NationStates Jolt Archive

OKAY OKAY! WE GET IT! America ISNT the best nation on Earth!

07-04-2004, 05:40
Geez, you people run around going "America isn't the best nation and here's why BLAH BLAH BLAH!"

In another thread, someone accused the thread of being Anti-American when it asked "Is America really the best nation on Earth?", he was replied with a big ol
"To suggest that America isn't necessarily "the greatest" country is not at all the same as saying "America sucks". Just asking people to take a reality-check and to be self-aware isn't being critical of them. Why do so many take instant offence at this?"

Why do we take instant offense? Because we hear it on this board EVERY OTHER DAMN DAY! Just once I'd like to see a "Canada isn't really the best nation" or a "Switz. isn't the best nation" or a "Britain sucks!" thread!

No, we all gotta gang up on America. What have we done to you, specifically? Have we murdered your parents? Have we insulted your weight-problem genes? Do we ridicule your education system? NO WE DO NOT!

Here's my national flag. I wave it high and proud because, IMO, it is a symbol of the greatest nation that has befallen Earth. It's also a flag that endured over 200 years of killing, suffering, war, poverty, discrimination, etc. "...the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there...."

Sure, we have our problems. So what? There are a million problems with your country, your family, this site, yourself, etc. What's the difference?

Yeah, this is the most patriotic thread I'll make in a long time. Look at it. Look at that flag. Isn't it beautiful? Ya know what? I'm feeling good now that I got THAT outta my system! Put your national flag up as well...and if your nice enough, I'll put your flag below this paragraph for everyone to see my ranting, the US flag, and your flag...
The Atheists Reality
07-04-2004, 05:42
i'd post the australian flag, but i dont agree with the monarchy
07-04-2004, 05:49
yeah our flags still stuck with the union jack. There's been loads of discussion about whether we should change it or not, but noone can seem to decide on a satisfactory solution. The silver fern was one idea, but that probably wont happen.
07-04-2004, 05:50
Geez, you people run around going "America isn't the best nation and here's why BLAH BLAH BLAH!"

In another thread, someone accused the thread of being Anti-American when it asked "Is America really the best nation on Earth?", he was replied with a big ol
"To suggest that America isn't necessarily "the greatest" country is not at all the same as saying "America sucks". Just asking people to take a reality-check and to be self-aware isn't being critical of them. Why do so many take instant offence at this?"

Why do we take instant offense? Because we hear it on this board EVERY OTHER DAMN DAY! Just once I'd like to see a "Canada isn't really the best nation" or a "Switz. isn't the best nation" or a "Britain sucks!" thread!

No, we all gotta gang up on America. What have we done to you, specifically? Have we murdered your parents? Have we insulted your weight-problem genes? Do we ridicule your education system? NO WE DO NOT!

You have murdered a lot of people's parents, yes. Not mine, fortunately, but a whole lot of Iraqi's, and other nationalities. (Luckily, no Melforlian :lol: )

Here's my national flag. I wave it high and proud because, IMO, it is a symbol of the greatest nation that has befallen Earth. It's also a flag that endured over 200 years of killing, suffering, war, poverty, discrimination, etc. "...the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there...."

Sure, we have our problems. So what? There are a million problems with your country, your family, this site, yourself, etc. What's the difference?

Yeah, this is the most patriotic thread I'll make in a long time. Look at it. Look at that flag. Isn't it beautiful? Ya know what? I'm feeling good now that I got THAT outta my system! Put your national flag up as well...and if your nice enough, I'll put your flag below this paragraph for everyone to see my ranting, the US flag, and your flag...

Maybe the reason people like to debate the fact that the US isn't the best country in the world because so many Americans seem to think that it is. I'm from Canada; It's not the best country in the world. (Q: How does the Canadian Government work? A: It doesn't.) The fact that you claim it is causes people to be offended.

Accept that maybe your country isn't the past, acknowledge the fact, and I bet a lot of people would give you guys a break.
07-04-2004, 05:53
Great, I'm off again...

anyways, look at the damn topic title and tell me if I didnt acknowledge it
07-04-2004, 05:57
Great, I'm off again...

anyways, look at the damn topic title and tell me if I didnt acknowledge it

I feel your pain, fellow American.
07-04-2004, 05:57
awesome, a hug

thanks...i'm down to normal
07-04-2004, 06:04
Thats what confuses me. First you say, okay we're not, we get it... next you are saying that you are... which is it?
07-04-2004, 06:04
Thats what confuses me. First you say, okay we're not, we get it... next you are saying that you are... which is it?

We're not in realistic terms. We are IMO

I doubt I said it clear enough. Oh well
Garaj Mahal
07-04-2004, 06:18
Just once I'd like to see a "Canada isn't really the best nation"

I've just posted a thread with that very title, just for you :D
07-04-2004, 06:19
Just once I'd like to see a "Canada isn't really the best nation"

I've just posted a thread with that very title, just for you :D
thank you very much, so very much...
07-04-2004, 06:21
I am a Canadian living in America, and here's why I hate America:
1. You do make fun of our school system
2. You make fun of the way we talk.
3. Just because I do something different, it is wrong
4. You can only hear Blame Canada so many times...
5. You think you are always right
6. You believe everything your government tells you, even though it has been proven that they are all a bunch of liars.
7. You only care about Americans.
07-04-2004, 06:24
I am a Canadian living in America, and here's why I hate America:
1. You do make fun of our school system
2. You make fun of the way we talk.
3. Just because I do something different, it is wrong
4. You can only hear Blame Canada so many times...
5. You think you are always right
6. You believe everything your government tells you, even though it has been proven that they are all a bunch of liars.
7. You only care about Americans.

As also a Canadian, I fully agree with the above. Americans always think that they are right and think they can pick on anyone who they want just because they think they are the "best".
Garaj Mahal
07-04-2004, 06:26
Well as a Canadian I gotta ask why you're down there if you hate it so much?

every time I visit the U.S. I always am treated very well. (It helps that I bring lotsa Canadian chocolate bars and maple sugar cookies)
07-04-2004, 06:26
I am a Canadian living in America, and here's why I hate America:
1. You do make fun of our school system
2. You make fun of the way we talk.
3. Just because I do something different, it is wrong
4. You can only hear Blame Canada so many times...
5. You think you are always right
6. You believe everything your government tells you, even though it has been proven that they are all a bunch of liars.
7. You only care about Americans.

As also a Canadian, I fully agree with the above. Americans always think that they are right and think they can pick on anyone who they want just because they think they are the "best".

You got the proof? I haven't heard of ANYONE here speaking **** about Canada. Even if we did, the amound we talk about you PALES in comparison about the way you talk about us
07-04-2004, 06:26
I know, it's just not right. I mean I didn't walk into America thinking that I was better than them for being Canadian, but then they thought they were better than me because they are American. It's just such a hypocrtical country that it makes me very very angry
07-04-2004, 06:29
its the problem with being the strongest, most influential country. everyone compares themselves to america in some way and america effects every nation, like it or not. if zimbabwe were such a huge power, wed be second guessing its actions too. no matter what descision the us makes, there will be winners and losers, and because its descisions are so visible in international affairs, the winners and the losers are also made visable. criticism is part of success, deal with it.
AntiPatriot Act Drones
07-04-2004, 06:31
I am an AMERIKAN that used to live in Holland and loved it here. Here we all think we are so great, our suburbs so fake, our little fake job and lives. We need to let go a bit. The world does not revolve around us.
07-04-2004, 06:39
I think the reason people lay so much s**t on the US is because it is for better or worse the world's super-power, yet the image it portrays of itself is one of a very closed minded country. I don't think this is specifically the fault of the american people, I think there are some deep issues with how democracy works in your country that have turned it against your favour.

Who am I to talk though, I'm from Australia, and we're quickly shifting from a tolerant society to a land of hatred. (Following in America's footsteps). I'm happy that, for the moment; I can still go to school, and get healthcare for free.
The Edwardian Empire
07-04-2004, 06:44
I am a Canadian living in America, and here's why I hate America:
1. You do make fun of our school system
2. You make fun of the way we talk.
3. Just because I do something different, it is wrong
4. You can only hear Blame Canada so many times...
5. You think you are always right
6. You believe everything your government tells you, even though it has been proven that they are all a bunch of liars.
7. You only care about Americans.

As also a Canadian, I fully agree with the above. Americans always think that they are right and think they can pick on anyone who they want just because they think they are the "best".

we make fun of the way you talk and you can call us gun-toting slack-jawed yokels, it all works out!

the first four are always in jest, we love canada.
5. well i AM always right!! :lol:
6. bah... one bad decision. that was one guy, though, so it doesn't count. never mind that we elected him (on the idea that he'd not ruin the economy like al gore most certainly would have done, after all he spent 8 years helping to do it and just needs a couple more terms to see it throgh to the end, not on the idea that we should invade a nation (not nations plural, afghanistan was 100% legitimate) because they're assholes. where was i? //it's a sin to post without saying SOMETHING bad about the democratic party :lol: sorry that i had to bring that up, but i really, really wanted to!
7. when i live in another country, i'll start caring about it. until then, welcome to capitalism. (let's see how much foreign aid CANADA sends to africa this year...)

if any of that wasn't clear, attribute it to tiredness, not "LIEK OMG EYE AM TEH AMERICAN AND EYE AM TEH OWNZ0R J00R WMDZ0RRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111"-ness. did i just associate being american with speaking 1337?
07-04-2004, 06:47
leadership needs to be decisive, and there needs to be a little bit of huberous if you are a super power. its this weird cycle of success breeding confedence. it becomes a viscious circle. look at how racist britain and the rest of europe used to be. with success comes conceitedness.
07-04-2004, 06:50
Gotta love rampant nationalism in America. And the influence of corporations in government. And the scape-goating of "enemies of the state".
Know what this is called? Fascism.
07-04-2004, 06:52
Gotta love rampant nationalism in America. And the influence of corporations in government. And the scape-g0at of "enemies of the state".
Know what this is called? Fascism.

or britain pre 1913...
07-04-2004, 06:52
Gotta love rampant nationalism in America. And the influence of corporations in government. And the scape-g0at of "enemies of the state".
Know what this is called? Fascism.

You're not allowed to call it "nationalism". It's "patriotism" - although, I can't find any difference between the two terms. :P
Yes We Have No Bananas
07-04-2004, 06:55
Why do we question if America is the 'greatest' country?

Simple, America is always telling the world how to do things. Americans mostly seem to think their right is the right way, we foriegners all do it wrong. I had an American exchange student live me for a while, all he did was bitch and moan about how Australia was different from America. " We do it like this in America . . . We have this in America . . . I can't believe you guys ain't got that here". Never mind trying to understand we do things differently and maybe open your mind a little. Well, it drove me to tears and he ended up going back to his beloved America early anyway.

We are always being told how 'great' America is, through Hollywood, CNN and other 'cultural' outlets. I think it's natural that we question this.

Plus one more thing, I have noticed not that many Americans know too much about other countries, their histories, capital cities. What is with that? Not taking a general swipe at you all, I have meet some yanks who are alright guys, just some don't seem to even give a toss about what has happened outside America.
07-04-2004, 07:00
Ah, America is exactly what it appears to be.. think about it.. it's like a spoiled child. It is after all an infant as far as countries go. (Yes, I know so is Canada, but we are the better behaved infant It's like the rich kid who has no parental supervision and goes around the schoolyard bullying the other kids. Has to much say for a child so young and has no real history.. (not like Europe) to have learned yet from their mistakes.. yet.. they still are the rich kid and we want to go to their As a mother of two.. this makes perfect sense to me!
07-04-2004, 07:11

This is the FUNNIEST thread I have ever read about in my life.

I'm an American but I hate everything about our government. If it were up to me, we'd go back to isolationism and leave you Europeans to screw yourselves over with all the problems you have.

Also, it is a common misconception that EVERYONE here supported the war in Iraq. Infact, only about 53% actually support it and now we have to support Bush or else we'll screw ourselves over by pulling out and leaving Iraq destroyed with anti-american contempt in their hearts. We knew Bush would do something idiotic, but he bolted past congress by using a technicality of never actually declaring war on Iraq. We were just as surprised when he gave that ultimatum as the rest of the world.

I really HATE Bush and would not vote for him again(didn't the first time) He is just finishing his daddy's business. He really has turned us into what the rest of the world sees us as.

And hes saddling our kids with his taxes, thanks George.

So? Whats everyone say? Back to isolationism!
07-04-2004, 07:13
Ah, America is exactly what it appears to be.. think about it.. it's like a spoiled child. It is after all an infant as far as countries go. (Yes, I know so is Canada, but we are the better behaved infant It's like the rich kid who has no parental supervision and goes around the schoolyard bullying the other kids. Has to much say for a child so young and has no real history.. (not like Europe) to have learned yet from their mistakes.. yet.. they still are the rich kid and we want to go to their As a mother of two.. this makes perfect sense to me!

britain was an infant when it took power in the 18th century. France wasnt even a coherent nation until just before it became a world power. In fact, most states as we know didnt have national identities until they industrialized. the idea of nationalism going back centuries is a myth. america is "older" than germany and italy, for example, so why dont we treat them as brash youngsters too?

europe gets to sit back and criticize because the us does all the dirty work. the us has to pay for europe's military for the most part, while they get to enjoy their liberal paradises and not worry about keeping balances of power or making sure markets remain open and free trade keeps on happening. basically, canada and europe get to reap all the benifits of what the us does while being free from all the blame. so really, id say the us is more like a cop (a cliche i know), it has to make all the hard descisions while everyone is always complaining about police brutality and too many heavy handed tactics. europe is like that old man who sits on his porch and says "back in my day, we did it much better..." and id like to see canada retain its golden boy image if it was in charge of balancing power or had half the responsibility america does.

that being said, america has done some really really bad things and absolutly should be criticized. and it keeps making bad decisions. but hey, most of foreign policy is choosing the best out of many bad decisions.
07-04-2004, 07:16
The USA is the best and will aways be the best God Bless America!!!!!!!
07-04-2004, 07:18
I'm with Freedomstein on this one. We, and our cousins across the ditch, call it the "Tall Poppy Syndrome". Some consider it the politics of envy, others would say it's just an attempt to ensure the successful don't get delusions of grandeur.

The USA is picked on for two reasons: because it is, in some senses at least, the greatest nation on Earth and some people resent that; and because it acts like its greatness gives it the right to dictate to the rest of us.

If America could simply be great, in the ways that it undoubtedly is, without making an issue of it all the time, you mightn't have so many people reminding you that it's not the greatest at everything. As this game daily shows us, no country can be the best at everything, and many, if not most, nations are better than the US at something.
07-04-2004, 07:34
I am an American, and extremely proud of it. Granted, this country's government has screwed up as all nations have. We did drive the Native Amercans off their land and took over, we interned Japanese-Americans during WW2, and yes, our national policies have hurt certain nations. I have had those examples thrown at me a few times. I certainly am not proud of the fact that these types of things took place, but they certainly did happen. I am not denying that. Invading Iraq was not just and was our first preemptive war. However, the fact is that we are there now and are staying there until it is a stable, autonomous nation once again.

As for Canada-bashing...
If you are being harrased by my American brothers simply because you are a Canadian citizen, that's not cool at all. Those guys must just be a-holes then. I'm sorry those guys that did that to you have made you see America in that way. I have many Canadian friends and we all get along just fine. The few a-holes in this country ruin it for the rest of us caring, compassionate people.

I've been to Canada. I was treated very well by people up there. I did run into a few people who thought it would be fun to make of me due to the fact that I am a US citizen. However, I did not hold that against the entire country.

I believe this is such a great country because it is the "Great Experiment" in democracy, the first democracy since ancient Greece and Rome, and has lasted well over 200 years. It is so great because the structure of the government allows it so much flexibility to change with the times and remain stable. Many more democracies have popped up since 1776 with much of the same attributes of the US government structure. It just goes to show that we're a great model to build upon, and possibly improve. That's why we're great.

Indeed, there are things to improve in my country as in any other country and I thank this grand ol' republic for giving me the opportunity to rise to the occasion to fix the problems that exist.

The things I have said here are the thoughts and feelings of a VAST MAJORITY of the people of the United States of America. I have traveled across the nation many times and have met so many people. The ignorant ranting of how much better we are than Canada or the rest of the world for that matter is just that, ignorant.

Sorry for the long post! lol
07-04-2004, 07:54
07-04-2004, 08:19
I'm with Freedomstein on this one. We, and our cousins across the ditch, call it the "Tall Poppy Syndrome". Some consider it the politics of envy, others would say it's just an attempt to ensure the successful don't get delusions of grandeur.

The USA is picked on for two reasons: because it is, in some senses at least, the greatest nation on Earth and some people resent that; and because it acts like its greatness gives it the right to dictate to the rest of us.

If America could simply be great, in the ways that it undoubtedly is, without making an issue of it all the time, you mightn't have so many people reminding you that it's not the greatest at everything. As this game daily shows us, no country can be the best at everything, and many, if not most, nations are better than the US at something.

I agree with you for the most part, especially the whole we should just be great without making a big deal of it. but, and this is gfoing to sound bad, we do have the right to dictate how the world should be run. the world needs a leader to maintain world order and make sure things dont get out of hand. the last time there was a vaccuum of power in which no one nation had a controlling hand in world affairs, ww1 broke out. if the world had parity and each nation was about as strong as the others, war would happen constantly. by having one nation shape things and police the world, there is a realitive peace. it sucks that the peace comes on the backs of the third world countries, but maybe it beats constant warfare?
07-04-2004, 08:20
You know what, I just noticed that post from Kalandria. A return to isolationism surely would fix things. All of our troops could finally return home from South Korea, Japan, Germany, Cuba, and so many other places as well.

It surely would save us from another terrorist attack since bin Laden would basically have his way and could then install his "Taliban-esque" Islamic governments throughout the Middle East. The armies of infidels would finally leave the holy soil of Saudi Arabia. Basically, the whole region would be one big happy family, right?

Now that we live in the post-Soviet era, there are no major threats of a conventional military attack by another isolationsim would be somewhat feasible.

Yes, we should return to our pre-World War II policies. Yeah right.

Believe it or not, American troops are keeping the world in balance for now. If we withdrew from South Korea and Japan, North Korea would have an open door for conquest once again as it did 50 years ago. NK has the manpower, technology, motive, and will to do so. If we made a complete withdrawal of troops from the Middle East even after the stable governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are in place, the region would fall apart again due the Islamic extremist factions present in that region and Isreal would be invaded by numerous other Arab nations. Europe would be able to handle itself of course due to the EU and other close ties between the countries of that continent. Basically, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim would be thrown into chaos.

The problems we deal with today, I think, are a fair trade for the real possiblities that could occur without active American troops posted overseas. Therefore, at this point in history I say "nay" to a return to American isolationism.
imported_The Brave Old World
07-04-2004, 08:28
Who am I to talk though, I'm from Australia, and we're quickly shifting from a tolerant society to a land of hatred. (Following in America's footsteps). I'm happy that, for the moment; I can still go to school, and get healthcare for free.

I'd be more worried by the fact that your freedoms aren't spelled out for you in your constition and that they're simply implied. That's what you get for having someone else write your constitution.
07-04-2004, 08:29
The first democracy sine Rome! The rest of the world bases it's democracy on the US.
Oh come on. Where do you think the US got the two house system from, even the word house ?
It's a democracy yes but again we have some one claiming something for thier country that is not true.
Both Iceleand and the ISle of man have a better claim to being the seed of modern democracy than the US.
In summary.
US-powerfull nation with many good points and many but fewer bad points, one of which is making false claims.
07-04-2004, 08:42
Ok, here's a news flash, I don't know who the hillbillies and isolationists are that made our canadian neighbors feel unwelcome, but on behalf of myself, and millions of Buzzmanian (ooc *american) servicemen, let me apologize for my ignorant countrymen. In every war we have fought, in every stand we have taken, Canada has been our stalwart ally and staunchest friend in time of need. Furthermore, the cities of Canada are clean, the streets safe, the people friendly and kind to strangers, in fact, all the things that Canada is, Buzzmania (ooc America) should aspire to be.
I have myself served alongside canadian troops in the field, and they have ever proven themselves trustworthy, loyal, brave and stalwart beyond reproach. I Salute them, and the country that gave birth to such a great people.

So again, please, disregard the jealouse and small minded hillbillies and thier comments, and know that the vast majority of Buzzmanians appreciates our Great nieghbor to the north.

ps. And for those who do not respect the opinion of a soldier, well, how many times did Canada allow our draft dodgers a place to hide?
And our NA's a place to flee to?
shame on you who would make them feel unwelcome In my country.

Scotty Sustier dit Trenchmontagne
Buzzmanian President, and American since 1610
Yes We Have No Bananas
07-04-2004, 08:43
The first democracy sine Rome! The rest of the world bases it's democracy on the US.
Oh come on. Where do you think the US got the two house system from, even the word house ?
It's a democracy yes but again we have some one claiming something for thier country that is not true.
Both Iceleand and the ISle of man have a better claim to being the seed of modern democracy than the US.
In summary.
US-powerfull nation with many good points and many but fewer bad points, one of which is making false claims.

Couldn't agree more. The American Constitution, which they constantly tell us is so great and they are so proud of, is pretty much a rework of an English document writen up at the end of their civil war (1640's). I think it was written by Locke (sp?) or Hobbs. Unfortunately, I don't have it on me but I got really familar with it whilst I was in first year university. I then heard how the US Constitution was written up, it sounded almost the same. Example English one "Life, Liberty and Property" , US document "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". I'd say Britain was the birthplace of modern democracy
07-04-2004, 09:19
The first democracy sine Rome! The rest of the world bases it's democracy on the US.
Oh come on. Where do you think the US got the two house system from, even the word house ?
It's a democracy yes but again we have some one claiming something for thier country that is not true.
Both Iceleand and the ISle of man have a better claim to being the seed of modern democracy than the US.
In summary.
US-powerfull nation with many good points and many but fewer bad points, one of which is making false claims.

Couldn't agree more. The American Constitution, which they constantly tell us is so great and they are so proud of, is pretty much a rework of an English document writen up at the end of their civil war (1640's). I think it was written by Locke (sp?) or Hobbs. Unfortunately, I don't have it on me but I got really familar with it whilst I was in first year university. I then heard how the US Constitution was written up, it sounded almost the same. Example English one "Life, Liberty and Property" , US document "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". I'd say Britain was the birthplace of modern democracy

Um, im guessing you are talking about the magna carta, and it wasnt entirley a reworking. and it wasnt just british people the americans copped ideas from, russeau, a frenchman, for example was crucial. the american constitution and declaration of independance are both just a lot of 1700's philosophy put to practical use. all the enlightened european countries, not just britain, are the birthplace of american democracy. but america didnt *invent* democracy nor was it the first to use it since the roman senate. at the same time, i doubt the french or latin americans were inspired by the isle of man to democratize.
07-04-2004, 09:28
People have lots of reasons for not liking America, though really it is more about the image the country projects than what it really is (enter sarcasm mode):

- Happily throwing bombs on other countries for no reason.

- Abstaining from the Kyoto protocol and dooming the planet to eternal smog and flooding.

- An uneducated hick being placed in the White House using blatant cheats and manipulation and none of the voters seem to mind.

- Bible-thumpers proclaiming everything they don't like as "immoral" as thus fit to be outlawed.

- Ignorant rednecks that think that Europe is a single homogenic country.

- Ignorant Bible-thumping rednecks that think that "homogenic" means people that shouldn't be allowed to marry. :lol:

I could go on, but I think I've proven my point. This list doesn't represent the whole of the country, but this is what the world *sees*.
07-04-2004, 09:41
that's right

it isn't the best and it isn't the worst

at the moment it happens to be the biggest bully on the planet

but to call that a claim to fame and brag about it ...

i'm sorry but i see THAT as nothing to be proud of

when our culture stops romantacizing and rewarding
stops worshiping the automobile
and above all
stops coercively perpetuating collective thoughtlessness

then it could
if people really wanted it to
become something free and great

Yes We Have No Bananas
07-04-2004, 09:48
The first democracy sine Rome! The rest of the world bases it's democracy on the US.
Oh come on. Where do you think the US got the two house system from, even the word house ?
It's a democracy yes but again we have some one claiming something for thier country that is not true.
Both Iceleand and the ISle of man have a better claim to being the seed of modern democracy than the US.
In summary.
US-powerfull nation with many good points and many but fewer bad points, one of which is making false claims.

Couldn't agree more. The American Constitution, which they constantly tell us is so great and they are so proud of, is pretty much a rework of an English document writen up at the end of their civil war (1640's). I think it was written by Locke (sp?) or Hobbs. Unfortunately, I don't have it on me but I got really familar with it whilst I was in first year university. I then heard how the US Constitution was written up, it sounded almost the same. Example English one "Life, Liberty and Property" , US document "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". I'd say Britain was the birthplace of modern democracy

Um, im guessing you are talking about the magna carta, and it wasnt entirley a reworking. and it wasnt just british people the americans copped ideas from, russeau, a frenchman, for example was crucial. the american constitution and declaration of independance are both just a lot of 1700's philosophy put to practical use. all the enlightened european countries, not just britain, are the birthplace of american democracy. but america didnt *invent* democracy nor was it the first to use it since the roman senate. at the same time, i doubt the french or latin americans were inspired by the isle of man to democratize.

No, I'm not talking about the Magna Carta, that was written up in the middle ages and was designed to protect the landed nobilty interests. That document, did, however, place limits of the monarch's power in England which was the start of the parlimentary system. I'm kicking myself I haven't got the document I'm talking about with me, it's back in Austrlia and I'm currently in China. Trust me, if you read it you'll see what I mean. I know about Rossaeu (sp?) and his ideas. What I'm saying is, democracy wasn't 'given' to the world by the US and that it was nothing new. You seem to know that already though. The British, though, had something fairly similar in place earlier than the US and strongly believed in "No taxation without represntation". I personally think it was stupid how the British ran their Amerian colony, they didn't follow their own principles and lost it accordingly.
07-04-2004, 17:03
Personally, isolationism wouldn't be that bad for us, IMO. We could let the half-million ROK Army meet Kim Jong Il's army while their artillery is flatting 7 million people in Seoul. We'd have to remind people that he Monroe Doctine is off, too - Canada, Mexico, and any Bannana Republic you want in Latin America is up for grabs. Benevolent leaders like Saddam can continue to rule Iraq, because we won't be there mass murding every Arab and stealing all the Oil. We'll let the Taliban back into Afghanistan, because they were an even better government to Saddam. Finally, people can stop living their lives in fear and go back to speaking freely and organizing protests in front of Mullah Omar's palace in Kabul. Of course we won't be able to steal all those resources from that plentiful land we call Afghanistan anymore, either. Damn, that'll really hurt us - I could probably like 50 natural resources in huge quantities in Afghanistan right now. Of course, thats why we went in - because our Yankee Imperialist Pigdog instincts told us to invade the last place on Earth that wasn't touched by war, so we could go in and get all this great infrastructure, not have to rebuild, and milk it for all its worth. Also, we could withdraw and re-instate all those other dictators we helped to topple, because they were really doing great jobs, we were just brainwashed by the evil corporate media. Slobadan Milosovic, Jean-B Aristide, Charles Taylor - Lets all get them back into their countries. These were all illegal wars because we didn't go to the UN so actually that would make Bush and Clinton war criminals too. Good thing we won't have to worry about that once we're isolationist - man, getting rid of those guys were really bad decisions. Clearly by not folliwing the UN charter before using force, we were way out of line, and should stop immediately - and of course as I said we are war criminals. Moving on, we should also stop the Embargo on Cuba so that, instead of keeping up a 50 year grudge, we can help a nice, democratic regime that certainly dosen't crack down and shoot dissidents prosper. I mean, back in the 50's and 60's I could understand. Cuban Missile Crisis, all that stuff. But now, Castro's turned a new leaf, don't you think? He used to shoot dissidents, no more. When people tried to escape, he used to shoot them on their 3rd failed attempt - no more. Of course they're only trying to escape because the illegal US war criminals are broadcasting their message of evil yanqui imperialism across the island. But hey, its not like Castro's doing this anymore. After all, how could someone with such great healthcare not be bad? Its not like tons of other countries are equal to or better than his healthcare. Even some like Costa Rica - heck they're basically exactly the same life expectancy as Cuba. Some great accomplishment Castro has made - gone up to par with Costa Rica, while simultaneously impovershing the island for the least 50 years. Great.

Of course there's only a little more left. Germany right now considers .2% GDP growth great. Lets pull out our 50,000 troops out, who were basically directly pumping money into the German economy. All those millions of dollars that they spent will be gone now, Germany should survive though. Since we're really just over there raping all the teenage innocent daughters of the people, its not like we're actually doing anything benificial - not like local economies will simply collapse.

I really think we should *only* intervene when the UN does, if we follow this isolationist path. After all, they've had a great track record. Just look in the 90's, Sebrenecia and Rwanada massacres, all thwarted by the great vigilance of the UN. And its record since its creation is even more spectacular. A whole two conflicts were intervened in, in time to actually make a difference! WOW! We should give up our unilateral wars of agression that are only imperialist and let the UN handle things. After intervening in the Korean war in the 50's and Gulf War I in the 90's, these guys clearly are great. Of course they must've accidentally skipped over the deaths of a a few thousand, or may be a few hundred million innocents, but hey thats the price we gotta pay to follow the UN. Of course, we must let the Human Rights Panel - with standup nations like China, Libya, and Cuba - to inspect how the evil John Ashcroft is trampling in our civil liberties and phone-tapping every single American and imprisoning everyone he dosen't like.

Moving onto more domestic issues, we need reform here, too. Every single judge in every state must be a democratic apointee. That way, all the liberals can get thier way with conspeiracy theories in court, like the Florida 2000 recount. Never mind that the Supreme Court voted 7-2 that the recounts were illegal - thats both swing members of the court and two of its liberal ones - because clearly its all the super-conservative judges that Republicans apointed, like John Paul Stevens or David Souter that led the charge against everything that is liberal.

Argh... I could go on. :roll:

To all Americans, yes I know, it feels like this :

I guess thats the price we pay
07-04-2004, 17:38

I won't argue with you on your other points.. feeling lazy today , hehe

But as for Rwanda,, Canada went to the UN. (see "Romeo Dallaire")
and begged for peacekeepers to be put there before it was too late.. the Americans kept blocking it, once they finally agreed, it was too late. 800,000 Tutsis and Hutus in the space of a few days had been massacred. You can't blame the UN for that. It was you guys who kept blocking it.