NationStates Jolt Archive

Protection of Personal Feelings Act

20-02-2008, 10:58
Protection of Personal Feelings Act

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare for all persons regardless of parental situations.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: UIOT

Description: The General Assembly of the United Nations;

Recognizing that people are some of the most vulnerable of all persons in any society and are often ignored or abused;

Recognizing that violence, drugs, war, famine, social chaos, disease and prejudice in many nations have resulted in an unprecedented number of people who are have become victims in some way shape or form;

Recognizing that the rights of people who now claim victim status are often ignored;

Deploring the terrible conditions that these people suffer in;

Alarmed that these people are exposed to the possibility of being raped, murdered or sold into prostitution and noting that some of these people are extremely young;

Finding this situation to be unacceptable, enacts the following:

1. Member nations are encouraged in the strongest possible terms to fund the construction and staffing of shelters and other variable happy places for people as the situation in their nation merits.

2. Member nations are further strongly encouraged to establish appropriate agencies to oversee the well-being of these people and to manage the distribution of aid. Additionally, these agencies are strongly urged to share information to facilitate intranational and international vacations.

3. The United Nations People Placement Authority is hereby established to do the following:
(i) Compile a database of all known people currently residing in UN nations who are unhappy and awaiting placement in a happier situation. The governments of UN member nations shall submit bi-annually a report detailing the number of unhappy people living within their nation who are awaiting placement in alternate locations, either within, or outside their nation. The report shall include the person's age, sex, name (if known), pertinent medical information as allowed by UN law and any other details considered relevant to the person's case.
(ii) Act as a clearinghouse for coordinating the efforts of accredited travel agencies and happiness-advocacy groups in UN nations and to assist in the effort to place these people in permanent, happier situations.

4. Member nations are reminded that many people, particularly unhappy ones, may be reluctant to accept aid and assistance from government agencies or recognized charities due to fears that they will be forced into an unacceptable situation, e.g., returned to an unhappy home. Therefore, it is suggested that aid and assistance be provided in a no-threat environment with assured confidentiality for all clients, but with the goal of eventually placing these people in an officially recognized happy place.

Since the most recent resolution passage, I now understand that in this body you can legislate compassion. With that being said, it would not be very compassionate to leave out ALL people, hence this more inclusive proposal.

UIOT Director of General Happiness (Newly Appointed)
Former Director of Punishments
20-02-2008, 11:05
Protection of Personal Feelings Act

This is a rubbish policy that must be shot down by states who cares about freedom of its peoples.The Government shouldn't intervene in the affairs of its people and of course,the free market.
Let the market deal with itself,please.
Lord Norman Wolfowitz
Prime Minister
UN Delegate
St Edmund
20-02-2008, 11:39
Probably illegal on the grounds of plagiarism... :)
20-02-2008, 14:10
I think it must be noted that welfarism itself will jeopardise our Government's fiscal resources significantly and there'd be an increase in lazy people.I also feel that this is a rubbish policy that must be shot down by states who cares about its respective economy and realise that the Government shouldn't intervene in the functions of the economy and of course,the free market.Never to welfare,ever!
Let the market deal with itself,please.
Lord Norman Wolfowitz
Prime Minister
UN Delegate
Elmwood Court
20-02-2008, 14:17
ooc: This is pretty funny. Just reading it made me "happy." :p
SilentScope Embassy
20-02-2008, 15:48
Happiness is a human right that should be protected. But I hate the idea of "encouraged", "strongly encourgaed", etc. Change them to REQUIRE, and you'll have my vote.

Long live the welfare state!
---Dr. Bob

(OOC: Highly AGAINST. Plagarism=bad and illegal.)
20-02-2008, 15:56
"Our citizens are very content with their life already, why would we invest in all these difficult systems?" The Setswana ambassador reaches for his wallet and shows a picture of his two children. "Do they look unhappy? Well, do they?"
20-02-2008, 18:23
Hayden Seigfried bit his lips to contain his mirth. "My goodness..." He smiled widely. "It's a United Nations mandated dating service...we should sign up our Miraade for this. He's single."
20-02-2008, 19:46
Noting Ambassador Hayden's response, and quickly rereading the draft, the count nods in agreement; "Indeed, it does appear to be that. Now, we might sign the duke of Zernitz up as well, a rowdy bachelor; if he will not be happier afterwards, I know a good many other people who will be.

Now, seriously though, how can we possibly determine whether one is happy or not, and on what grounds can we say that we can do something to make them happier? After all, it is a highly individual experience, as your title does point out. Moreover, by having them accept what this proposal calls help, do we not contradict that exact same title.
20-02-2008, 21:25
Noting my honourable colleague from Catawaba's statement I find myself in agreement with him to a point.

One of my issues with this Act is that happiness can mean several different things.

Upon reading of this act I contacted Dr. Thanatos Gravedigger IV our Minister of Health regarding this, for I see it as a mental state.

From his perspective as a Doctor of Psychology - Happiness is one of many emotional responses to external and internal stimuli. That this is not something that can be legislated as it is our right to feel the full gambit of emotions from Happiness to Anger, Joy to envy.

He further states that if you have ever spent time in a homeless shelter you would find that it is far from a joyous place regardless of how the staff, government, or charitable organizations try to present an uplifting atmosphere the very people you are trying to aid prevent it from being that way.

Now from my own point of view I see that some view to have the freedom to say their own views as a means to happiness even if those views being spoken -not acted upon- cause others unhappiness. If this resolution passes would countries such as ourselves who hold "free speech" to be a right be required to give up the "right to free speech" as this would cause some unhappiness?

Would we be required to set up even more mental institutions as those who were not "Happy" must obviously be insane after the measures this act would have us take?

Dalben Soonbegone of Carrionbone
20-02-2008, 21:35
Reading this dreck made me unhappy. Can I be recompensated for that?

Ikir Askanabath, Ambassador
Decapod Ten
20-02-2008, 23:41
lol. i was going to do the same thing with a petting puppies proposal. i just love how that resolution does nothing.
20-02-2008, 23:43
People are only truly happy when they have both the risk of unhappiness and the opportunity to earn happiness through their own endeavors. This is both because of the human tendancy to value nothing that has been given for free and the inherently personal nature of happiness. No government mandate is going to change human nature, nor could any mandate define happiness for all people. Most likely, in the pursuit of such a policy, currently happy peoples freedoms and prosperity would be curtailed both as individuals and at a societal level. I would happily support any measure which encouraged nations to increase their efforts towards providing their people with a real and obtainable social mobility. This way, the downtrodden may earn their happiness and treasure in the only way it is meant to be: as the work of their hands and the pride of their hearts.
The Most Glorious Hack
21-02-2008, 05:41
Probably illegal on the grounds of plagiarism... :)Original source?
Iron Felix
21-02-2008, 07:14
Original source?
The Most Glorious Hack
21-02-2008, 10:06
Can I blame old age for not noticing?
21-02-2008, 17:35
Can I blame old age for not noticing?

I don't know, can we ridicule you for being old?:p