USA destroys an economy.
02-04-2004, 01:46
The inhabitants of Faroe Islands.
No military base either...Never has been.
02-04-2004, 01:50
It'd be interesting to see what percentage of the population of the islands support Bush / Iraq / the US. I know the Germans and South Koreans, two places where we have tons of troops, aren't particularly "grateful" for all the economic help the troops bring.
02-04-2004, 02:04
A person I spoke with at the start of the war in Iraq told me that people liked the Americans, their lifestyle and the opportunities they bring, but were generally resentful of the war.
So is the US supposed to maintain a presence in foreign countries or not?
Make up your mind, socialists.
Marisa Lino, ambassador of the USA foreign affairs department has announced that American troops and navy will be leaving the Faroe Islands next year, and with that ending a mutual assistance plan which was arranged in the second world war. Marisa announced that the Faroe naval base, Thule2, would no longer be needed to defend American interests in the North Atlantic. This may be true, since the cold war ended a long time ago.
This deal was quite precious to both sides...Untill 1999, that is, when the Faroe Oil drilling revealed that there is, in fact, no oil on the ocean floor inside the Faroe Islands boundaries. Many had predicted that there would be, given it's proximity to Norway and it's oils riches.
During the second world war, the Faroe Islands housed an American navy dock and submarine base at Hvalfjörður. In 1989, it was closed down. This was a true nightmare for the Faroe Islands home government, since it meant that the economy of Klaksvik, the town surrounding the base, which had come to be reliant on the American military presence as a means of income all of a sudden had no means to support itself. People had become reliant on selling services to the Americans.
Jon Kukson, a native of the Faroe Islands, had this to say: "They come here, we welcome them and get used to their presence, they needed services and now they are going...What will I do? I'm an engineer, this means that I will have to move to Denmark, or settle for a low paying job here."
That was then...Only five hundred inhabitants remain in Klaksvik, all the inhabitants moved to Thorshavn, where the US. Army was still at.
And now the US betrays them again, it is leaving, taking the main source of income from 4 out of every 5 inhabitants of the Islands with them.
Many people suspect it is because of the Faroe's inability to find oil.
One thing is for sure, Thorshavn will be a ghost town soon, it's residents staying there on borrowed time.
Wait a sec?...We destroyed an economy?..the entire US destroyed it?... Should we prop up the locals just so they can have a job? Sounds if their local economy couldn't exist without outside help then perhaps they should have found alternate sources eh?...So you're saying that even without our need to have military installations there and with no US interests there to keep the base, we should therefore STILL remain just the locals can breath easy?...Since when did foreign interests supercede US ones as it concerns the US military?
02-04-2004, 03:14
Marisa Lino, ambassador of the USA foreign affairs department has announced that American troops and navy will be leaving the Faroe Islands next year, and with that ending a mutual assistance plan which was arranged in the second world war. Marisa announced that the Faroe naval base, Thule2, would no longer be needed to defend American interests in the North Atlantic. This may be true, since the cold war ended a long time ago.
This deal was quite precious to both sides...Untill 1999, that is, when the Faroe Oil drilling revealed that there is, in fact, no oil on the ocean floor inside the Faroe Islands boundaries. Many had predicted that there would be, given it's proximity to Norway and it's oils riches.
During the second world war, the Faroe Islands housed an American navy dock and submarine base at Hvalfjörður. In 1989, it was closed down. This was a true nightmare for the Faroe Islands home government, since it meant that the economy of Klaksvik, the town surrounding the base, which had come to be reliant on the American military presence as a means of income all of a sudden had no means to support itself. People had become reliant on selling services to the Americans.
Jon Kukson, a native of the Faroe Islands, had this to say: "They come here, we welcome them and get used to their presence, they needed services and now they are going...What will I do? I'm an engineer, this means that I will have to move to Denmark, or settle for a low paying job here."
That was then...Only five hundred inhabitants remain in Klaksvik, all the inhabitants moved to Thorshavn, where the US. Army was still at.
And now the US betrays them again, it is leaving, taking the main source of income from 4 out of every 5 inhabitants of the Islands with them.
Many people suspect it is because of the Faroe's inability to find oil.
One thing is for sure, Thorshavn will be a ghost town soon, it's residents staying there on borrowed time.
Wait a sec?...We destroyed an economy?..the entire US destroyed it?... Should we prop up the locals just so they can have a job? Sounds if their local economy couldn't exist without outside help then perhaps they should have found alternate sources eh?...So you're saying that even without our need to have military installations there and with no US interests there to keep the base, we should therefore STILL remain just the locals can breath easy?...Since when did foreign interests supercede US ones as it concerns the US military?
It's just like a big company closing down, leaving behind 4 out of every 5 residents without a job.
Marisa Lino, ambassador of the USA foreign affairs department has announced that American troops and navy will be leaving the Faroe Islands next year, and with that ending a mutual assistance plan which was arranged in the second world war. Marisa announced that the Faroe naval base, Thule2, would no longer be needed to defend American interests in the North Atlantic. This may be true, since the cold war ended a long time ago.
This deal was quite precious to both sides...Untill 1999, that is, when the Faroe Oil drilling revealed that there is, in fact, no oil on the ocean floor inside the Faroe Islands boundaries. Many had predicted that there would be, given it's proximity to Norway and it's oils riches.
During the second world war, the Faroe Islands housed an American navy dock and submarine base at Hvalfjörður. In 1989, it was closed down. This was a true nightmare for the Faroe Islands home government, since it meant that the economy of Klaksvik, the town surrounding the base, which had come to be reliant on the American military presence as a means of income all of a sudden had no means to support itself. People had become reliant on selling services to the Americans.
Jon Kukson, a native of the Faroe Islands, had this to say: "They come here, we welcome them and get used to their presence, they needed services and now they are going...What will I do? I'm an engineer, this means that I will have to move to Denmark, or settle for a low paying job here."
That was then...Only five hundred inhabitants remain in Klaksvik, all the inhabitants moved to Thorshavn, where the US. Army was still at.
And now the US betrays them again, it is leaving, taking the main source of income from 4 out of every 5 inhabitants of the Islands with them.
Many people suspect it is because of the Faroe's inability to find oil.
One thing is for sure, Thorshavn will be a ghost town soon, it's residents staying there on borrowed time.
Wait a sec?...We destroyed an economy?..the entire US destroyed it?... Should we prop up the locals just so they can have a job? Sounds if their local economy couldn't exist without outside help then perhaps they should have found alternate sources eh?...So you're saying that even without our need to have military installations there and with no US interests there to keep the base, we should therefore STILL remain just the locals can breath easy?...Since when did foreign interests supercede US ones as it concerns the US military?
It's just like a big company closing down, leaving behind 4 out of every 5 residents without a job.
That's not the point...there was no guarantee that the base would stay?..It was there to protect Western interests in the area, now with those needs'd still have us keep the base there despite it's being obsolete? When the material and men can be used elsewhere?
so what?
THe US should maintain bases it doesn't need and doesn't want just to give other countries jobs? THat doesn't make very much sense to me.
Cuneo Island
02-04-2004, 03:21
Yeah I cannot stand the current president. I work in NYC Manhattan and I want Bill Clinton back. That guy was good for our economy.
02-04-2004, 03:41
Marisa Lino, ambassador of the USA foreign affairs department has announced that American troops and navy will be leaving the Faroe Islands next year, and with that ending a mutual assistance plan which was arranged in the second world war. Marisa announced that the Faroe naval base, Thule2, would no longer be needed to defend American interests in the North Atlantic. This may be true, since the cold war ended a long time ago.
This deal was quite precious to both sides...Untill 1999, that is, when the Faroe Oil drilling revealed that there is, in fact, no oil on the ocean floor inside the Faroe Islands boundaries. Many had predicted that there would be, given it's proximity to Norway and it's oils riches.
During the second world war, the Faroe Islands housed an American navy dock and submarine base at Hvalfjörður. In 1989, it was closed down. This was a true nightmare for the Faroe Islands home government, since it meant that the economy of Klaksvik, the town surrounding the base, which had come to be reliant on the American military presence as a means of income all of a sudden had no means to support itself. People had become reliant on selling services to the Americans.
Jon Kukson, a native of the Faroe Islands, had this to say: "They come here, we welcome them and get used to their presence, they needed services and now they are going...What will I do? I'm an engineer, this means that I will have to move to Denmark, or settle for a low paying job here."
That was then...Only five hundred inhabitants remain in Klaksvik, all the inhabitants moved to Thorshavn, where the US. Army was still at.
And now the US betrays them again, it is leaving, taking the main source of income from 4 out of every 5 inhabitants of the Islands with them.
Many people suspect it is because of the Faroe's inability to find oil.
One thing is for sure, Thorshavn will be a ghost town soon, it's residents staying there on borrowed time.
Wait a sec?...We destroyed an economy?..the entire US destroyed it?... Should we prop up the locals just so they can have a job? Sounds if their local economy couldn't exist without outside help then perhaps they should have found alternate sources eh?...So you're saying that even without our need to have military installations there and with no US interests there to keep the base, we should therefore STILL remain just the locals can breath easy?...Since when did foreign interests supercede US ones as it concerns the US military?
It's just like a big company closing down, leaving behind 4 out of every 5 residents without a job.
That's not the point...there was no guarantee that the base would stay?..It was there to protect Western interests in the area, now with those needs'd still have us keep the base there despite it's being obsolete? When the material and men can be used elsewhere?
It's still a responsibility when dealing with such a small community.
Isn't the "christian" way of thinking all about helping neighbors and being responsible for the actions you take?
02-04-2004, 04:50
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
Super American VX Man
02-04-2004, 05:00
Maybe they should've been a bit more long-sighted.
EDIT: The Faroe Islands, that is.
02-04-2004, 05:02
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
So...Basically they can come and rape the local population, get them hooked on their bloodmoney and then leave everything in this messed up state?
That's the same thing the colonials did in Africa and look what a state it left Africa in...
02-04-2004, 05:14
Shut up you anal retentive prick.
Friggin hippies.
02-04-2004, 05:20
Shut up you anal retentive prick.
Friggin hippies.
Alot of yanks on tonight, I see...
Sangrod II
02-04-2004, 05:22
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
So...Basically they can come and rape the local population, get them hooked on their bloodmoney and then leave everything in this messed up state?
That's the same thing the colonials did in Africa and look what a state it left Africa in...
This isn't even really similar... it's like comparing racial profiling to concentration camps; you might not like either, but that doesn't make them the same.
Colonialism was about setting up puppet states in order to extract resources from a given population.
Was this base set up to extract resources? NO! If anything, it poured money in! Did this base set up a puppet government? NO! It was there protecting the nation in question during a time of need, both for the US and the region as a whole.
Basically this island has benefitted a lot from the US presence, it's true. But just because someone becomes acustomed to your presence does not mean you have an obligation to continue your presence. Besides, if they really can't afford to stay there, it's not the US's fault- if they hadn't set up that base, clearly the population would have left long ago. So really I don't think your argument has much merit.
The Hood of Northville
02-04-2004, 05:32
There have been studies done that show the economy of a president is reflected from the president before him. So our economic problems now have Clinton to blame. When Bush leaves office after another term the next president will have a excellent economy, becuase it reflects Bush's time in office. No body else economy matters. If you don't live there you shouldnt care or have the right to complain about it.
02-04-2004, 05:32
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
So...Basically they can come and rape the local population, get them hooked on their bloodmoney and then leave everything in this messed up state?
That's the same thing the colonials did in Africa and look what a state it left Africa in...
This isn't even really similar... it's like comparing racial profiling to concentration camps; you might not like either, but that doesn't make them the same.
Colonialism was about setting up puppet states in order to extract resources from a given population.
Was this base set up to extract resources? NO! If anything, it poured money in! Did this base set up a puppet government? NO! It was there protecting the nation in question during a time of need, both for the US and the region as a whole.
Basically this island has benefitted a lot from the US presence, it's true. But just because someone becomes acustomed to your presence does not mean you have an obligation to continue your presence. Besides, if they really can't afford to stay there, it's not the US's fault- if they hadn't set up that base, clearly the population would have left long ago. So really I don't think your argument has much merit.
Well, the base basically came to be there because of that...A combined force of British and American troops took Thorshavn over by force in 1944 to prevent the islands from falling into the hands of the Germans. The Faroe Islands had a stance of permanent neutrality before that. Their army was disbanded and the base remained...They were allowed "home government" though. Then they became a Danish state after the war, but after rigorous protests were given independancy in 1984, their claims of independancy were backed by the US, and president Reagan declared his support. The base still remained.
Sounds like a colony to me...
Well, the base basically came to be there because of that...A combined force of British and American troops took Thorshavn over by force in 1944 to prevent the islands from falling into the hands of the Germans. The Faroe Islands had a stance of permanent neutrality before that. Their army was disbanded and the base remained...They were allowed "home government" though. Then they became a Danish state after the war, but after rigorous protests were given independancy in 1984, their claims of independancy were backed by the US, and president Reagan declared his support. The base still remained.
Sounds like a colony to me...
Again, was a resource extraction economy being run? NO! If anything, the US was pouring capital INTO the nation through a service industry.I can't say for certain whether it is a puppet government or not, but I suspect not. This cannot reasonably be described as colonialism, unless you expand the term colony to mean anywhere the US has economic influence, which renders the term entirely meaningless. How could you possibly describe it as a colony (and I also suspect the people tehre do not consider themselves colonized).
02-04-2004, 05:39
*looks at watch* Ah, it's April the 2nd allready...
02-04-2004, 05:48
I think it's the nation in question's problem, not the Americans. America is not responsible FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY WAY, FOREVER. At some point nations have to take responsibility for their own people.
Hey, the first time we've ever agreed. And I might add, I thought people wanted the US and US troops out of thier countries. What happened to all of the "you aren't the worlds police" talk? DIYD,DIYD.
02-04-2004, 05:51
Nice discussion though... :wink: April fools...
02-04-2004, 06:19
Nobody else made pointless stuff up?
The Edwardian Empire
02-04-2004, 07:36
The US DID destroy (well, injure to a point not seen for many, many years, but let's not get bogged down in semantics) an economy: ITS OWN. The year? 2000. The president during and leading up to the downturn: William Jefferson Clinton. People who care about some loser country that wants to leech off of the US: nobody intelligent, at least.
02-04-2004, 08:06
Pulling out in such a way may make others think twice about letting the US set up bases they made need inthe future. How you treat those that helped will influnce how those you wish help from will see you.
A gradual withdrawl may have been more humane.
As a nation you would be pretty stuffed if all the countries you had bases in turfed you out now wouldn't you?
02-04-2004, 14:17
uhm... was an April fools thing...Faroe Islands have very few inhabitants and there has never been any kind of a base there...
02-04-2004, 14:24
What about Bikini Atoll? USA comes along, tells everyone to leave, nukes the place and doesn't want to the help the locals rebuilt their nation.
02-04-2004, 15:03
What about Bikini Atoll? USA comes along, tells everyone to leave, nukes the place and doesn't want to the help the locals rebuilt their nation.
I find the statistics strange though: At the time of the bombing there were 160 inhabitants and they all lost their homes. Today there are 3000.