NationStates Jolt Archive

Ban Animal Cruelty

22-12-2007, 17:50
You saw the title. It's self explanatory.
Quintessence of Dust
22-12-2007, 17:55
No, actually there's a bit more explanation ( that's going to be needed: how is it different or even possible than the existing animal cruelty resolution?
Iron Felix
22-12-2007, 17:56
It would be even more self explanatory if you posted the text of a proposal.
22-12-2007, 20:40
Boy, is this card fitting.

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
Zarquon Froods
22-12-2007, 22:37
How are we suppose to ban it when you have neglected to even tell us what animal creulty actually is.
Tokonaga Empire
23-12-2007, 00:32
The Confederacy of Tokonaga Empire agrees that this should be discussed in more detail of what is meant by animal cruelty in this matter.
Ice Forge
23-12-2007, 00:39
I wonder why this was even posted... also, does this ban using animals to test out the Forsaken plauge? Cause its kind of integrel to know if the undead plauge works right in a nation of undead...

~Sadrin Darkfire, Representitive of Ice Forge
23-12-2007, 03:02
animals are never cruel, humans, on the other hand are known to be cruel. We should ban human cruelty.
23-12-2007, 03:28
animals are never cruel, humans, on the other hand are known to be cruel. We should ban human cruelty.:IN NS world are humas not classified as animals or do they fall in some class all their own? We have long considered humans to be the most savage of animals we have come to know and the more we meet of them the more we find we are right in our assumption that they are savages.
23-12-2007, 03:35
This metaphysical sophistry is all well and good, but the UN already has a resolution banning cruelty to animals. ( We consider it a poor-conceived idea personally, but none the less it is there.
23-12-2007, 08:10
This metaphysical sophistry is all well and good, already has a resolution banning cruelty to animals.[/URL] We consider it a poor-conceived idea personally, but none the less it is there.We see your point on this we got to this in it and stopped reading it.a) The term ''animal'' as every non-sapient, non-botanical living being except fungi and microorganisms.As was there not just some proposal relating to granting sapient beings the same rights as humans might have or making sapient beings equal to humans, who if I believe are animals..
23-12-2007, 13:01
What the Hell? Cruelty to animals not humans!
Redemption Plain
23-12-2007, 15:35
Are we expected to vote on a resolution that reads "We should stop being mean to animals, I mean, seriously, it's bad"?
Zarquon Froods
23-12-2007, 17:34
What the Hell? Cruelty to animals not humans!

You have still yet to inform us what "cruelty" entails. Is it the overworking of animals in industry, the use of unappropriate means of punishment if said animals behave badly or using them as a means of entertainment and locking them in an arena to have them fight to the death.

You can't just come in here and say "Ban Animal Cruelty," then not say what cruelty is exactly. You have to be specific or your proposal is worthless.
23-12-2007, 18:05
:DThanks, um... the person above. You kinda explained it to everyone 4 me!:D
Ice Forge
23-12-2007, 20:33
You still have yet to say if the use of animals for testing products is what u want banned... plus theres already a resolotion banning animal curelty, isn;t there? :gundge::gundge:. usgh im going back to the bar.
24-12-2007, 01:54
I couldn't find one. The closest thing to it was the whaling ban, but that has since been repealed.

Apparently, you missed two ( comments ( by two different people who both provided links to the currently existing resolution ( on animal cruelty (

Timothy Schmidt
UN Representative (pro tem)
Quintessence of Dust
24-12-2007, 01:58
Could I suggest we not add further comments - this one of course excepted :appropriatesmiley: - until a draft is produced. Absent such, there is little, sorry, no point to this thread.
24-12-2007, 17:32
i think there is a point animal cruelty should be baned

also if you need someone to spell something out to you then whats rong
i know that every one knows what cruelty means
if you don't then i will give it to you

animal furs
illegal 'dog' fights
hunting for no reason
pollution to natural habitat

thing like that are cruel to animals
24-12-2007, 17:35
i think there is a point animal cruelty should be baned

also if you need someone to spell something out to you then whats rong
i know that every one knows what cruelty means
if you don't then i will give it to you

animal furs
illegal 'dog' fights
hunting for no reason
pollution to natural habitat

thing like that are cruel to animals

Guess what? We have. (

Timothy Schmidt
UN Representative (pro tem)
24-12-2007, 17:46
animals are never cruel, humans, on the other hand are known to be cruel. We should ban human cruelty.
Actually I think a group chimpanzees have been filmed chasing and then killing another chimp.
24-12-2007, 18:04
"That resolution that is being linked to allow for inhumane treatment of animals...if they were claimed to be scientific experiments.

I don't know about you, but "torturing, cruelly beating, overdriving, overloading, causing substantial bodily harm or tormenting any animal" doesn't sound like anything scientific. I think we need a new resolution banning inhumane scientific experiments."

--Dr. Bob.
Quintessence of Dust
24-12-2007, 18:38
24-12-2007, 19:16
Alright then. *cancels new draft*

--Dr. Bob
25-12-2007, 06:27
Actually I think a group chimpanzees have been filmed chasing and then killing another chimp.They have been known to kill smaller monkey and even their own young and eat them.
26-12-2007, 05:52
Actually I think a group chimpanzees have been filmed chasing and then killing another chimp.

They have been known to kill smaller monkey and even their own young and eat them.

Maybe they had a good reason!? Quick lets find an animal psychologist to determine this and then send the whole lot onto Oprah!