NationStates Jolt Archive

Posts You Really Admire:

Sumamba Buwhan
01-04-2004, 02:45
I thought I would create a thread to give thanks for such well thought out posts as the following for myself, and you too if you wish, to memorialize posts I/you find to humble my/yourself and maybe make us take more into consideration than what me may initially limit ourselves to.

I guess its a memorial thread for posts that you give a strong stamp of approval to (posts thats aren't yours, I think would be best :P ).[/url] ,] :

In every country there are those who would behave in this manner. Also in every country, there are those who would retaliate in exactly the way you suggest.

We could at least spend thirty seconds or so being thankful the victims were already dead when the bodies were mutilated this time. We could also spend 30 seconds considering why they were there. These are people who chose to enter a warzone, for whatever reason. One assumes they noticed it was a warzone, and realised the dangers. They chose to take that risk.

It amazes me that you are more upset over dead bodies being disrespected than over the deaths themselves. It also amazes me that you are more upset by the deaths of people who are there for profit than by the deaths of the 5 soldiers (present under orders) whose vehicle was blown up. (Yes, the soldiers also know the danger, but the reality is that they have less choice in being there than contractors do.)

These people were caught up in a mob. Mobs do not behave rationally, this has been shown time and time again. People in enraged crowds often do things they would never think of doing on their own, whether they are in the Middle East or the MidWest. If you want to take your gun and go over and hunt down the people photographed committing these deeds, go for it. But in attacking an entire region based on the behavior of the comparatively few in this crowd, you become one with the mob you seek to destroy.
Sumamba Buwhan
17-04-2004, 00:34[/url] ,] :

Yak, you're "liberal" view is very biased.So correct me! I ain't a liberal! I'm just calling it like I see it!

Anything specific?

Just edited my post.

From the "liberal" side - how about these beliefs:

that humanity is more important than nationality

that the right to health care and education should not be dependent on income, but on need

that intolerance is basically wrong (if a supposed Christian insert line "we are all God's creatures")

that multi-million salaries to movie stars and corporate fraudsters is sickeningly immoral when there is starvation and disease anywhere in the world (would you rather see money go to Michael Jackson, or to cancer research?)

that the excesses of captalism need to be curbed, so that all may benefit

that the sick, the disabled, the unemployed have a right to live in dignity

that we all share the same small blue planet, and we all owe a duty of care to it, and should view it as more than a resource to be exploited for maximum short-term profit

that discrimination on any basis is not only morally wrong, but is basically stupidly inefficient, as it discounts people's natural talents.

that people are capable of being motivated for reasons other than self-interest

that people are capable of changing society for the better, a little at a time

I doubt whether they are sentiments that are generally recognised as valid by the conservatives, which I think is a shame. Which leads me to my final point, that liberals are generally more idealistic, and more optimistic, than the conservatives. Conservatives want to return to some false "golden age", liberals see the possibility of a far better tomorrow. No conservative would ever truly say "I have a dream..."

End of rant. Please assume your usual positions.

17-04-2004, 01:05
*tags* :D
17-04-2004, 03:09,][/url]

But most importantly, keep your 14 year old daughters from dressing like prostitutes. It astounds me the number of parents who allow this, then wonder why their "angel" got pregnant.
and it's attitudes like this which lead to INCREASED teen pregnancy. how a girl dresses has nothing to do with the issue, and females should be allowed to dress however they hell they want at whatever age they want. we should focus on teaching them to cultivate good attitudes and good minds regardless of what they are wearing, because if their virtue is only there when they're dressing like nuns then that's not much virtue in the first place. we also need to put a hell of a lot more stress on teaching boys to respect girls NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE WEARING, and quit perpetuating the idea that a miniskirt means a girl is easy and therefore the guy isn't to blame. males are just as able to control themselves as females are, and blaming female fashions for pregnancies is an insult to both genders.

Seems a bit stupid...girls can dress how ever they want and get a guy in trouble cuz he was looking (harassment laws say a person being looked at in a "sexual" manner for more than 10 seconds can be considered sexual harrassment...) so i dont get it objectifying women by wearing scantily clothing has nothing to do with underage sex...hmm interesting?


not at all. girls should be aware that they will get looks and possibly comments if they dress a certain way, and they should be prepared for that if they chose to dress and/or act provacatively. but touching is a whole other matter...guys are NOT simply horndogs who can't control themselves, they are just as in control as girls are, and if they chose to have sex then they can't just blame it on the girl's clothing. dressing sexy doesn't entitle anybody to touch you against your will, and it doesn't excuse either your actions or the actions of any other person. girls should be able to dress however they chose without fearing that they will be molested by males or called a slut, and males should be allowed to look if a girl is clearly dressing to attract attention. and BOTH parties should take responsibility for their choice to have sex, regardless of what either one was wearing (or not wearing, as the case may be).
17-04-2004, 03:13
Or, to be more precise:

Oh, I'm Bottle and I'm so awesome. Oops, I just said something else that was awesome. Oh, it looks like everyone is in love with me, that's nice, we all love each other! Yaay, I'm very sexy and happy and wonderful.
That certainly wasn't meant to be offensive by the way. Just when I saw this thread I automatically thought of her and then I had to think of a really good post, and that last one came to mind. But there are so many other things that she said/says that are awesome, and I needed to make it clear that pretty much everything she says is awesome.