12-04-2004, 05:59
Vladimir Komarov (1927-1967) was a Soviet Air Force Colonel who became a cosmonaut in 1960. Three years after his successful flight as Commander of Voskhod 1, he was chosen as the Commander for the profoundly defective Soyuz 1, which was hurriedly prepared for launch by May Day, at Brezhnev's wishes. Komarov knew about the flaws in the Soyuz craft, but did not opt out of the mission because his own hero, Yuri Gagarin, was slated to be his backup. He launched on April 23th and suffered numerous malfunctions until his reentry the next day. His parachutes failed to deploy properly, and he was killed on impact.
Mike Adams (1930-1967) was a USAF Major who participated in the X-15 program which lasted from 1959 to 1968, which explored aerodynamic phenomena at extremely high altitudes and speeds. He was the twelfth pilot to fly an X-15, and America's 27th astronaut. He flew six successful missions in one of the X-15s (nearly all of which were plagued with malfunctions), but was killed in a hypersonic spin on his seventh flight, on November 15th, 1967.
Sorry if the paragraphs are too different for your taste, and screw you if you think you've got a right to complain. ^___^
Mike Adams (1930-1967) was a USAF Major who participated in the X-15 program which lasted from 1959 to 1968, which explored aerodynamic phenomena at extremely high altitudes and speeds. He was the twelfth pilot to fly an X-15, and America's 27th astronaut. He flew six successful missions in one of the X-15s (nearly all of which were plagued with malfunctions), but was killed in a hypersonic spin on his seventh flight, on November 15th, 1967.
Sorry if the paragraphs are too different for your taste, and screw you if you think you've got a right to complain. ^___^