NationStates Jolt Archive

Greatest (Historical) NSUN Resolution of All Time

18-06-2008, 03:45
I'd like to entertain ideas and nominations for the best UN resolution ever. I'm willing to commit this to some sort of "popular vote," but there will have to be parameters. For one, the UN passed 240-some resolutions before its demise, so there are likely to be a lot of differing opinions over which one is the best one. Repeals themselves shouldn't be considered (maybe a separate topic/poll on that, if there's enough clamor for it), and in the interests of simplicity, repealed resolutions themselves should probably also be nixed.

We'll have to narrow it down to at least 10 (preferably because Jolt's polling mechanism only allows for 10 choices), so only "seconded" nominations should be considered. If there are seriously so many nods we can't fit them all into one poll, we can make a second one: earlier resolutions vs. newer ones. Eventually, we want to cull five finalists from the mix, and pick the very greatest from those five.

That's basically how it will run -- if you have additional ideas or suggestions, feel free to share them. Otherwise, we can begin hearing nominations for the Greatest Resolution of All Time. Multiple nominations from the same nation/player are fine, but only those that are seconded by another player will advance to the next "round."

Also, to clarify, we are discussing NSUN Resolutions only, marked as "Historical Resolutions (" on the NS WA page. Nominations of currently binding resolutions under the World Assembly will not be accepted.

Post OOC or IC.

Nominated Resolutions:
If you would like to see any of these advance, please second their nominations in this thread.

-#242: UN Access to Literacy Project (
-#151: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act ( (seconded)
-#204: UN Bio Agent Convention ( (seconded)
-#218: UN Labor Relations Act ( (seconded)
-#29: The IRCO ( (seconded)
-#168: UN Counterterrorism Initiative ( (seconded)
-#109: Nuclear Armaments (
-#232: Abolition of Slavery ( (seconded)
The Narnian Council
18-06-2008, 05:16
An excellent idea, Kenny.

I must say that the UN Taxation Ban (#4) has my vote for being the most comprehensive, certainly most eloquent pieces of legislation that ever graced the UN halls:

"The UN shall not be allowed to collect taxes directly from the citizens of any member state for any purpose."

Where can we submit nominations for the "Cruddiest (Historical) NSUN Resolution of All Time"?

On a more serious note – the UN Access to Literacy Project (#242) would probably be my choice. Although I would have liked to have liked the UN Educational Aid Act (#171) too – it tried to cover too much ground in one sitting, and wasn’t exceptionally effective, I felt.

The Literacy Project definitely thought beyond the scope for educational reform, finding readily available, cheap/free resources for the UNEAF to utilize, at the relatively small expense of the government/charitable organizations. I’m a keen supporter of anything that advocates greater emphasis upon knowledge, learning, culture and history, and the Literacy Project achieved this without putting too much strain on the national Treasury.

At the time this was being debated, I had my doubts as to how easily the UNEAF could be exploited or not, but in retrospect, it’s not difficult to see why it received such widespread acclamation - 85% favorable votes.

CoN Lord Chancellor
Delegate of The Council of Narnia
The Most Glorious Hack
18-06-2008, 06:14
I must say that the UN Taxation Ban (#4) has my vote for being the most comprehensive, certainly most eloquent pieces of legislation that ever graced the UN halls. Longest surviving resolution too, but at a full count of 20 words, probably the shortestAre you kidding? That fool thing was the source of nearly endless headaches from people who couldn't even get through all 20 words.
Quintessence of Dust
18-06-2008, 07:18
Yeah, can I counter-nominate #4?

I will plump for these three, though I'm sure there are many worthy candidates I'm forgetting:
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act
UN Bio Agent Convention
UN Labor Relations Act

And I think this is a great idea for a thread.

PS: Thanks for the nomination, TNC, though I prefer #171 to #242 anyway :p
The Narnian Council
18-06-2008, 08:14
Are you kidding?

Yep. Sweet sarcasm.

CoN Lord Chancellor
Delegate of The Council of Narnia
Charlotte Ryberg
18-06-2008, 09:55
The NS-IRCO was the best resolutions of all time according to the MORI poll in our country. It indeed inspire me to successfully establish the NS-ICRC, which I now admit it is a great piece of word-play.
18-06-2008, 17:08
Max Barry Day (UN223) was very good during it's short life.

(I joined the UN during the middle of that crisis. I hope it hasn't affected me in any way.)
18-06-2008, 18:54
It was repealed, so it's disqualified. It was illegal besides. You'll understand my prejudice, however; I'm the one who authored the repeal.

UNCTI ( (#168) is still my favorite UN resolution, so I'll nominate it.

EDIT: And I'll go ahead and second Quod's choices. Not that the other nods aren't great; it's just that those three really are among the finest.
19-06-2008, 00:09
I may be biased, but I'll nominate Nuclear Armaments.
The Dourian Embassy
19-06-2008, 09:18
There needs to be a repeal thread so that Repeal "Rights of Minorities and Women" and Repeal "Max Barry Day" can get the credit they deserve. I have no suggestions for this thread however, so I'll avoid any more offtopicness.
19-06-2008, 12:58
Why bother, Repeal Max Barry Day would win hands down :-)
20-06-2008, 15:38
Clearly you underestimate the cavemen. We learned what folly that was months ago. Shame on you. :p
St Edmund
20-06-2008, 18:35
I'll second UNCTI, and nominate #232: 'Abolition of Slavery' (
The Kosovo
20-06-2008, 19:18
The government of Kosovo second Charlotte's source of inspiration in Humanitarian Aid, Resolution #29, the IRCO. It is important to know how humanitarian aid can help save lives that could have been lost without them and the later NS-ICRC. And yes, I agree with the creative word-play.
20-06-2008, 19:25
I'll second UNCTI, and nominate #232: 'Abolition of Slavery' ( choice, and I'll second it as well. I'll stop seconding resolutions if it appears I'm trying to stack the ballot. I'm really not.
22-06-2008, 20:13
05-08-2008, 20:18
... And another, just see if there's any more interest in something like this.
Confused Technocrats
06-08-2008, 18:01
There's interest - just haven't had a chance to read through them all yet. :)
Gobbannaen WA Mission
07-08-2008, 14:33
The only reason I haven't nominated anything is that all the resolutions I think were Really Good (TM) are already seconded :)
07-08-2008, 20:14
Nothing can beat the excellence of the Mad Sheep Railgun Act
New Leicestershire
27-11-2008, 00:49
Is it too late for this?

I'll second UN Access to Literacy Project and Nuclear Armaments. I'll also nominate UN Demining Survey, Cultural Heritage in War and Diplomatic Immunity.
Bears Armed
30-11-2008, 14:10
Nothing can beat the excellence of the Mad Sheep Railgun Act
Unfortunately I think that we can only count passed resolutions, and not ones that got no further than the proposal stage, otherwise I'd agree & would second this possibility... :(
01-12-2008, 02:18
Unfortunately I think that we can only count passed resolutions, and not ones that got no further than the proposal stage, otherwise I'd agree & would second this possibility... :(

Heck, if we could nominate proposals that never made it I'd nominate Weasel Stomping Day (