NationStates Jolt Archive

An Unified Currency for the UN

South Norfair
06-10-2007, 18:46
This post is to debate the possibility of an UN unified currency.It would be like the same legal tender for all of the UN members, with it`s own bills and coins.
If all members of the UN had the same currency, what would be it`s name?

I`ve thought of the following:

A(Two) Gold :D
A(Two) Atlas
A(Two) Dragon(s)
A(Two) Shield(s)
A(Two) Sapien(s)
A(Two) Crono(s)
A(Two) Aurum(s)
A(Two) Mondo(s)
A(Two) Terra(s)

Any more names or ideas? Anything is valid, let`s plan our unified currency !;)
06-10-2007, 20:19
You can't force a unified currency as that would be MetaGaming (players get to choose their own currency in the game itself). As to a (voluntary) international currency, it has already been discussed (, voted upon (, and defeated (
07-10-2007, 05:15
And since I notice you've submitted this as a proposal, it will be deleted.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: South Norfair

Description: have to stock many different types of currencies in our federal reserves, making trading confusing and difficult. Also, Have you, fellow members of the UN, ever noticed the vast quantity of different currencies around the world? That makes trading really difficult, as there is hardly a predominant kind of currency around this world (like the dollar ), and us nations the exchange rate always ends up consuming part of the profit, as the currencies are diverse and the exchange rate varies even more.
To change that, I propose an unified currency for ALL the nations of the UN. ALL countries would change their currencies for the UN official currency, further integrating the economies the nations of the UN and making free trade a much easier goal!
We all have the chance to change things here, in NationStates. All we must do is take action, and change things! So being, this proposal aims for the following:

§1 - All nations in the UN must use the TMU (Temporary Monetary Unit) as their national currency until a name for this currency is voted for, at the forums.

§2 - The TMU bill will be legal tender for all debts around the entire territory of the UN, public or private.
§3 - The nations petitioning membership to the UN must change their currency to the TMU once they are accepted at the UN.

§4 - Further details can be decided at the forum, such as the values of the bills and coins, the name of our currency and even the bill itself, if someone decides to design it and such a design is approved.
07-10-2007, 22:45
Screw that in my nation the Ram my currency is worth 7x more than most why don't we instead have one unified international UN run bank that manages exchange rates and gives out loans of any denomination and so on....
I think it would be sweet lets draw up the proposal for that and submit it...
Elven Realm
07-10-2007, 22:53
Only the PINT... If the rest of the UN nations are willing to accept the Elven Realm's currency, then be our guests...
08-10-2007, 16:09
An international exchange or something along those lines sounds far more viable than the impossibility that is an international currency.
08-10-2007, 21:02
NSTracker, Sunset, NSDossier and others are free and easy to use and do money exchanges quite well, we don't need an international money exchange,lol
09-10-2007, 11:29
seeing as many nations would have important cultural icons upon their notes (bills) and coins and many hold pride in the name of their currency wouldnt it be a better idea to keep the currency names and styles but standardise the value of the currencys universally so nations currencys are the same value. the dollar will be equal to the dracma.
09-10-2007, 14:50
while cameroi sympathises with the desire to end the economic dislocations sometimes associated with international monetary speculation, not to mention its inconvenience to international commerce, such an international standard of currency would pose a slight dilema for us. the cameroi dream is simply that, our dreams. there is no cameroi currency as such. not even an inhouse scrip sort of currency like the old soviet ruple.

while some local villages and neighborhoods have choosen to mint or print currencies of their own for their own local use, and cameroi as a nation neither opposes nor endorses their doing so, there IS NO national currency of cameroi.

our economic structure is perhapse best described as a modified form of potlatching. we are an all volunteer everything nation. even our widely admired transport and energy infrastructure, like everything else in our nation, is created and maintained by hobbiests entirely for the gratification of doing so.

we have neither intrest in nor desire for, symbolic value based economics, of any declention.

St Edmundan Antarctic
09-10-2007, 15:26
seeing as many nations would have important cultural icons upon their notes (bills) and coins and many hold pride in the name of their currency wouldnt it be a better idea to keep the currency names and styles but standardise the value of the currencys universally so nations currencys are the same value. the dollar will be equal to the dracma.

Such a policy would require all of the currency to be issued by one single source, which would decide how much was to be in circulation, because otherwise national governments would be able to print as much money as they wanted to spend without having to worry at all about the risk of their national currencies devaluing (Edit: against the currencies of the other UN member-nations, thus probably leading to increased inflation across all UN member-nations...).
My government opposes this proposal on the basis that any such 'UN Central Bank' would therefore have to be so large that we are unable to envisage it working properly, and because we believe that depriving national governments of the ability to control (or to try controlling, anyway...) the amounts of money in existence within their nations would deprive them of a potentially useful tool for managing their national economies, as well as on general 'National Sovereigntist' principles... and also because it would weaken the linkages that exist between certain UN member-nations and nations that are currently outside of the UN.
For example: the St Edmundan Antarctic still uses the currency of St Edmund itself, which is a non-UN nation, and as almost all of our people actually live within that nation's territories rather than down around the South Pole a changeover to some UN-standard currency just wouldn't work very well for us even if all of the other problems involved could be addressed in a satisfactory manner...
Law Abiding Criminals
09-10-2007, 21:58
The only possibility I can think of is to create an international currency, authorize trade in it, and base all national currencies' values off it. It avoids MetaGaming violations and standardizes an international stock exchange for those who would roleplay as stockbrokers...

That said, the real world doesn't do that, and I can't imagine getting a big enough financial backer that such an idea wouldn't fall through.
New Sequoyah
09-10-2007, 23:54
New Sequoyah stands firmly against any proposal for a Universal Currency. This intrudes upon the National Sovereignty of all nations, besides being impossible to enforce.

Lieut. Gen. John Brown Gordon, (Ret.)
UN Ambassador from New Sequoyah
10-10-2007, 03:24
International currency is just a bad idea, it doesn't allow people to be creative enough.
10-10-2007, 16:28
This post is to debate the possibility of an UN unified currency.It would be like the same legal tender for all of the UN members, with it`s own bills and coins.
If all members of the UN had the same currency, what would be it`s name?

I`ve thought of the following:

A(Two) Gold :D
A(Two) Atlas
A(Two) Dragon(s)
A(Two) Shield(s)
A(Two) Sapien(s)
A(Two) Crono(s)
A(Two) Aurum(s)
A(Two) Mondo(s)
A(Two) Terra(s)

Any more names or ideas? Anything is valid, let`s plan our unified currency !;)
THis is a cpherently flawed idea due to the fact that our economies of so many nations are so different. One nation may have a booming economy and another plunging, if you combine those two what do you get!?, You get a economy that entirely grinds to a halt of from the low morale of the economy not going up worries the citizens into a hissyfit where they cause
The Gread Deppression again!, and as such Imarica's Delegation will have to withdraw it's UN application, if they pass such a resolution, we can not have our booming economies mixed in with the communists.


Fuhrer of Imarica, Hail Human!
Scott Tree
10-10-2007, 16:51
This idea is nothing more than an attempt to create a one world government by uniting all the currency’s of the world under the U.N. this is how it will start next we will have to have world id card and then the worlds nations will be nothing more then puppets of the U.N. world government. and this is what I think of a one world goverment:mp5::sniper: Fire!!!!!!!!!
Elven Realm
10-10-2007, 17:11
You are surely aware, honorable ambasador, that the area that would be influenced by this mega reform is made of 20,949 countries!!??!!
10-10-2007, 17:14
This idea is nothing more than an attempt to create a one world government by uniting all the currency’s of the world under the U.N. this is how it will start next we will have to have world id card and then the worlds nations will be nothing more then puppets of the U.N. world government. and this is what I think of a one world goverment:mp5::sniper: Fire!!!!!!!!!

A junior Ariddian delegate makes a delivery to the desk of the Scotttreean representative:
11-10-2007, 05:49
Any one else think this dead horse has been beaten enough? Forcing all UN members to have the same currency is illegal, end of discussion.

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
12-10-2007, 16:36
If you want to have a unified currency, roleplay it with your regional buddies.
12-10-2007, 16:39
OOC: Did you have to bump this Hirota?
Scott Tree
12-10-2007, 16:44
I do admit it was a little strong I have just see every concept for a one world currency and strong economies would suffer very bad under the system. Scott Tree is a very free and RICH nation that dose not want to lose my economy saying Freighting status which as I understand it is the highest you can get. :cool:;)
12-10-2007, 16:48
OOC: Did you have to bump this Hirota?I didn't even have a look at the date, it was on the screen.


Edit: Actually, it's not that old, whats the problem? Looking at it you bumped it after it was dormant for a period of time