NationStates Jolt Archive

Favorite JG Character

04-04-2004, 01:42
Who was your favorite character from Jennifer Government and why?

Mine was Hack Nike because he fights teh CorpArate vandals and murderers of oppression with vandalism of his own! :twisted:
Big Red Land
04-04-2004, 01:44
John Nike because he was so much better looking than the other John Nike.
04-04-2004, 02:56
John Nike because he was so much better looking than the other John Nike. :lol: Heh. but I wnder if the looks would be swapped if it was Joh Nike who was the Marketing VP, and John Nike who was the thug. :twisted: :P :wink:
Catholic Europe
04-04-2004, 08:58
Erm...I would have to say Billy NRA because I feel sorry for him. I mean he didn't go looking for trouble, trouble found him.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-04-2004, 10:51
Well, I felt bad for Hailey McDonalds, of course...

Kinda hard to pick favorites, as there's only a handful of characters, but I think I enjoyed reading Jennifer's parts, especially when she would banter with Calvin.
07-04-2004, 04:34
I really dug Buy. For some reason I felt for the guy when he was down, and found him to be a fun character. I enjoyed his sections the most.
07-04-2004, 05:48
General Li, just because I know that deep down, he wanted to shoot John Nike in the face.
Catholic Europe
07-04-2004, 09:03
General Li, just because I know that deep down, he wanted to shoot John Nike in the face.
Yes, their relationship was a 'hate-hate', wasn't it! :P
11-04-2004, 12:43
Erm...I would have to say Billy NRA because I feel sorry for him. I mean he didn't go looking for trouble, trouble found him.

12-04-2004, 15:30
Violet because she shows what money can do to one person.

There were a lot of other characters I liked as well. General Li, John Nike, the Pepsi Kid (at the very end when he told of john), and Billy.
Catholic Europe
13-04-2004, 09:48
Erm...I would have to say Billy NRA because I feel sorry for him. I mean he didn't go looking for trouble, trouble found him.


I take it you liked Nilly NRA too.
Griffin Lord
26-04-2004, 06:16
I liked John Nike (The main one) and General Lee.
Catholic Europe
27-04-2004, 16:49
I liked John Nike (The main one) and General Lee.

General Lee?! Why?
imported_The Brave Old World
29-04-2004, 05:51
Buy was the best when he couldn't figure out how to turn off the safety (plus when he wanted a new car since his Saab was no longer current year. So Southern California).

I liked Bill NRA because he was such a moron. (Not Billy, he was a moron in a bad way.)

Ed: Oops, I forgot to mention that I liked Jennifer Government the most. She could kick asses and take names. At the same time!
01-05-2004, 18:28
Billy NRA, all that he wanted to do was to ski. But no...he gets draged into the mess.
Catholic Europe
02-05-2004, 10:31
Billy NRA, all that he wanted to do was to ski. But no...he gets draged into the mess.

Same reason why I liked him.
10-05-2004, 07:52
I identify with all the puppies who were put down in the shelter while Malibu went off on her little hissy fits. :cry:

Really, except for the Johns, and maybe Holly (and those pussies Thomas and Leisl), all the characters had their endearing flaws and redeeming characteristics, and it is hard to pick a single favourite. But since all I wanna do is go skiing, I guess I'll have to pick Billy.

But if anyone involved in casting the film is reading this, I'd make a great Theodore Pepsi.
Catholic Europe
10-05-2004, 16:40
But if anyone involved in casting the film is reading this, I'd make a great Theodore Pepsi.

And why is that?
The Powder Monkey
30-05-2004, 21:18
c'mon!!!! Buy is a dude!!! :wink:
Catholic Europe
31-05-2004, 09:56
c'mon!!!! Buy is a dude!!! :wink:

An unlucky dude.
01-06-2004, 11:28
Top Five

1) Buy
2) Kate
3) Jennifer
4) Hayley
5) Billy

I hated Violet.
01-06-2004, 11:35
I like Buy because he's such a nice guy, reminds me of what I always try to be 8)
Catholic Europe
03-06-2004, 16:48
I like Buy because he's such a nice guy, reminds me of what I always try to be 8)

And his situation is funny. :D
04-06-2004, 15:57
Yes it is, he gets into so much shit. Unbelievable...

Still being as nice and understanding would be cool.
Salted Cheese
14-06-2004, 13:51
Definitely John Nike (the bad guy) because he commands respect.
15-06-2004, 09:26
1) Jen, after all, the " serious suit " comment rules ! :D

Its probably sad sounding, but it put my in hysterics. For 5 minutes. That means Max is very, very, good, or I was very, very, awake.

2) Buy, cause him an Jen made a sweet couple. :wink:

3) BTW : Those two were rated equal, :)

- T.R. Kom
Le Représentant de Komokom.
Ministre Régional de Substance. (
<- Not A Moderator, Just A Know It All.
" Clowns To The Left of Me ... Jokers To The Right, Here I am ... "
LaserHead sharks
25-06-2004, 08:10
Buy. I remember trying to read though all the other peoples plots as fast as I could just to get to one of his chapters.
26-06-2004, 09:42
I read through the Billy NRA ones quickly, but I felt sorry for him from what I did take in.
Unfree People
27-06-2004, 04:44
Billy rocked! He was so cool. I think the best part about the ending was him finiding the ski instructor chick :D
15-07-2004, 08:12
Billy rocked! He was so cool. I think the best part about the ending was him finiding the ski instructor chick :D
Yeah at least he got a nice ending.

Anyone felt sorry for John Nike at the end?
15-07-2004, 14:33
After Jennifer, I'd say that Violet had the most intriguing personality. She also got the least satisfying conclusion (that's not necessarily a bad thing).
15-07-2004, 15:18
After Jennifer, I'd say that Violet had the most intriguing personality. She also got the least satisfying conclusion (that's not necessarily a bad thing).
Kate had the least satisfying, she was promised a dog! :(

:D Had to say that
16-07-2004, 17:13
Gotta say, I liked Jen. And about Hailey Mcdonalds...she deserved it. Anyone THAT dumb deserves it.
16-07-2004, 18:03
Gotta say, I liked Jen. And about Hailey Mcdonalds...she deserved it. Anyone THAT dumb deserves it.
She bought some shoes and got shot, how is that her fault?
The Water Cooler
21-07-2004, 10:59

Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!

Catholic Europe
21-07-2004, 13:18

Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!


*joins in withe chanting*

Buy, buy, buy!
21-07-2004, 16:28
*also joins*

Buy ! Buy ! Buy! also Hack
21-07-2004, 17:45
I liked the way Billy NRA managed to turn around the situation where Bill NRA nearly killed him, but I'd say Buy is my favourite character, becuase he's a demonsration of how the Capitalizt parts of the world differ from the EU parts of the world. Plus it's cool the way he doesn't mind looking after the daughter of a person he only met once before.
Catholic Europe
22-07-2004, 17:02
*also joins*

Buy ! Buy ! Buy! also Hack

We have a dissenter.
22-07-2004, 18:11
We have a dissenter.
Sorry thought this was about favorite characters as oppossed to a Buy worship clan :D
24-07-2004, 00:23
Gotta say, I liked Jen. And about Hailey Mcdonalds...she deserved it. Anyone THAT dumb deserves it.She didn't deserve to get shot, she just wanted to get some shoes. But that's an argument for a different thread.
13-08-2004, 00:38
/me prefers Buy... simply likes him.
Caer Rialis
14-08-2004, 22:44
Dude, Billy NRA all the way! Had no idea what was going on, just taken any way the wind blew
15-08-2004, 03:10
For me it has to by General Li with Buy as a close second. I just love those two... And that police officer he was cool... what was his name?
Catholic Europe
15-08-2004, 10:01
Sorry thought this was about favorite characters as oppossed to a Buy worship clan :D

Very close to the stake....very close indeed.