World Assembly Political Trends
26-04-2009, 18:00
The Foreign Affairs Agency of the Commonwealth of Glen-Rhodes has commissioned an intelligence report on participating World Assembly delegations. This report aims to collect information on the political stances of nations, delegates, and ambassadors, to more fully understand the intricacies of the World Assembly legislative process.
Participation in this report is voluntary, but it will undoubtedly help you and others during the WA legislative process.
To participate, click here ( Note that due to technical and labor limitations, this report is limited to the first 100 volunteers. (If we get that many!)
(OOC: You can also take this test from your own standpoint, rather than your character's.)
O.O.C. is there a reason the survey wont let me input Urgench's Political Compass numbers ?
Charlotte Ryberg
26-04-2009, 18:36
I cannot input a negative number. Sorry. I put the X,Y values on my sig anyway.
Maybe its a joke, only the positive and therefore right-wingers are allowed ? :)
I found the imput button wasn't working properly, or at least it didn't confirm that I had imputed the info.
If you find that the site just isn't working, Glen-Rhodes. I'd try this site, its pretty good for setting up free surveys >
Good Luck on the survey.
O.O.C. I think when it requires positive numbers to be inputed it means whole numbers, but I could be wrong
The Palentine
27-04-2009, 17:54
O.O.C. I think when it requires positive numbers to be inputed it means whole numbers, but I could be wrong
It worked when I rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
Economic Left/Right: 6.38(ie 6)
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.95 (ie 2)
27-04-2009, 21:32
OOC: Odd. Negative numbers worked fine for me yesterday. Tinkered around with it, so it should be working correctly. All existing responses have been cleared, so simply input your correct data in again.
O.O.C. Done ( as Urgench, not as me )
Economic Left/Right: -0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
28-04-2009, 00:29
Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 6.36
Rounded to -9 and 6.
Answered IC.
28-04-2009, 01:23
Rounded to -9 and 6.
OOC: I should mention that there's no need to round! I fixed your entry.
28-04-2009, 02:07
Economic Left/Right: 8.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.74
I answered for prevailing social/economic views in my made-up nation. My ambassador is a jihadist nut, so it is unlikely his views accurately reflect the Kennyites as a whole.
Blasted Pirates
28-04-2009, 03:02
Economic Left/Right: 0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.87
Done as a pirate would do. I answered as best I could as Commodore Fore would do.
The Atacotti
28-04-2009, 15:50
The abassador of the Empire of the Atacotti has answered with -7.something and -4.something.
28-04-2009, 16:01
I believe I had -1 and 3.59. Fun stuff.
Quintessence of Dust
28-04-2009, 16:38
I answered as Dr Merrywether, about +2, -4.
Charlotte Ryberg
28-04-2009, 18:47
Check my signature as the response given matches it to one decimal place.
Bears Armed
28-04-2009, 20:22
Borrin o Redwood got as far as the first question, and stopped...
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
28-04-2009, 20:50
With only 10 respondents, a clear conclusion cannot yet be reached. However, the results of the survey thus far are:
Office of Research and Development, Foreign Affairs Agency
c/o Dr. Bradford Castro, Chief Ambassador
28-04-2009, 21:54
Borrin o Redwood got as far as the first question, and stopped...
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations. *(shrugs)*Oh, hilarious! :rolleyes:
Just take the stupid survey.
With only 10 respondents, a clear conclusion cannot yet be reached. However, the results of the survey thus far are:Nicely done, but whose dot is whose? :tongue:
Does "nationality" refer to RL or IC residence?
28-04-2009, 23:37
Does "nationality" refer to RL or IC residence?
Nationality refers to IC residence.
OOC: Unless you're taking it for yourself, in which case you may put your real life residence. ;)
Nicely done, but whose dot is whose? :tongue:
I wasn't sure if all the respondents were willing to make their submissions public. Whose dot is whose doesn't matter much, but you should be able to figure it out easily based on what's been posted here. I might include names with the next image...
Office of Research and Development, Foreign Affairs Agency
c/o Dr. Bradford Castro, Chief Ambassador
Nationality refers to IC residence.
OOC: Unless you're taking it for yourself, in which case you may put your real life residence. ;)Thanks for the clarification, answered as Plutoni!
Quintessence of Dust
29-04-2009, 00:11
It looks a bit like 'The Plough'.
29-04-2009, 15:50
I answered as Youlkin.
Economic Left/Right: 2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.51
Relatively close to where I was lat time I took this.
29-04-2009, 17:54
No right-wing extreme authoritarians? How curious.
I'm such an extremist, though seriously speaking, I think this has more to do with the strength of my opinions rather than what they actually are.
Economic Left/Right: -9.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.13
02-05-2009, 17:58
The results are beginning to fill in nicely. With a few more, a report will be able to be made which outlines the general political trends of the World Assembly.
Progressive Federalism
02-05-2009, 18:53
I got (1.50, -0.77), which puts me barely in the purple section.
02-05-2009, 18:55
I wasn't sure if all the respondents were willing to make their submissions public.It isn't a secret ballot or anything; some might be interested in comparing their placing with other nations'. I think we did the same sort of thing on UNOG a few years back.
Bears Armed
02-05-2009, 19:18
Well, I've finally got around to answering this as myself, as Borrin wouldn't answer it IC, although there didn't really seem to be a lot of point in my doing so when so many others were answering IC instead of OOC...