RL city of Chicago is a dictatorship
Daleys Chicago
08-04-2004, 04:17
I hate Daley, he is evil. I made this nation as a joke. My currency is the bribe and my quote is the "Best gov. money can buy, and take out MEIGS"
I live in Chicago and am a prisoner to a corrupt city
Never been to Chicago. Word on the street is it has tall buildings.
And it's friggin' windy as hell.
Southern Industrial
08-04-2004, 04:31
Tell the windy city story!
Any, After Daley did that I said, "Iraq needs a governer that is skilled in democracy but has lived under a dictatorship and knows what its like, like a Chicagoan."
08-04-2004, 07:50
I lived there for four years.
It was a dictatorship, but mostly benevolent. They picked up the garbage, swept the streets, and mowed the grass in the parks.
I was in a Police Athletic League basketball gym out on Navy Pier where they had a HUGE photo of a bust of hizzoner (The current guy's dad) hanging from the ceiling along the wall behind the scoreboard.. It was black and white, tinted but not lifelike, and had to be over 30 feet tall.
It felt just like being in Red China, or Hitler's Germany.
Still, there were great sports teams, plenty of live entertainment, 2 decent zoos, several good colleges, all sorts of lively and safe ethnic neighborhoods, it was fun for what it was.
Daleys Chicago
08-04-2004, 21:22
I lived there for four years.
It was a dictatorship, but mostly benevolent. They picked up the garbage, swept the streets, and mowed the grass in the parks.
I was in a Police Athletic League basketball gym out on Navy Pier where they had a HUGE photo of a bust of hizzoner (The current guy's dad) hanging from the ceiling along the wall behind the scoreboard.. It was black and white, tinted but not lifelike, and had to be over 30 feet tall.
It felt just like being in Red China, or Hitler's Germany.
Still, there were great sports teams, plenty of live entertainment, 2 decent zoos, several good colleges, all sorts of lively and safe ethnic neighborhoods, it was fun for what it was.
If you lived there now you would know Hell. The schools suck, (a good reason to be a proud person now in the suburbs), the murder rate is the highest in the country, they fired the fire commissioner because he was white and Daley wanted a black, the mob has bought most of the 50 Aldermann. I know this, my great-grandpa was neighbor with former Chicago mob boss Sam The Camel Giancanna. My great-grandpa even had the current mayors father, who was mayor at the time, in his pocket books. The current regime of Richard M. Daley is worse
08-04-2004, 22:18
Our landlord was an alderman under Richard J; when it came time to vote he got all the tenants in a row and marched us down to the polls, waving a furled-up umbrella in front of us like a drum major!
Daleys Chicago
09-04-2004, 00:28
The alderman are so corrupt. I think of the 50 total, 49 are democrats.
I made my nation's currency the bribe
So what exactly is wrong with dictators?
Tuesday Heights
09-04-2004, 06:47
I have a friend going to school in Chicago, and she hates it, even though everything she heard about it told her she liked it. She doesn't feel safe there at all.
Daleys Chicago
25-04-2004, 00:14
The burbs have good schools like New Trier, Maine Township schools, and of course there is Glenbrook (where you can haze people to escape final exams and still get credit)
THey need some anarchists.
"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality."
Free your mind! (http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/berkman/comanarchism/whatis_toc.html)
I like big butts!
Well, although I don't have direct experience with Chicago corruption, I can completely understand what you are saying, Daleys Chicago.
I live just west of O'Hare Airport (and have been to Chi many times), and that blasted O'Hare expansion (I don't live in Bensenville...) got plenty of people angry.
Just goes to show you that the place that has the money, has the power (just like LA with its water wars on Colorado River, and just like Chicago's reversal of the Chicago river, dumping sewage south, now), and the project was a good example of it. Thankfully, the project hasn't been fulfilled.
I digressed, anyway, I'm very impartial towards Chicago, and its politics.
But one thing I notice is that those aldermen are sure "acky," (make your own connotation).
Yeah, some schools are suck in Chicago, and the racist problem there is astronomical (but isn't it elsewhere?), and the gangs are horrible (I don't know about mobs, and/or Mafia).
BTW, Glenbrook is full of annoying richies. Ugh.
Once again, I digress, I'm more familiar with NW schools, such as in Schaumburg, EGV, Palatine, etc.
Those are very, very, very normal neighborhoods. More normal than documentaries, thus, mundanely boring.