The British Dominion Kingdom of Kotire has proposed a draft resolution entitled "ARMS CONTROL POST CONFLICT" and is designed to control legal and illegal small larms and light weapons (SALW) in post-conflict zones and situations, so that arms related casualties and other such resulting poverty etc are minimized.
It includes the control of manufacture, sale and collection of arms, and enables developing countries to call upon UN for assistance in strengthening boarder security, law enforcement and in legislative processes to reduce the circulation of SALW, particularly illegally obtained, used, traded and smuggled arms which cause such instability, death, poverty and pain in areas already ravaged by war/conflict.
This proposal needs your support. Please support it.
HM Prime Minister
Quintessence of Dust
12-07-2007, 09:55
Your announcement contains a contradiction: you cannot submit a draft. Before resubmitting it, I would strongly suggest posting the text of your proposal so that people can help you draft it.
It seemed like quite a good proposal when I looked at it, but I don't have the text to hand right now.
-- George Madison
UN Ambassador
12-07-2007, 14:31
Arms Control Post Conflict
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.
Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Kotire
Description: ALARMED at the continuation of casualties of war which continue beyond official conflict due to illegally obtained small arms in post conflict zones,
NOTING WITH CONCERN that the uncontrolled supply of legal and illegal arms exacerbates arms proliferation and the consequences in post conflict states through reducing the cost of arms and increasinf access to arms,
OBSERVING that the presence of arms in a post conflict state can force the resumption of conflict in that state and/or can cause conflict in neighbouring ststes through the transfer of weapons, the pressure of refugee flows and other burdens of renewed conflict in a state,
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that surplus weapons in states experiencing arms control issues may end up in post conflict areas,
EMPHASISING the important role of the United Nations and Regional Bodies in supporting post conflict states to disarm, demobilise and reintergrate former combatants,
1 CALLS FOR states to ensure that manufacturers apply an appropriate and reliable marking on all arms produced to facilitate the tracing of arms entering and leaving post conflict situations; this should be a unique marking which identifies:
a)The name of the Manufacturer
b)The Country of Manufacture
C)Serial Number;
2 CONDEMNS the illicit production and trade of arms and urges member states to address these activities within their state;
3 URGES states to monitor and limit exportations of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) to post conflict situations in a way consistant with their responsibilities under international law,
When assessing exports, states should attempt to:
a)Avoid contributing to internal repression, including the gross systematic violation or suppression of Human Rights and funsamental freedoms on a widespread and significant scale;
b)Avoid transfers of arms to Governments or non-state actors that systematically commit gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms on a widespread scale as determined by the United Nations;
c)Avoid contributing to terrorism and crime;
4 CALLS UPON all member states to develop and improve transparency and accountability in arms accumulation, flow, production and related policies;
5 SUPPORTS state capacity to prevent arms proliferation in post conflict states and states with serious arms control problems through assisting those states in:
a) Introducing programs to improve education and awareness about the dangers of arms proliferation to dismantle a culture of dependence on arms,
b) Strengthens long term relationships with donor states and agencies who provide financial and technical support to empower states to address arms control issues,
c) Developing state legislation to address the problems of arms control,
d) Improving border control and law enforcement capabilities;
6 ENDORSES the implementation of effective disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programs, including the effective collection,control, storage and destruction of arms as well as disarming landmines and other unexploded ordances which may draw on United Nations assistance;
7 SUGGESTS that all confiscated, seized or collected surplus arms be destroyed rather than stockpiled;
8 ENCOURAGES the establishment where appropriate and as agreed by the states concerned, of arms moratoria or similar initiatives in post conflict situations;
THUS reducing the resulting casualties and poverty caused in part by SALW.
Approvals: 61 (Kotire, Worldia555, The Kings Guard, ARC Captains, ETol, Jamesingtonland, Cal D, New Loressia, Birdopia, Luxtizeria, Gallantaria, Of Dave, Misplaced States, Chazzistan, Psycotia Island, Hecter, Great Benmark, Jed Scott, My crap, Alpacadom, Icycomb, Sky Marshalls, Iguana Isle, New Wivenhoe, Ottosam, Rosstania, WZ Forums, Thoth of Acha, GreyHam, New Hamilton, Pickwick and Yuna, Dannoville, Multyfarnham, Datium, Gibberon, Satuplia, EXTREME STYLES V2, DarkOmen, AP3 10, Omaui, COWCOWCOWCOW, Karlsson of the Roof, Moucius, Ashatwe, Blahminia, Garsidia, Maineiacs, Kerkstraat and DeKuil, East Mars, New Hobo Land, Lisboa e Alentejo, Eggerhexe, Odd Grinding Noises, Swimsang, Rheingua, Ginvaulter, Leuvenation, The Liberation Armies, Bymistan, Felasia, Nordystan)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 46 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Thu Jul 12 2007A couple typos ("ststes," "funsamental"), reference to "Regional Bodies" is probably MetaGaming and should be dropped, and the scope of this proposal seems to cross categories. It's part Global Disarmament, part Gun Control -- especially Clause 1. I'd suggest fixing the bugs in your text before resubmitting.
yeah sorry bout the typos,
This resolution is a copy of one that was passed by the 1st General Assembly Committee at AMUNC 2007 in Auckland NZ. (Asia-pacific Model United Nations Confrence) and it covers everything from arms control to boarder control, both pre, during and post conflict, but the emphasis is on post-conflict zones.
The African Union was keen to include added strength on regional bodies to control arms, as they have the best local knowledge of their regions, which is preferable to a foreign power intervening, unless that is needed, and would be a last resort.
13-07-2007, 00:08
Is this a Model UN Conference with which you were involved?
This is getting pretty close to quorum. I would encourage you to ask the moderators to withdraw this proposal, so your idea can be drafted into something polished and legal.