NationStates Jolt Archive

You know you've been playing NS too much when... (3)

30-12-2003, 19:28
You know you've been playing NS too much when you've created two more of these threads after the first one was locked for having 65 pages.

All other ones welcome (especially because I can't think of very many)! Post away!

Special thanks to Qaaolchoura for reminding me of this thread and asking me to start a new one.
30-12-2003, 19:30
when you no longer read the forums because you realize they dont matter whatsoever.
30-12-2003, 19:30
When you make duplicate threads about a topic that's been discussed before. :wink:
Tuesday Heights
30-12-2003, 19:47
When your girlfriend says you talk about your country more than you talk about her. :wink:
30-12-2003, 20:14
When you've run out of things to post on these threads.
30-12-2003, 20:20
You know you've been playing NS too much when you've created two more of these threads after the first one was locked for having 65 pages.

All other ones welcome (especially because I can't think of very many)! Post away!

Special thanks to Quaalchora (sp, I'll correct it when I can figure it out, I promise) for reminding me of this thread and asking me to start a new one.

You know you've been playing NS too much when you spend two hours writing a long and erudite reply to someone that criticized your proposal, only to click on submit and have the board say 'invalid session'. Needless to say, the back button doesn't retrieve any of it. :)
30-12-2003, 20:21
when your anme is normac k!!!
King Binks
30-12-2003, 20:23
When you stop sleeping because your just waiting for someone to reply to that post...
30-12-2003, 20:27
When your RL and you NS life become one and the same :shock:
30-12-2003, 20:30
When you use the General forum to get advice on your love life.

When your parents use your nation's motto against you in an argument.
30-12-2003, 20:36
when you lose your job because you spend too much time on NS and your family because of flirting on NS you have no money and no home but you beg on the streets for the $2 it costs for 10 minutes internet time at the public library
30-12-2003, 20:38
When you start introducing yourself by your NS nation's name.

"Hi! I'm Lunatic Goofballs!"

*slowly backs away* "Uh...hello..." *bolts*
30-12-2003, 20:46
standing on busy street corners with a carboard magic marker sign saying

will work for broadband
30-12-2003, 21:45
When you know well, and have annoyed almost every moderator on NationStates.
When you know most of the major players in NationStates.
When after a mere half year, you get into the triple digits on about half a dozen UN rankings (300th in welfare today)
When you get puppets into the single digits on Political Freedoms
When, prior to having the word search disabled, you had somebody "QAAALERT" you.
When you start a petiotion that gets a new forum started.
When you have stickies(as in plural).
When you have active puppets in most key regions.
When you have over 200 puppets
30-12-2003, 21:46
When you start introducing yourself by your NS nation's name.
When you think of yourself by your main NationStates nation name.
30-12-2003, 23:10
When your puppets begin coming in contact with puppets of people whom you already know, completely by chance.
30-12-2003, 23:17
30-12-2003, 23:18
When you start introducing yourself by your NS nation's name.
When you think of yourself by your main NationStates nation name.

I do that. :oops:
30-12-2003, 23:53
When you have recieved four invitations to the same exclusive region on three different puppets.
30-12-2003, 23:55
When you stop sleeping because your just waiting for someone to reply to that post...
Ah yes. That realy bites. Cause it usualy takes hours.
30-12-2003, 23:56
When you stop sleeping because your just waiting for someone to reply to that post...
Ah yes. That realy bites. Cause it usualy takes hours.
30-12-2003, 23:56
When you stop sleeping because your just waiting for someone to reply to that post...
Ah yes. That realy bites. Cause it usualy takes hours.
31-12-2003, 00:03
When you cried for hours in RL when Lunan and NEE left and Beeks was banned, even though you never really knew them.

When you post things in
Haiku, even though it's not
The thread for haiku.
The Elven People
31-12-2003, 00:11
The Elven People
31-12-2003, 00:11
When you find yourself on here at 1am GMT cos its only 9pm in The States
when you just can't stop playing word games
When you get home from the pub and come on here to see if there's anything interesting going on (*coughs* that didn't just happen to me, honest)!
31-12-2003, 00:15
When your RL friends call and the first thing they ask you is what your post count is now.
31-12-2003, 00:19
When you start repeating yourself and tell people it is just your server acting up.
31-12-2003, 01:31
When you care way to much about your post count.

Post Count +1 :)
31-12-2003, 02:21
When you care way to much about your post count.

Post Count +1 :)
That from somebody with a mere 600 posts. :P

When you *bump* this thread. :twisted:
31-12-2003, 02:22
when you reach #55
31-12-2003, 02:34
when you reach #55
Holy politics!

A September nation in the top 60! :shock:
31-12-2003, 02:39
You know you've been playing NS too much when you've created two more of these threads after the first one was locked for having 65 pages.

All other ones welcome (especially because I can't think of very many)! Post away!

Special thanks to Qaaolchoura for reminding me of this thread and asking me to start a new one.

I cannot do anything else other than NS and a little school :twisted:
31-12-2003, 02:43
You know you've been playing NS too much when you've created two more of these threads after the first one was locked for having 65 pages.

All other ones welcome (especially because I can't think of very many)! Post away!

Special thanks to Qaaolchoura for reminding me of this thread and asking me to start a new one.

I cannot do anything else other than NS and a little school :twisted:
What's your main nation Des?

When you have a mental list, of whom is a puppet of whom
When you know the founding date of more than half a dozen nations
31-12-2003, 02:58
Threaten the SERVER with harm

31-12-2003, 02:59
I have but one nation...Desra :D
31-12-2003, 03:00
When you've run out of things to post on these threads.
or when you can still think of origional things to post on these threads
31-12-2003, 03:01
When you've run out of things to post on these threads.
or when you can still think of origional things to post on these threads

Remember AP... :twisted:
31-12-2003, 03:07
You actually care wether [violet]=Max Barry.... And you attempt too bribe Max Barry to find out
31-12-2003, 03:10
When your RL friends call and the first thing they ask you is what your post count is now.

Yea then u really have been on here tooo long LOL :lol:

*TwIzTeD one* :twisted:
31-12-2003, 03:10
When you've run out of things to post on these threads.
or when you can still think of origional things to post on these threads

Remember AP... :twisted:Shit man, look at your post count/creation date

Viewing profile :: Desra
Desra Forum Activity

View Desra Founded: 26 Dec 2003
Total posts: 484
[0.03% of total / 121.00 posts per day]
Find all posts by Desra

We have a new Nort Eastern Europe on our hands. But he/she only posts like 90 times a day
31-12-2003, 03:11
I have but one nation...Desra :D
But you were founded on Boxing Day of this year. :?

You have school on Christmas Eve and New Years' Day. :shock:

Or are you home schooled.

When you know which players are homeschooled
When you know where most of the major players are located
31-12-2003, 03:14
when you have posted in this thread 5 times in the last page
31-12-2003, 03:14
When you don't eat for days upon days and soon you're on your death bed and you're about to post your last post and when you click on the Submit button and the white screen pops up and says the server could not be found and you grab your heart has your heart rate goes up a tremendous amout and you fall off the hospital bed as you see the nurse in your room pick up the phone and start yelling 'code blue' and when your doctors and your loved ones are by your side the last words your manage thru your blood covered lips is the name of your country.
31-12-2003, 03:15
When you think that the GDP Calc is one of the most screwed up things ever, and you make sure that everybody knows it.
31-12-2003, 03:18
When you don't need to make things up, simply because of your addiction
When everything that you've said on this thread so far applies to you(true of me)
When you can name at least one other person who (almost) everything that you have said is applies to (also true of me)
31-12-2003, 03:18
When you don't eat for days upon days and soon you're on your death bed and you're about to post your last post and when you click on the Submit button and the white screen pops up and says the server could not be found and you grab your heart has your heart rate goes up a tremendous amout and you fall off the hospital bed as you see the nurse in your room pick up the phone and start yelling 'code blue' and when your doctors and your loved ones are by your side the last words your manage thru your blood covered lips is the name of your country.
did that happen too you :P
31-12-2003, 03:20
Oh I have another one.

When you buy and huge custom flag like your own country's and you wrap yourself in it and you go down to Mexico and buy a bunch of Assult rifles and you go up to Washington D.C. and you walk into the Capitol building and you begin to yell your nation's name and shoot a bunch of senators and when police have you covered you yell "God Bless (your country's name)" and you blow your head off.
31-12-2003, 03:24
when your NS friends are your only friends...*sniff* :cry:
31-12-2003, 03:26
:shock: :?: Too much NS :?: :shock:
31-12-2003, 03:27
When you make very detailed maps down to each building of your country and then you memorize them and then eat them and your stomach lining breaks down and all the acid in your stomach spills all over your guts and your screams are filled will thick bile and blood and everyone in the mall is just friken' out as you fall on the ground as three men rush too you and you vomit all over them and you get this surge of adrenaline and rip off the three men's hands and eat them and then you are finally gunned down by a bike cop.
31-12-2003, 03:29
I have but one nation...Desra :D
But you were founded on Boxing Day of this year. :?

You have school on Christmas Eve and New Years' Day. :shock:

Or are you home schooled.

When you know which players are homeschooled
When you know where most of the major players are located Im homeschooled and proud of it! 8)
31-12-2003, 03:29
Oh I have another one.

When you buy and huge custom flag like your own country's and you wrap yourself in it | and you go down to Mexico and buy a bunch of Assult rifles and you go up to Washington D.C. and you walk into the Capitol building and you begin to yell your nation's name and shoot a bunch of senators and when police have you covered you yell "God Bless (your country's name)" and you blow your head off.Even getting your nation(s)'s flag custom made is worth an entry.

I'm seriously considering doing this for six of my nations.
31-12-2003, 03:32
when your NS friends are your only friends...*sniff* :cry:

i know the feeling :(
31-12-2003, 03:34
When your nation gets deleted and you find out where the Mod that deleted you lives and you go to their house and when they answer the door you put a six-inch knive into the side of their head and you laugh as they twich and die in front of you.
31-12-2003, 03:34
When you make very detailed maps down to each building of your country and then you memorize them | and then eat them and your stomach lining breaks down and all the acid in your stomach spills all over your guts and your screams are filled will thick bile and blood and everyone in the mall is just friken' out as you fall on the ground as three men rush too you and you vomit all over them and you get this surge of adrenaline and rip off the three men's hands and eat them and then you are finally gunned down by a bike cop.
Fox, I don't know if this is intentional, but your ideas have two parts: a realistic part, which I find myself on the verge of doing if I haven't already, and then a bizarre part involving a bloody suicide, whch I can not quite link to NS. . . :P
Dragons Bay
31-12-2003, 03:34
When you use your nation name for all the other forums you go to... :P
31-12-2003, 03:34
Qaaol: Make that #53, and only Silver between us.
31-12-2003, 03:36
when your NS friends are your only friends...*sniff* :cry:

i know the feeling :( yeah, but thats the down side of homeschooling. but you guys are cooler and better friends then anyone could ask for. :wink:
31-12-2003, 03:36
When your nation gets deleted and you find out where the Mod that deleted you lives | and you go to their house and when they answer the door you put a six-inch knive into the side of their head and you laugh as they twich and die in front of you. :twisted:
31-12-2003, 03:37
When you use your nation name for all the other forums you go to... :P

Dragons Bay
31-12-2003, 03:38
yeah, but thats the down side of homeschooling. but you guys are cooler and better friends then anyone could ask for. :wink:

I always thought I would build friendships with people I can see, not I can read...
31-12-2003, 03:38
When you don't eat for days upon days | and soon you're on your death bed and you're about to post your last post and when you click on the Submit button and the white screen pops up and says the server could not be found and you grab your heart has your heart rate goes up a tremendous amout and you fall off the hospital bed as you see the nurse in your room pick up the phone and start yelling 'code blue' and when your doctors and your loved ones are by your side the last words your manage thru your blood covered lips is the name of your country.
When you become obsessed with a pattern of behavior that you see on NS
31-12-2003, 03:48
When you go crazy because for 5 minutes the white page of doom kept coming up :evil:
31-12-2003, 03:50
When you cry when the server goes down and you slit your wrists and you write 'WHY?' on your wall above your computer.
31-12-2003, 03:51
When you cry when the server goes down and you slit your wrists and you write 'WHY?' on your wall above your computer.

When you can no longer see the wall above your computer

[edit] Lol, lapse posts is now 1111 :D
31-12-2003, 03:58
[true story]When you're ordering a 'mixed berry crumble' and accidentally say 'Max Barry crumble.[/true story]


:oops: Ah god. :oops:
31-12-2003, 04:03
When you cry when the server goes down | and you slit your wrists and you write 'WHY?' on your wall above your computer.
When the RP in NS makes you oblivious to violence (not me though)
31-12-2003, 04:07
[true story]When you're ordering a 'mixed berry crumble' and accidentally say 'Max Barry crumble.[/true story]


:oops: Ah god. :oops:
When you get an Email from Max himself (this happened to Siro, not to me)
31-12-2003, 04:14
When you start writing a book about your nations exploits.

And i am actually planning on doing this :oops:
31-12-2003, 04:15
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
31-12-2003, 04:18
When you make a 4 hr long movie about NS. And make more and more. Because the first one got 100 million at the box office.
31-12-2003, 04:31
When, two days after your creation, I notice you and wonder how long it'll take for you to top Parratoga.

When you'd rather talk to people on NS than the people you know less well at school. (My friends on email still beat NS though!)
31-12-2003, 04:32
When you make a 4 hr long movie about NS. And make more and more. Because the first one got 100 million at the box office.

Somebody's actually done that? :shock:
31-12-2003, 04:35
When you spend 10 minutes talking about your nation to people who have no idea what you're babbling about, but listen politely anyway.
Your wife suggests which position to take on an issue, but doesn't play herself. (I get this all the time)
31-12-2003, 04:37
When your still on at 4:30 am scared to go to bed cause you might miss something interesting a day before new years eve.
31-12-2003, 04:41
When you make a 4 hr long movie about NS. And make more and more. | Because the first one got 100 million at the box office.

Somebody's actually done that? :shock:

Remember what I said about Fox's posts. :wink:
31-12-2003, 04:43
When you cant stop logging on to your nations because you dont want to miss a telegram

When you start NS and you can type 10 wpm and now you can type over 70 wpm
31-12-2003, 04:49
Fox you seriously need help.

You know youv'e been playing to much when your booted out of an alliance andf you feel as though the world is comming to an end.
31-12-2003, 04:50
When you think you have found the countries of famous people who couldn't possibly be on nation states, print off their world factbook entry, tape it to your wall, and start circling random letters in the hopes of finding a secret message from them... gotta go, Mr. Gorbachev wants to meet me under the 6th street overpass...
31-12-2003, 04:57
When, two days after your creation, I notice you and wonder how long it'll take for you to top Parratoga.

Heh, back when I first joined I looked at Marathon and Kitslyvannia's post count and wondered how long it'd take to top them.

Yeap, you know you've been playing too long when you see different waves forum royality come and go over and over again. But I'll be here to the bitter end unless something tragic happens to me in real life (i.e. like I die or something).
31-12-2003, 04:58
When you create a religon based upon your country's animal and you fill a jar with a pint of goat blood every Tuesday.
31-12-2003, 05:05
31-12-2003, 05:05
When you can remember back when....

... threads used to reach 600 pages
... "Last One To Post Here Wins" was the original
... Normack was the one to beat for posts
... Marathon and The Atomic Coma Ryche were still around
31-12-2003, 05:05
31-12-2003, 05:05
When you spend your weeks pay to get shirts made with the name of your nation on the front and the national flag on the back (the thought has passed through my head)
31-12-2003, 05:48
When you create a religon based upon your country's animal and you fill a jar with a pint of goat blood every Tuesday.

Good times...
31-12-2003, 05:50
When you create a language for your nation complete with a alphabet like I have!
31-12-2003, 06:03
When you can remember back when....

... threads used to reach 600 pages
... "Last One To Post Here Wins" was the original
... Normack was the one to beat for posts
... Marathon and The Atomic Coma Ryche were still around
I remember all of those! :D

Edit: I even remember back when Alhana Catherine was the one to beat for posts.
Aztec National League
31-12-2003, 06:05
When you are diplomatic in an argument about ice cream.
Fat Rich People
31-12-2003, 06:07
when you have more than 1.6 billion people in your country! (1.636 and counting!)

btw, i'm curious. i've been around for a while, and i'm just wondering who's got the most people in their country?
Aztec National League
31-12-2003, 06:09
I've just realized that in the course of the day, I've been on here for almost six hours!
31-12-2003, 06:21
When you can remember back when....

... threads used to reach 600 pages
... "Last One To Post Here Wins" was the original
... Normack was the one to beat for posts
... Marathon and The Atomic Coma Ryche were still around
I remember all of those! :D

Edit: I even remember back when Alhana Catherine was the one to beat for posts.

Hell I remeber when Kitslvannia had the most posts! :shock:
31-12-2003, 07:59
You know you've been playing NS too much when you think that there's no such thing as playing NS too much!

You also know you've been playing NS too much when you've been up for so long and are so tired, you can't remember what day it is or how long you've been playing.
31-12-2003, 08:10
You know you've been playing NS too much when you refresh the General Forum 50 times or more waiting for someone to post a thread you want to respond to.
31-12-2003, 11:05
when you spend more time thinking about & looking forward to talking to your friends on here as opposed to your friends IRL
31-12-2003, 11:08
When you can remember back when....

... threads used to reach 600 pages
... "Last One To Post Here Wins" was the original
... Normack was the one to beat for posts
... Marathon and The Atomic Coma Ryche were still around

Hey I was the last person to post! I even know what mod locked it!

I'm still not sure what I won. :?
31-12-2003, 11:09
Hey I was the last person to post! I even know what mod locked it!

I'm still not sure what I won. :?

I always wondered who won that!
31-12-2003, 11:12
Hey I was the last person to post! I even know what mod locked it!

I'm still not sure what I won. :?

I always wondered who won that!

Could there ever really be any doubt?

Actually, I was the last to post, but it was a collective win for Norm and Ny and the society of N&N zealots or what ever they were calling themselves.

I miss having zealots.. :( The fan club was nice too.
31-12-2003, 11:14
Hey I was the last person to post! I even know what mod locked it!

I'm still not sure what I won. :?

I always wondered who won that!

Could there ever really be any doubt?

Actually, I was the last to post, but it was a collective win for Norm and Ny and the society of N&N zealots or what ever they were calling themselves.

I miss having zealots.. :( The fan club was nice too.

I'd have been disappointed if it hadn't been you or Norm

And sweetheart, you'll always have a fan club :wink:
31-12-2003, 16:35
When rather than waking up at 1 am to check your new issue, you dont go to sleep at all
31-12-2003, 16:36
When you're on 25 minutes before New Years
31-12-2003, 16:40
When you say to someone who argues with you: "Shut up or i'll send my special forces at you!"
31-12-2003, 16:41
When you carve your nation's flag into stuff. Like your forehead.
31-12-2003, 16:41
When you begin to go on posting sprees, hoping to quickly become a postmaster-general.
31-12-2003, 16:44
When you plan to make a video game based on you nation's wars that you've RPed.
31-12-2003, 16:51
Rather that going to a counsellor you just post your probs in general or perhaps Tech
31-12-2003, 18:45
when you post a threads intitled "You know you've been playing NS too much when..."

When you have shrine for Max Berry at home
Roguing Rogues
31-12-2003, 18:47
....when you give away your puppets... and then create new ones. :P
01-01-2004, 00:47
when you design shirts for NS and where them. Ive made 2 so far.8)
King Binks
01-01-2004, 00:49
You forget you have a name, or a physical being and start to believe you are your nation.
Aspen Clark
01-01-2004, 00:57
When you say a store was deleted when it really just moved locations.
01-01-2004, 01:07
When you celebrate MyrthDay (

When you use "Max" instead of "G-d"
01-01-2004, 01:11
When you QAAALERT.

When you know that you have the same founding date as another major player.

When you consider threatening people with nuclear annihilation to get a seat on an overbooked train.

When you pray to [violet] on said train.

When you pray to the moderators when you are away from a computer for a long period of time (like a day or two).

When the first thing that you think of when you hear a city is the NS player that lives there.
Neo Nuria
01-01-2004, 01:25
when your puppets call my puppets.
Spookistan and Jakalah
01-01-2004, 01:34
When you think September nations are newbies.

When, when the server goes down, you go to to see if there's any news about your nation there.
Spookistan and Jakalah
01-01-2004, 01:34
When you think September nations are newbies.

When, when the server goes down, you go to to see if there's any news about your nation there.
01-01-2004, 05:52
When your nation is nearing two billion people.

When you make puppets well after the date of your original nation... and their pop. is over 500 million.

When you start using OOC and IC outside of an NS forum.
01-01-2004, 05:55
when your mom knows who everybody from the general forum is, even though all she ever does is peek in to see what you're doing.

(that's the way it's been these past couple days!)
01-01-2004, 06:04
When you figure out the exact Square Miles of your country and then cut the paper you were working on into a fine powder and inject it into your body.
Southern Industrial
01-01-2004, 06:08
To be fair, this is the fourth one. I started one that never got popular.
01-01-2004, 06:08
When you create a detailed 'istory of your nation and then start to write a novel about eet.

On a zimiliar note, you 'and in ze first deux chapters az ha short storé for english class.

Guilty on both counts. :oops:

Celack~the french -canadian rabbit of doom!
01-01-2004, 06:11
When you celebrate New Years on Nation States!
01-01-2004, 06:14
When you celebrate New Years on Nation States!
Hey, no violence. What's the matter Fox? :wink:
01-01-2004, 07:41
When your posts and telegrams are comprised mainly of TLA's (three letter acronyms).
King Binks
01-01-2004, 07:44
When aliens come to your house, and rather than ask them if they have found the solution to world peace, you ask them if they have played NS, and if not, you show them the works.
01-01-2004, 07:46
When you find yourself debating the same person on multiple threads. . .

. . . almost forgetting that it is the same person. . .

. . . and winning on both
01-01-2004, 07:47
When aliens come to your house, and rather than ask them if they have found the solution to world peace, you ask them if they have played NS, and if not, you show them the works.
So I'm not the only one. . . :wink:

When the first question that you ask when you are introduced to somebody is if they play NS (one more bad habit that I must work on)
01-01-2004, 08:31
To be fair, this is the fourth one. I started one that never got popular.

Actually, I think there are at least a few more. This is my third thread. Buahahahaha... only my threads matter. :D


(oh, & you definitely know you've been playing NS too much when you wish the NS community a happy new year...)
01-01-2004, 09:05
When you continuously try to trick Max Barry into revealing who he is
02-01-2004, 01:28
When the last time that you did a word search (before it was disabled) for "modalert" you recognized half of the threads as the ones that you modalerted.
02-01-2004, 10:38
when your main NS access is from work & you don't remember when you last did any work
02-01-2004, 11:02
When you convince your GF to join nationstates
King Binks
02-01-2004, 22:31
When the last time that you did a word search (before it was disabled) for "modalert" you recognized half of the threads as the ones that you modalerted.

When you have separation anxiety because it’s gone... and because you just can't let go, you keep trying to find a way to keyword search... when you know it's hopeless.
02-01-2004, 22:39
When you see a thread at DU entitled "How can we attack the RR without alienating other evangelicals?" and you immediately think of the Rejected Realms.
02-01-2004, 23:43
When the only reason you check your issues is to see if there are any new ones, otherwise you dismiss all and go to the forum.
03-01-2004, 00:48
When you see a thread at DU entitled "How can we attack the RR without alienating other evangelicals?" and you immediately think of the Rejected Realms.
When "PC" implies post count to you instead of political correctness.

When almost every dream that you have involves NationStates.

When your dreams about NationStates involve "The insanely modified nederlandese anti-griefer hamsternation game moddess of Crazy girl" and The Basenji: Neutered Sputniks's Long lost brother (or was it cousin)
03-01-2004, 07:44
When you see a thread at DU entitled "How can we attack the RR without alienating other evangelicals?" and you immediately think of the Rejected Realms.

When "PC" implies post count to you instead of political correctness.

When almost every dream that you have involves NationStates.

When your dreams about NationStates involve "The insanely modified nederlandese anti-griefer hamsternation game moddess of Crazy girl" and The Basenji: Neutered Sputniks's Long lost brother (or was it cousin)

AHH... its all happening again.

Umm, when you actually care what Max Barry's nation is
03-01-2004, 13:45
when you find yourself mugging people in the general forum
03-01-2004, 18:12
when you talk to your friends through telegrams more than you do in person
03-01-2004, 18:26
when you talk to your friends through telegrams more than you do in person

When you have more friends on NS than IRL (although I believe that this has already been said)
04-01-2004, 04:21
When you visit Embassy Row in Washington, DC and immediately think of the Dutch embassy as the Knootoss embassy.

When you think the UN HQ is in Stephistan IRL.
06-01-2004, 08:21
when you write 948 word war RP posts. and your not even in the war
06-01-2004, 08:25
When you remember Satans, and beeks (multiple) deletions.

When about half you buddy list comes from NS.

New Labor
06-01-2004, 08:25
Before I saw this thread, I was depressed. Now I'm feeling good again:)

Thanks guys. Like a misery-vacuum...
06-01-2004, 08:28
When you and your friends send reminder messages to each other as TMs instead of sending an email or phoning...
06-01-2004, 08:54
When you've left NS for months and then you come back and create a new nation just to see how the mechanics of the game have evolved.
06-01-2004, 08:59
When you try mod-suicide, and niether one pays attention. :lol:

06-01-2004, 09:45
when you've been at work for half an hour & you haven't got a pen out of you drawer, but all your nations issues are dealt with, you've replied to all your TM's, AND caught up with all your main threads :lol:
Rinoa Heartilly
06-01-2004, 09:51
When there are people you really love on here, and people you really hate.
06-01-2004, 14:17
when your name starts been recognised
07-01-2004, 01:08
when your name starts been recognised

Whew! One I don't have!
08-01-2004, 05:41
when you talk to your friends through telegrams more than you do in person

When you have more friends on NS than IRL (although I believe that this has already been said)

when you meet up with friends IRL all you do is talk about NS and when you leave instead of saying "call me" you say "telegram me"

instead of giving people your Phone# you give them your nation name.
10-01-2004, 11:30
You know you've played too much NS when you start using phpBB tags in your IM conversations.
10-01-2004, 11:31
You know you've played too much NS when you start using phpBB tags in your IM conversations.

10-01-2004, 11:31
When you have a set budget in Excell and make more indigenous projects than you make posts.
10-01-2004, 11:33
You know you've played too much NS when you start using phpBB tags in your IM conversations.


Goddamn you NS!
*shakes fist in air menacingly*
10-01-2004, 11:46
When you start spending your Saturday nights on NS. :o
10-01-2004, 12:18
When you have more then person claiming to be in love with you on the forum, and one starts wishing the other death. :shock:
10-01-2004, 12:28
*Looks above this post*
When you reveal your more wicked side on the forums. :P
10-01-2004, 12:30
your fave color is [violet] (no offence :wink: )
10-01-2004, 12:30
*Looks above this post*
When you reveal your more wicked side on the forums. :P

10-01-2004, 13:01
How about when you celebrate your first aniversary on NS? ... Like I am today. :shock:
11-01-2004, 04:30
When you start spending your Saturday nights on NS. :o

thats what im doing right now :cry:
11-01-2004, 04:31
When you get annoyed and call everyone a hippy.
11-01-2004, 04:32
when you start a thread to get a date

Guilty :oops:
11-01-2004, 04:39
When you drink a bunch of protein shakes so you can stay up longer to be on the forum longer and then you pass out and you go to the hospital and you get a friend to unplug you because you think you will never be able to go on the forum ever again but if you stayed alive you would be talkin' and typin' in just 10 years.
Hell Bovines
11-01-2004, 04:44
-When you refuse to go on holydays because you want to be able to post.

-When you stop sleeping because the urge to post is bigger

-When you're so bored that read at random nation's descriptions as a hobby.
11-01-2004, 05:15
When you drink a bunch of protein shakes so you can stay up longer to be on the forum longer | and then you pass out and you go to the hospital and you get a friend to unplug you because you think you will never be able to go on the forum ever again but if you stayed alive you would be talkin' and typin' in just 10 years.
At any rate.

When you really seriously, are so addicted to NS, that from everything that you have read, you have a very bad habit (an even without reading it, I'd say that it is worse than cigarettes, and like smokers, I can not quit, even though I would like to)
When you have over 200 puppets
When you see a nation when browsing through the UN rankings, and wonder if it is yours (about 2/3 of the time that this happens, I try to log in, and it is not)
When you can not follow regional happenings pretty much anywhere in NationStates, without reaching a region that you control a couple of happenings down the line
11-01-2004, 06:29
ok this is off topic and probably cause im sorta a newbie,

but, what is a puppet if i may ask?
11-01-2004, 06:30
ok this is off topic and probably cause im sorta a newbie,

but, what is a puppet if i may ask?

A secondary nation that someone controls.
11-01-2004, 06:36
when you start a thread to get a date

Guilty :oops:

When you meet the love of your life here. :shock:

11-01-2004, 06:37
When you meet the love of your life here. :shock:

Been there and done that. :shock: :wink:
11-01-2004, 06:41
u know u have been on NS to long when u waste your time with noobs
11-01-2004, 06:43
ok this is off topic and probably cause im sorta a newbie,

but, what is a puppet if i may ask?

A secondary nation that someone controls.

thank you I now have a puppet
11-01-2004, 06:45
you also know you have been on NS to long when you have more puppets then toes and fingers
11-01-2004, 06:48
When you start topics about how to get a date.
11-01-2004, 06:52
When you meet the love of your life here. :shock:

Been there and done that. :shock: :wink:

Am there doing that. :P

11-01-2004, 06:53
When you meet the love of your life here. :shock:

Been there and done that. :shock: :wink:

Am there doing that. :P


Lol. Maybe I shouldn't have worded it past-tense. :wink:
11-01-2004, 07:07
When you meet the love of your life here. :shock:

Been there and done that. :shock: :wink:

Am there doing that. :P


Lol. Maybe I shouldn't have worded it past-tense. :wink:

Lucky Us I guess.

11-01-2004, 07:38
When you set up a date with someone on NS and when they come over you've put up dozens of their country's flags and when they never return your calls you launch an allout nuclear war agaist them and when you lose you go sobbing thru the streets as fat german tourist laugh at you as you wallow in a gutter shaking uncontrollably, and homeless people mug you with sporks and it makes you even sadder and so the police come and take you to the hospital as you repeatedly say, "I could of won. I could of won." Then in the hospital you lie on the bed watching endless hours of TV never changing the channel just staring blankly as your body excreats bodily fluids and the sheets are constantly changed but you rarly move, You're a dead wieght. You my still be alive but everyone knows that you're dead on the inside. Aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!?!
11-01-2004, 08:20
When she says she loves me.
11-01-2004, 18:15
When you set up a date with someone on NS and when they come over you've put up dozens of their country's flags | and when they never return your calls you launch an allout nuclear war agaist them and when you lose you go sobbing thru the streets as fat german tourist laugh at you as you wallow in a gutter shaking uncontrollably, and homeless people mug you with sporks and it makes you even sadder and so the police come and take you to the hospital as you repeatedly say, "I could of won. I could of won." Then in the hospital you lie on the bed watching endless hours of TV never changing the channel just staring blankly as your body excreats bodily fluids and the sheets are constantly changed but you rarly move, You're a dead wieght. You my still be alive but everyone knows that you're dead on the inside. Aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!?!
When you get an obsession with proving your point, even when you've quite clearly won.
11-01-2004, 18:30
When you post you are never going to play NS again...
The Edwardian Empire
11-01-2004, 21:21

:D I'm so proud! :D
The White Hats
11-01-2004, 22:58
When you tell your son to stop spamming at the dinner table, and your daughter to stop flaming her brother.

And they both tell you to stop Godmodding when you threaten retaliation for not tidying their rooms.
12-01-2004, 02:02
W-H-E-N-space-Y-O-U-space-S-T-A-R-T-space-T-A-L-K-I-N-G-space-I-N- space-L-E-T-T-E-R-S
when to make a point buy saying open bracket color equal red close bracket open bracket size equal twenty close bracket blah blah open bracket slash color close bracket open bracket slash size close bracket
(USA citizens only) when you shoot a bald eagle to eat and claim it is the countries favorite meal when you get arrested :evil:
(children only) When you gamble and claim it’s legal :lol:
When you use acronyms IRL :oops:
when you call a RL leader and make them declare war on your NS nation because you RP a war with them. :oops:
when you read 10 pages of you know you’ve played ns to much when. :oops:
When you have 7, you know you’ve played ns to much when, in 1 post :oops:
when you don’t insult your sister you flame her :twisted:
when you have perft spelig (is that how you spell perfect spelling :?: )
when you make elaboret post look up /|\ :)
when you count down the seconds to new years on your regional form (guilty as charged :oops: )
when you use 4 or more emoticons in one post
when you say Simi colon - D for expresing :D
when you figure out the differences in NS time and yours, 2 hrs
12-01-2004, 02:17
you jump under a desk when someone RPs a war with you.
12-01-2004, 16:02
in the middle of the last invasion attempt for the south pacific, i actually ended up making two dates with my boyfriend on the offsite forum because we were too busy to call each other...
12-01-2004, 16:06
you remeber the first "You know when you've been playing NS too much when" thread...
15-01-2004, 08:59
when you count down the seconds to new years on your regional form (guilty as charged :oops: )

when an hour and a half into the new year you start counting down the seconds too 2005 8)
15-01-2004, 09:50
when you read 10 pages of you know you’ve played ns to much when. :oops:

When you read 10 pages of "You know you've played ns too much when..." only to post that you've read ten pages and then find someone's beaten you to it On THE LAST PAGE!!! :lol:

Edit: and when NS is your default home page
Almighty Sephiroth
15-01-2004, 09:55
When you think of committing suicide and writing a goodbye topic to all your friends on NS!
15-01-2004, 09:56
*when you dream about a Mod* :shock:
15-01-2004, 10:15
ahem... what kind of dream? The best kind! :wink: :? :idea: :?:
15-01-2004, 10:17
*when you dream about a Mod* :shock:

.... when you have nightmares about other players becoming Mods.... :D
15-01-2004, 10:18
ahem... what kind of dream? The best kind! :wink: :? :idea: :?:

Surely that would depend on the Mod :wink:
15-01-2004, 10:20
When you wonder where you can exchange dollars for -insert NS nation's currency-...
15-01-2004, 10:24
When you have two notebooks on the desk next to you full of resource materal that you looked up at the library, and notes on your nation's alliances and major characters. Or when you start writting a D20 system game based on your nation (And start getting a publisher interested in it.)
15-01-2004, 10:29
When you become "that guy" who gets annoyed at other people for not replying to your posts quick enough - as if they hadn't got anything else to do in their life but check NS...
16-01-2004, 09:15
When you try passing cheques of your ns money.

When you go to your local pharmacist wanting a preciption drug your prscription is from a docter in the ns world
18-01-2004, 05:15
You leave the UN then rejoin to avoid the last resoulution. :oops:

have yet to rejoin still need the email.
18-01-2004, 18:57
When you try passing cheques of your ns money.

When you make your countries money.
19-01-2004, 02:50
someone who started at the same time calls your post count insane
Celestial Paranoia
19-01-2004, 03:14
When you have no clue as to why you continue to get on at all. :?
19-01-2004, 10:23
...when you spend the weekend trying to think of appropriae actors/actresses for NS characters :shock:
19-01-2004, 10:33
...when you spend the weekend trying to think of appropriae actors/actresses for NS characters :shock:


How sad is that!! :P :wink:
19-01-2004, 18:41
you remeber the first "You know when you've been playing NS too much when" thread...
When yu personally spammed, and when you made an enemy of Marathon on the first "You know you've been playing NS too much when. . ." thread. :oops:

.... when you have nightmares about other players becoming Mods.... :D

That's not normal? :? I recall when I first joined, I had terrible dreams about Marathon and INGS0C as mods. *shudders*
27-01-2004, 03:58
When you look down on the U.S. as a "n00b nation."
27-01-2004, 04:40
When you look down on the U.S. as a "n00b nation."
When you work out what kind of UN ranking NS would give the country you've been assigned to research...when you can hit 'reload' and 'back' without looking...when you argue over how to pronounce the names of postmaster-generals...when you have friends named Sal and Violet but still freak if people refer to them by name...when you have nightmares where Letila's endpick comes into your house and paints error messages on your walls (true story)...when you read 1984 and put Sal's face under the message Big Brother is Watching in your mind without releating it to NS...when you make you Dutch friend translate 'het dere whatever Nederands topic' to see if their planning to crash your region...if you hace friends who's initials are RR and try to figure out why they sign papers Rejected Realms...when you get into a debate with a nation only to find it's your friends puppet...
Celestial Paranoia
27-01-2004, 06:19
When you have no clue as to why you continue to get on at all. :?

27-01-2004, 06:24
When you have no clue as to why you continue to get on at all. :?

Damn, I actually have to echo that sentiment. I can't even muster up the energy to reply to most of the threads, even if I have a really funny or unique reply. I'm here out of sheer habit. :?
Celestial Paranoia
27-01-2004, 06:26
Damn, I actually have to echo that sentiment. I can't even muster up the energy to reply to most of the threads, even if I have a really funny or unique reply. I'm here out of sheer habit. :?

Mine's called Broke-Boredom. ;)
27-01-2004, 06:32
Damn, I actually have to echo that sentiment. I can't even muster up the energy to reply to most of the threads, even if I have a really funny or unique reply. I'm here out of sheer habit. :?

Mine's called Broke-Boredom. ;)
Same here, with maybe a little dash of curiousity as to the happenings here, or what may happen. It's like watching the winding down of a wild party, something interesting may still happen at the end. :P
Celestial Paranoia
27-01-2004, 06:35
Same here, with maybe a little dash of curiousity as to the happenings here, or what may happen. It's like watching the winding down of a wild party, something interesting may still happen at the end. :P

True. I got hooked because work was slow. Now I have a new job, where the last thing I think of is the net. But I still jump on, to be disappointed. :(
27-01-2004, 06:42
- You get other people hooked
- You've not only read but you own the novel Jennifer Government
- You have a website that is devoted to your region's alliance (ALSN)
27-01-2004, 06:48
Same here, with maybe a little dash of curiousity as to the happenings here, or what may happen. It's like watching the winding down of a wild party, something interesting may still happen at the end. :P

True. I got hooked because work was slow. Now I have a new job, where the last thing I think of is the net. But I still jump on, to be disappointed. :(
I used to like it for the serious arguments/talks I had with people, and for some of the people I knew, mostly in my region. Now I have more respect for the people I disagreed with. :lol:
27-01-2004, 07:10 see Neutered Sputnicks cruising General and think "What the cripes have they done now!?"'s%20Joy-Popple%20Dungeon%20Super%20Star.jpg
Red 24
27-01-2004, 09:45
when you get depressed about the fact a day in your lie IRL is nothing like a day in your life on NS :(
27-01-2004, 14:26
Sal's face under the message Big Brother is Watching in your mind without releating it to NS...

ROFLMAO. sorry but that takes the cake
28-01-2004, 20:43
29-01-2004, 04:09
When half your waking hours are spent trying to get the forum to work.
29-01-2004, 10:02 call your cat, who's name is Jasper, Gaspode :shock:
Gaspode the Wonder Dog
29-01-2004, 10:04 call your cat, who's name is Jasper, Gaspode :shock:

29-01-2004, 10:06 call your cat, who's name is Jasper, Gaspode :shock:


i know, i know :(
Gaspode the Wonder Dog
29-01-2004, 10:08
...when the mornings make you SO happy cos that's when the server works the best.
31-01-2004, 14:50
...when you spend the evening thinking of ways to save your nations lovelife!!!

*maybe I should get out more?*
31-01-2004, 15:08
•When you spend a total of over 60 hours writing your nations history
•When you get your RPs mixed with reality and conduct a raid on your neighbors house
•When you post on idiotic threads like these :shock:
01-02-2004, 07:37
when you dont think these threads are idiotic but rather an important peice of factual literature
Uncle Wriggles Cabin
01-02-2004, 09:06
When you set it up so NS pops up when you log on to your home computer

And your laptop

And your work computer

And your moms computer :oops:
01-02-2004, 18:14
you remeber the first "You know when you've been playing NS too much when" thread...
When yu personally spammed, and when you made an enemy of Marathon on the first "You know you've been playing NS too much when. . ." thread. :oops:

.... when you have nightmares about other players becoming Mods.... :D

That's not normal? :? I recall when I first joined, I had terrible dreams about Marathon and INGS0C as mods. *shudders*

Haha, Marathon and Beeker are mods on the FUA forum.
01-02-2004, 18:15
Same here, with maybe a little dash of curiousity as to the happenings here, or what may happen. It's like watching the winding down of a wild party, something interesting may still happen at the end. :P

True. I got hooked because work was slow. Now I have a new job, where the last thing I think of is the net. But I still jump on, to be disappointed. :(
I used to like it for the serious arguments/talks I had with people, and for some of the people I knew, mostly in my region. Now I have more respect for the people I disagreed with. :lol:

Except me of course. ;)
01-02-2004, 18:22
Hey Parratoga! Long time no see!

You've been playing NS too much when you go outside and the first thing that comes to mind is OMG, what happens if I have a war?! And then run back in....not paying any attention to the fact that you have overgrown grass and your dog is dead of hunger
01-02-2004, 18:22
Hey Parratoga! Long time no see!

You've been playing NS too much when you go outside and the first thing that comes to mind is OMG, what happens if I have a war?! And then run back in....not paying any attention to the fact that you have overgrown grass and your dog is dead of hunger
01-02-2004, 18:22
Hey Parratoga! Long time no see!

You've been playing NS too much when you go outside and the first thing that comes to mind is OMG, what happens if I have a war?! And then run back in....not paying any attention to the fact that you have overgrown grass and your dog is dead of hunger
01-02-2004, 18:23
Ah I know....

You know you've played Nation States too long when you former arch-enemies become your buddies, your former (fair-weather) friends become your nemesis, and you actually got someone who you had a crush on here on Nation States to travel to your nation in real life and end up falling in love with them. :D

You also know you've played Nation States too long when you have 16,700+ posts or so and now can't be bothered to visit Nation States forum because it's been taken over by n00bs and the forum is sooo slow so you have your own little forum where Beeker and Marathon are mods Clicky! ( 8)
01-02-2004, 18:30
->When you actually bother to read these threads
03-02-2004, 06:18
When you remember the "Ziobia Recommends: Top Ten List" of UN proposals in the UN forum.

When you remember when the "Nuts and Bolts" category didn't exist and the Tech forum was lumped in with NS, II, and UN.
The Basenji
03-02-2004, 06:20
When you remember when the "Nuts and Bolts" category didn't exist and the Tech forum was lumped in with NS, II, and UN.

And when spam was reported though “The Getting Help Page”. So many memories... :lol:
03-02-2004, 06:23
When you remember when the "Nuts and Bolts" category didn't exist and the Tech forum was lumped in with NS, II, and UN.

And when spam was reported though “The Getting Help Page”. So many memories... :lol:

Remember PIN numbers in the URLS? Sort of like we have now, actually.... *shrug*
07-02-2004, 19:28
When you've been around long enough to see all of your friends go inactive, get deleted, and get re-created...

...several times.
09-02-2004, 14:41
...when you're gripped with excitement cos the server's actually working
09-02-2004, 14:49
...when you're gripped with excitement cos the server's actually working

Thankfully (!?!) a rare occurence!
10-02-2004, 17:07
...when you work in a busy open plan office & you have to go to the toilets to laugh about what's happening on NS to stop your colleagues thinking you've cracked up
10-02-2004, 17:19
... when you resent phonecalls. vengefully.
09-04-2004, 08:12
bump for old times' sake.