NationStates Jolt Archive

Fun or spam?

08-04-2004, 15:53
Some folks feel that if a thread is not related to something which can be debated, it's spam.

I enjoy the word games, and some "clubhouse" and "party" threads; they're harmless amusement and don't use that much bandwidth. Many have been shut down.

I've had quizzes and games removed.

What do you think? Should we just have a "serious debate" forum, or have some fun?
08-04-2004, 16:05

There are other websites if you want to play games.
08-04-2004, 16:07
I’ve been on forums that had such layouts, but then the general forum was littered with so much crap that I just stopped going there and spent my time debating. So no, I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s much more interesting as it is now.
Out of all the demons in this world, none is more frightening than man
08-04-2004, 16:07
A mixture of both. There are lots of different types of people, who want to see lots of things.
08-04-2004, 16:11
The problem with a debate only format is that the same people are the ones doing all the talking. Eventually, you know everyone's hot button issues and exactly how they feel on whatever causes are closest to them and it becomes less and less about a constructive exchange of ideas and more and more about beating down So-and-So who punched a hole in your pet theory fifty threads ago.

I say, so long as it's not trying to sell me penile enhancements, foreign mail-order brides or any type of porn (I have a separate e-mail account for that type of thing), anything goes.
08-04-2004, 16:11
The suggestion of having another forum just for serious debates has been discussed many times.

I think the mods, and a lot of users, felt that either the new forum would degenerate into spam, or that there would be nothing left to redeem General at all. [edit: if i could be bothered wrestling with the server i'd dig you out a discussion thread]

I also like the quizzes and the word games. i don't have a lot of time for extremely long posts that just are cut'n'past articles, especially where, as you say, there's no personal comments and the poster hasn't kicked off the discussion.
08-04-2004, 16:18
The problem with a debate only format is that the same people are the ones doing all the talking. Eventually, you know everyone's hot button issues and exactly how they feel on whatever causes are closest to them and it becomes less and less about a constructive exchange of ideas and more and more about beating down So-and-So who punched a hole in your pet theory fifty threads ago.

I agree.
Another problem with debate is that PEOPLE NEVER STOP ARGUING, because they think that their viewpoint, and theirs only, is the correct one. Thus leading to pages and pages, and countless threads, explaining why their view is the "best" one. Not a waste, but still, this happens repeatedly and does get tiring.
The White Hats
08-04-2004, 16:37
*Places two cents on table*

Me? I sometimes find some of the debates quite interesting to read, but generally if I want to be serious I get plenty of that at work. So I come here to kick back and relax. Posting on the fun threads is a good way of saying hi to people here.
08-04-2004, 18:55
I agree with White Hats. I suppose it depends on why people come here in the first place.
08-04-2004, 19:11
If this place was only to be debate we would have all threads on more or less exactly the same topic on the first pages. This week would only have been about Iraq, some weeks ago only Bush and a month ago only gay marrige.

Pretty dead forum.
Daistallia 2104
08-04-2004, 19:29
A mix. I RP, debate, and post silliness.
However, a separate debate forum might be nice. (I migrated from the SDMBs which had a great debates and BBQ- flame forum. Those were quite nice - if you wanted to do that you could, if you didn*t you could avoid it easily..)
08-04-2004, 20:42
Spam is what made General Forum fun. True it can mess up the server but is'nt that why no thread can be more than 65 pages long now?If it's not blatantly offensive or useless and people post there, I say leave it.
08-04-2004, 22:21
Sing it with me:

"we built this forum,
We built this forum with spam and trolls!
Built this forum,
Built this forum with spam and trollllls...!"
08-04-2004, 22:21
Sing it with me:

"we built this forum,
We built this forum with spam and trolls!
Built this forum,
Built this forum with spam and trollllls...!"
08-04-2004, 23:09
Sing it with me:

"we built this forum,
We built this forum with spam and trolls!
Built this forum,
Built this forum with spam and trollllls...!"

I have been Inspired to re-write the entire song lyrics 8)

I think that there is room for both debate threads and fun/social threads. This is a game after all.

08-04-2004, 23:48
One man's trash is another man's garbage.

Some days I enjoy debates, on others some silliness is needed. Seems that there are all sorts to select from here. If folks are not happy with what is offered, move on.
09-04-2004, 01:36
Sing it with me:

"we built this forum,
We built this forum with spam and trolls!
Built this forum,
Built this forum with spam and trollllls...!"

*plugs in the guitar*

Da, dada, da da...

Btw, Graustarke, you can play the drums, right? :wink:
09-04-2004, 02:14
Drums?? You bet!
09-04-2004, 02:17
Drums?? You bet!

And you know the beat to that song too, right? 8)
09-04-2004, 02:19

There are other websites if you want to play games.

Dude, this entire website is a freakin' game.
09-04-2004, 02:24

There are other websites if you want to play games.

Dude, this entire website is a freakin' game.

Touche! :lol:

Although some people might argue that it is a commercial...
09-04-2004, 03:40
Its a commercial and a game.

09-04-2004, 04:02

There are other websites if you want to play games.

Dude, this entire website is a freakin' game.

Holy Shitfire Batman! I thought it was all real :shock: :shock: :shock:
The Atheists Reality
09-04-2004, 04:06
*screams at the realization that NS means less than real life*
09-04-2004, 04:12
In Norway, no one can hear you scream.