Proposed International Spam Reduction Bill
19-07-2007, 13:19
Spam is an Increasing Issue that effects our day to day lives
I Observe that:
1.Spam is an Advancement of "Cold Calling"
2. Spam or Advertising Email's use Harvested Details to Promote Inappropriate things without first checking that it is Suitable for its Audience eg: Viagra or Pornographic Email's Sent to Minors
3. That Spam causes Economical loss due to Accidental Loss or Viral infections of Important Email's
I Propose that the un
1. Creates laws that block Spam Email's from being sent
2. Removes the ability for Email providers to Sell email addresses
3. Stop Inappropriate email's from being sent unless the target Receiver Accepts responsibility for accessing the content
19-07-2007, 13:47
To start off I would switch it to third person and capitalize UN.
Also be a bit more formal, for example, change Spam to Unsolisitated Emails.
19-07-2007, 17:35
Category? Strength / Effect?
This has been suggested before, but it doesn't really fit into our categories. Find a way to fit it into a category and it might work. Assign one that doesn't fit, and it will most likely be deleted.
19-07-2007, 18:30
Also, it doesn't really detail the measures that makes people abide by this law. Better to be to precise and formal than not at all.
Axis Nova
19-07-2007, 18:43
Most spam is sent by criminals. How do you propose to regulate their activities?
20-07-2007, 00:33
Most spam is sent by criminals. How do you propose to regulate their activities?
You cannot directly legalize you way out of crime, since by definition crime transcendents law; you can only prevent and enforce. The UN cannot enforce directly, since it cannot have a police or military mandate.
That leaves the option of prevention, though I do not see how the UN should be able to prevent unsolicited email.
Eastern Noble
20-07-2007, 01:41
I don't see why this is an issue on our political agendas...
why should the UN be worried about this???
Leave it to the respective governments - I believe you're edging towards censorship a bit there (a government issue for sure).
Best Regards,
St Edmundan Antarctic
20-07-2007, 17:15
"I would suggest turning this into a proposal requiring that member-nations' governments block -- or try to block, to the best of their legal ability, anyway -- the use of all 'cold-calling' and 'spam' techniques (whether by 'junk mail, telephone, 'junk fax', email, or whatever...) from & through their own territories into any nations where the use of those techniques is actually illegal. Such a measure would be trans-national enough in scope that my own government, which holds quite strong views against the UN trying to regulate member-nations purely 'internal' affairs, should be able to accept it."
Alfred Devereux Sweynsson MD,
Ambassador to the United Nations
The Protectorate of The St Edmundan Antarctic
(And still, although hopefully not for much longer, required to wear this confounded penguin costumeā¦)
OOC: 'Moral Decency', Mild...
Sharing your concern about the proliferation of SPAM The Free Land of Logopia, would like to put our proposal to your consideration:
DEFINING "Electronic spam" as any electronic message that is:
b)sent in bulk
c)Sent when there is no prior relationship with the receiver that would justify the sending of said message
AWARE that the proliferation electronic SPAM has become an important problem, causing governments and private entities serious econmic costs,
NOTING that the problem of electronic SPAM often trascends national borders, since senders and receivers are frecuently located in different nations,
RECOGNIZING the right of sovereing nations to define SPAM as illegal, and to have such legislation respected by the international comunity
That all member states ban, within thier legal ability, the sending of any form of electronic spam, from or through their territories, to countries where such form of electronic SPAM is considered illegal
We are aware that this proposal might be greatly improved, and would indeed like to see it being so.
Iris Fairchild
Logopian Ambassador to The NSUN