NationStates Jolt Archive

Ever eat this... :-)

Silly Mountain Walks
10-04-2004, 02:57
Well, i made it for the 3th time in my life for 4 clients but I was over budget. 30 gr of dry Morilles costed me 8,50€. A botlle of Vin jaune costs 15 a 20€, I used one for the coocking. The rest of the mushrooms are not that expensive if you know them and have them in your area. It is a great plate, try it for you and your partner, not that difficult if you have "the feeling". But don't sell it, for yourself you'll be easaly at 18€ a person with 2 botlles of Vin Jaune,one in the plate and one to drink (recept for 4 persons)

Here a recepe..

Pour 6 personnes.
Préparation: 10 mn. Cuisson: 1 h 10.

1 coq de 2 kg coupé en 8 morceaux, champignons des bois (toutes sortes , mais 30gr gr. de morilles sec ou 200 gr. frais), 1/2 l de vin jaune d'Arbois, 500 g de crème, 80 g de beurre, sel, poivre.

Préchauffez le four sur thermostat 8 (240 °C). Salez et poivrez le coq. Faites fondre le beurre dans une cocotte en fonte, ajoutez les morceaux de coq et faites-les dorer légèrement. Couvrez la cocotte, faites cuire au four pendant 20 mn. Rincez bien les morilles. Si vous employez des champignons séchés, mettez-les 30 mn dans de l'eau tiède. Après 20 mn de cuisson, retirez la cocotte du four. Posez-la sur feu moyen, retournez les morceaux de volaille, versez le vin, laissez cuire 10 mn à découvert. Ajoutez les morilles, mélangez, laissez cuire 5 mm, versez la crème, puis laissez cuire encore pendant 20 mn. Pendant la cuisson, mélangez de temps en temps. Disposez le tout dans un plat, et servez avec des pâtes ou des pommes vapeur.
10-04-2004, 02:58
.......I cant read that.....but it looks to contain alcohol so sounds great....
Silly Mountain Walks
10-04-2004, 03:03
.......I cant read that.....but it looks to contain alcohol so sounds great....

Should have been here, and it is snowing now...wosh you were here with all the great wines we drunk afterwords. Still a little dizzy and have a good feeling. Don't have courses tommorow on the slopes so I can internet (the girlfriend is 800km away :-) ) an dhave dinner with my dear friends tommorow (I'll use the rest of the sauce and ad fresch chicken, will be even better than now after a warming up!
High Orcs
10-04-2004, 05:49
ROOSTER TO THE YELLOW WINE For 6 persons. Preparation: 10 mn. Cooking: 1 h 10.

1 rooster of 2 cut kg in 8 pieces, mushrooms of wood (all sorts, but 30GR gr. of dry morilles or 200 gr. fresh), 1/2 wine l yellow of arbois, 500 cream g, 80 butter g, salt, pepper.

Preheat the oven on thermostat 8 (240 °C). Salt and pepper the rooster. Done to melt the butter in a pot some melted, add the rooster pieces and done to gild them lightly. Cover the pot, done to cook to the oven for 20 mn. Rinse well the morilles. If you employ dried mushrooms, put them 30 mn in water tiède. After 20 cooking mn, withdraw the pot of the oven. Put it on average fire, return the poultry pieces, pour the wine, leave to cook 10 mn to discover. Add the morilles, mix, leave to cook 5 mm, pour the cream, then leave to cook again for 20 mn. During cooking, mix times in times. Dispose the all in a dish, and serve with pasta or apples vapor.
10-04-2004, 05:50
Damn pounds, celsuis, and the metric system. Damn it all!
High Orcs
10-04-2004, 05:56

You can always just re-heat some leftover dick
10-04-2004, 06:01
Well, i made it for the 3th time in my life for 4 clients but I was over budget. 30 gr of dry Morilles costed me 8,50€. A botlle of Vin jaune costs 15 a 20€, I used one for the coocking. The rest of the mushrooms are not that expensive if you know them and have them in your area. It is a great plate, try it for you and your partner, not that difficult if you have "the feeling". But don't sell it, for yourself you'll be easaly at 18€ a person with 2 botlles of Vin Jaune,one in the plate and one to drink (recept for 4 persons)

Here a recepe..

Pour 6 personnes.
Préparation: 10 mn. Cuisson: 1 h 10.

1 coq de 2 kg coupé en 8 morceaux, champignons des bois (toutes sortes , mais 30gr gr. de morilles sec ou 200 gr. frais), 1/2 l de vin jaune d'Arbois, 500 g de crème, 80 g de beurre, sel, poivre.

Préchauffez le four sur thermostat 8 (240 °C). Salez et poivrez le coq. Faites fondre le beurre dans une cocotte en fonte, ajoutez les morceaux de coq et faites-les dorer légèrement. Couvrez la cocotte, faites cuire au four pendant 20 mn. Rincez bien les morilles. Si vous employez des champignons séchés, mettez-les 30 mn dans de l'eau tiède. Après 20 mn de cuisson, retirez la cocotte du four. Posez-la sur feu moyen, retournez les morceaux de volaille, versez le vin, laissez cuire 10 mn à découvert. Ajoutez les morilles, mélangez, laissez cuire 5 mm, versez la crème, puis laissez cuire encore pendant 20 mn. Pendant la cuisson, mélangez de temps en temps. Disposez le tout dans un plat, et servez avec des pâtes ou des pommes vapeur.

Just my Guess.

I don't speak french, But it sounds like Morrell mushrooms(hard to find)in a butter wine sauce. (can't tell which burre blanc or burre rouge)
10-04-2004, 06:04
Ahhhh! cream is involved!
High Orcs
10-04-2004, 06:05

I think I translated it pretty well..
10-04-2004, 06:07
Your mixing dried morells with fresh champion musrooms.
10-04-2004, 06:24
Thank you for sharing freind, I have freinds in Vertmont that may be able to get fresh morrells. I think your recipe would add richness to wild fowl.
10-04-2004, 06:25
Thank you for sharing freind,
10-04-2004, 06:27
not a fan of gamey birds
High Orcs
10-04-2004, 06:44
Well, if you don't want the chicken
You can always bite down on some spotted dick

It's a salty blend, mind you

(As much of a fun innuendo it is to play, that's a real food, and yes, it's very bitter, but better than Pork Brains!)


Y'know, I wish it WASN'T real
10-04-2004, 06:47
Well, if you don't want the chicken
You can always bite down on some spotted dick

It's a salty blend, mind you

(As much of a fun innuendo it is to play, that's a real food, and yes, it's very bitter, but better than Pork Brains!)

I had a spotted dick once but I took it home and it got in my pants and made them all sticky........innuendoesque.....and I dont eat pork but I may make an exception for the brain
High Orcs
10-04-2004, 06:56
Pork brains actually are high in cholesterol
...really high

On the label it has 1000% of Percent Daily Values for just one serving of Pork Brains

This shit makes your heart EXPLODE
Suicidal Librarians
10-04-2004, 16:43
Silly Mountain Walks
11-04-2004, 02:40
ROOSTER TO THE YELLOW WINE For 6 persons. Preparation: 10 mn. Cooking: 1 h 10.

1 rooster of 2 cut kg in 8 pieces, mushrooms of wood (all sorts, but 30GR gr. of dry morilles or 200 gr. fresh), 1/2 wine l yellow of arbois, 500 cream g, 80 butter g, salt, pepper.

Preheat the oven on thermostat 8 (240 °C). Salt and pepper the rooster. Done to melt the butter in a pot some melted, add the rooster pieces and done to gild them lightly. Cover the pot, done to cook to the oven for 20 mn. Rinse well the morilles. If you employ dried mushrooms, put them 30 mn in water tiède. After 20 cooking mn, withdraw the pot of the oven. Put it on average fire, return the poultry pieces, pour the wine, leave to cook 10 mn to discover. Add the morilles, mix, leave to cook 5 mm, pour the cream, then leave to cook again for 20 mn. During cooking, mix times in times. Dispose the all in a dish, and serve with pasta or apples vapor.

That is what I made, exactly :P
Silly Mountain Walks
11-04-2004, 02:42
Your mixing dried morells with fresh champion musrooms.

I did , because it is to soon to find fresh morilles here now, altough I seek them myself in the season. I made a mix whit some fresh (cultivated) "wild" sorts.