Which nation would you best like to see dominate the world?
Soviet Russia - Gone now, but it was the only real rival to modern America!
Nazi Germany - "I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling nations!"
America - We're not capturing, we're liberating!
China - *insert insensitive Chinese language mocking joke here*
Roman Empire - At it's height, it gained around as much territory as the Nazis captured. I think more.
Luxemburg. Or Liechtenstein.
Australia all the way! If we ruled the world you lot would all be drunk on beer! And you'd never go to work because you'd be 'sick'!
Australia all the way! If we ruled the world you lot would all be drunk on beer! And you'd never go to work because you'd be 'sick'!
hah :roll: pUHLEEZ!
10-04-2004, 06:06
I actually miss the cold war.. because there came a time in the cold war that none of us were really scared of nuclear war any more.. it was nice to have two super powers as they seemed to keep each other in check.
Since America has become the only super power there is no other country to keep them honest.. and we are feeling the affects of that now. I personally would like to see the EU unite. If they did and it looks like they're trying to then they would become a super power. It would also be a wonderful thing, never in the history of mankind has there ever been two open free societies that have existed together as super powers. I have always believed given Europe's long history that the Americans could learn a lot from them.
I vote for the EU.. (which isn't in your poll)
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
10-04-2004, 06:09
EU all the way. Agreed Steph, they are the only ones who, if they united, could really rival the Americas for anything. Already they lead in a lot of mobile communication techs. I would like to see them go further.
I actually miss the cold war.. because there came a time in the cold war that none of us were really scared of nuclear war any more.. it was nice to have two super powers as they seemed to keep each other in check.
Since America has become the only super power there is no other country to keep them honest.. and we are feeling the affects of that now. I personally would like to see the EU unite. If they did and it looks like they're trying to then they would become a super power. It would also be a wonderful thing, never in the history of mankind has there ever been two open free societies that have existed together as super powers. I have always believed given Europe's long history that the Americans could learn a lot from them.
I vote for the EU.. (which isn't in your poll)
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
I'll get more specific then just the EU, I'll say England. Why? Because they've had plenty of practice and should know how to do it right by now. They also act a tad more mature than the Americans do when children start to fight in the sand box.
And speaking of sand boxes, Steph you're not allowed out to play anymore without your sunglasses. You're too easily distracted by all these shiny posts. :Þ
Americans could learn.
Don't put so much pressure on them
Learn what? Dare I ask?
Dangers of nationalism, for a start.
Bodies Without Organs
10-04-2004, 06:29
I'll get more specific then just the EU, I'll say England. Why? Because they've had plenty of practice and should know how to do it right by now. They also act a tad more mature than the Americans do when children start to fight in the sand box.
No. Thirty years plus of dirty tricks in Northern Ireland have rather stained their ticket for world domination. It is true that the sun never set on the British Empire, but only because God couldn't trust them in the dark...
Can I nominate Eire?
Bodies Without Organs
10-04-2004, 06:30
I vote for the EU.. (which isn't in your poll)
Resist creeping Hegelianism!
Which ever nation can dominate, should.
The Atheists Reality
10-04-2004, 06:35
no nation should dominate
10-04-2004, 06:36
Well, I'm trying to stay in the reality of what is possible.. the only two options are the Americans and the EU.. (China I don't believe is interested in running the world)
If I have to pick between the Untied States and the EU, I'm simply saying I believe the EU would be much more responsible as I believe truly, they have learned from their past mistakes. I don't believe the US is old enough yet or experienced enough yet to manage the power they have. They need like an older brother to keep them honest and I believe not one single country is up for that job. I do believe the EU as a whole would be the greatest super power and alliance ever formed in history.. so to my European friends start voting in politicians that will follow this mind set :)
Aliedel.....but that probably won't happen....
I don't know what you're all on about. It is the manifold destiny of the Celtic people to one day rule the world. I thought everyone knew that!
I don't know what you'r e all on about. It is the manifold destiny of the Celtic people to one day rule the world. I thought everyone knew that!
Don't be stupid. Everyone knows that the Jews are ruling the world and therefor Israel.
Yes We Have No Bananas
10-04-2004, 06:37
I'd prefer if no one nation dominated the world, but I realise that's just impossible. Or maybe not, have to think about that one. I think I might do some research on that topic. Anyone got any suggetions?
But, definately the EU. I think Australia, where I'm from wouldn't very good at it, our government just dose what the US one dose. Same old s**t, different smell.
BTW - the poll dosen't leave much choice. The EU definately should have been in there and I'm sure not voting for the US or any of the other choices.
China - Have to agree with Steph. I'm working there at the moment and it is one inward looking place, which isn't such a bad thing, they are atill surprisingly open to foriegners. They may be the next up and comer on the world scene but they are more interested in keeping their country independant from outside interferrance, then dominating the world.
I would like to see Sweden's social model dominate the world, I must say.
They need like an older brother
EEEEEWW.....I don't want to be related to Americans!!!! :o
The Atheists Reality
10-04-2004, 06:38
again, no nation should dominate the world, because that would mean imposing one set of views on the varied peoples of the world
But according to legend, the Celts are part of the Lost Tribes of Israel..
Bodies Without Organs
10-04-2004, 06:44
How come the question on the poll is a very different question from the one at the top of the page?
"Which nation best suits ruling the world?" != "Which nation would you best like to see dominate the world?"
Which ever nation can dominate, should.
As will happen. The rich and powerful enjoy what they will, the poor and weak suffer what they must. Proven over and over again throughout history and through today and into the future.
How about none of the above?
But according to legend, the Celts are part of the Lost Tribes of Israel..
According to the Klan "scholars" all whites are. Not just Celts.
Soviet Russia - Gone now, but it was the only real rival to modern America!
Nazi Germany - "I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling nations!"
America - We're not capturing, we're liberating!
China - *insert insensitive Chinese language mocking joke here*
Roman Empire - At it's height, it gained around as much territory as the Nazis captured. I think more.I would have voted France if it were in the list. How cool would that be? Everything would have sauve names and everything would be legal.... no that's Holland. But the names! Instead of Target we would have, Targèt
10-04-2004, 07:28
again, no nation should dominate the world, because that would mean imposing one set of views on the varied peoples of the world
and I'm not suggesting that one nation do.. the EU is an alliance of many countries.. not just one.. :P
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 07:46
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 07:52
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:00
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
Ahh I guess the saying is true.
Ignorance is Bliss!
Good show!
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
Ahh I guess the saying is true.
Ignorance is Bliss!
Good show!
Well, name one nice thing to say about America then. Other then the above stated.
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:04
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
Ahh I guess the saying is true.
Ignorance is Bliss!
Good show!
Well, name one nice thing to say about America then. Other then the above stated.
Why? I already know nothing I can say would convience you otherwise?
Why don't you say where you are from and let's talk about that?
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
Ahh I guess the saying is true.
Ignorance is Bliss!
Good show!
Well, name one nice thing to say about America then. Other then the above stated.
Why? I already know nothing I can say would convience you otherwise?
Why don't you say where you are from and let's talk about that?
Probably so. Cause the US is the real Axis of Evil.
New Mozambique
10-04-2004, 08:05
Of the choices given, definately Mother Russia.
Spookistan and Jakalah
10-04-2004, 08:06
I think the Autobots and Thundercats should share in dominating and ruling the world, because they are strong and just. Either that, or fish, because they contain many omega-3 fatty acids.
I think the Autobots and Thundercats should share in dominating and ruling the world, because they are strong and just. Either that, or fish, because they contain many omega-3 fatty acids.
How about the Smurfs?
Soviet Haaregrad
10-04-2004, 08:08
I would like to see Sweden's social model dominate the world, I must say.
I agree.
Freindly Humans
10-04-2004, 08:08
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
We provide large ammounts of entertainment in the form of insane crazed maniacs for you guys to watch.
Hmmm... hold on let me think of something nice to say about my own country... That's actually... y'know... truthful and not a load of BS or spew.
I have freedom... unless I want to smoke some pot or pick up a prostitute... uhhh... hold on I'm still trying.
I can say bad things about my country, and not fear getting arrested in the middle of the night! Unless of course I'm in a public posistion, in which case I get fired and lose all my possesions... hold on...
We have the courage to do what is right... PBFT HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry that was just a joke...
We have produced some of the most inspirational people in the world...
Yeah I guess that one is nice enough. Too bad it took me so long to think up.
Spookistan and Jakalah
10-04-2004, 08:09
I think the Autobots and Thundercats should share in dominating and ruling the world, because they are strong and just. Either that, or fish, because they contain many omega-3 fatty acids.
How about the Smurfs?
Smurfs are neither strong nor rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
We have produced some of the most inspirational people in the world...
Thast a joke too right?
Soviet Haaregrad
10-04-2004, 08:10
In America you have freedom of speech. In Canada you have freedom after speech. :wink:
10-04-2004, 08:11
Crikey, it'd have to be Australia, mate.
Seriously, I would much rather see NO Nation dominate. Each has their own virtues, if anything should dominate it would be something along the lines of the UN - a cooperative between nations.
Or doctors without frontiers - something which rises above the petty squables of the nation-state.
The nation-state has served its time, and should eveentually rank alongside the province or county, as a rather endearing memento to little and curious cultural foibles, but with no real power base.
Dragons Bay
10-04-2004, 08:11
CHINA! CHINA! CHINA! :twisted:
But according to legend, the Celts are part of the Lost Tribes of Israel..
:wink: Isn't everyone?
It would be much better if all the nations joint into one big one and ruled the entire planet with the countrys elected leader's to elect a world leader every few years or so
It would be nice if we could do away with that veto power nonsense in the UN, and then unite the militaries of the world under its control...
it would be nice...
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:22
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
Really :shock:
The only "nice" thing you have said about america(from what I read which is not much) is that you know a few nice people.....
There realy isn't much else nice to say about the US is there?
Well since you really don't know; how can you judge?
Cause I can't think of a single nice thing I could possibly say about the US beyond that there are some nice people left there.
Ahh I guess the saying is true.
Ignorance is Bliss!
Good show!
Well, name one nice thing to say about America then. Other then the above stated.
Why? I already know nothing I can say would convience you otherwise?
Why don't you say where you are from and let's talk about that?
Probably so. Cause the US is the real Axis of Evil.
Ahh Sieg Heil baby!
Wait till we start blackmailing the world with our Nukes. But we seem to be doing that anyway since McDonalds and Coke seems to be almost everywhere
There are interesting aspects of our country and we have had very interesting people.
Here are some names:
Dr. Charles Richard Drew
Garret Morgan
George Washinton Carver.
Try looking them up and learn that Americans actually do some good things for the world.
It would be nice if we could do away with that veto power nonsense in the UN, and then unite the militaries of the world under its control...
it would be nice...
It would be even nicer if the UN and all militaries would unite under me!!! :twisted:
10-04-2004, 08:24
Hmm… for me it would have to be a cross between Europe and America. I think if the Europeans kinda "calmed down" the Americans, they would make a good ruling power. But realistically, if someone was going to run the world, it should be an internationally elected group, a bit like the UN.
New Mozambique
10-04-2004, 08:24
But we seem to be doing that anyway since McDonalds and Coke seems to be almost everywhere
Indeed; it could be seen as America basically killing off cultures of other nations.
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:27
We have produced some of the most inspirational people in the world...
Thast a joke too right?
Ever hear of Samuel Clemmons? I think many people have read his works?
Ahh Sieg Heil baby!
Wait till we start blackmailing the world with our Nukes. But we seem to be doing that anyway since McDonalds and Coke seems to be almost everywhere
Exactly. Axis of Evil.
There are interesting aspects of our country and we have had very interesting people.
Here are some names:
Dr. Charles Richard Drew
Garret Morgan
George Washinton Carver.
Try looking them up and learn that Americans actually do some good things for the world.
How very........*snore*
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:31
But we seem to be doing that anyway since McDonalds and Coke seems to be almost everywhere
Indeed; it could be seen as America basically killing off cultures of other nations.
That is evident and can be argued.
However, as I ask some of my fat countrymen. Did McDonalds put a gun to your head and make you eat that stuff?
But if it means anything; brace yourself now; Corprate America is also destroying the culture of America.
Once apon a time, you could drive across this country and find small towns that had personalities of their own.
Now you basically find Walmart, Starbucks, Mcdonalds, etc. There is little unique settings these days :(
The Black Forrest
10-04-2004, 08:33
Ahh Sieg Heil baby!
Wait till we start blackmailing the world with our Nukes. But we seem to be doing that anyway since McDonalds and Coke seems to be almost everywhere
Exactly. Axis of Evil.
There are interesting aspects of our country and we have had very interesting people.
Here are some names:
Dr. Charles Richard Drew
Garret Morgan
George Washinton Carver.
Try looking them up and learn that Americans actually do some good things for the world.
How very........*snore*
Yea whatever.
10-04-2004, 22:56
I would say The USA for these reasons:
1) Its my homeland and what person wouldnt like to see their country rule the world?
2) Our government works where every one gets to voice their opinion (even though there is still some kinks into it but we're workin on that)
3) we have the most advance military this planet has ever seen
4)We are very divers i mean we have citezens who come from every where in the world and if they arent from there their ancestors were
5) It seems every one wants to come to america any way i mean how many people do you see trying to illegaly get into other countries
6) we are a young nation of wich improves every day and isnt spoiled by bad blood (Europe has been fighting among themselves way befre we came into the picture no offence to an Eurapeans..well maby french but i just dont like thier government)
7) Our system of government is Made to be able to control large teratories that why we have 50 states wich have their on government that works with the national government
GO USA! **********________________
(man im bored :D )
10-04-2004, 22:57
10-04-2004, 23:07
We have had enough dictatorial regimes, and we certainly don't need anymore. :!:
10-04-2004, 23:15
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
10-04-2004, 23:25
*grins inwardly, flips pages of "How Mentholyptus Will Dominate the World" report*
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
I would just like to correct the misconception that everyone seems to be having. England is not part of the EU.
10-04-2004, 23:34
Um. You missed the most powerful of them all. The British Empire. Relatively, at that time, we were more powerful than America today.
Since you talked about Rome, I don't think time is an issue. Rome was powerful, but China could have stood up to/beaten it then.
At the height of its power, nobody could take it. Russia could still take America militarily, no matter what the Americans say. They may have the tech, but Russia makes up for it in sheer manpower.
Bodies Without Organs
10-04-2004, 23:48
I would just like to correct the misconception that everyone seems to be having. England is not part of the EU.
England is part of the UK.
The UK is in the EU.
Therefore, England is in the EU.
5) It seems every one wants to come to america any way i mean how many people do you see trying to illegaly get into other countries
I sure as hell don't. Not in a gazillion years. At least not out of my free will. As for the illegals. Unfortunatly Europe has the same problem as well. As does almost every "Western" nation. With the possible exception of Japan. Cause they aren't such whiners when it comes to deporting said illegals.
6) we are a young nation of wich improves every day and isnt spoiled by bad blood (Europe has been fighting among themselves way befre we came into the picture no offence to an Eurapeans..well maby french but i just dont like thier government)
The reason that America hasn't had such a history of fighting amongst eachother is that it is a nation of importation. In every aspect. With no cultaral traditions, social and political developments of it's own. The issue of slave abolition beeing the exception.
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
Piss off you American piece of sh*t. And then some people can't understand why I hate Americans and don't mind them pushing up daysi's.
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 06:24
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Sounds like a plan.
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 06:26
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Sounds like a plan.
/me contacts the king and organises world domination
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Sounds like a plan.
/me contacts the king and organises world domination
Good, good. We need to prepare excecutions for all those that don't agree.
11-04-2004, 06:28
Iceland uber alles.
Iceland uber alles.
We already agreed on Sealand.
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 06:28
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Sounds like a plan.
/me contacts the king and organises world domination
Good, good. We need to prepare excecutions for all those that don't agree.
*starts preparing for mass executions*
11-04-2004, 06:29
The Empire of Layarteb will rule the world...damnit wait...inner thoughts...
Hmm....I feel it would be very nice if the nation of Sealand took over the world.
hell yes!
Sounds like a plan.
/me contacts the king and organises world domination
Good, good. We need to prepare excecutions for all those that don't agree.
*starts preparing for mass executions*
Which do you prefer? Hangings? The chair? Beheadings? Quartering? Drowning? Shootings? Stoning?
11-04-2004, 06:31
The EOL does all of the above and then some.
11-04-2004, 06:32
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
Piss off you American piece of sh*t. And then some people can't understand why I hate Americans and don't mind them pushing up daysi's.RIght, because someone posts their opinions you hate all Americans and wouldn't mind if we all died.
Absolutely effing brilliant.
Return when you're done with immature prejudices and biases.
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
Piss off you American piece of sh*t. And then some people can't understand why I hate Americans and don't mind them pushing up daysi's.RIght, because someone posts their opinions you hate all Americans and wouldn't mind if we all died.
Absolutely effing brilliant.
Return when you're done with immature prejudices and biases.
Theres nothing immature or prejudice about them. They are just my opinions. I wouldn't tell an American where to find the fire extinguisher if his pants caught fire.
:lol: It has been said"That a naked virgin on a white horse could ride down the Appian way carring a bag of gold and would not be accosted." if the roman empire could really pull that off maybe we should look at history a little more closely.
This is just my opinion.
And speaking of sand boxes, Steph you're not allowed out to play anymore without your sunglasses. You're too easily distracted by all these shiny posts. :<THORN>
::Squeals with delight at entirely unintentional use of name AND motto::
Personally, I'd like the EU or Britain, too.
As an American, I'm a little freaked out by my country's actions as of late.
The Black Forrest
11-04-2004, 07:02
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
Piss off you American piece of sh*t. And then some people can't understand why I hate Americans and don't mind them pushing up daysi's.
Awwwwww somebody sure has his nickers in a twist. What's the matter pooky? Need a hug?
Too bad France had to have a revolution they were pretty cool before then. I personally hate France post their revolutionary war, and liked it before they murdered their whole upper class.
Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that.
so maybe we should go over and start teaching them some more about Democracy. because even if ur anti-american u should realize that 8 years (the maximum for a president) isnt long enough for them to start ruling the nation like a dictatorship.
Although England is still pretty cool.
yeah the US needs to have the EU to keep them honest. Just like they did through the UN to Iraq.
They could teach us to be socilist, have weak economies and try to Run the world threw the UN
nah the only country we need to be taught by is rome. Except that hopefully well be able to last longer then them, we dont have slavery, and at least we have a 8 year maximum on all presidents.
but of course the EU can teach us how to have a 12% unemployment rate like france instead of our currently high 5%.
and of course how to stage holy wars and crusades against muslims, i bet they can give us a few good pointers.
now if the EU could just become one big country with the common language of English they might be able to equal the US.
and the USSR was a lot closer to Europe then to the US.
Piss off you American piece of sh*t. And then some people can't understand why I hate Americans and don't mind them pushing up daysi's.
Awwwwww somebody sure has his nickers in a twist. What's the matter pooky? Need a hug?
No. I need good news. Any GI's got wacked today?
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Ya know Simkaria, if I saw your house on fire with your family inside, I'd tell the firemen to go to the other side of the city. Because you really don't deserve having people save your stuff if you want a nation's soldiers to suffer.
Honestly. You wonder why we Americans think we're the best? It's because of people like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Actually you are not asking what nation, but what culture should run the world. I would put in place a meritocracy.
11-04-2004, 07:36
The Netherlands should rule the world. Frankly I just got back from a holiday there and they are leaving the rest of us standing. All the benefits of socialism + all the benefits of capitalism - scandinavian level taxation + legalised marijuana.
Need I say more?
11-04-2004, 07:38
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 07:56
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 08:05
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
i was being sacrcastic :P
11-04-2004, 08:17
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
Fine you jerk. I see a man in his 30's or 40's has nothing better to do than tell a 16 year old to go to hell. See you there old man.
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
Fine you jerk. I see a man in his 30's or 40's has nothing better to do than tell a 16 year old to go to hell. See you there old man.
How many times can I laugh at you?
Oh and I have better thing to do. 8) :lol: :lol:
Sigma Octavus
11-04-2004, 08:57
Belgium actually. If I remember right, they have one of the best economies in the world. Also, they have fair laws. They'd be best off ruling.
11-04-2004, 09:01
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
Fine you jerk. I see a man in his 30's or 40's has nothing better to do than tell a 16 year old to go to hell. See you there old man.
How many times can I laugh at you?
Oh and I have better thing to do. 8) :lol: :lol:
Then go and do them. You waste all your time posting in this damn site. Go get a job! You ancient old fart! You bitch fight, and talk like a f*cking 8th grader. Why don't you come up with an original insult? You're a waste, and an asshole, and I'm suprised you havn't been deleted yet. I hope you don't trip over your ego on the way out.
The Atheists Reality
11-04-2004, 09:02
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
Fine you jerk. I see a man in his 30's or 40's has nothing better to do than tell a 16 year old to go to hell. See you there old man.
How many times can I laugh at you?
Oh and I have better thing to do. 8) :lol: :lol:
Then go and do them. You waste all your time posting in this damn site. Go get a job! You ancient old fart! You bitch fight, and talk like a f*cking 8th grader. Why don't you come up with an original insult? You're a waste, and an asshole, and I'm suprised you havn't been deleted yet. I hope you don't trip over your ego on the way out.
*laughs at eri*
*pokes the satanist*
11-04-2004, 09:04
What the hell kind of question is that? THe only good one on that entire list is America. And why the hell is the Roman Empire on there?
Look at the post before yours.\
why did you tell me to go to hell? i'm so offended :cry:
But we don't believe in Hell, so why are you offended? and I intended it for erid anyway.
Fine you jerk. I see a man in his 30's or 40's has nothing better to do than tell a 16 year old to go to hell. See you there old man.
How many times can I laugh at you?
Oh and I have better thing to do. 8) :lol: :lol:
Then go and do them. You waste all your time posting in this damn site. Go get a job! You ancient old fart! You bitch fight, and talk like a f*cking 8th grader. Why don't you come up with an original insult? You're a waste, and an asshole, and I'm suprised you havn't been deleted yet. I hope you don't trip over your ego on the way out.
*laughs at eri*
*pokes the satanist*
Oh my god you're like my English teacher.
Looks like my topic could use a lock. A 50 lb lock
11-04-2004, 09:15
I would like to see Sweden's social model dominate the world, I must say.
Couldn't agree more :lol: even if there are problems with it. We could dominate in the rest as well I think :roll: .
Light and Order
11-04-2004, 09:18
China is such a content place. They don't seem to be land hungry and in terms of real conflicts that they get worked up about, I think Taiwan is it. Besides that, they pretty much leave everyone else alone except for trade and stuff like that.
Bodies Without Organs
11-04-2004, 11:46
China is such a content place.
Tiananmen Square escape your notice?
Welsh Kingdoms
11-04-2004, 12:03
Lets see The British Empire in charge of the world again!!!!
11-04-2004, 12:06
I second your motion, as I have already said that (page 4)
Ya know Simkaria, if I saw your house on fire with your family inside, I'd tell the firemen to go to the other side of the city. Because you really don't deserve having people save your stuff if you want a nation's soldiers to suffer.
Honestly. You wonder why we Americans think we're the best? It's because of people like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I would tell the firemen the same. Not just if it was you. But if it was any American. And I don't want them just to suffer. Cause they might survive that.
And the reason are people like youuuu. :roll:
11-04-2004, 12:30
China, lets all be opressed!
11-04-2004, 12:34
Nah it still has to be the Dutch (actually any of the Benelux countries really) or the British Empire :)
11-04-2004, 12:37
Roman Empire might be tempting- assuming you use on of the phases in the Roman history were law and order, justice and a high moralistic code and a meritocratic system was the standard of rule.
In the end it comes down to this: While the political system per se is irrelevant (e.g. democarcy, dictatorship, etc) the most important factor shoud be rule of just law based on moral principles of human rights and political liberty.
Yes We Have No Bananas
11-04-2004, 13:05
"Yeah the US needs the EU to guide them, they can show us their long histories and constitutions and call themselves the people who showed the power of Democracy to the world.
Oh wait the US did that."
off topic -
I'm not anti-American or anything, I know some yanks I get along with quite well, but when will you people (some of you, anyway) learn that you didn't 'show the world democracy'. I am really getting sick of hearing how great your revolution was and how we should all adopt a constitution like yours. If you studied some political history you'll find England initally got the whole modern democracy ball rolling. I dont have the documentation with me but it was written up at the end of the English Civil War and sounds almost the same as the US decleration of independance, or constitution, I can't remeber which sounds like what. The line "Life, Liberty and Property" ring any bells? (hint: substitute 'the pursuit of happiness' for property). Sorry I can't back it up anymore than that, but if you look it up you'll see what I mean. Also, the US borrowed heavily from European philosophy when writing up its constitution.
Sorry, that attitude just really pisses me off. No offence
BTW - Ever been to China? They are not as oppressed as the media make you think.
on topic -
As I said, EU or just Sweden (preferably no one)
I would say The USA for these reasons:
1) Its my homeland and what person wouldnt like to see their country rule the world?
I wouldn't.
2) Our government works where every one gets to voice their opinion (even though there is still some kinks into it but we're workin on that)
Hah. I'm glad you adknowledge these "kinks". Have you ever complained at the results of a governmental decision and actually been listened to? Oh, and I hear often protesters aren't treated too nicely (But it's the same anywhere i'll concede)
3) we have the most advance military this planet has ever seen
Oh, that's a very good reason. Because your nation has the power to annihilate the world many times over it should control it, right?
4)We are very divers i mean we have citezens who come from every where in the world and if they arent from there their ancestors were
Ugh, learn to spell. I *think* I understood what you were trying to say. It's a fair call, I suppose but I don't see how it makes the USA a more legitimate nation to dominate the world than any other.
5) It seems every one wants to come to america any way i mean how many people do you see trying to illegaly get into other countries
LOL, now that is just ignorant. Iran had more refugees entering it's country last year than any other. I wonder why? (If you really have no idea about how to answer that question, then I am very sorry about the condition of the US school system.) And I for one, do not want to live in the USA.
6) we are a young nation of wich improves every day and isnt spoiled by bad blood (Europe has been fighting among themselves way befre we came into the picture no offence to an Eurapeans..well maby french but i just dont like thier government)
Actually, the concept of a "nation" or national identity rather than an "empire" only surfaced about the same time as the US declared indepencence. So, the USA as a nation is older than many european nations (For example Italy and Germany). And never spoiled by bad blood or fighting? Trail of Tears? Never fought amongst eachother like Europe has? Well what about your Civil War? Oh, and by the way, do you only hate France because its currently the "patriotic" thing to do over there? Goddamn, how on earth COULD they express their own seperate national viewpoint over invading Iraq that ran counter to what the US said was right? They must be terrorists or something!!!!
7) Our system of government is Made to be able to control large teratories that why we have 50 states wich have their on government that works with the national government
Theres a name for that. It's called, repeat after me, "federalism". But I will concede that that point you made is more or less correct. A centralised one world government would probably not work at all unless it is extremely authoritarian.
I'll get more specific then just the EU, I'll say England. Why? Because they've had plenty of practice and should know how to do it right by now. They also act a tad more mature than the Americans do when children start to fight in the sand box.
hmmn yeah it's just a shame that wee Tony looks up to the Americans as the older kids with the cool toys
"ooh can we play too?...........aww, please?"
11-04-2004, 13:40
Australia all the way! If we ruled the world you lot would all be drunk on beer! And you'd never go to work because you'd be 'sick'!
Staggers out of the pub.
Hear hear, falls over.
I would say The USA for these reasons:
1) Its my homeland and what person wouldnt like to see their country rule the world?
Someone who doesn't agree with their country.
2) Our government works where every one gets to voice their opinion
Every person may be discriminated against based upon their opinion, too.
5) It seems every one wants to come to america any way i mean how many people do you see trying to illegaly get into other countries
Being in Australia, I've seen my fair share of Indonesians, Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanis show up.
Another great thing about America is how their media only depicts things related immediately to them, like incoming Cubans and Mexicans.
The VERY BEST thing is that they do this because people don't care.
Nations of ignorance (and disinformation) aren't my type of thing.
So support Ancient Rome.
Roman Empire! I always loved to learn about Roman history, especially when it came to Julius Caesar. So I think it would be quite amusing to be ruled by them. *hugs her book on Caesars*
11-04-2004, 14:44
If you studied some political history you'll find England initally got the whole modern democracy ball rolling. I dont have the documentation with me but it was written up at the end of the English Civil War and sounds almost the same as the US decleration of independance, or constitution, I can't remeber which sounds like what. The line "Life, Liberty and Property" ring any bells? (hint: substitute 'the pursuit of happiness' for property). Sorry I can't back it up anymore than that, but if you look it up you'll see what I mean. Also, the US borrowed heavily from European philosophy when writing up its constitution.
Agreed. In fact the roots of modern democracy lie not in the US but in the Anglo-Saxon witan (advisors to the King)- the institution that indirectly evolved into Parliament today. It espoused the whole basis of the Rule of Law, that every man should be held accountable for his wrongdoings- admittedly, under the Anglo-Saxons, this was a bit rough and ready. Every man had a set price should he be killed (the weregild, literally man-gold) depending on his status. Even the King would have to pay weregild should he kill another man. Anyway, I digress but there among other things you have the basis of modern western republics and constitutional monarchies.
I would say The USA for these reasons:
1) Its my homeland and what person wouldnt like to see their country rule the world?
Someone who doesn't agree with their country.
2) Our government works where every one gets to voice their opinion
Every person may be discriminated against based upon their opinion, too.
5) It seems every one wants to come to america any way i mean how many people do you see trying to illegaly get into other countries
Being in Australia, I've seen my fair share of Indonesians, Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanis show up.
Another great thing about America is how their media only depicts things related immediately to them, like incoming Cubans and Mexicans.
The VERY BEST thing is that they do this because people don't care.
Nations of ignorance (and disinformation) aren't my type of thing.
So support Ancient Rome.
LOL, two Aussies bashing the same guy :)
Knights of Hospitalers
11-04-2004, 15:03
I think Scotland should rebell against England and invade them. Then form an alliance with France and Italy who will then secretly set up puppet governments in Spain and Germany. Then the combined armies under Scotland's leadership will sweep through Poland and all those other European countries. Then the SFIGS alliance will wait till China and the USA go to war. (which is goign to happen soner or later) Then when they do the alliance will take over Russia. Then wait for China and the USA to finish each other off and then invade the winner.
11-04-2004, 15:04
I like it :)
11-04-2004, 15:06
I don't think the EU would work, to be classified as a superpower you have to be strong militarily, which the EU is not.
According to a recent study of militaries, there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
Someone said earlier that Britain wasn't in the EU, if this is true the EU wouldn't have too strong of a military at all...
Economicaly, the EU could never challenge the US. European nations are struggling now and the US=30% of the world's economy.
Not that this matters but in the area of Population, well the Euros aren't doing too hot. Their population is going down the crapper pretty much.
Regardless, I think that the British Empire and EU should still be up there, but remember the poll is what "nation" not alliance. :wink:
My vote has to go to the US.
Elves Security Forces
11-04-2004, 15:06
Duh Go Greece. ^_^ Greeks are the best culture ever.
11-04-2004, 15:13
Duh Go Greece. ^_^ Greeks are the best culture ever.
Dunno about that, but hey if Sparta was still around it would get my vote!
Felis Lux
11-04-2004, 15:39
An alliance of Luxembourg, Monaco, and the Combined Liberated Nations of the Isles of Man and Anglesey... just to see the look on George Bush's face when they burst into the Oval Office. :wink:
"We are the Manx. Surrender your 'White House' or we shall smite you with cute stubby-tailed cats."
Sorry, I'm not taking anything seriously today.
11-04-2004, 15:44
it's a good thing the british empire wasn't an alliance, eh?
an alliance suggests some choice in the matter, and acknowledging the other nations involved.
11-04-2004, 15:45
An alliance of Luxembourg, Monaco, and the Combined Liberated Nations of the Isles of Man and Anglesey... just to see the look on George Bush's face when they burst into the Oval Office. :wink:
"We are the Manx. Surrender your 'White House' or we shall smite you with cute stubby-tailed cats."
Sorry, I'm not taking anything seriously today. That's the funniest image i have thought of all week.
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
I agree with all of that, except Israel. They dont have the naval capacity to fight a war on the other side of the world. Maybe add Russia to that list. Despite its problems, it still has a strong navy.
Dragons Bay
11-04-2004, 16:22
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
I agree with all of that, except Israel. They dont have the naval capacity to fight a war on the other side of the world. Maybe add Russia to that list. Despite its problems, it still has a strong navy.
You mean a ghost navy. Wasn't it just recently a nuclear sub risked immediate dismantling in the sea?
I don't think the EU would work, to be classified as a superpower you have to be strong militarily, which the EU is not.
According to a recent study of militaries, there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
Someone said earlier that Britain wasn't in the EU, if this is true the EU wouldn't have too strong of a military at all...
Economicaly, the EU could never challenge the US. European nations are struggling now and the US=30% of the world's economy.
Not that this matters but in the area of Population, well the Euros aren't doing too hot. Their population is going down the crapper pretty much.
Regardless, I think that the British Empire and EU should still be up there, but remember the poll is what "nation" not alliance. :wink:
My vote has to go to the US.
Why isnt a country over flowing with nukes like north korea or china on that list?
i would say the u.s. but not really how the u.s. is right now, but how it was supposed to be based on the constitution and the declaration of independence, you know that every person has the right to "pursuit of happiness"? then again, i doubt that would ever happen so i think it would be best if we abolished all the governments and started over...
states which would rule world in 50 years according to jeffrey d. sachs
US is not so ahead of other countries anymore. Eventually these countries would catch it. There wont be only one country rulling the world and that's good.
11-04-2004, 16:45
I actually miss the cold war.. because there came a time in the cold war that none of us were really scared of nuclear war any more.. it was nice to have two super powers as they seemed to keep each other in check.
Since America has become the only super power there is no other country to keep them honest.. and we are feeling the affects of that now. I personally would like to see the EU unite. If they did and it looks like they're trying to then they would become a super power. It would also be a wonderful thing, never in the history of mankind has there ever been two open free societies that have existed together as super powers. I have always believed given Europe's long history that the Americans could learn a lot from them.
I vote for the EU.. (which isn't in your poll)
I say this as a neutral person since I'm from Canada.
I agree. The EU would make a good superpower
Purly Euclid
11-04-2004, 16:50
states which would rule world in 50 years according to jeffrey d. sachs
US is not so ahead of other countries anymore. Eventually these countries would catch it. There wont be only one country rulling the world and that's good.
Why Brazil? Their economy isn't that great, they have problems with urbanization, and their politics are less-than-stable. I'm sorta hard pressed to believe Russia as well, but I suppose it may make a comeback as a superpower.
11-04-2004, 16:50
Actually, Russia could still easily stand up to America.
It can build up its forces surprisingly quickly, and it still has a huge army. Couple that with the fact that they still have most of the equipment they ever built (they don't scrap much), and they could immediately resist American orders, if they stood up to them. They also are still full to the brim with nuclear weapons, whether thats a good thing or not. They just don't really say too much now.
Also, they are much more direct with their diplomacy, when they do speak.
Putin said something along these lines, when the elections in Russia was questioned by Americans
"Perhaps America should look at their own election results before they start to criticise other Countries."
Purly Euclid
11-04-2004, 17:00
Actually, Russia could still easily stand up to America.
It can build up its forces surprisingly quickly, and it still has a huge army. Couple that with the fact that they still have most of the equipment they ever built (they don't scrap much), and they could immediately resist American orders, if they stood up to them. They also are still full to the brim with nuclear weapons, whether thats a good thing or not. They just don't really say too much now.
Also, they are much more direct with their diplomacy, when they do speak.
Putin said something along these lines, when the elections in Russia was questioned by Americans
"Perhaps America should look at their own election results before they start to criticise other Countries."
True. They're on an economic upswing. Moscow, actually, is now the city with the second highest concentration of billionaires (New York is first). But their military is ailing, especially their navy. There's the Kursk, and have you heard about their incident with their flagship, Peter the Great?
This means Russia could never hope to project their power to the US if its navy is like this. During the Cold War, they were never interested in naval aviation because they didn't need to be (they had all of Eurasia and Africa for land-based forces to walk around). However, as the US had lots of aircraft carriers, they knew that we were able to project our power to them very easily. The best defense, therefore, was a large fleet of submarines to shoot at our aircraft carriers, and offer the best chance of securing the Russian homeland. However, their submarine fleet is dismal. Even the surviving ones are poorly wired, maintained, and the sailors are often malnourished. Until it rebuilds its submarine fleet, or thinks of something different, Russia will never again be the serious player on the world stage that they once were.
why brazil?
look at this article
11-04-2004, 17:28
Where the hell is Simkaria from?
Wanton Milkmaids
11-04-2004, 17:54
The whole world should adopt the British mindset. That is, sexual and emotional repression and an ingrained inferiority complex regarding status. We had the biggest Empire ever at one time, anywayL. OL, only kidding. I voted for Rome, but I wouldn't leave it to the modern Italians, myself. No offense.
America, my country, i love it and i'm happy that a nation with such moral standards is the # 1 superpower....but i'd like to see what would happen if japan dominated the world. i've studied their culture and language for quite a while and i've learned to really admire them. i find it weird that most ppl in NS only talk about European countries but they ignore this great nation...just because a country is not in the west or in the northern Hemisphere doesn’t mean they don’t count.
11-04-2004, 18:48
That is a very interesting question...of course, by the end of it, there would be no more "world" left because of all the nukes blowing it to smithereens...
11-04-2004, 18:50
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
I agree with all of that, except Israel. They dont have the naval capacity to fight a war on the other side of the world. Maybe add Russia to that list. Despite its problems, it still has a strong navy.
Actually, when compared with the Navies of other nations, Israel's ain't too shabby. But then again, I didn't make the report.
Russia? In it's current state that's not possible, remember all their trouble with Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is their neighbor too.
Frankly, unlike the other 4 on this list, Russia could not simply pack up and head to a nation thousands of miles away with a good military and roll them over like the US did with Iraq.
And remember Iraq had a pretty good military, if a bit demoralized. :wink:
OMG ITS CHRIS, you asked why NK wasn't on this list, it's because North Korea, like so many other countries, could never pack up and take over a country like the US, Israel, Britain, and France.
This is not a list of World Powers, just Powers that can pretty much take over anyone they want.
Jordaxia, if America went to war with Russia, America would pummel the Ruskies.
Russia has still failed to realize that low-tech militaries with large numbers can't do the job anymore. Granted, this is one of Israel's strategies but you must remember all of the cash Israel is getting from the States. Simply, manpower is more of a liability than an asset. This was proven in the first Iraq war when the Iraqis manpower and tanks could not stand up to American tanks and super accurate weapons.
The Russians aren't stupid but have yet to really realize this new form of battle.
I've seen some people posting lists of potential super powers, but guys it will be a LONG time before any nation can really compare to the US.
Someone here mentioned Brazil as a potential super power, I don't see that happening. Brazil is the US' greatest ally in South America, and US grants of money are helping keep it going. Brazil is pretty unstable and Rio de Janiero is facing overpopulation. Until they work out the huge amounts of poverty in their country, they won't become a Power. Even if they do, they will most likely be a US creation, backed by America and relying on money from them.
India, hmmm maybe. Their due to surpass China in population and are growing rapidly. I see some improvement in the future but, like Brazil they have some major issues to work on.
China, Yes China seems to be the greatest threat to America, but is it not American business looking for cheap labor that is growing their economy? Think of what would happen if American and European Corporations pulled out of China and went to another nation, like Inda for example, and got their labor from there.
Things wouldn't be going well in China, that's for sure.
Russia, their on the rebound but until they crack down on Russian Obligarchs and Mobsters, as well as improve their economy, it will be awhile for them to challenge the US.
My list of Super Powers in 50 years.
That's it, unless a Major, Nuclear war breaks out the US will not be replaced, or go into another Cold War.
The US is set to stay on top for thousands of years, as long as they keep walking the path their going now. Come on, it took two World Wars to knock Britain off and put the USSR and US on top.
List of Powers in 50 years.
(In no particular order)
1. Britain
2. France
3. Iraq (Surprise Surprise!)
4. China
5. Russia
6. South Korea
7. Japan
8. Cuba?
The future is hard to predict, we'll just have to see how things are going.
Purly Euclid
11-04-2004, 19:24
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
I agree with all of that, except Israel. They dont have the naval capacity to fight a war on the other side of the world. Maybe add Russia to that list. Despite its problems, it still has a strong navy.
Actually, when compared with the Navies of other nations, Israel's ain't too shabby. But then again, I didn't make the report.
Here's a descirption of Irsael's navy.
They're good at protecting their own waters, and probably at defeating Arab navies (which are really crap), but I doubt they have a navy that can sustain operations outside the Meditteranean and Red seas.
11-04-2004, 19:51
Shinoxia, Iraqs army dissolved. Look whats happening to American forces now. There can be many casualties per day, especially during the "days of violence" that are popping up now. If Iraqs armies met U.S armies in the field, it would be a huge clash that did not happen. Also, Russia, having so much unused technology that it developed years ago, can field divisions of decoys. And if they stopped selling the oil to U.S.A and gave it to themselves, America would be in a serious situation. The Americans wouldn't know who to target. Russia could flood Europe and America with tanks. That is, after all, Russian military doctrine in a war. Then, the is Americas over reliance on technology. What happens when it breaks down in the intense cold?
The Russian military has not been fully mobilised since the second world war. It is a steamroller. It doesn't stop. Do you really think the entire Russian army was in Afghanistan? And remember it was a very protracted occupation. Iraq has yet to develop the kind of resistance that occured in Iraq.
Russia is maintaining a good hold on technological advances. The gas used in the moscow siege is far finer than usual gas (of any type) and goes through most masks. their tanks are not bad. Not by a long shot. Neither is the airforce.
Remember. Whatever tanks the Iraqis did field were T-72s. Made in 1972. Does that not say something? A lucky T-72 can take an M1 Abrams. The T-90 is a very good tank. Sure, there navy may not be all that, but coming in from the East wouldn't be a good idea. If Russia did declare war on everyone, they would go through Europe first. If Russia gained the European capacity for tank and aircraft construction, like to make the best tank, the Challenger 2. In a battle, Russia would outmatch America numerically, still has aircraft that can hold their own, and armoured forces that can be efficient. Then there is the Russian special forces, arguably the best, after SAS and Mossad. (sp? Right name even?)
Of course, this is all military, which is off topic, isn't it?
Where the hell is Simkaria from?
New York. Proud member of the sleepercell: Anti Americans for Allah.
Bodies Without Organs
12-04-2004, 00:17
Someone said earlier that Britain wasn't in the EU, if this is true the EU wouldn't have too strong of a military at all...
It isn't true: the UK is part of the European Union, although it is not part of the single currency at rpesent, which may be what the other poster you referred to has misunderstood.
Bodies Without Organs
12-04-2004, 00:22
List of Powers in 50 years.
(In no particular order)
1. Britain
2. France
3. Iraq (Surprise Surprise!)
4. China
5. Russia
6. South Korea
7. Japan
8. Cuba?
The future is hard to predict, we'll just have to see how things are going.
Just curious: Has anyone said Austria yet? I haven't got the power to go through all 8 pages... :wink:
Purly Euclid
12-04-2004, 00:31
List of Powers in 50 years.
(In no particular order)
1. Britain
2. France
3. Iraq (Surprise Surprise!)
4. China
5. Russia
6. South Korea
7. Japan
8. Cuba?
The future is hard to predict, we'll just have to see how things are going.
I doubt Germany will ever be a great power. Militarily, not likely, as they aren't interested in building a military (I could be wrong, though). And while currently they are Europe's largest economy, they're contracting, and many of their socialist policies are beginning to collapse. I think the same is happening in France and the UK to one degree or another, but at least they'll have enough immigration to keep their economies afloat. Germany's population is shrinking.
12-04-2004, 00:41
Where the hell is Simkaria from?
New York. Proud member of the sleepercell: Anti Americans for Allah.
I hope you get hit by a cab. New York, being the greatest state in the union and the greatest place in the world will defeat these terrorists and traitors.
12-04-2004, 02:04
Shinoxia, Iraqs army dissolved. Look whats happening to American forces now. There can be many casualties per day, especially during the "days of violence" that are popping up now. If Iraqs armies met U.S armies in the field, it would be a huge clash that did not happen. Also, Russia, having so much unused technology that it developed years ago, can field divisions of decoys. And if they stopped selling the oil to U.S.A and gave it to themselves, America would be in a serious situation. The Americans wouldn't know who to target. Russia could flood Europe and America with tanks. That is, after all, Russian military doctrine in a war. Then, the is Americas over reliance on technology. What happens when it breaks down in the intense cold?
The Russian military has not been fully mobilised since the second world war. It is a steamroller. It doesn't stop. Do you really think the entire Russian army was in Afghanistan? And remember it was a very protracted occupation. Iraq has yet to develop the kind of resistance that occured in Iraq.
Russia is maintaining a good hold on technological advances. The gas used in the moscow siege is far finer than usual gas (of any type) and goes through most masks. their tanks are not bad. Not by a long shot. Neither is the airforce.
Remember. Whatever tanks the Iraqis did field were T-72s. Made in 1972. Does that not say something? A lucky T-72 can take an M1 Abrams. The T-90 is a very good tank. Sure, there navy may not be all that, but coming in from the East wouldn't be a good idea. If Russia did declare war on everyone, they would go through Europe first. If Russia gained the European capacity for tank and aircraft construction, like to make the best tank, the Challenger 2. In a battle, Russia would outmatch America numerically, still has aircraft that can hold their own, and armoured forces that can be efficient. Then there is the Russian special forces, arguably the best, after SAS and Mossad. (sp? Right name even?)
Of course, this is all military, which is off topic, isn't it?
Whoo, this is a big clump of words, man please start breaking these things up...
Hmmm, I'll start here.
If Iraqs armies met U.S armies in the field, it would be a huge clash that did not happen
Actually, in the first Iraq war the Iraqis met the US "in the field" more than one time, however it did not really work when the Iraqis realized they were completely outgunned and outclassed.
There was a large tank battle (can't think of the name) when American M1 Abrams tanks utterly destroyed Iraqi T-72s.
From that point on Iraqi tanks became a coffin, the T-72 failed to compare to the Abrams in any aspect. You said that the T-72 could destoy an Abrams if it got lucky, luck wouldn't save it man.
An Abrams could find and destroy a Soviet tank before the T-72 ever knew what hit it. It just can't compare.
Also, Russia, having so much unused technology that it developed years ago, can field divisions of decoys.
Russia could flood Europe and America with tanks.
What the?
Where'd you get this? Russia could never invade Europe let alone America, that sentence is so wrong I'm not even going to go into it.
Neither is the airforce.
MiG-29 vs. F-22 Raptor, I wouldn't want to be in that MiG I'll tell you that much....
...best tank, the Challenger 2.
The Challenger 2 is a good tank, but not the best. The M1A2 Abrams and Leopard 2 rank before it. The M1A2 in first and Leopard 2 in second, then the Challenger 2. The Brits are the only nation that hasn't switched to smoothbore barrels, they used rifled ones, forfeiting power.
You seem to be hung up on tanks, in fact, tanks are becoming a liability. Many nations are slowing down production of tanks, the theme for warfare in this century is speed.
Russia would outmatch America numerically
Not good, Numberically is a bad thing. If your fighting America you don't want to fight in one big mass, it just makes it easier to be picked to pieces with Tomahawks and other super accurate weapons.
Manpower is no longer an asset but a disadvantage, the first Iraq war proved that when the 4th largest Army in the world was completely steam rolled by a smaller, high tech force.
still has aircraft that can hold their own
Once again, a MiG-29 has no hope at all against an F-22.
Then there is the Russian special forces, arguably the best, after SAS and Mossad. (sp? Right name even?)
Your thinking of the Russian Spetsnaz, and no they aren't the best. They use weapons and technology that can't compare to the tech and weapons of Special Forces in other nations.
Also, the Israeli Mossad is like the CIA, they don't fight in missions like Special Forces groups do.
The Spetsnaz are brutal and excel in hand to hand fighting but they can't hope to beat other Special Forces soldiers in other nations.
Most people's Special Forces list goes like this.
1. US Delta Force/US Marine Force Recon (not much known about them)
2. British/Australian SAS/US Navy SEALS
3. German GSG-9
4. Russian Spetsnaz
I won't bother to name the rest.
Of course, this is all military, which is off topic, isn't it?
Right, so let's get back on topic okay?
How come "Mongolian Empire" is not a choice? Come on guys, you know you want to be led under a Khan? :D
Where the hell is Simkaria from?
New York. Proud member of the sleepercell: Anti Americans for Allah.
I hope you get hit by a cab. New York, being the greatest state in the union and the greatest place in the world will defeat these terrorists and traitors.
Umm...dude.....CALIFORNIA is the best.
The Gold Rush
The Mexican War
Sacramento Marriages
Governor Rat-race
Governor Arnold
Compromise of 1850
Home-state of the Lakers (non-basketball fan)
biggest state population
we've been through a lot.
12-04-2004, 02:08
Obviously America is going to get the most votes, because the boards are crawling with republicans.
Why isn't there an option for Belgium?
Obviously America is going to get the most votes, because the boards are crawling with republicans.
Why isn't there an option for Belgium?
If I could, I'd put 32752398759283 nations at the request of everyone here. Sadly, I only got 5 spaces. So unless people want me to put 943 nations in one option, I can only put the realistic nations up there
12-04-2004, 02:13
In reality, a war between the U.S. and Russia would turn into a nuke fight where everyone dies.
The T-90 is basically an upgraded T-72, in a coventional shooting war it would lose out against M1A1s and A2s. Russia's air force and Navy are in a shabby state.
Where the hell is Simkaria from?
New York. Proud member of the sleepercell: Anti Americans for Allah.
I hope you get hit by a cab. New York, being the greatest state in the union and the greatest place in the world will defeat these terrorists and traitors.
I'm not a traitor. I'm an illegal alien come to kill as many Yanks as I can. Haven't yet decided how though. Should I put a virus in the water supply? Or should I rather poison food randomly at super markets? I want to be more creative. Plains as bombs, or just bombs, are so yesterday.
12-04-2004, 02:23
Let me guess...the Bronx?
12-04-2004, 02:25
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
Japan should be up there - their military budget is the second highest in the world (42 billion, compared to France's 39 and UK 36. The US military budget is something ridiculous like 270 billion).
Germany. Their military budget is over 30 billion. The top 5 should read USA, Japan, France, UK, and Germany, in that order.
I'd scratch Israel right off that list. Israel only has a population of about 6 million, and their navy is practically non-existent - they don't have any aircraft carriers for a start. Their military budget is only about 8 billion, which is lower than all the aforementioned, as well as Italy, Brazil, China, India, Turkey, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. Israel's military budget is only a few million higher than Taiwan's.
Yeah, I looked up figures. I was bored.
12-04-2004, 02:27
there are only four nations that have the ability to declare war and win a war at any give time and place. Those nations are:
1. US
2. Britain
3. Israel
4. France
Japan should be up there - their military budget is the second highest in the world (42 billion, compared to France's 39 and UK 36. The US military budget is something ridiculous like 270 billion).
Germany. Their military budget is over 30 billion. The top 5 should read USA, Japan, France, UK, and Germany, in that order.
I'd scratch Israel right off that list. Israel only has a population of about 6 million, and their navy is practically non-existent - they don't have any aircraft carriers for a start. Their military budget is only about 8 billion, which is lower than all the aforementioned, as well as Italy, Brazil, China, India, Turkey, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. Israel's military budget is only a few million higher than Taiwan's.
Yeah, I looked up figures. I was bored.
I think you misunderstood my post.
This is NOT a list of world powers, it is a list of nations that have the ability to pack up, travel thousands of miles, and defeat an enemy.
I didn't even make this list. :wink:
Let me guess...the Bronx?
Who? Me?
Greenwich currently. Busy recruiting new fighters for our struggle to cleanse the world from the American agressors.
Let me guess...the Bronx?
Who? Me?
Greenwich currently. Busy recruiting new fighters for our struggle to cleanse the world from the American agressors.
You make me ashamed to be human! You should also learn how to spell if you want to be taken seriously.
12-04-2004, 02:37
I think you misunderstood my post.
This is NOT a list of world powers, it is a list of nations that have the ability to pack up, travel thousands of miles, and defeat an enemy.
I didn't even make this list. :wink:
Not in the slightest.
My post was entirely based on military capability. If you think Israel can pack up and take on anyone further away than Egypt, then you've been reading some pretty dodgy figures. Japan, Germany, India, Italy, any of those would wipe the floor with Israel.
Let me guess...the Bronx?
Who? Me?
Greenwich currently. Busy recruiting new fighters for our struggle to cleanse the world from the American agressors.
You make me ashamed to be human! You should also learn how to spell if you want to be taken seriously.
If your American, you should be. But no worries. With any luck, you won't be for much longer.
12-04-2004, 02:43
I think you misunderstood my post.
This is NOT a list of world powers, it is a list of nations that have the ability to pack up, travel thousands of miles, and defeat an enemy.
I didn't even make this list. :wink:
Not in the slightest.
My post was entirely based on military capability. If you think Israel can pack up and take on anyone further away than Egypt, then you've been reading some pretty dodgy figures. Japan, Germany, India, Italy, any of those would wipe the floor with Israel.
I don't know too much about Israel so I'm not going to defend her Navy.
If you think that the nations you listed are more powerful than Israel, so be it, but you might want to re-evaluate Israel's military strenght...
12-04-2004, 02:55
I don't know too much about Israel so I'm not going to defend her Navy.
If you think that the nations you listed are more powerful than Israel, so be it, but you might want to re-evaluate Israel's military strenght...
Sure, Israel can beat up feeble nations like Syria, but they couldn't so much as threaten, say, Australia, Canada, Spain, or Brazil. Aside from not having the naval capacity to deploy at that range, they don't really have much of, if any technological advantage either.
Tuesday Heights
12-04-2004, 05:32
What about giving Greenland a chance??? :lol:
12-04-2004, 14:12
Right. I admit defeat. Except on 2 counts.
1 British tanks may not have the most powerful cannon, but it is mighty strong still, and it has more armour, and more surviveability (SP?)
Also, they have kettles, for making tea! No American tanks have that.
2 You gotta be kidding me that the U.S spec ops beat British Spec ops.
Even your spec ops admit it, and who do the CIA go to when they need help?
Wait, make that 3.
Have you ever seen a Russian armour field? I have. Tanks literally go off into the horizon. They could flood Europe with tanks.
Oh, wait again, 4th.
America is far too relient on technology. Technology always breaks down, especially when you don't want it to. Take your cruise missiles. Whilst most are accurate, some had a hard time hitting Iraq. Britain has the perfect mix. Modern technology, but exceptional training that means, without it, they are almost as effective. I find it hard to imagine how the Americans would win if they were caught in the blat of one of their own circuitry destroying weaponry. (can't remember name)
But yes. Gloriously off topic once more. I believe still that Britain was, and still is, the most able to rule the world. When we were in charge, there were less wars than any other time in history. Now America is in charge, the 20th (early 21st) has become the most violent in history.
(WW2 was a joint responsibility, though we played the larger part.)
(WW1 was all our victory. We won before America joined, because the Germans were starving, and could not provide enough food for themselves to survive. They would have surrendered before long.
German soldiers leaving the front were actually violent to soldiers going to it, because they were prolonging the war.)
Yes. I do write in a big mass. I try not to but it slips my mind.
Unified Sith
12-04-2004, 15:15
Earlier there was a debate on who would win the U.S or Russia. Well iam afraid that it's got to be Russia for one reason and one reason alone if war ever did brake out amoung the superpowers with the diplomatic relations Europe has with the U.S right now Europe would go neutral or side with Russia preventing the U.S from ever landing troops in Russia.
The U.S needs to grow up and learn that hitting things with a hammer does not always work.
13-04-2004, 13:24
Right. I admit defeat. Except on 2 counts.
1 British tanks may not have the most powerful cannon, but it is mighty strong still, and it has more armour, and more surviveability (SP?)
Also, they have kettles, for making tea! No American tanks have that.
2 You gotta be kidding me that the U.S spec ops beat British Spec ops.
Even your spec ops admit it, and who do the CIA go to when they need help?
Wait, make that 3.
Have you ever seen a Russian armour field? I have. Tanks literally go off into the horizon. They could flood Europe with tanks.
Oh, wait again, 4th.
America is far too relient on technology. Technology always breaks down, especially when you don't want it to. Take your cruise missiles. Whilst most are accurate, some had a hard time hitting Iraq. Britain has the perfect mix. Modern technology, but exceptional training that means, without it, they are almost as effective. I find it hard to imagine how the Americans would win if they were caught in the blat of one of their own circuitry destroying weaponry. (can't remember name)
But yes. Gloriously off topic once more. I believe still that Britain was, and still is, the most able to rule the world. When we were in charge, there were less wars than any other time in history. Now America is in charge, the 20th (early 21st) has become the most violent in history.
(WW2 was a joint responsibility, though we played the larger part.)
(WW1 was all our victory. We won before America joined, because the Germans were starving, and could not provide enough food for themselves to survive. They would have surrendered before long.
German soldiers leaving the front were actually violent to soldiers going to it, because they were prolonging the war.)
Yes. I do write in a big mass. I try not to but it slips my mind.
1 British tanks may not have the most powerful cannon, but it is mighty strong still, and it has more armour, and more surviveability (SP?)
Also, they have kettles, for making tea! No American tanks have that.
More survivability? M1A2 Abrams tanks are armored with depleted-uranium, reactive armor. The Challenger 2 is well armored, but not like the Abrams.
2 You gotta be kidding me that the U.S spec ops beat British Spec ops.
Even your spec ops admit it,
You may be thinking of the Navy SEALS, which are pretty much even with the SAS. The SAS is great but most would say Delta Force is better. But then there's the Marines' branch of Special Forces, Marine Force Recon. Not much is known about them, but in the world of Special Forces, that's a good thing.
....and who do the CIA go to when they need help?
That would be the FBI.
Wait, make that 3.
Have you ever seen a Russian armour field? I have. Tanks literally go off into the horizon. They could flood Europe with tanks.
Yes, but European tanks are better, and tanks are not that big of a deal, it's all in the missiles and A-10 Thunderbolt. Tanks can be destroyed easily now.
Oh, wait again, 4th.
America is far too relient on technology. Technology always breaks down, especially when you don't want it to.
Ummm, actually Americans and British are trained in about the same way with similar technology, with a slight edge to the US.
The US may be more relient by your opinion, but then again technology is the new face of battle.
Britain has the perfect mix. Modern technology, but exceptional training that means, without it, they are almost as effective. I find it hard to imagine how the Americans would win if they were caught in the blat of one of their own circuitry destroying weaponry. (can't remember name)
Once again, Americans and Brits are trained in many similar ways and use types of the same technology.
You seem to believe that tech is prone to break downs, but everything you do is using technology nowadays. When you typed that post just then, you used technology, and obviously nothing happened.
Occasional mess ups happen, but overall computers are more reliable than human minds.
We won before America joined, because the Germans were starving, and could not provide enough food for themselves to survive. They would have surrendered before long.
German soldiers leaving the front were actually violent to soldiers going to it, because they were prolonging the war.)
Whoa, where'd you hear that.
When America joined in 1941, Britain had survived against German assault and the Soviets were being slaughtered in a kill ratio of 20 to 1.
Not good.
America stepped up and helped the Brits in North Africa (Patton), the invasion of Italy, and most notably D-Day, run by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The American Lend Lease program re-supplied the Soviets and turned around their war effort, with American tech and money the Soviets were able to defeat the Germans.
Many would say the American war effort was the greatest, we were the only nation that successfuly fought a two-front war and supplied everyone to help stop the Nazis.
Yes We Have No Bananas
13-04-2004, 13:40
<Quote>We won before America joined, because the Germans were starving, and could not provide enough food for themselves to survive. They would have surrendered before long.
German soldiers leaving the front were actually violent to soldiers going to it, because they were prolonging the war.)
Whoa, where'd you hear that. <Quote>
He was talking about WWI, not WW2. I don't agreee with everything he said but he was right about this point. The Germans were close to defeat (relatively speaking) when the US joined that war thanks to the naval blockade imposed by Britian. The German economy was in ruins. The British, including their 'colonial' forces may I add, French and Russians (admittedly, the Russians weren't that effective) had done most of the 'bleeding them white'. You'll find, as far as actually fighting the war was concerned, countries such as Canada and Australia did more on the battlefield than the US. The US joining that war had more of a physcologial impact on the Germans rather than a material one.
BTW - I'm not British
13-04-2004, 14:07
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Also, regarding my statement that most tecnology breaks down, where you pointed out that I posted that (and this) e-mail using technology, and it worked. Correct. After about the 12th attempt. If soldiers can't get the tech to work first time, then they may as well be dead if they rely upon it.
I was talking about WW1.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
(Something screwy with the post (more technology failing. There is supposed to be an "as" in between "or" and "necessary". Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
Also, you may have the firepower to take the armour, but you don't have infinite ammo. Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember.
Catholic Europe
13-04-2004, 14:08
Irish Beer Lovers
13-04-2004, 14:40
Irish Beer Lovers should dominate the world!
You are all being silly. Now let us all bow down to the great nation of ANDORRA!!!!!!!!! (spelling?)
Yes it does exist. It is one of the tiniest countries in the world. On the French and Spanish borders in the Mountains. Although Luxemburg is a close second.
I know, how about the stereotypical Britain. "Cup of tea"?
(P.S. I live in Britain, I'm allowed to take the mick.)
Well, obviously, Britain. We did it before, we should do it again. :lol:
13-04-2004, 15:26
Well, obviously, Britain. We did it before, we should do it again. :lol:
Thanks to our immigration policies, soon everyone in the world will live in britain, and the rest of the planet will be a desolate wasteland, and france.
14-04-2004, 00:26
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Also, regarding my statement that most tecnology breaks down, where you pointed out that I posted that (and this) e-mail using technology, and it worked. Correct. After about the 12th attempt. If soldiers can't get the tech to work first time, then they may as well be dead if they rely upon it.
I was talking about WW1.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
(Something screwy with the post (more technology failing. There is supposed to be an "as" in between "or" and "necessary". Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
Also, you may have the firepower to take the armour, but you don't have infinite ammo. Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember.
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Actually no, the CIA wouldn't go to the SAS for help. For one thing, they are not in the US, and two, why choose them over the FBI?
The SAS better than Delta Force? Their good but not that good. Google Delta Force and the SAS and you'll get alot of lists. However, almost all of them rank Delta Force as the best.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
Yes, but the Sherman ended out being the better choice due to it's ease of replacement.
US Commanders were prepared to lose 4 Shermans to destoy 1 Tiger, and from what has happened now, it worked.
Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
I don't think you understand how bad of shape the Soviets were in until about 1942.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had 12,000 aircraft, however they were all obselete and had no radio. The USSR pilots had to fly in formation to avoid being left behind.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had about 20,000 tanks, however only 1500 of them were current tech, the T-34.
In 1941, the Soviets had 600 T-34s on the entire Western Front!
Keep in mind that for every German kill, 20 Soviets died. The kill ratio was unbelievable.
Anyone who knows about the USSR in WWII know that there were four things that saved them.
1. Joseph Stalin's leadership
2. Great generals, such as Zhukov, who led the Soviets to victory.
3. The uprooting of Industries and placing them East of the Urals.
4. The Lend Lease program.
Essentialy, the Americans did much to help the Soviets in WWII.
Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
True, but American Fighters are superior in almost every aspect to Russian fighters, the Russians would have NO CHANCE in the air.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Good point, but that's only a few deaths compared to the thousands of enemies that were killed because of that technology.
Don't get me wrong, the death of the British soldiers was a terrible tragedy, but these things happen, but it doesn't stop the power of American technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember
Granted, Patriots aren't that great but are British forces not using them?
Again, it's sad to see British soldiers go down but, as I said, these things happen.
14-04-2004, 00:27
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Also, regarding my statement that most tecnology breaks down, where you pointed out that I posted that (and this) e-mail using technology, and it worked. Correct. After about the 12th attempt. If soldiers can't get the tech to work first time, then they may as well be dead if they rely upon it.
I was talking about WW1.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
(Something screwy with the post (more technology failing. There is supposed to be an "as" in between "or" and "necessary". Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
Also, you may have the firepower to take the armour, but you don't have infinite ammo. Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember.
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Actually no, the CIA wouldn't go to the SAS for help. For one thing, they are not in the US, and two, why choose them over the FBI?
The SAS better than Delta Force? Their good but not that good. Google Delta Force and the SAS and you'll get alot of lists. However, almost all of them rank Delta Force as the best.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
Yes, but the Sherman ended out being the better choice due to it's ease of replacement.
US Commanders were prepared to lose 4 Shermans to destoy 1 Tiger, and from what has happened now, it worked.
Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
I don't think you understand how bad of shape the Soviets were in until about 1942.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had 12,000 aircraft, however they were all obselete and had no radio. The USSR pilots had to fly in formation to avoid being left behind.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had about 20,000 tanks, however only 1500 of them were current tech, the T-34.
In 1941, the Soviets had 600 T-34s on the entire Western Front!
Keep in mind that for every German kill, 20 Soviets died. The kill ratio was unbelievable.
Anyone who knows about the USSR in WWII know that there were four things that saved them.
1. Joseph Stalin's leadership
2. Great generals, such as Zhukov, who led the Soviets to victory.
3. The uprooting of Industries and placing them East of the Urals.
4. The Lend Lease program.
Essentialy, the Americans did much to help the Soviets in WWII.
Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
True, but American Fighters are superior in almost every aspect to Russian fighters, the Russians would have NO CHANCE in the air.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Good point, but that's only a few deaths compared to the thousands of enemies that were killed because of that technology.
Don't get me wrong, the death of the British soldiers was a terrible tragedy, but these things happen, but it doesn't stop the power of American technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember
Granted, Patriots aren't that great but are British forces not using them?
Again, it's sad to see British soldiers go down but, as I said, these things happen.
14-04-2004, 00:27
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Also, regarding my statement that most tecnology breaks down, where you pointed out that I posted that (and this) e-mail using technology, and it worked. Correct. After about the 12th attempt. If soldiers can't get the tech to work first time, then they may as well be dead if they rely upon it.
I was talking about WW1.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
(Something screwy with the post (more technology failing. There is supposed to be an "as" in between "or" and "necessary". Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
Also, you may have the firepower to take the armour, but you don't have infinite ammo. Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember.
Regarding who does the C.I.A go to when they need help, may I point you to Afghanistan. American soldiers/spec ops/can't remember where being held in an Afghan compound. I don't recall the F.B.I saving them, but I do recall the S.A.S. also, we have the most rigerous training program in the world for the S.A.S, and they certainly do not use the same amount of technology as D.F. The S.A.S are the best in the world. Most soldiers admit that. Iranian embassy siege?
Actually no, the CIA wouldn't go to the SAS for help. For one thing, they are not in the US, and two, why choose them over the FBI?
The SAS better than Delta Force? Their good but not that good. Google Delta Force and the SAS and you'll get alot of lists. However, almost all of them rank Delta Force as the best.
Also, the T-34, KV-1 IS-2 and 3 were not American tech. The Sherman was. And it was, compared to German and Russian armour, awful.
You may have helped economically, but after a while, your tech wasn't helpful or necessary. The Russians tried to sell us T-34s so they had a surplus.
Yes, but the Sherman ended out being the better choice due to it's ease of replacement.
US Commanders were prepared to lose 4 Shermans to destoy 1 Tiger, and from what has happened now, it worked.
Your lend-lease was still necessary, just not to the extent you say.))
I don't think you understand how bad of shape the Soviets were in until about 1942.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had 12,000 aircraft, however they were all obselete and had no radio. The USSR pilots had to fly in formation to avoid being left behind.
Before Hitler invaded, the Soviets had about 20,000 tanks, however only 1500 of them were current tech, the T-34.
In 1941, the Soviets had 600 T-34s on the entire Western Front!
Keep in mind that for every German kill, 20 Soviets died. The kill ratio was unbelievable.
Anyone who knows about the USSR in WWII know that there were four things that saved them.
1. Joseph Stalin's leadership
2. Great generals, such as Zhukov, who led the Soviets to victory.
3. The uprooting of Industries and placing them East of the Urals.
4. The Lend Lease program.
Essentialy, the Americans did much to help the Soviets in WWII.
Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
True, but American Fighters are superior in almost every aspect to Russian fighters, the Russians would have NO CHANCE in the air.
You can argue that the American special ops are better, but when the average American bomber hit more killed more British people than Iraqis at the start of the war, you overestimate the efficiency of your technology.
Good point, but that's only a few deaths compared to the thousands of enemies that were killed because of that technology.
Don't get me wrong, the death of the British soldiers was a terrible tragedy, but these things happen, but it doesn't stop the power of American technology.
Also, your patriot missiles seem to have something wrong with the I.F.F.
They shot down tornadoes that were landing remember
Granted, Patriots aren't that great but are British forces not using them?
Again, it's sad to see British soldiers go down but, as I said, these things happen.
14-04-2004, 02:04
Bloody hell. Stupid forums. I prepared a big answer, but it disappeared, because I got disconnected. I'll bullet point my arguments.
1:All the sites I seen where American, so biased.
2: Look it up. SAS soldiers did pull F.B.I officers out of the camp.
3: 4 Shermans to 1 tiger is wrong. 7:1 is correct
4: Lend-lease was a significant aid, and Russia would probably not have won without it but it was not the be-all-end-all Americans love to say it was.
5: The maltese held the luftwaffe off in bi-planes. The Russians could have done similar for all you know.
6: Russian armour in WW2 was the best of it's time. The IS-3m was used until the 60s, so, even though I secretly really like the Sherman, I know it was awful.
7: Russian planes are not as bad as you would believe. For a long time, they were recognised as better than American planes. They had several tricks up their sleeves, that would have cost many American lives in a war.
I'm sure I missed several things out, but it always seems pointless to argue with people on this. They can't accept the fact that even their own armed forces say that they can't do certain things, so they hold onto these lies.
Oh yeah.. 8: The americans had their own siege where delta force was used, it failed. The S.A.S has never failed an assignment that anyone knows of.
Also, your assumption that Russian airpower would not be attacking American airpower is foolish. I doubt the Americans would be the only nation with aircraft in the sky.
True, but American Fighters are superior in almost every aspect to Russian fighters, the Russians would have NO CHANCE in the air.
Any Russian-built fighters that the US has tangled with have been very inferior made for export models (Except perhaps the MiG-15, but that aircraft was certainly superior to anything the US had at the time), using outdated missiles, radars, etc.
An Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian or Serbian MiG-29 is in no way similar in capability to a Russian MiG-29. Russian MiGs have all aspect heat seeking and much more reliable radar missiles, a luxury these other nations did/do not have.
Soviet Russia, after Gorbachev's reforms :)
There is one nation that doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. They have no plan to create horrible weapons of death. No chemical weapons labs.
They would never make an atomic bomb. ... an an atomic bong? *nod*
But I'd rather fight a war with an atomic bong. The atomic bomb goes off, there's devastation and radiation for a thousand years. The atomic bong goes off there's just CELEBRATION!!!
-Robin Williams
There is one nation that doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. They have no plan to create horrible weapons of death. No chemical weapons labs.
They would never make an atomic bomb. ... an an atomic bong? *nod*
But I'd rather fight a war with an atomic bong. The atomic bomb goes off, there's devastation and radiation for a thousand years. The atomic bong goes off there's just CELEBRATION!!!
-Robin Williams
But isn't that technically a chemical weapon :)
Just imagine Jamaica taking over the world.
We'd have dreadlock police who throw us in jail if they don't like our haircuts, Rastafarian temples everywhere, using drugs to keep the population in line and stalinist style statues of Bob Marley and Haile Seissalie (Or however you spell his name).
Cool, in a weird oppressive way. :D
15-04-2004, 04:15
Bloody hell. Stupid forums. I prepared a big answer, but it disappeared, because I got disconnected. I'll bullet point my arguments.
1:All the sites I seen where American, so biased.
2: Look it up. SAS soldiers did pull F.B.I officers out of the camp.
3: 4 Shermans to 1 tiger is wrong. 7:1 is correct
4: Lend-lease was a significant aid, and Russia would probably not have won without it but it was not the be-all-end-all Americans love to say it was.
5: The maltese held the luftwaffe off in bi-planes. The Russians could have done similar for all you know.
6: Russian armour in WW2 was the best of it's time. The IS-3m was used until the 60s, so, even though I secretly really like the Sherman, I know it was awful.
7: Russian planes are not as bad as you would believe. For a long time, they were recognised as better than American planes. They had several tricks up their sleeves, that would have cost many American lives in a war.
I'm sure I missed several things out, but it always seems pointless to argue with people on this. They can't accept the fact that even their own armed forces say that they can't do certain things, so they hold onto these lies.
Oh yeah.. 8: The americans had their own siege where delta force was used, it failed. The S.A.S has never failed an assignment that anyone knows of.
1:All the sites I seen where American, so biased.
Hehe, even British sites will admit that Delta Force is better, most people don't argue that. The main Special Forces argument is SAS vs. Navy SEALS. Delta Force is in a league of it's own, the "Dreaded D" killed hundreds of Somalis in '93, even Somalis admited that they were fearsome soldiers.
I'm not doubting the abilties of the SAS, but as the average site will say, Delta Force is better.
4 Shermans to 1 tiger is wrong. 7:1 is correct
I've always heard 4 but I don't want to argue that.
Lend-lease was a significant aid, and Russia would probably not have won without it
Right, but check your next sentence.
but it was not the be-all-end-all Americans love to say it was.
and Russia would probably not have won without it
Seems like your contradicting yourself.
5: The maltese held the luftwaffe off in bi-planes. The Russians could have done similar for all you know.
Good point, but they didn't. The Soviet Air Force, the largest in the world, was cut in half in the first two months....
6: Russian armour in WW2 was the best of it's time. The IS-3m was used until the 60s, so, even though I secretly really like the Sherman, I know it was awful.
The T-34s were great, but the King Tiger was better.
The Sherman was not awful, granted it couldn't go against heavy German tanks, but it could be produced in mass quantities, that was the key.
7: Russian planes are not as bad as you would believe. For a long time, they were recognised as better than American planes.
They can't accept the fact that even their own armed forces say that they can't do certain things, so they hold onto these lies.
What lies, the American military is the best in the world: True or False.
Oh yeah.. 8: The americans had their own siege where delta force was used, it failed. The S.A.S has never failed an assignment that anyone knows of.
Evidently, they've failed some missions or we wouldn't know so much about them huh?
The SAS is good, but Delta Force is better.
However, there are even better units, for example, Marine Force Recon.
You see, the only time you learn about SF units is when they've failed.
You've heard of the SAS, SEALs, Delta, and GSG-9. How do you know Marine Force Recon is effective, because you've never heard of them...