NationStates Jolt Archive

A Sado-Masochism Site, Max!?!

26-05-2004, 03:40
I have an addiction to reading things, interviews among them (although I read prett much everything I can get my hands on unless it's absolut Trash). Since I'm also phobic about pornography, I was a bit reluctant to click the link. Yet there are a lot of minors besides myelf who subscribe to Max's newsletter, so I decided that it was probably safe.
Yet by the time I got to the comments I figured out that this was an S&M site (thanks to NationStates for teaching me what S&M is detail by the way).

What purpose did Max have for giving an interview to a fetish site, and why did they ask to interview him in the first place?

Also, I've noticed that Max seems to be putting out fewer news bites lately. Is there something going on?
26-05-2004, 16:49
It's just a site about punk girls etc.
It's not really any different to FHM or any of those other mags... just dedicated to a different reader.
27-05-2004, 02:12
It's just a site about punk girls etc.
It's not really any different to FHM or any of those other mags... just dedicated to a different reader.
But it seems like what was described in the S&M issue. Mind, I didn't dare stray from the interview, and comments, so I could have misinterpreted.
Catholic Europe
27-05-2004, 09:18
How old are you Qaaol?
Tuesday Heights
27-05-2004, 18:38
Just different sub-cultures are interested in NS, I suppose. Oh, well, if you really minded it, you probably wouldn't have read it once you realized what site it was on. :wink:
28-05-2004, 00:02
CE, I'm 15, a bit less than two months until I turn 16.

TH, I didn't figure out what it was until I read the comments.
I'd still be cluesless were it not for the "Whips, and Chains, and Leather, Oh My" issue.
I assumed that Max was joking about naked women, which he was, but it *was* still a fetish site.
Catholic Europe
28-05-2004, 13:16
CE, I'm 15, a bit less than two months until I turn 16.

Hmm....okay. :?
29-05-2004, 00:30
Hmm....okay. :?
Why do you ask?
Tuesday Heights
29-05-2004, 05:42
TH, I didn't figure out what it was until I read the comments.
I'd still be cluesless were it not for the "Whips, and Chains, and Leather, Oh My" issue.

Ah, okay, that's understandable. You must live a very sheltered life, though. :wink:
Catholic Europe
29-05-2004, 10:28
Hmm....okay. :?
Why do you ask?

I thought, reading from that post, that you might have been a bit younger.
29-05-2004, 13:32
Hmm....okay. :?
Why do you ask?

I thought, reading from that post, that you might have been a bit younger.i always got the impression that qaaol was a fair bit older than 15-16 :|

anyway, i do agree with qaaol
Catholic Europe
29-05-2004, 14:20
i always got the impression that qaaol was a fair bit older than 15-16 :|

Me too, until I read this opening post.
Tuesday Heights
29-05-2004, 14:29
i always got the impression that qaaol was a fair bit older than 15-16 :|

Yep, me, too. :?
29-05-2004, 17:57
Nothing wrong in a bit of leather and some handcuffs...
30-05-2004, 05:26
CE, I have Asperger's Syndrome. A fair number of people whoo have AS continue to find the concept of sex unpleasant even into adulthood.

TH, I read this things in the books that I read, I just tend to deliberately forget them afterwards. What I mean by "clueless" is that if I saw one of those sex shops, I'd have no idea what it was, and if I saw a naked person being walked on a leash, I'd call the police for domestic violence instead of indecent exposure.
I have a vague idea of what sadism (though not really masochism) from Island in the Sea of Time, a good book for the most part, but like most alternate history writers he seems to have a bizarre fixation on strage methods of sex. I probably would have managed to forget it had that issue not jogged my memory.
And although I probably do live a very sheltered life, I go to school in Amherst, so I've had comprehensive sex education in Health class. I'm still a lot more comfortable talking about it in the abstract than actually thinking of the meanings of my words.

The reason that you guys are confused about my age is that as I mentioned, I have AS.
It means that intellectually I'm an adult or near to it, physically I'm a teenager (although I look older because I don't smile much), and socially and emotionally, I'm a child. Organizationally, I'm awful, but I think that that can be atributed t the fact that I'm male.

One reason that I like the internet is because I do not have to deal with on the spot social situations, and if I get angry, I usually have time to not post, edit, or delete rants.

Peace, Truth, and Justice,
Catholic Europe
30-05-2004, 09:10
CE, I have Asperger's Syndrome. A fair number of people whoo have AS continue to find the concept of sex unpleasant even into adulthood. was I supposed to know.
Tuesday Heights
30-05-2004, 13:18
Ah, okay, that makes sense now.
30-05-2004, 13:41 was I supposed to know.
You weren't.
Another "symptom" of AS is that I assume people know what I know.
For some reason they don't though. . .
30-05-2004, 15:20
Never heard of that...
Must investigate....
Tuesday Heights
31-05-2004, 04:56 was I supposed to know.
You weren't.
Another "symptom" of AS is that I assume people know what I know.
For some reason they don't though. . .

I don't even have the illness, and I assume people know what I know.
Catholic Europe
31-05-2004, 09:57
You weren't.
Another "symptom" of AS is that I assume people know what I know.
For some reason they don't though. . .

Isn't AS a type of autism?
Tuesday Heights
31-05-2004, 14:52
Isn't AS a type of autism?

Yes, but the research I've dug up is saying it's not officially considered that, because it shares symptoms of Autism with new symptoms as well.
31-05-2004, 18:08
Isn't AS a type of autism?

Yes, but the research I've dug up is saying it's not officially considered that, because it shares symptoms of Autism with new symptoms as well.
AS is an advantage as much as a disadvantage, since we tend to see things differently, and it's not an illness. They think that it may be related to Autism, but I doubt it.

About a quarter of my friends have AS, and I know some people who have Autism, so although I'm not a proffessional, I'd still consider myself an expert on AS.

As I said, we tend to think differently, normal people would say somewhat irrationally, but this tends to to our advantage. They think that Jefferson and Einstein had AS for instance. We also think if not similar to one another, closer to each other than normal people, and so we can understand each other fairly well. And even if normal people's rationalizations for things are odd to me, unless it's a community of eccentrics like NS, I can usually determine motives.

I also am aware of social rules and ettiquite, even if I think that most of them are dumb, and ignore them, at least know to complain about them.

People with Autism on the other hand, although they seem smart, have no way of communicating it and seem to be off in their own little worlds.

Personally I'd say that AS is closer to ADHD with the notable exception that people with AS tend to focus too much on one thing, and people with ADHD too little.

In both cases people with the disorder have trouble socially and organizationally, and are smarter than IQ implies ('K mine's still fairly, high, but it's lower than it would be because IQ is based significantly on social prowess.

ANd just as somebody with ADHD has trouble staying on topic, I often have troubl with allowing the topic to change.
The Atheists Reality
01-06-2004, 05:55
Isn't AS a type of autism?

Yes, but the research I've dug up is saying it's not officially considered that, because it shares symptoms of Autism with new symptoms as well.
AS is an advantage as much as a disadvantage, since we tend to see things differently, and it's not an illness. They think that it may be related to Autism, but I doubt it.

About a quarter of my friends have AS, and I know some people who have Autism, so although I'm not a proffessional, I'd still consider myself an expert on AS.

As I said, we tend to think differently, normal people would say somewhat irrationally, but this tends to to our advantage. They think that Jefferson and Einstein had AS for instance. We also think if not similar to one another, closer to each other than normal people, and so we can understand each other fairly well. And even if normal people's rationalizations for things are odd to me, unless it's a community of eccentrics like NS, I can usually determine motives.

I also am aware of social rules and ettiquite, even if I think that most of them are dumb, and ignore them, at least know to complain about them.

People with Autism on the other hand, although they seem smart, have no way of communicating it and seem to be off in their own little worlds.

Personally I'd say that AS is closer to ADHD with the notable exception that people with AS tend to focus too much on one thing, and people with ADHD too little.

In both cases people with the disorder have trouble socially and organizationally, and are smarter than IQ implies ('K mine's still fairly, high, but it's lower than it would be because IQ is based significantly on social prowess.

ANd just as somebody with ADHD has trouble staying on topic, I often have troubl with allowing the topic to change.

how many people on this site have AS? i know of only me and two others :)
The Most Glorious Hack
01-06-2004, 06:45
I can say with good authority that there's likely quite a few. I know of two (aside from those mentioned in this thread) myself.

No, I'm not going to say who, as it's not my place to do such a thing.
Catholic Europe
01-06-2004, 08:13
Wow, I've never met a person with AS in my life before and here on this site there are loads.
The Atheists Reality
01-06-2004, 08:17
Wow, I've never met a person with AS in my life before and here on this site there are loads.

muahahahaha, we have infiltrated NS! :P
Catholic Europe
01-06-2004, 10:07
muahahahaha, we have infiltrated NS! :P

Yeah, you've taken it over! :D
Tuesday Heights
01-06-2004, 19:36
Wow, I've never met a person with AS in my life before and here on this site there are loads.

Same here, but it's good to broaden my horizons, don't you agree?
02-06-2004, 02:01
muahahahaha, we have infiltrated NS! :P

Yeah, you've taken it over! :D
Heh. Everybody who plays NS for any etended period of time has to be a bit eccentric. When a normal, rational person comes on it's painfully obvious. They just post "I don't get it, what's the point? What do you gain from wasting all your free time in front of an internet webgame?" and then leave.

Actually, I can not get any of my friends with NS to play it. The one friend whom I have who plays has ADHD. The other one that I got to create a nation, move to my region, and post, although he never logged on since and his nations' been dead since approximately October has ADHD and NVLD. THe friends with AS, one, the only strategic game that she likes is Civilization II, the other two would rather watch movies than be on the internet.

But yes, if you look at the internet in general, intends to attract fringe groups. Libertarians, greens (like myself), Marxists, Stalinists, Nazis, the religious right, as well as social groups, like Aspies, Nerds, people who like making up their own countires, Dutch, and Canadians.

Politically and socially, I'm a good example. I don't feel like debating politcs here, but I'm one of a tiny minority of people in the country who are going to vote for a third party presidential candidate virtually no matter what. I'm also what I'd call a "Western Massachusetts nationalist", that is, I believe that the 51st state should be "Quintucket" and composed of Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Berkshire, and perhaps Worchester counties Massachusetts. I'm obsessed with Anatolia, I have fights with pyromanics at lunch over who's the most, insane, I don't like uising facs and logic unless I have to, or unless Im talking politics (great reversal of what's supposed to use them and what ain't no?), It drives me crazy to see improper grammar including my own, but I never proffreed for it, and I can say a whole sentence in under a second. And people can never figure out when I'm joking, serious, sarcastic, or facetious, because I usually use all four within short periods of time. Take this above post, and try to figue out which is which, noting that I may change midsentence, for example. Scary thing is that I don't even have to try to do that, it takes efffort on my part not to.

Do any mods have AS Hack? I can think of at least four (aside from you), who I think might, plus there are several which I don't know very well so I can't guess.
The Most Glorious Hack
02-06-2004, 13:06
Do any mods have AS Hack? I can think of at least four (aside from you), who I think might, plus there are several which I don't know very well so I can't guess.

Of course, I can neither confirm nor deny that, but you knew I'd say that.

However, as far as I know, I don't have AS, or much of anything else... aside from extreme cynicism.
Tuesday Heights
03-06-2004, 00:31
I don't have AS, or much of anything else... aside from extreme cynicism.

Ah, so we have something in common! :lol:
03-06-2004, 02:52
Of course, I can neither confirm nor deny that, but you knew I'd say that.

True, except for the "you knew I'd say that part". I'll just ask the mods whom I suspect may have it directly after I hae some free time.

However, as far as I know, I don't have AS, or much of anything else... aside from extreme cynicism.

Heh, I have that too. I even get comments on it. For example, when I made a comment on the fact that standardized testing's sole "advantage" is that it keeps the testing corporations who donate to legislators campaigns in business somebody told me (and I quote): "It's a shame that you're so cynical at such a young age." Of course come to think about it, we wonder why we have standardized testing, and then find out the real reason, so it teaches us about how politics works (if we didn't already know).

Of course most adults who have AS don't know it, since people only began to realize it around when I was ten or so. And although parents of children with AS often get ttheir kids tested, they don't get themselves tested.
Tuesday Heights
03-06-2004, 08:17
How do you test for AS? Is it a mental test or a biological test? My interest is keen now, Qaaol...
03-06-2004, 23:50
04-06-2004, 00:17
How do you test for AS? Is it a mental test or a biological test? My interest is keen now, Qaaol...
My parents had me taken for tests, and in (third, fourth, or fifth grade, I forget now) determined that I was at very least on the borderline. Later on, as more came to light about various forms of it, they determined through more tests that I most definitely have more than enough of the symptoms.

Say, Hack, could you split the posts about AS off and send them to General? After the first coupla posts, this isn't really about my astonishment on one of Max's commentary bites any more, and we don't want to be hijacking the most important forum (after Tech of course) with unrelated things.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-06-2004, 07:47
Say, Hack, could you split the posts about AS off and send them to General? After the first coupla posts, this isn't really about my astonishment on one of Max's commentary bites any more, and we don't want to be hijacking the most important forum (after Tech of course) with unrelated things.

I thought about it, actually...

I'm just afraid of what would happen to this poor, innocent thread in the wasteland that is General. It'd likely be mugged and left for dead.
Catholic Europe
04-06-2004, 14:33
I thought about it, actually...

I'm just afraid of what would happen to this poor, innocent thread in the wasteland that is General. It'd likely be mugged and left for dead.

Yeah, leave it here so that we can talk about it properly. :D
04-06-2004, 16:01
I agree you have to be a little strange to play this game for a long time.
I mean look at how long I've been playing and I'm not going to stop. If someone's trying to force me to stop I won't give up without a fight...

Oh would you be so kind as to post some of the symptoms?
Catholic Europe
04-06-2004, 22:38
I agree you have to be a little strange to play this game for a long time.
I mean look at how long I've been playing and I'm not going to stop. If someone's trying to force me to stop I won't give up without a fight...

Oh would you be so kind as to post some of the symptoms?

You think that you've been playing NS for a long time?


That was a funny joke! :wink:
05-06-2004, 00:15
Good point Hack and CE.
I don't want to offend CE, but I know how a fair number of the Generalites are.

Lesse, I'll find ya some links Alluhaland. warning lable for this one below)

Note that I can not vouch personally for the accuracy of any of thes sites, which is why I'm providing several, and there I some examples where I would disagree For example:
"Compelling need to finish one task completely before starting another"
I'm not sure why the myweb people put this as a counter-AS trait, since that there was one of my most major symptoms, (stillis in real life, but on the internet, I function differently) and I know other people with AS who have this too.

I will say that the first link, which is also the first on a Google search for "Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome" is very accurate from what I read of it, but not very comprehensive.

And the final link is comprehensive, but treats it like a disease, and takes the attitude that everybody should be neurotypical.
Unfree People
05-06-2004, 06:44
That's really interesting, Qaaol. I'm no psychiatrist, but I think I share a few of those symptoms, heh. And I know I have major problems, being as addicted to NS as I am.

Tsk, CE, be nice to the noobs. :P
Tuesday Heights
05-06-2004, 06:48
And I know I have major problems, being as addicted to NS as I am.

Wait! You, too! We should start a support group. NS Anonymous. :lol:
Unfree People
05-06-2004, 06:54
Hey, now, at least I don't have almost 15 posts per day, like some!! There's still some hope for me, maybe ;)
05-06-2004, 10:54
I agree you have to be a little strange to play this game for a long time.
I mean look at how long I've been playing and I'm not going to stop. If someone's trying to force me to stop I won't give up without a fight...

Oh would you be so kind as to post some of the symptoms?

You think that you've been playing NS for a long time?


That was a funny joke! :wink:

Thank you I've been working on this comedy thing :)

Looks like I have a few of those symptoms.
*adds AS to the list of "mental illnesses" he seems to have some symptoms of"
Catholic Europe
05-06-2004, 12:28
I haven't read any of the symptoms but I guess that I may have one or two as well.

Particularly obsession and complex tasks.
05-06-2004, 15:28
Hey, now, at least I don't have almost 15 posts per day, like some!! There's still some hope for me, maybe ;)
But you also post a lot on IRC and in game. Then again, I post a lot on IRC and in-game, and I have a higher post-per-day count than Catholic Europe (probably because my post count survived the purge in tact, at least, I hope that's the reason :shock: ).

Could be, CE. If people with AS aren't atheists (as myself, and most of the people I know with AS are), then they seem to be very religious. :twisted:
05-06-2004, 16:23
You know I never seem to be able to get on the IRC server because of my firewall...
I think your ident system is a bit too invasive :P

:arrow: Is extremely Atheist.
Tuesday Heights
06-06-2004, 04:30
Hey, now, at least I don't have almost 15 posts per day, like some!! There's still some hope for me, maybe ;)

I have a lot more than that per day... :P
Catholic Europe
06-06-2004, 10:13
Could be, CE. If people with AS aren't atheists (as myself, and most of the people I know with AS are), then they seem to be very religious. :twisted:

Well, I'm not very religious...I add some on for effect in here.
Emperor Matthuis
06-06-2004, 20:20
And I know I have major problems, being as addicted to NS as I am.

Wait! You, too! We should start a support group. NS Anonymous. :lol:


But interesting topic i've been watching it and thought i would say something.
06-06-2004, 21:51
Could be, CE. If people with AS aren't atheists (as myself, and most of the people I know with AS are), then they seem to be very religious. :twisted:

Well, I'm not very religious...I add some on for effect in here.
I never realized that. :oops:

Of course, although I tone my personality down somewhat here, I do exaggerate it a tad on my personal ranting website. Not by much though.
Tuesday Heights
06-06-2004, 22:31
Of course, although I tone my personality down somewhat here, I do exaggerate it a tad on my personal ranting website. Not by much though.

I'd love to see it, if you'd telegram me the link, as we wall rant somewhere.
Unfree People
06-06-2004, 23:24
Hey, now, at least I don't have almost 15 posts per day, like some!! There's still some hope for me, maybe ;)

I have a lot more than that per day... :P

Founded: 24 Nov 2003
Total posts: 2997
[0.15% of total / 15.29 posts per day]
Find all posts by Tuesday Heights

No, not a lot. But my point was, it's a heck of a lot more than mine (not even 2).

Qaaol needs to use a spell check on his rantings site and then maybe I'd read em :P :lol:
07-06-2004, 01:56
Qaaol needs to use a spell check on his rantings site and then maybe I'd read em :P :lol:
But with the length of my rant's that'll take forever. . . :( :P

Nah seriously. I'll get around to it eventually. I'll proofread them for grammar too. It's just that I realized that my rantings are kinda long. I C&Ped them into Word and they have word counts of 3952, 3050, and 1937 words. In size 12 font, that's 6 1/2, 6, and 3 1/4 (hey, I was exhausted last night) pages. And I can't just C&P them into and out of Word, then out since it won't maintain non-breaking spaces.

All well, once I get up enough rants that new people to my rant site can look through a backlog I'll begin proofreading before postng. And once I get the site onto it's own domain, I really will.
The Most Glorious Hack
07-06-2004, 07:47
Founded: 24 Nov 2003
Total posts: 2997
[0.15% of total / 15.29 posts per day]
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No, not a lot. But my point was, it's a heck of a lot more than mine (not even 2).

Jeeze... I'm a spammy bastard:

Founded: 11 Mar 2003
Total posts: 8798
[0.45% of total / 19.38 posts per day]
07-06-2004, 07:50
different strokes for different folks is what I say...
Catholic Europe
07-06-2004, 10:26
Jeeze... I'm a spammy bastard:

Founded: 11 Mar 2003
Total posts: 8798
[0.45% of total / 19.38 posts per day]

I did have more than you. I was on something like 21.02 posts a day.....until the purge. :x
07-06-2004, 18:15
And people on another board call me spammy for having a 3.9 posts per day count :(

I know how much that sucks!
Tuesday Heights
07-06-2004, 19:07
I'm just glad my 3000+ post count finally survived the purge!
08-06-2004, 01:36
Jeeze... I'm a spammy bastard:

Founded: 11 Mar 2003
Total posts: 8798
[0.45% of total / 19.38 posts per day]

I did have more than you. I was on something like 21.02 posts a day.....until the purge. :x
Well that's a relief.

Founded: 03 Jul 2003 Total posts: 6019
[0.31% of total / 17.70 posts per day]
Find all posts by Qaaolchoura
Founded: 19 Dec 2002
Total posts: 9044
[0.46% of total / 16.87 posts per day]
Find all posts by Catholic Europe

I was afraid that it was my own fault that I had a higher post-per day rate than you.

But still, there were days in the fall where I made over a hundred posts per day. A few of em actually, and several more where I came near that. No wonder that my PC is still high when I make about a dozen posts per day nowadays.
Unfree People
08-06-2004, 01:57
I don't even have 2 :lol:

I didn't post in the forums until October... and even then it was only to whine about whatever Francos was doing... and it's only been this past week that I decided I could post in General without being masochistic 8)
Catholic Europe
08-06-2004, 10:48
But still, there were days in the fall where I made over a hundred posts per day. A few of em actually, and several more where I came near that. No wonder that my PC is still high when I make about a dozen posts per day nowadays.

Qaaol, at one point in like October I was posting about 200 posts a day.
Tuesday Heights
08-06-2004, 10:49
Qaaol, at one point in like October I was posting about 200 posts a day.

And I thought I was bad... at almost 100 a day... :oops:
Catholic Europe
08-06-2004, 10:54
And I thought I was bad... at almost 100 a day... :oops:

Well, back then, it was much easier to post 200 posts. I could post 100 posts in like 30 minutes by just posting things like:

*gets a coke*

*walks up the stairs*

*lies down*

in Volcano.
Tuesday Heights
08-06-2004, 10:55
LOL! :lol:

And now things like that get eaten in the nightly purges... :cry:
Catholic Europe
08-06-2004, 15:23
LOL! :lol:

And now things like that get eaten in the nightly purges... :cry:

Well, they're just plain banned now.
Tuesday Heights
11-06-2004, 04:43
LOL! :lol:

And now things like that get eaten in the nightly purges... :cry:

Well, they're just plain banned now.

YAY! :twisted:
11-06-2004, 04:50
^ You're boring!

*falls asleep* :wink:
Catholic Europe
11-06-2004, 11:33
YAY! :twisted:

Do you not like chat threads?
Tuesday Heights
11-06-2004, 18:54
YAY! :twisted:

Do you not like chat threads?

Not particularly, but on NS, it's more because of the amount of space they take up rather than the fact that they exist. I don't mind if people want to just "chat," per se, I just wish they'd wait until the server can handle it.
11-06-2004, 23:37
So you find sex disgusting, Qaaolchoura? I don't think I could live if I felt that way.

What are you talking about this S/M link? I haven't seen any links like that anywhere here.

"Beside him is a beautiful androgyne called SWITCH, aiming a large gun at Neo."--Script of The Matrix (I love The Matrix, but that is still funny.)
Free your mind! (
I like big butts!
Unfree People
12-06-2004, 00:19
What are you talking about this S/M link? I haven't seen any links like that anywhere here. It was in Max's news posts on his site -
Tuesday Heights
12-06-2004, 02:18
So you find sex disgusting, Qaaolchoura? I don't think I could live if I felt that way.

That's not what he said at all; Qaaol said that he finds it awkward (sp ?) as AS does that to your way of thinking.
Catholic Europe
13-06-2004, 13:28
That's not what he said at all; Qaaol said that he finds it awkward (sp ?) as AS does that to your way of thinking.

Many things can make people feel awkward about sex, not just AS (in Qaaol's case).
Tuesday Heights
15-06-2004, 03:15
That's not what he said at all; Qaaol said that he finds it awkward (sp ?) as AS does that to your way of thinking.

Many things can make people feel awkward about sex, not just AS (in Qaaol's case).

Well, of course, I was just using Qaaol as an example because that's what this thread turned into. :P
Catholic Europe
15-06-2004, 11:09
Well, of course, I was just using Qaaol as an example because that's what this thread turned into. :P

I know and I was just pointing out other things! :D
Tuesday Heights
15-06-2004, 16:24
Well, of course, I was just using Qaaol as an example because that's what this thread turned into. :P

I know and I was just pointing out other things! :D

Ah, I see! :D
Catholic Europe
17-06-2004, 11:38
Ah, I see! :D

Glad we got that sorted out.
18-06-2004, 23:00
And I'm back.
And very tired.
The last three weeks have been huge loads of schoolwork.
Catholic Europe
19-06-2004, 09:44
And I'm back.
And very tired.
The last three weeks have been huge loads of schoolwork.

Have a some posts! :lol: :D
19-06-2004, 17:16
Why would Max go to a S/M site in the first place? :wink:

R j00 b45h|n9 m3j3 6r4mm4r, ph45c|57?
Free your mind! (
I like big butts!
20-06-2004, 01:29
And I'm back.
And very tired.
The last three weeks have been huge loads of schoolwork.

Have a some posts! :lol: :DHeh, I have other plans elsewhere on the net. :twisted: :P
20-06-2004, 01:33
Why would Max go to a S/M site in the first place? :wink:
Heh, good question. . . :P
I bet that Jennifer Barry'll be mad if se finds out. . . :twisted:

Seriously though, he was invited for an interview. The real question is why he decided to not only promote it, but link to it instead of reposting the entire thing to him via e-mail.
The Most Glorious Hack
20-06-2004, 07:28
I bet that Jennifer Barry'll be mad if she finds out. . . :twisted:

Nah, she's nice :wink:

Seriously though, he was invited for an interview. The real question is why he decided to not only promote it, but link to it instead of reposting the entire thing to him via e-mail.

He's a writer, ergo he's lazy.
Catholic Europe
20-06-2004, 12:48
Heh, I have other plans elsewhere on the net. :twisted: :P

I could read far too much into that! :lol:
20-06-2004, 17:52
Well, I guess you just have to adapt then
20-06-2004, 20:00
Nah, she's nice :wink:

He's a writer, ergo he's lazy.
Really? She sounds pretty sarcastic from Max's newsbytes. :P

Heh. Good point.
20-06-2004, 20:05
Heh, I have other plans elsewhere on the net. :twisted: :P

I could read far too much into that! :lol:
What do you think I have planned?
Aside from spamming the FUA message board of course. :twisted:
No, not really, I'm not going to honor those IP-banned [unrepeatables] with my mostexhaulted presence. :p
Emperor Matthuis
22-06-2004, 19:12
Heh, I have other plans elsewhere on the net. :twisted: :P

I could read far too much into that! :lol:
What do you think I have planned?
Aside from spamming the FUA message board of course. :twisted:
No, not really, I'm not going to honor those IP-banned [unrepeatables] with my mostexhaulted presence. :p
Catholic Europe
23-06-2004, 18:37
What do you think I have planned?

Don't worry, it's probably gone over your head.
24-06-2004, 01:28
What do you think I have planned?

Don't worry, it's probably gone over your head.
Umm. . .

'K the only thing that I can think that you might mean doesn't make sense in the context of this thread.

Ahh well, whatever.
Catholic Europe
24-06-2004, 18:53
Umm. . .

'K the only thing that I can think that you might mean doesn't make sense in the context of this thread.

Ahh well, whatever.

Hmm...I think we've completely got our wires crossed! :lol: