Why are movies rated?
Ankur Pothead
07-04-2004, 18:38
I think it's just stupid to rate movies. pg, pg 13, r or whatever. I mean common everyone knows that it ain't stopping anyone from watching whatever they want to watch.
07-04-2004, 18:40
Its so 13 year olds going to the movies don't go watch "Showgirls", really.
Alfred Packer
07-04-2004, 18:58
Its so 13 year olds going to the movies don't go watch "Showgirls", really.
Realy we need a rating so no one goes to see showgirls.
Simple gives you an idea of what kind of movie your going to. Helps parents mantain content. Everyone knows underage people see R rated movies, we just dont want 8 year olds to see them.
08-04-2004, 02:46
Except for hardcore porn I don't think ratings are necessary.
The studios all want PG-13 or R (don't know how they're rated in other countries); so they take a G-level movie and add some unnecessary cursing and bathroom humor, or at the other end they screen out the hottest parts with shadows or quick splices but leave little to the imagination.
I suppose if Hollywood didn't rate them Washington would feel obligated to move in; that would be worse.
08-04-2004, 02:52
alrite. assume that this is last year and both the matrix revolutions and nemo are out. ur a little kid. do u want to see a fish, or a guy flying around going kung fu on everybody? with no ratings, parents have no idea how to judge the movies that they take their kids to. granted, the kids hate it when they want to see sumthing and the parents turn it down just because of the rating, but thats better than a 5 year old seeing the sex scenes and saying afterwards "mommy, what where those people doing?"
08-04-2004, 03:22
Oh I think parents and kids know just what they're getting. They have ads, marketing is aimed at particular groups.
Although I did in fact think the "Power Puff Girls" movie was pretty rough for the grade school set.
The Rating system was established because parents didn’t want their kids “exposed” to certain things. Basically it was the lazy parents solution to deciding what movies were appropriate for their children.
G: Not likely to offend anyone, unless it’s made by Disney.
PG: May have some language and a little violence but nothing serious.
PG-13: Language and violence throughout the story
R: Strong language, violence, sexual content.
NC-17: Strong sexual themes, what else do you need to know?
The rating system used to be a lot simpler and contained just the following
G, M, R, and X
M was split up into PG, and PG-13, and X was changed into NC-17
Anything beyond that is porn and not officially recognized by the MPAA rating system.
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