a working group for small regions and states
the government of the emperor of urgench has an interest in the protection of the rights and freedoms of small regions and states. we propose that a working group should be formed within the w.a. which will develope and forward possible resolutions for the consideration of the w.a.
it's work will be to further the interests and protect the national integrities of these smaller nations and regions.
set against a backround of large region domination and the lack of a voice for the minor members of the w.a. we feel that the time is right for such an endeavour to be under taken.
are there other regions or nations who feel that this could be a viable project?
we welcome your thoughts and input,
Nogai khan of tabagatai, minister for foreign affairs, urgench
Tucker Island
24-05-2008, 05:29
That's actually not a bad idea.
24-05-2008, 08:09
This is a good idea. My nation is very likely too large to be considered and we are located in a moderate sized region. But we still would like to encourage smaller nations to collaborate together.
the govenrnment of the emperor of urgench welcomes the positive responses
of the delegates from miervatia and tuckers island, it wonders if they may have any suggestions as to how we may go about canvassing support for this idea?
we suggest that a forum for these debates open to small regions and states might be a first stage.
we would also propose a charter for the protection of the rights of small territories for the approval of the w.a.
can anyone suggest what sort of rights this should protect? and how it would do so?
we think that there should be a delegate with a specific mandate to voice the concerns of these nations to thw w.a. perhaps elected from among their number. and perhaps a commitee or council of states of this kind which will debate and forward issues and concerns to the delagate. is this a workable proposal?
25-05-2008, 06:12
the govenrnment of the emperor of urgench welcomes the positive responses
of the delegates from miervatia and tuckers island, it wonders if they may have any suggestions as to how we may go about canvassing support for this idea?
we suggest that a forum for these debates open to small regions and states might be a first stage.
we would also propose a charter for the protection of the rights of small territories for the approval of the w.a.
can anyone suggest what sort of rights this should protect? and how it would do so?
we think that there should be a delegate with a specific mandate to voice the concerns of these nations to thw w.a. perhaps elected from among their number. and perhaps a commitee or council of states of this kind which will debate and forward issues and concerns to the delagate. is this a workable proposal?
Back in the UN days a number of players that were active in the UN forum created an off-site forum and called it the UN Old Guard or something like that. Basically they made it an invite only group and gave is a cool sounding name ... they managed to pull together enough players that I suspect it is still functioning today.
I tried a less exclusive approach by also making an off-site forum called the United Nations Association, but didn't spend enough time helping to manage the forum or group.
I think the lesson learned between the two groups is that somebody needs to really be dedicated and devote significant time to keeping the Council or group alive and moving. :)
A cool name helps too. I like what you are calling it now, a Council. Perhaps the Council of Small Nations. Or do you want it to be the Council of Small Regions?
To generate interest, offer observer status to any nation. And have the group's first task to be to decide on a one sentence goal. Here is an example, "To promote communication and cooperation in the World Assembly between nations that are in small regions."
If somebody asks you why this is necessary, tell them why. You already know, hence the thread. :) We've seen many nations complain about needing to have two endorsements to submit proposals and we've also seen that the feeder region Delegates can be the deciding factor for close resolutions. Communication between smaller regions can help your nations get your proposals to the floor faster and also allow you to maybe make connections with feeder Delegates to give your proposals an edge up when they come up for a vote.
the government of the emperor of urgench wishes to thank the esteemed and respected delegate for mikitivity for their extremely useful and comprhensive advice on this matter.
we are gladened that such an august nation should take such an interest in our countries doubtless very meagre concerns.
we will take your advice and see what good we can make of it.
we would like to thank the ambassadors of your nation for the assistance they have rendered to our unworthy and inexperienced delegate, the khan of tabagatai, who informs us that they have been invaluable to him in his endeavours.
from the office of his excellency, the grand chancellor, tamerlane, khan of samarkand and bhukara