NationStates Jolt Archive

Tolerance: The political difference

25-03-2004, 00:04
These days people like to find "the difference between democrats political parties today?" "What is the one thing that makes them different?" Well, I think I've found the basic difference between the basic political parties on today's 2-D political map. Those parties are Libertarian, Liberal/Democrat, Conservative/Republican, and Authoritarian.

I think that the basic difference is tolerance, and what people are willing to tolerate. Can you tolerate gays being married? How about high taxes? Being drafted? What can you tolerate? And for each party, I've figured that there was one basic thing each party could not tolerate. They are below.

--------------------------------------(Regulation will not be tolerated)
Liberal Democrat------------------------------------------------------ Conservative Republican
(Intolerance will not be tolerated)-------------------------------(Change will not be tolerated)
---------------------------------\-------------------------------------- ----/
-------------------------------------------- Authoritarian
--------------------------------(Difference will not be tolerated)

1) Libertarians (

If you have ever skimmed through the Libertarian platform (link above) you know exactly what I mean by intolerance of regulation. They are against a draft, minimum wage laws, drug laws, censorship. All that stuff, so it is fitting, I think, that they be charactarized by an intolerance for laws & regulation.

2) Liberal Democrat (

Many people have seen a bumper sticker saying "Intolerance will not be tolerated" and I think it fits, despite its oxymoron-ity. This is seen especially through their positions on affirmative action, drug laws, and their positions to help raise taxes.

3) Conservative Republican (

One of the more traditional ways to describe the difference between the dems and the reps is to say "Democrats like change, Republicans don't" Republicans don't want our morals to change as time goes on. "Gays are still bad, as are drugs, sex, and taxes." In turn, they want this inchanged morality to play a big role in the government today.

4) Authoritarian (

The basic tenet of Authoritarianism, to quote their platform (also linked above), is "people will be directed throughout their lives - from cradle to grave - in every aspect of life in order to ensure that they are living properly."

I reall think that says it all. Everyone should be living properly, therefore the same. Through this, as difference is good, because it means people aren't living right.

So, that's the end of my analysis. Do I have a party's beliefs all wrong? Am I all wrong in general" If so, feel free to post comments and critiques.
25-03-2004, 00:44
What about "anarcho"-capitalists or anarcho-communists or USSR type government?

"But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality."
Free your mind! (
I like big butts!
The Global Market
25-03-2004, 01:03
If you have ever skimmed through the Libertarian platform (link above) you know exactly what I mean by intolerance of regulation. They are against a draft, minimum wage laws, drug laws, censorship. All that stuff, so it is fitting, I think, that they be charactarized by an intolerance for laws & regulation.

Wrong. Libertarians are the BIGGEST supporters of the Rule of Law in the country. The Rule of Law means that the GOVERNMENT obeys its own laws. That has historically been the only way to protect individual liberty. We aren't anti-law; we're anti-big-government. We're very pro-law
Tuesday Heights
25-03-2004, 06:04
Very intriguing and well-thought out post.
03-04-2004, 00:32
To Letila,

I'd probably put anarcho-communism in the far far left category, though that sort of is a toughie.

I didn't say they were against laws, I said they were against regulation. For instance, if you look at the healthcare section of the "issues and positions" part of the website what's their answer? "Deregulate the healthcare industry" They are the largest supporters of the seperation of X and State

Church, Education, Social Security, Business, Bedroom. and a whole lot more.

This by no means means that they are against order, that's sort of up for debate I guess, but I don't believe so. But it does mean that they are against regulation.

To Tuesday Heights:
Thanks, this is one of the bigger posts I've done.

To the general public:
Sorry, this is sort of a bump from a while ago, but I wanted to see if I could get any more opinions.