NationStates Jolt Archive

Is America Really "The Greatest Nation On Earth"? - Page 2

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16-05-2004, 01:32
yeah nuke em cool we are the best..

Hmmm somewhat shallow i think. Hey ive never once sworn allegiance to the queen. tofee nosed bint.

But we fough tooth and nail for the rest of europes freedom while ours was in great pearl. And without attack either while being so much smaller.

but wait america needed to be attacked first ME ME ME ME.

Hmm. And at least we have culture from way back, you came from us behave..

The royals spend all our taxes on the english mostly (well the government now), but we cant do anything. At least they dont wage war for no reason and steal oil. They made so much trade for our counrty its a miracle.

Im scottish and i hate the queen but it stands for our culture, and we aint afraid to fight for freedom and peace even whe ours is at risk, ask france we were helping them and poland, and holland etc..

They had no choice we were lucky being on the sceptic isle. They would of done the same, but totally all powerfull america Hmm they done f all mate, f bloody all. untill attacked unlike tiny britain willing to risk all for freedom of our friends ..

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it matey

Gonna quote this a couple of times as im personally pleased with this reply to a somwhat shallow set of remarks

The only nukes we ever dropped was to end world war 2, do you think that you could have won WW2 without us or something?

You say that we need to be attacked first to go to war, but when we fight to protect ourselves from be hit first you say that we wage war without a reason.

One reason that the US didnt go into WW2 untill we were attacked is becasue the same type of people that are protesting the Iraq War didnt want us to get involved over in Europe.

And, WW2 could have been avioded, if not for the error of one of Britian's prime ministers, Nevile Chamberlain.(I think that was his name)
16-05-2004, 01:49
we may not be the greatest country, but we are unarguably the most powerful nation in the history of man kind(military, economically, politics, and dare I say it with my spelling, brain power [which admittedly, some moved here])
Our Earth
16-05-2004, 01:51
I really have to ask, greatest in what way? The U.S. has the largest military and largest economy, which are traditional measures of "greatness," but it's average standard of living and GDP per capita are significantly lower than other countries. In many ways Americans are freer than citizens of other countries, but in some ways they are less free. In the end it just comes down to personal opinion and judging criteria.
16-05-2004, 02:05
GDP per capita are significantly lower than other countries

Seems like just Luxembourg, tiny state.

Edit : Another one :
Purly Euclid
16-05-2004, 03:55
I really have to ask, greatest in what way? The U.S. has the largest military and largest economy, which are traditional measures of "greatness," but it's average standard of living and GDP per capita are significantly lower than other countries. In many ways Americans are freer than citizens of other countries, but in some ways they are less free. In the end it just comes down to personal opinion and judging criteria.
However, the GDP per capita is easily in the top ten. It's usually exceeded only by Luxembourge, Switzerland, and a few city-states like Singapore.
16-05-2004, 07:01
Several nations are as good or even better countries than America is. Plenty of people have no desire to live in America. 8)
16-05-2004, 07:06
What's this? ANOTHER Anti-American topic?

tch tch when will you un-americans ever learn?

war is inevitable

okay I was kidding :wink:
16-05-2004, 07:23
The only nukes we ever dropped was to end world war 2, do you think that you could have won WW2 without us or something?

You say that we need to be attacked first to go to war, but when we fight to protect ourselves from be hit first you say that we wage war without a reason.

One reason that the US didnt go into WW2 untill we were attacked is becasue the same type of people that are protesting the Iraq War didnt want us to get involved over in Europe.

And, WW2 could have been avioded, if not for the error of one of Britian's prime ministers, Nevile Chamberlain.(I think that was his name)

It's a poor argument to justify the greatness of the US by our actions in one single war. And while we may have been saviors of Europe 50 years ago, it says nothing about the status of the United States today.

Also, there are several fundemental differences between the anti-war protests in the '40s and the anti-war protests today. Primarily, there already was a European wode war going on, whereas there was no war in Iraq before the US sent troops. The United States (and the rest of Europe) had just finished fighting the first Great War, and protesters had a reason yto want to continue the policy of isolationism.

Thirdly, your closing comment attemtpting to blame WWII on Nevile Chamberlain as a justification of the greatness of the US, frankly, is really wierd. Why play with historical "what ifs"? If the US had done a better job writing the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler would not have come to power. Maybe even if the treaty was the same but if it had been ratified by the US senate and the League of nations would have had members in it that cared WWII coudl have been prevented.

On to the general topic, I think that the US is not the greatest country. But I (wow, I've started a lot of sentences with conjunctions here...) think that If the US has the power to do sdomething, it shoudl be done. Because if you don't look out for your interests in the world, nobody else will.
16-05-2004, 07:25
Is America Really "The Greatest Nation On Earth?"


im a big fan of palau actually