What Is Your Religeon?
The Warriors Of Anubis
08-04-2004, 16:07
What Is Your Religion? :?:
The Warriors Of Anubis
08-04-2004, 16:09
**** It I missed out Other from the poll.
08-04-2004, 16:17
I worship Anubis, the chibi God of the Dead.
08-04-2004, 16:17
if the poll is representative, then we have twice as many egyptians on ns than the combined abrahamic religions
We demons have no organized religion. Just a bunch of beliefs and superstitions.
Out of all the demons in this world, none is more frightening than man
Fort Metroplex
08-04-2004, 16:23
Thank God I'm an atheist </oxymoron>
08-04-2004, 16:27
Religion is a pointless aspect of society. I was brought up Catholic. I had to deal with the whole nine yards of Catholicism. I went to mass every week, went to mass on holy days, made reconciliation about four times a year, and I went to Catholic school from kindergarten to my senior year of high school. By the time I reached high school, I realized the arrogance of the Catholic Church. Sure, we learned about other faiths during our daily religion class, but we were told about other faiths in a very vague and unattractive way. It made Catholicism seem like the best option. Now, I am not saying that the millions upon millions of people who consider themselves to be members of a religion. If organized religion makes them happy and complete, I am all for their decision.
It may be useful to know that I am a chemist. I think very scientifically. I am not saying that all scientists do not practice a formal religion. What I am saying is that where I am in my life, I do not see a place for organized religion. I am not sure if there is a God. I do feel that there is a higher being out there that had an influence on existence. I have not even informed my parents of my faith, or lack of faith. I only recently dropped the bomb of my being gay on them.
Back to the topic: This tread is very close-minded. There are many more than three faiths out there. You cannot simply group the hundreds of religions out there together. There are Christians, but Christianity has so many branches. Yes, there are some shared beliefs, but a Catholic would be highly offended if you said they were, for example Lutheran. That goes back to my Catholic schooling. We learned the "tree" of Catholicism. The trunk was Christianity and then there were two branches. The one branch was singular and thick; it was Catholic. The other branch was thinner and had many branches, Protestant. This is because of the close-mindedness of the Catholic Church.
08-04-2004, 16:28
Thank God I'm an atheist </oxymoron>
That made me smile exactly like :D !
08-04-2004, 16:33
Quaker/Society Of Friends.
I've mentioned this a few times before, I think...
Next time, include more choices in your poll. It's horribly limited.
I'm an Atheist, and proud.
08-04-2004, 16:36
I'm following a written course on how to be a good Katholic-Jew so ask me after my exams ;)
Deagol Deaod
08-04-2004, 16:40
My religion? I dont have one, but I do have a spirituality.
Guess I would call it polydieistic animism.........
Joseph Curwen
08-04-2004, 16:44
All bow to the most unholy sleeper
may he rise to his rightful place :twisted:
soon again the stars will be right
08-04-2004, 16:44
Thank God I'm an atheist </oxymoron>lol!
I am agnostic - leaning more to atheism...
08-04-2004, 16:46
why are there people above taking this thread seriously?
The Giant Spiders
08-04-2004, 16:46
Not religious but not athiest either!
Personally speaking I am a Sarcophagusist.....
why are there people above taking this thread seriously?
There are far too many people on this forum who will take just about everything seriously...
The Warriors Of Anubis
08-04-2004, 17:00
Religion is a pointless aspect of society. I was brought up Catholic. I had to deal with the whole nine yards of Catholicism. I went to mass every week, went to mass on holy days, made reconciliation about four times a year, and I went to Catholic school from kindergarten to my senior year of high school. By the time I reached high school, I realized the arrogance of the Catholic Church. Sure, we learned about other faiths during our daily religion class, but we were told about other faiths in a very vague and unattractive way. It made Catholicism seem like the best option. Now, I am not saying that the millions upon millions of people who consider themselves to be members of a religion. If organized religion makes them happy and complete, I am all for their decision.
It may be useful to know that I am a chemist. I think very scientifically. I am not saying that all scientists do not practice a formal religion. What I am saying is that where I am in my life, I do not see a place for organized religion. I am not sure if there is a God. I do feel that there is a higher being out there that had an influence on existence. I have not even informed my parents of my faith, or lack of faith. I only recently dropped the bomb of my being gay on them.
Back to the topic: This tread is very close-minded. There are many more than three faiths out there. You cannot simply group the hundreds of religions out there together. There are Christians, but Christianity has so many branches. Yes, there are some shared beliefs, but a Catholic would be highly offended if you said they were, for example Lutheran. That goes back to my Catholic schooling. We learned the "tree" of Catholicism. The trunk was Christianity and then there were two branches. The one branch was singular and thick; it was Catholic. The other branch was thinner and had many branches, Protestant. This is because of the close-mindedness of the Catholic Church.
Chill, i meant to put OTHER as an option!
I am amazed that there are at least 4 other Egyiptians on NS, Cool!
Irish Beer Lovers
08-04-2004, 17:04
None of the above. I am happy to be a Buddhist.
08-04-2004, 18:42
Yeh leaving out Buddhists is a pretty big mission.
I'm Mennonite. Not Protestant or Catholic.
08-04-2004, 18:44
Well, I'm an Atheist...
Ditto, me too!
08-04-2004, 19:59
LDS. *Tries to hide horns* :twisted:
09-04-2004, 01:52
None of the above. 'Egyptian' isn't really a religion.
09-04-2004, 01:56
All bow to the most unholy sleeper
may he rise to his rightful place :twisted:
soon again the stars will be right
Ia Cthulu! Cthulu ftagn!
Egyptians are there own religion?! :lol:
What Is Your Religeon? :?:
German grammar. Seriously, I worship it. I haven't got around to buy this really compact grammar book I've found, about 1000 pages or so, but when I can afford it... It contains everything!
Untill then I'll just have to be satisfied with some holy xerox pergaments of a bunch of the basic truly important chapters. Passive senteces past time with modal verb... Aaahh, I feel in balance with myself and the world... ...durch, für, gegen, ohne, bis, entlang, Ich warte auf "dich", nicht auf "dir"... ...the holy spirit of German grammar is near me, I can feel it! Oh the joy!...
You misspelled religion. Care to guess mine?
*technically I am A member of one and One of two founders of another 8)
Hail Cthulhu!
Oh, Egypt is a religion? I thought it was a country.
Oh, Egypt is a religion? I thought it was a country.
I believe that some poeple here are refering to the Phaoronic religion (the original religion of) Egypt. It does happen to be pre-judaic by the way.
I consider myself agnostic. I remember a quiz told me I was a secular humanist, though.
The Warriors Of Anubis
09-04-2004, 22:56
I've heard of it but can't remember what it means. :oops:
09-04-2004, 23:46
I am an agnostic.
Emotionally, I would like to believe that I will not "really" die, that my life has a "meaning" and "purpose".
But, rationally I say "don't be so bloody stupid".
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
Yikes! A mormon!
*runs and hides*
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
Yikes! A mormon!
*runs and hides*
I'm SAD :cry:
The Frostlings
10-04-2004, 00:14
Thank God I'm an atheist </oxymoron>
A-hem. oxymoron:
inflected forms: pl.ox·y·mo·ra or ox·y·mo·rons a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms r combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
It's actually a paradox. =)
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
Yikes! A mormon!
*runs and hides*
I'm SAD :cry:
Sorry that was a JOKE. Believe me, I know what its like to have unpop beliefs here.
Ave Satanis!
Rege Satanis!
Hail Satan!
Big Jim P!
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
Yikes! A mormon!
*runs and hides*
I'm SAD :cry:
Sorry that was a JOKE. Believe me, I know what its like to have unpop beliefs here.
Its the satanist! Get out your torches and pitchforks!
Its the satanist! Get out your torches and pitchforks!
Pitchforks? LMFAO
Torches? I gotta get used to the flames sometime.
I'll just sic Igor on you.!
Its the satanist! Get out your torches and pitchforks!
Pitchforks? LMFAO
Torches? I gotta get used to the flames sometime.
I'll just sic Igor on you.!
Getr out the water and......garlic?....no wait....the priest.....the cross? well water anyway......
Islam, the religion of dea-..uh.um..I mean..peace.
Its the satanist! Get out your torches and pitchforks!
Pitchforks? LMFAO
Torches? I gotta get used to the flames sometime.
I'll just sic Igor on you.!
Getr out the water and......garlic?....no wait....the priest.....the cross? well water anyway......
I suggest a steak through the heart.
Via the belly.
The Warriors Of Anubis
10-04-2004, 09:46
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don't know what that is?... just ask encarta, they know everything: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563331/Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints.html
Yikes! A mormon!
*runs and hides*
I'm SAD :cry:
Sorry that was a JOKE. Believe me, I know what its like to have unpop beliefs here.
Its the satanist! Get out your torches and pitchforks!
Jewish spiritual agnostic.
Thank God I'm an atheist </oxymoron>
A-hem. oxymoron:
inflected forms: pl.ox·y·mo·ra or ox·y·mo·rons a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms r combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
It's actually a paradox. =)Well called. A phrase such as: "God made me an Atheist" may have been more appropriate.
Anubis, posting anything religious here is guanteed to cause a fight.
Only few of us have any knowlege with a sence of humor.
Raysian Military Tech
10-04-2004, 10:03
I be a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon)
Holy Roman Catholic (Vatican II) Not to be confused with the heritic Vatican I Catholics who will fry in hell for eternitiy. :D
10-04-2004, 10:08
I've been a Christian for four months :)
God is so good!
Raysian Military Tech
10-04-2004, 10:42
I've been a Christian for four months :)
God is so good!The first year is the hardest!
It's been challenging, but I know that whatever I'm faced with God is right there beside me and I can make it through
I've been a Christian for four months :)
God is so good!At least there are two of us around.
lol, yeah it's a good start
lol, yeah it's a good startJust remember, it all started with One!!!
The Sadistic Skinhead
10-04-2004, 11:04
im an atheist
I am a militant Christ. :x
no a joke!
i am an atheistic, better, an agnostic humanist.
10-04-2004, 14:55
Im catholic and Proud of it. (even though there are a few things i disagree with about the church)
I do not have a "religeon".
i'm a Muslim... don't seem to be many around here tho :(
Im catholic and Proud of it. (even though there are a few things i disagree with about the church)
out of interest what are the things you disagree with? if you don't mind me asking
lol, yeah it's a good startJust remember, it all started with One!!!
very good point :D
The Warriors Of Anubis
10-04-2004, 18:24
What is agnostic? :?: :?: :?:
The Warriors Of Anubis
10-04-2004, 18:25
What is agnostic? :?: :?: :?:
The Warriors Of Anubis
10-04-2004, 18:25
What is agnostic? :?: :?: :?:
The Warriors Of Anubis
10-04-2004, 18:25
What is agnostic? :?: :?: :?:
10-04-2004, 19:15
love of the diversity of the unknown
without attempting to impose names or deffinicians on it
while we believe there is something greater then ourselves
that wishes us well
and perhaps also many nontangable forces and beings that are mostly
neither it nor they are under any obligation
to bear the slightest resemblence
to anything anyone has ever believed or immagined about them
nor are any likely to take from us
that we create the kind of societies we live in
by how we live in them
however much it may pain them
to see us destroying ourselves
10-04-2004, 19:15
love of the diversity of the unknown
without attempting to impose names or deffinicians on it
while we believe there is something greater then ourselves
that wishes us well
and perhaps also many nontangable forces and beings that are mostly
neither it nor they are under any obligation
to bear the slightest resemblence
to anything anyone has ever believed or immagined about them
nor are any likely to take from us
that we create the kind of societies we live in
by how we live in them
however much it may pain them
to see us destroying ourselves
10-04-2004, 19:52
I'm pagan and proud of it!
That goes back to my Catholic schooling. We learned the "tree" of Catholicism. The trunk was Christianity and then there were two branches. The one branch was singular and thick; it was Catholic. The other branch was thinner and had many branches, Protestant. This is because of the close-mindedness of the Catholic Church.
If the "trunk" was Christianity... the two branches should have been Catholicism and the other would be Eastern Orthodoxy... (the Great Schism of 1054, the Second Eccumenical Council).
Your church school sucked, dude.
And, in case y'all couldn't tell, I am Eastern, or, more specifically, Greek Orthodox Christian.
Kali Anastasi, muthaf****ahs!
(Yes, I realize the irony of that statement. Yes, I do it for laughs.)
11-04-2004, 09:09
Christos Anesti, alithos anesti, brother. Have a joyous day.
The Warriors Of Anubis
11-04-2004, 09:33
Its Easter today, it isn't my religeon but i celebrate it for the chocolate.
Who else thinks the same?
Its Easter today, it isn't my religeon but i celebrate it for the chocolate.
Who else thinks the same?
By all means eat chocolate, it's wonderful stuff, eat as much as you like
but you can't really be claiming to celebrate Easter as you say you have not accepted the wonderful truth that the Lord Jesus Christ lived, died and was resurrected for your sake
Its Easter today, it isn't my religeon but i celebrate it for the chocolate.
Who else thinks the same?
I recognize it for my girlfriend, and can't eat chocolate.
11-04-2004, 09:43
Its Easter today, it isn't my religeon but i celebrate it for the chocolate.
Who else thinks the same?
By all means eat chocolate, it's wonderful stuff, eat as much as you like
but you can't really be claiming to celebrate Easter as you say you have not accepted the wonderful truth that the Lord Jesus Christ lived, died and was resurrected for your sake
Considering Christians stole most of their ideas off the Pagans. :roll: Where do you think you get the idea of 're-birth' and plain old 'birth'. Christians didn't think up the idea to use eggs - they got it off the Pagans. Anyone can celebrate Easter - just because Christians took over the holiday it doesn't mean that anyone who's not Christian can't properly celebrate Easter.
I'm not saying don't eat chocolate eggs, I have no issues with that - but the message of "Easter" is a Christian message, I'm not against people joining in with all the traditions and festivities, it's just the claim to be celebrating "Easter"
I'm not saying don't eat chocolate eggs, I have no issues with that - but the message of "Easter" is a Christian message, I'm not against people joining in with all the traditions and festivities, it's just the claim to be celebrating "Easter"
I try to celebrate as few holidays as possible, Easter included.
... I hope that helps.
11-04-2004, 10:08
I'm not saying don't eat chocolate eggs, I have no issues with that - but the message of "Easter" is a Christian message, I'm not against people joining in with all the traditions and festivities, it's just the claim to be celebrating "Easter"
One message of Easter. :wink: There's plenty more out there.
Have a great holiday peeps. :P
11-04-2004, 10:27
i feel that ásatrú is good :)
but i am also a communist (but this isn't an official religion :lol: )
11-04-2004, 10:29
FEAR THE g0at!!!
We're supposed to roast a lamb for Passover. Maybe a goat would work, too.
The Warriors Of Anubis
11-04-2004, 11:41
mmmmmmmmmm roast goat. :lol:
The Warriors Of Anubis
11-04-2004, 16:15
Celestial Paranoia
11-04-2004, 16:21
Dragons Bay
11-04-2004, 16:23
Protestant Christian.
Happy Easter to ALL OF YOU! :D
11-04-2004, 16:25
Non-religious/Atheist. And happy easter to you, Dragon's Bay.
The Warriors Of Anubis
12-04-2004, 10:18
12-04-2004, 10:22
I'm not saying don't eat chocolate eggs, I have no issues with that - but the message of "Easter" is a Christian message, I'm not against people joining in with all the traditions and festivities, it's just the claim to be celebrating "Easter"
Actually jews had it first... Jesus was later on...
12-04-2004, 10:23
What is agnostic? :?: :?: :?:
I'm an Agnostic. Roughly it means someone who doesn't believe that we can know whether or not God exists. It's also commonly used to mean someone who just isn't sure whether (a) god exists.
12-04-2004, 10:25
I'm not saying don't eat chocolate eggs, I have no issues with that - but the message of "Easter" is a Christian message, I'm not against people joining in with all the traditions and festivities, it's just the claim to be celebrating "Easter"
Well, actually the Christians in Europe hijacked a pagan fertility festival, so it's actually about at least two completely different religious messages at the same time. People can celebrate Easter however they want, it isn't up to you.
12-04-2004, 10:35
Well, I think of myself as a Hindu as I was brought up as one.. I do agree with many of its teachings.
The idea of "god" does not appeal to me in its traditional sence, but I do believe that there is something greater than myself. I would put myself down as an agonist, leaning towards a greatness or oneness but away from a god as such.
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
Curse you! Never make me look words up again!
12-04-2004, 11:41
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
Curse you! Never make me look words up again!
Then become literate.
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
Curse you! Never make me look words up again!
Then become literate.
Them be fightin words draw thy tool vile fiend!
The Warriors Of Anubis
12-04-2004, 11:49
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
Curse you! Never make me look words up again!
Then become literate.
12-04-2004, 11:51
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
The Warriors Of Anubis
12-04-2004, 11:51
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
I guess I am a hippie too. I do wear beads. :lol:
And we all know you smoke the reefer
No I don't.
Drugs are anathema!
Curse you! Never make me look words up again!
Then become literate.
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
I did not insult your literacy. You posted for me not to make you look up a word.
*Places his hands on the pair of swords*
I have won every duel I've been in. Ask Sixy
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
I did not insult your literacy. You posted for me not to make you look up a word.
*Places his hands on the pair of swords*
I have won every duel I've been in. Ask Sixy
I have my battle axe we can tango when you want to tango
12-04-2004, 12:15
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
Not at all, I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol:
Athine is an active UU poster here, that's all.
I was just remarking about the "hippie" comment, not the religion.
UU's are great, no problems.
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
Not at all, I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol:
Athine is an active UU poster here, that's all.
I was just remarking about the "hippie" comment, not the religion.
UU's are great, no problems.
Oh ok then.......yeah it appears to be liberal not hippie......and there is a difference.....somewhere
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
Not at all, I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol:
Athine is an active UU poster here, that's all.
I was just remarking about the "hippie" comment, not the religion.
UU's are great, no problems.
Battle axe against two swords. Start taking betsColl
Cherokee Fish
12-04-2004, 12:19
Athiest :twisted:
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
I did not insult your literacy. You posted for me not to make you look up a word.
*Places his hands on the pair of swords*
I have won every duel I've been in. Ask Sixy
I have my battle axe we can tango when you want to tango
*Draws hs swords.*
Bring it on little Lady!
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
Not at all, I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol:
Athine is an active UU poster here, that's all.
I was just remarking about the "hippie" comment, not the religion.
UU's are great, no problems.
Battle axe against two swords. Start taking betsColl
Youre going down..........it may be hard to swing but you shouldnt underestimate my incredible strength......monkey
I already brought it, laid it down and opened it.......*throws battle axe a Jim cutting off 4 fingers on his right hand and it returns like a boomerang*
id just like to say you are all idiots
dont bother relplying im not coming back here
id just like to say you are all idiots
dont bother relplying im not coming back here
And youre a panda and I did reply........panda
The quiz says Unitarian Universalist........I guess that means I'm a hippie.
Talk to Athine; she(?) will straighten out your UU thinking.
I guess I'm taking on all competitors first first Jim insults my literacy then Mr. Col insults my supposed religion.......its on!
Not at all, I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol:
Athine is an active UU poster here, that's all.
I was just remarking about the "hippie" comment, not the religion.
UU's are great, no problems.
Battle axe against two swords. Start taking betsColl
Youre going down..........it may be hard to swing but you shouldnt underestimate my incredible strength......monkey
And you under estimate my strength, speed and dexterity.* another word you might want to look up*
I understand dexterity Ive got the dexterity especially in the lower regions......sowcow!
I already brought it, laid it down and opened it.......*throws battle axe a Jim cutting off 4 fingers on his right hand and it returns like a boomerang*
*right hand sword falls to the ground*
*left hand sword slashes across Aliedel,s body.* then plunges through the heart.*
*Bleeds, ties up his hand*
You really should learn to use an axe.
I already brought it, laid it down and opened it.......*throws battle axe a Jim cutting off 4 fingers on his right hand and it returns like a boomerang*
*right hand sword falls to the ground*
*left hand sword slashes across Aliedel,s body.* then plunges through the heart.*
*Bleeds, ties up his hand*
You really should learn to use an axe.
*eats heart* *sews stomach* *slashes your skull cutting off a couple inches of skin brain and skull*
Christianity is a blatant copy of the much older Zoroasterism! I mean seriously :?
On a sidenote I'm an atheist/agnostic(optimism) with alot of Budhist beliefs.
I still can't believe how far Christianity has come, since its almost exactly like good ol' Zoroaster's religion only came awhile afterwards. It had the same framework as Christianity and I think Christianity is just a blatant copy ^_^
I also started a cult once that had well over 10 members, but I had to let it go :(
12-04-2004, 13:52
*takes all bets on the great bloody duel. Current odds: Big Jim, 5-4*
12-04-2004, 15:05
Did any of you guys ever see Dogma? I laughed even though i'm a Catholic. What a bunch of screwy people.
The Warriors Of Anubis
14-04-2004, 11:40
I forget to look at my forum for a few days and someone gets stabbed in the heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14-04-2004, 12:20
I'm Wiccan, myself.
"'An it harm none, do as you will." :wink:
Smart Socialist States
14-04-2004, 12:29
I already brought it, laid it down and opened it.......*throws battle axe a Jim cutting off 4 fingers on his right hand and it returns like a boomerang*
*right hand sword falls to the ground*
*left hand sword slashes across Aliedel,s body.* then plunges through the heart.*
*Bleeds, ties up his hand*
You really should learn to use an axe.
*eats heart* *sews stomach* *slashes your skull cutting off a couple inches of skin brain and skull*
*OOC* just don't mar the face.*
Withdraws the left hand sword, and uses it to slash across Aleidels body. Slowly falls due to injuries.