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The Gospel According To Mary Magdalene

11-04-2004, 07:00
The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
Chapter 4
(Pages 1 to 6 of the manuscript, containing chapters 1 - 3, are lost. The extant text starts on page 7...)

. . . Will matter then be destroyed or not?

22) The Savior said, All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots.

23) For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone.

24) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

25) Peter said to him, Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this also: What is the sin of the world?

26) The Savior said There is no sin, but it is you who make sin when you do the things that are like the nature of adultery, which is called sin.

27) That is why the Good came into your midst, to the essence of every nature in order to restore it to its root.

28 Then He continued and said, That is why you become sick and die, for you are deprived of the one who can heal you.

29) He who has a mind to understand, let him understand.

30) Matter gave birth to a passion that has no equal, which proceeded from something contrary to nature. Then there arises a disturbance in its whole body.

31) That is why I said to you, Be of good courage, and if you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of nature.

32) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

33) When the Blessed One had said this, He greeted them all,saying, Peace be with you. Receive my peace unto yourselves.

34) Beware that no one lead you astray saying Lo here or lo there! For the Son of Man is within you.

35) Follow after Him!

36) Those who seek Him will find Him.

37) Go then and preach the gospel of the Kingdom.

38 Do not lay down any rules beyond what I appointed you, and do not give a law like the lawgiver lest you be constrained by it.

39) When He said this He departed.

Chapter 5
1) But they were grieved. They wept greatly, saying, How shall we go to the Gentiles and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of the Son of Man? If they did not spare Him, how will they spare us?

2) Then Mary stood up, greeted them all, and said to her brethren, Do not weep and do not grieve nor be irresolute, for His grace will be entirely with you and will protect you.

3) But rather, let us praise His greatness, for He has prepared us and made us into Men.

4) When Mary said this, she turned their hearts to the Good, and they began to discuss the words of the Savior.

5) Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman.

6) Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them.

7) Mary answered and said, What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.

8 And she began to speak to them these words: I, she said, I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision. He answered and said to me,

9) Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the mind is there is the treasure.

10) I said to Him, Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit?

11) The Savior answered and said, He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is [...]

(pages 11 - 14 are missing from the manuscript)

Chapter 8:
. . . it.

10) And desire said, I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie since you belong to me?

11) The soul answered and said, I saw you. You did not see me nor recognize me. I served you as a garment and you did not know me.

12) When it said this, it (the soul) went away rejoicing greatly.

13) Again it came to the third power, which is called ignorance.

14) The power questioned the soul, saying, Where are you going? In wickedness are you bound. But you are bound; do not judge!

15) And the soul said, Why do you judge me, although I have not judged?

16) I was bound, though I have not bound.

17) I was not recognized. But I have recognized that the All is being dissolved, both the earthly things and the heavenly.

18 When the soul had overcome the third power, it went upwards and saw the fourth power, which took seven forms.

19) The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath.

20) They asked the soul, Whence do you come slayer of men, or where are you going, conqueror of space?

21) The soul answered and said, What binds me has been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome,

22) and my desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.

23) In a aeon I was released from a world, and in a Type from a type, and from the fetter of oblivion which is transient.

24) From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.

Chapter 9
1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Savior had spoken with her.

2) But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas.

3) Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things.

4) He questioned them about the Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to us?

5) Then Mary wept and said to Peter, My brother Peter, what do you think? Do you think that I have thought this up myself in my heart, or that I am lying about the Savior?

6) Levi answered and said to Peter, Peter you have always been hot tempered.

7) Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries.

8 But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well.

9) That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect Man, and separate as He commanded us and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said.

10) And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach.

The Gospel According to Mary
11-04-2004, 07:16
:cry: Beautiful. :cry:
11-04-2004, 07:25
This is quite perplexing and intresting, do you I have source I could read?
Raysian Military Tech
11-04-2004, 07:27
Umm, where is this from? The only time I ever heard of such a book was on the X-Files, and that was determined as a fake :P
11-04-2004, 07:28

interesting stuff. Funny how some stuff made it into the bible and is considered by many to be infallible, and some different. Intersting post, thanks!
Jay W
11-04-2004, 07:31
Beware Satan for he takes many forms.
11-04-2004, 07:32

interesting stuff. Funny how some stuff made it into the bible and is considered by many to be infallible, and some different. Intersting post, thanks!The Gnostics, that woudl explain it.
New Mozambique
11-04-2004, 07:34
All this talk of Mary Magdelene reminds me of all the fuss kicked up about Dan Brown's The da Vinci Code about Jesus and her being married and having kids.
11-04-2004, 18:46
why did she refer to herself in the third person?
The Katholik Kingdom
11-04-2004, 18:55
Yay, Raysias back! :D

I've heard of this before. Supposedly there were several books of the bible that were banned because they were too obscene. One of them was the Song of Solomon, as that part about drinking "spiced wine was about menstrual juices.
11-04-2004, 18:57
All this talk of Mary Magdelene reminds me of all the fuss kicked up about Dan Brown's The da Vinci Code about Jesus and her being married and having kids.

Ya, I heard that there was some writings about Magdelene of this nature in what are supposedly lost Gospels which belonged to, I believe it was Philipp

and about The da Vinci Code . . .

12-04-2004, 03:18
Yay, Raysias back! :D

I've heard of this before. Supposedly there were several books of the bible that were banned because they were too obscene. One of them was the Song of Solomon, as that part about drinking "spiced wine was about menstrual juices.When the Bible was compiled they used a common historical technique of excluding contradictory sources. For instance, with the Gospels four of them give a consistant account and then there is an incosistant one. All five texts were examined and tested, and the inconsistant one was excluded.
Fort Liberty
12-04-2004, 03:32
Mary Magdelene was a whore.
Free Soviets
12-04-2004, 04:58
Umm, where is this from? The only time I ever heard of such a book was on the X-Files, and that was determined as a fake :P

there's just something funny about that coming from a mormon...
Free Soviets
12-04-2004, 05:16

interesting stuff. Funny how some stuff made it into the bible and is considered by many to be infallible, and some different. Intersting post, thanks!

even better is the huge arguments early christians had about what should be included and what shouldn't. we still have documents laying out some of the debate.
Tuesday Heights
12-04-2004, 05:24
Intriguing... :?
12-04-2004, 05:47
12-04-2004, 05:52
There's far more than just Mary Magdalene--the early church had tons of books that were eventually excluded for one reason or another (usually political). Books like the Book of Nicodemus, The Apostles' Creed, The Book of the Laodiceans, The two books of Clement, The Book of the Philadelphians, the Book of Polycarp, the three books of Hermas, and even some letters attributed to Pilate and to Herod--probably not legitimate, but nonetheless writings of the early church.
12-04-2004, 05:54
There's far more than just Mary Magdalene--the early church had tons of books that were eventually excluded for one reason or another (usually political). Books like the Book of Nicodemus, The Apostles' Creed, The Book of the Laodiceans, The two books of Clement, The Book of the Philadelphians, the Book of Polycarp, the three books of Hermas, and even some letters attributed to Pilate and to Herod--probably not legitimate, but nonetheless writings of the early church.

The early church was full of sexist pigs who didn't want a woman to have any power in Christianity.
12-04-2004, 05:56
There's far more than just Mary Magdalene--the early church had tons of books that were eventually excluded for one reason or another (usually political). Books like the Book of Nicodemus, The Apostles' Creed, The Book of the Laodiceans, The two books of Clement, The Book of the Philadelphians, the Book of Polycarp, the three books of Hermas, and even some letters attributed to Pilate and to Herod--probably not legitimate, but nonetheless writings of the early church.

I heard about the other books, I just can't find some of them yet, I know they are out there. It pisses me off that some hooch in Egypt burned some of those books.
12-04-2004, 05:58
I got a copy of them from Barnes and Noble--the volume is titled "The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten books of Eden" publicshed by World Bible Publishers Inc. It dates back to 1926.

You also might want tocheck out the Gospel of Thomas, also known as the Q gospel.
Free Soviets
12-04-2004, 06:18
You also might want tocheck out the Gospel of Thomas, also known as the Q gospel.

i'm not sure that thomas is identical to q
12-04-2004, 06:26
You also might want tocheck out the Gospel of Thomas, also known as the Q gospel.

i'm not sure that thomas is identical to qThe problem is that there's also a novel titled The Gospel of Thomas. It's more usually known as the Q gospel, though, as far as I know. (I could very easily be wrong.)
Free Soviets
12-04-2004, 06:39
well, if i recall correctly, thomas is thought to also be derived from q. 'course, its been awhile since i read much about it.
12-04-2004, 06:55
Same with me, although a book entitled Excavating Jesus also links, I believe, Mark to the Q Gospel. It says Mark likely used the Q as a source text for his writing, and that Matthew and Luke used Mark largely as their source text. It's been a long time for me too, though.
Greater Valia
12-04-2004, 07:01
book of jubilees, good stuff in there
12-04-2004, 07:30
I'm not sure I go for the source of this. The Catholic Church has done a damn good job suppressing documents and information that could contradict their teachings so I doubt this is the real true version. Man do I want to read the Dead Sea Scrolls.
12-04-2004, 08:09
I think the point, Layarteb, is that there's all sorts of stuff from the early church that has either been deemed apocryphal, uncanonical, or apostate for whatever reason. I mean, a lot of the stuff I've read from the Lost Books of the Bible makes no historical or liturgical sense until myou realize that the early church wasn't this unified group that we've been led to believe existed. It was as full of sects and divisions as modern Christianity is--only they treated each other far more violently. Some of these books were considered "true" by those who followed their tenets, just as the books commonly known as the Bible today are. It just turned out that what came to be known as the Catholic Church was the one that won the survival contest the most effectively and got the biggest, eventually spawning most of the Christian religions we have today. Others have survived in very small groups--the Coptic Church in Egypt is one example.
12-04-2004, 08:45
There's far more than just Mary Magdalene--the early church had tons of books that were eventually excluded for one reason or another (usually political). Books like the Book of Nicodemus, The Apostles' Creed, The Book of the Laodiceans, The two books of Clement, The Book of the Philadelphians, the Book of Polycarp, the three books of Hermas, and even some letters attributed to Pilate and to Herod--probably not legitimate, but nonetheless writings of the early church.

The early church was full of sexist pigs who didn't want a woman to have any power in Christianity.Yes but read her writings. They are nothing but egotistical tripe. Everything she wrote was about how Jesus favoured her above everyone else and how she alone was privy to secrets.
12-04-2004, 09:49
Wikipedia on Q:

I think there was an early collection of sayings, probably recollections written down by Jesus' audience after the fact and circulated among the faithful. These sayings then made their way into the gospels of Matthew and Luke and, later, the fabrication called "Thomas" which has such ridiculous elements as a young Jesus making living birds out of clay to chase off bullies who were picking on him. Bah.
12-04-2004, 09:55
Most of what I recall from looking at a translation of Q--and I wish I still had it; gave it to my g/f's dad--was exactly what you describe. It was like a "best of" list--Jesus' best one-liners and parables. Looking at it, I have no doubt it was used as a source text of sorts by all the gospel writers, seeing as the only one who theoretically would have had actual contact with Jesus was John, and he wrote his when he was almost a hundred years old, supposedly. Lots of room for memory loss there.
Onion Pirates
12-04-2004, 12:28
I think I disagree with you but I forget why.
12-04-2004, 18:04
There is a rumored Gospel of Jesus that would probably invalidate much of the Church's existence. And contrary to popular belief Mary Magdalene is not a prostitute. That's just the Church. I'm surprised the Church hasn't blacklisted The DaVinci Code or have they?