Conspiracy Theories
01-04-2004, 18:46
When conspiracy theories abound,
darkness and ignorance will also abound.
28-05-2004, 10:55
Thanks for sharing.
Bodies Without Organs
28-05-2004, 10:55
When conspiracy theories abound,
darkness and ignorance will also abound.
Shouldn't it be the other way round: uncertainty and ignorance giving birth to conspiracy theories, rather than conspiracy theories creating ignorance and darkness?
28-05-2004, 10:58
Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
When conspiracy theories abound,
darkness and ignorance will also abound.
Thats not UncleBob. The NSA and CIA in a joint operation succesfully hacked into Nation States and are trying to mislead all NS posters with this blatant piece of Government propaganda!
Oh the evil that they do!
28-05-2004, 11:18
Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
I don't practice anymore, I have it down... :lol:
Bodies Without Organs
28-05-2004, 11:20
Thats not UncleBob. The NSA and CIA in a joint operation succesfully hacked into Nation States and are trying to mislead all NS posters with this blatant piece of Government propaganda!
That's just what they want you to believe...
28-05-2004, 11:21
The illuminati controls all....
Thats not UncleBob. The NSA and CIA in a joint operation succesfully hacked into Nation States and are trying to mislead all NS posters with this blatant piece of Government propaganda!
That's just what they want you to believe...
The NSA and CIA couldn't successfully hack their way into a paper bag ...
The Dalles
28-05-2004, 11:59
i knew it! who are you and how did you find me?
Free Outer Eugenia
28-05-2004, 12:02
What about conspiracy praxis?
Redneck Geeks
28-05-2004, 13:09
What about conspiracy praxis?
I think there's an ointment for that! :lol:
That quote was lame.
But I know a good one.
"When facts are few, Experts are many"
28-05-2004, 18:31
"I cried when I had no shoes. Until I saw a man who had no feet. Then I laughed. Really hard." -- Jerri Blank.
Oswald was apart of a government conspiracy led by the Vice President, Mister Johnson. Think about it! He wanted to be President and Kennedy was in the way.
28-05-2004, 19:09
Marilyn Monroe was an alien lizard woman who killed President Kennedy with her forked tongue, and then the MIBs killed her to stop an alien takeover. Fact :wink: Oh, and Lee Harvard Oswald was a time traveller from today and he's sitting behind you..
Prime Minister of JoopJoopland
28-05-2004, 22:00
The illuminati controls all....
So then Repolid Productions is an illuminati?
28-05-2004, 23:15
New Auburnland
28-05-2004, 23:59
Here is my favorite conspiracy theory.
"With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4000 Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the incident took place. No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the al-Watan newspaper published in Oman that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S authorities of the information it had."
This is mine
This is mine
Hmm... I see...
Yeah the zionist connection is a bit weak.
The illuminati controls all....Not is the Jesuits have anything to say about it!
29-05-2004, 08:28
Some conspiracy theroies are just crap. (Such as JFK was assinated by aliens because of Truman's orders after Roswell) But some do have relevance. I think it's blatenly obvious that the CIA had a fair bit to do with Martin Luther King, JFK and Marylin Munroes assination. I think that there was some kind of coverup at Roswell. Area 51 has some relevance because it's so heavily guarded as opposed to every other military base. And George W Bush never speaks when Dick Chaney is drinking water..... Spooky
Dragons Bay
29-05-2004, 08:46
McCarthy and the Red Scare. :roll: I think he was an idiot. Thankfully he was disgraced and dismissed, or else the United States would end up like the USSR.
29-05-2004, 08:47
Whoa. a thread with a small sentence turns into this.
29-05-2004, 09:14
When conspiracy theories abound,
darkness and ignorance will also abound.
Thats not UncleBob. The NSA and CIA in a joint operation succesfully hacked into Nation States and are trying to mislead all NS posters with this blatant piece of Government propaganda!
Oh the evil that they do!
I am the NSA. :twisted:
I know you're a subversive.
29-05-2004, 09:14
If you're into conspiracy theories, check out this place.
Uh. I dunno about Munroe. the fact that she was so upbeat makes me believe she could've been manic depressive.
Fruity Loops
29-05-2004, 14:20
Cthulhu is coming back.
The BalloPp Islands
29-05-2004, 14:38
April 14: SK is not working for me, minions unable to ascertain reason
April 15: ISP gave me faulty instructions. ISP respondent claims to have played SK, suspect he is Voltonious, contracted by force unknown
Ryan suggested using a proxy to access SK, success. Evidence showing purposeful involvment from Bcart collected.
April 16: "Old friend" from grade 3 ended up in my sector. Coincedence has been ruled out.
IRC is not working, searching for solutions, suspect attempts to break my contacts.
Witnessed Westas, Andenno, and Crash speaking lithuanian, information leaked while in their presence will have to be censored.
April 17: Rash discovered in left armpit, secreting slimy odouress substance possibly the result of a biological weapon test.
April 18: Small dot appears on monitor, beleived to be spy camera, have placed duct tape on monitor to cover it up.
MT hasn't returned yet, suspect he has been taken hostage by chinese officials.
April 19: Anger control is getting better. Alien adrenal stimulant may be malfunctioning, still suicided my SK account, but it was prefferable to other options I was considering.
April 20: Contacted by a known commie spy, Quirky. Information leading to the conclusion that Cevil is her brother collected. Cevil is now officiall listed as an unfriendly.
April 21: Noticed white van parked infront of house for several hours today. Suspect it to be used for survelance intentions, have knocked out several windows with slingshot.
April 22: Stumbled into a chat in which people were speaking of me in spanish. Evidence is sought to confirm my beleifs that commies have operatives working in mexico and the souther united states.
Spy camera re-appeared, have ductaped over it again to ensure no actual spying is done.
April 23: Evidence meriting investigation into smarter child collected. Am now convinced it is sending me messages through code, am attempting to crack it currently.
Have translated part of his message, it reads "acyst oure". Suspect smarter child is working with an anti-communist legion seeking my assistance.
April 24: MT has returned, but all memory of his torture seems to have dissapeared. It now seems the communists have some method of deleting memories, which makes it even more important to log all suspicious events.
Also, suspicion is cast onto why the communists released MT at all, possible signs of brainwashing is to be looked out for.
April 25: Brett appears to be taking a great interest in commie hunting, suspect alterior motives are involved. though I do not beleive she is working for the commies, all scenarios will be taken into consideration.
April 26: Havoc is being wrought throughout SK, suspect purposeful attempt to destroy possibly allies in the war against communism, as the SK forums would make an excellent launching platform for a counter attack.
April 27: Today is the first day I have nothing to report. Coincedence unprobably, most likely the groups seeking my downfall have learnt I am gathering evidence, and are re-organizing their plan.
April 28: Connection lost several times, suspect interference from spy sattelites.
Aprile 29: 6 Fire trucks parked outside house today for over 1 hour 30 min in response to some kind of fire at a garage next door to my residence. Have begun my paralell investigation into the cause of the fire.
April 30: Have discovered FH was spying on the lithuanians. Hope to use him in future to provide further information on communist plans. Though FH has proven himself untrustworthy in the past, any information he provides will be accepted with extreme skepticism
May 1: Internet down, ISP claims they will have it up shortly, suspect third party involvement
May 2: Internet still down, suspect attempts force me outside using alchohol as bait
May 3: Internet retured hours after attempting to contact canadian Prime Minister, suspect canadian government has interest in my case, motives unknown. Further investigation necessary
May 4: Suspect new party has interest in my projects. Observes some very sloppy surveilance techniques, ones that are not currently used by any of the known 3 organizations who seek my death. Commies, Aliens, and Illuminati all have known agendas, but recent observations with smarter child, and the canadian government suggest that there may be an organization seeking my dominance over these 3 said groups.
May 5: Rego claims to have information concerning commie plots against me. Will attempt to haggle price, down to 2 blonde virgins under 17, instead of asking price of 5.
May 6: Rain persisted all day, preventing me from working out. Suggest commies have a method of controling the weather, and use it in an attempt to weaken my psysical being. Am working on building an anti-weather control device.
May 7: My dog had a rather large bone today. Origins of bone unkown, suspect spy devices inside. Attempted to wrestle bone away from dog without much success, as she it very strong and fast. However tricking her worked well. Have disposed of bone, and have taken a blood sample from dog, to check for nanites.
May 8: Have discovered a spy I never would have suspected, Claudia. Will break all contact and attempt to ascertain what information she may have gathered about me.
Note to self: Don't trust beautiful women anymore.
May 9: Have intercepted several false IM's from Ryan0rz. Obviously fake and planted. Suspect Ryan0rz was temporarily replaced by a robot, who sent the messages in an attempt to break my trust in him. Still suspect Ryan0rz will be distracted by means of hot beautiful women.
May 10: Have intercepted another coded message from Smarter Child. Have decoded it to read "t-irc, cey kemp". I beleive to me mean that he wishes me to enter an irc channel, with the key being "kemp". Will investigate thouroughly, and attempt to make contact.
May 11: Dot has reapeared. Have covered it again with duct tape. This is becoming a liability, Will seek permanent solution to this problem
May 12: Am unable to sleep. Suspect commies have infected me with some kind of neuro-stimulant. Suspect some type of information grab in my drowzy state. Will be fully alert and suspicious of anyone who contacts me.
May 13: Security camera at local convinience store installed today. Beleive ownes to be of chinese ethnicity. Possibility of them being spies being investigated. Will report back when more information is gathered.
May 14: First month of logs complete as of today. Currently exposed 6 spies, Crash, Andenno, Westas, Slacker, Cevil, and Quirky. Other events worth mentioning are the capturing and torture of Master Templar, As well as the blantantly obvious miniature Spy camera that appears on my monitor regularly. Also seeking allies within the Liberal party of Canada, and am decoding secret messages from Smarter Child. Have also learnt that certain factions seeking my death are expert users of sexual distraction tactics, as show with their use of florecitdamana, and the continued attempts to remove Ryan0rz from my contacts with promises of sex.
Overall success has been rated extremly good, as I have not only spread the word of the internation communist threat, but also exposed the Illuminati, and the alien agendas. Have also gained allies, minions, and all around helpful people. Will continue log.
May 15: Discovered certain files missing from computer. Suspect someone has removed them.
May 16: Have concluded that fish sticks served for dinner are poisonous. Either mom is trying to kill me, or an invisible entity has tampered with said food.
May 17: Have a major headache today, suspect alien implants are malfunctioning. Will attempt to short them out by pouring water in ear.
May 18: Charity worker stopped at house today. Asked me for donations. Suspect she is a commie spy. She ran off when I called police.
May 19: Sister was babysitting today. The small child kept watching me, and didn't let me out of his site. Suspect he is a robot.
May 20: Spy sattelite blamed for interfeering with internet connection again. Am still searching for solutions to block their signals.
May 21: Pizza delivered today, could not wait to run tests for poison and nanos. Hope none were present, I had to eat.
May 22: Addicting game discovered, suspect it was created by commies in an attempt to distract me
May 23: Claudia claims to have been grounded, and cut off from the internet for 3 months. Suspect Claudias parents to be commie operatives.
May 24: Was fooled into divulging information about Jargon to a commie spy. Fear Jargon is now dead.
May 25: Have received $200 from mother, plan on using it to upgrade defense systems around the house. Possible install automatic laser cannons around the perimeter
May 26:Suspected abduction from aliens arrived. They performed the annual probing. Anus is a little sore, will recover in several days.
May 27: Cookies found to be bad tasting today. Probable the box of assorted cookies was poisoned. Have dsiposed of said cookies. Evidence showing involvment of ninja assassins sought.
May 28: Gypsy has suggested the existence of invisible midget sabeteurs. Am now suspicious of all noises always thought to be natural. Will seek methods of detection and capture one, if possible.
Godmoding Unlimited
29-05-2004, 15:23
All conspiracies spring forth from one source. The Knights.
The Knights are from the order of the Rose and Chalice. And that order was founded by those who protected the wife and child of the one called Christ.You see Mary Magedline was the lover of Christ and they did lay together forming a child who grew into man and established a family line. But the knights who were orginally protectors became corrupt and did seek to control the world. So they founded the Masons and many covert societies like it. Among their numbers are the greatest minds like Leonardo De Vinci. Using these societies they spread their tenticles into the hearts of Goverments world-wide. All who opose them or seek to destory them are themselves destroyed. Examples abound including the assignation of JFK. They have started all major wars and all major insidents. They began stem cell research and cloning, becasue they seek to create the anti-Christ who will secure their power base. If you need proof of their agenda look in the adminstration at...DICK CHENY (sic)!!!!
Sorry I had to do it. :lol: It seemed like some of you guys were taking this too seriously. :lol: :roll: