NationStates Jolt Archive

Powdery mouse forums

02-04-2004, 18:01
Mods: What is the mod position on advertising the forums and sites of friends? For non-commercial reasons?
02-04-2004, 18:57
Just give us the site.

THey didnt mind when 40k did it so why not you?
02-04-2004, 20:14
Powdery Mouse ( is a site set up by my friend. It's basically a persoanl site, but for anyone playing Kingdom of Loathing, it's a must-see - it contains details of his clan. For anybody else, it's just a fun, amateur site with some good links.
The forums (set up by me) can be found at Mouse/index.php, and also as a link off the home page. So, visit Powdery Mouse today!

The owner's nation is Powderymouse. Any questions?
02-04-2004, 21:12
I try to keep all powders and liquids out of my mouse.
02-04-2004, 21:51
Here is a site with mice and powder: