Repeal of Resolution 21.
01-10-2007, 04:51
The Empire of Tyrantstan has moved to repeal UN Resolution 21 because it mandates all UN members to set up completely independent (and therefore hideously expensive) judiciaries, and is labeled mild. If that isn't a misleading description, I don't know what is. I mean, we have to pay judges, build courtrooms, sendout mass mailings for jury duty every single day...and this is a mild resolution. We have to set up an entirely independent branch of government, and the resolution mandating this is MILD? That's about as misleading as you can get. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Empire of Tyrantstan that Resolution 21 should be repealed, in accordance with UN Resolution rules. The Repeal can be found in the Proposal section of the UN page.
The Most Glorious Hack
01-10-2007, 07:09
The Resolution in question:
Fair trial
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: The outer hebrides
Description: We maitain that all nations, irrespective of their mode of government must, according to the fundamental principles under which the UN was set up, must allow their citizens the right to fair trial, or face eviction from this institution.
Votes For: 10713
Votes Against: 3069
Implemented: Sun Jul 13 2003
The Repeal in question:
Repeal "Fair trial"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #21
Proposed by: Tyrantstan
Description: UN Resolution #21: Fair trial (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The Empire of Tyrantstan hereby moves to repeal United Nations Resolution #21 on the grounds that any Resolution that requires UN members to go to the great and expensive lengths of constructing and maintaining a completely independent judiciary system can hardly be considered "mild".
Illegal: Branding. Deleted.
St Edmundan Antarctic
01-10-2007, 10:23
Doesn't using the previous proposal's strength rating as an argument break one of the rules (against 'Metagaming'?), too?
01-10-2007, 11:28
You're making a vote of Dictators vs. Democracies. Given the member nations of the UN, this probably wouldn't pass
The Most Glorious Hack
01-10-2007, 12:41
Doesn't using the previous proposal's strength rating as an argument break one of the rules (against 'Metagaming'?), too?I thought about that, but I was willing to let it slide. If you agree that it involves a wholesale restructuring of a nation's judicial system, then the effect is far from "mild". Mild being more an adjective than a strength designator.
01-10-2007, 13:43
The Resolution in question:
Fair trial
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: The outer hebrides
Description: We maitain that all nations, irrespective of their mode of government must, according to the fundamental principles under which the UN was set up, must allow their citizens the right to fair trial, or face eviction from this institution.
Votes For: 10713
Votes Against: 3069
Implemented: Sun Jul 13 2003
The Repeal in question:
Repeal "Fair trial"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #21
Proposed by: Tyrantstan
Description: UN Resolution #21: Fair trial (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The Empire of Tyrantstan hereby moves to repeal United Nations Resolution #21 on the grounds that any Resolution that requires UN members to go to the great and expensive lengths of constructing and maintaining a completely independent judiciary system can hardly be considered "mild".
Illegal: Branding. Deleted.
The Most Glorious Hack
01-10-2007, 14:13
Yes. Branding.
Limited branding is allowed. "Limited" means that you may list one co-author by nation name only. Example:
"Co-authored by The Most Glorious Hack"
Further branding will result in the Proposal being deleted. Don't list everyone who posted in the thread for your draft, don't list yourself, don't list your Minister Of Making Proposals, and don't post the 'pre-title' of the co-author (ie: "The Republic Of..."). This includes creating nations that have the same name as your region or group and using them to promote your region or group.
01-10-2007, 14:21
Argument: The Empire of Tyrantstan hereby moves to repeal United Nations Resolution #21 on the grounds that any Resolution that requires UN members to go to the great and expensive lengths of constructing and maintaining a completely independent judiciary system can hardly be considered "mild".
Not branding(short version):
The United Nations ...
hereby repeals "Fair Trial".
Official version(my emphasis):
Limited branding is allowed. "Limited" means that you may list one co-author by nation name only. Example:
"Co-authored by The Most Glorious Hack"
Further branding will result in the Proposal being deleted. Don't list everyone who posted in the thread for your draft, don't list yourself, don't list your Minister Of Making Proposals, and don't post the 'pre-title' of the co-author (ie: "The Republic Of..."). This includes creating nations that have the same name as your region or group and using them to promote your region or group.
Ancient UN Sage say: People who seek repeals on technicalities must know technicalities.
Note that St Edmundan Antarctic's already raised another technicality, and Hack's dealt with it.
Having this attempt deleted doesn't mean you can't have another go. But posting a draft before you submit would help avoid illegalities.
EDIT: Damn all faster typists.
01-10-2007, 16:20
You're making a vote of Dictators vs. Democracies. Given the member nations of the UN, this probably wouldn't pass
Are you saying that a dictatorship couldn't have fair trials?
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
Even if this was legal the strenght of the resolution is not the problem with it as feel this part is.
face eviction from this institution.
As once a nation is no longer in NSUN they have no say in it and also the NSUN has no way to control those nations outside it so keep kicking them out for resolutions violations and there soon will be nobody here to propose new ones let alone repeals of old ones....
Have never understood how anyone feels that kicking a nation out of UN will get them to change... for the good..... but have seen several propsals that say boot them out if they don't comply. Thought they had no choice the UN ghnomes are mean nasty masters who enforce the resolutions to the letter.. on all members..... so nations are already meeting the requirements in all the resolutions..
02-10-2007, 05:35
Cavirra expresses a notion that I share about eviction -what good does this philosophy do anyone? Turning the NSUN into an exclusive club doesn't seem beneficial and contrary to the whole point of an international body.
Then there's the whole enforcement issue (gnomes etc.) that seems to make the whole thing moot anyways!
The Most Glorious Hack
02-10-2007, 05:57
Fair Trial was written before the current ruleset. Under modern rules, the eviction clause would have rendered the whole thing illegal; however, back then, that sort of thing was somewhat common.