic needs like "food, water, shelter, education, health care, etc. have been met."
Then we are told:
If Greens are to support the notion of self determination, this has to be followed through all the way - including dealing with Native people using their land in ways of which the Greens disapprove. Sovereignty cannot be dependent on Native people doing what Greens expect of them. It has to truly include the ability to have absolute control over traditional lands that are subject to claim.
Indians or First Nations hunt seals; it becomes a civil rights isue as well as an environmental one.
here's one article excerpt:
Paul Phillips, in the 1994 publication, Green On Red: Evolving Ecological Socialism:
Perhaps one of the best examples of this in Canada is the anti-fur, anti-seal, anti-whale campaigns. While I strongly support programs to prevent cruelty in trapping, to prevent the slaughter of baby animals, and to preserve species, I find it unconscionable that well-meaning but ignorant middle-class environmental "reformers" condemn Aboriginal peoples to starvation and deprivation through unthinking campaigns against all hunting and trapping and all animal products.
Here's another:
an article by Cam Walker "Native American-environmental group alliances: Finding common ground." (Chain Reaction, Number 72, December 1994.) Walker, a National Liaison Officer for Friends of the Earth, speaks of the "inbuilt racism" of Greens and other Westerners. Indigenous ownership of land is accepted. Nature's bounty becomes "natural resources." "Market- based use patterns" are to be worked with. In the "hierarchy of needs," quality of life is after basic needs like "food, water, shelter, education, health care, etc. have been met."
Then we are told:
If Greens are to support the notion of self determination, this has to be followed through all the way - including dealing with Native people using their land in ways of which the Greens disapprove. Sovereignty cannot be dependent on Native people doing what Greens expect of them. It has to truly include the ability to have absolute control over traditional lands that are subject to claim.
Yes...I've read where the majority of seal hunters are members of the First Nation..but that isn't my issue with the aspect of hunting or thinning hte issue is the method..heck...even at a pig picking we'lll shoot the pig with a .22 cal rifle to kill it...not beat it with an axe handle..surely we must even our ability to create the economy with a quick death.
13-04-2004, 13:51
You have more of a right to criticize the practice than I do.
13-04-2004, 14:01
I believe these links will be useful to this argument; note that the third one is the most reactionary and contains very disturbing pictures.
Most of the animals in question (some 350,000 I believe) are supposedly under three months of age, are clubbed, then skinned and left to rot on the ice.
I don't believe the argument is that native people should not continue a way of life and means of sustenance that they have depended on, but how many seals can this small number of sealers actually use for their survival? More than a quarter million? Additionally, according to the US Humane Society, it is not only aborginal people who are participating: it is anyone with a commercial license. The HSUS also claims that significant numbers of the animals are skinned alive and conscious.
Catholic Europe
13-04-2004, 14:02
I am totally against this. Nature should be allowed to sort this out by itself, and, if it is absolutely necessary to kill the seals they should be eaten as well (I am for hunting if it is to eat what you have killed, otherwise I am totally against it).
I am totally against this. Nature should be allowed to sort this out by itself, and, if it is absolutely necessary to kill the seals they should be eaten as well (I am for hunting if it is to eat what you have killed, otherwise I am totally against it).
The only problem with this is that humanity has destroyed many parts of nature. People want to destroy whatever makes their lives uncomfortable. As an effect many predators are killed leaving their pray to go on reproducing at the same rate, but with higher numbers. Then the seals go about eating all the fish and become a nuisance themselves. I could say that a long time ago people should have left everything alone, but that would be pointless. Now the mistakes of the past are catching up and this is the only known and possibly best way to correct it. And I agree that people should eat what they kill.
Out of all the demons in this world, none is more frightening than man