10-07-2007, 07:51
Mr. Secretary-General, I rise today to discuss a mostly-forgotten resolution and propose its repeal.
Almost four years ago, over the great protests of most speaking on this floor, the United Nations adopted "Common Sense Act II" by a vote of 8,627 for to 4,776 against. Immediately after it was approved, a proposal to repeal this resolution attracted great support, but was removed from the proposal queue due to the illegality of resolution repeals at that time. However, this restriction is no longer in force. And so, with a few modifications for grammar and modern rules, I put before this body for discussion the text of the original repeal, submitted by Tisonica on the 12th of September, 2003, and approved by me shortly after submission.
Lord Evif looks briefly at the desk that once belonged to the Alcardian States before continuing.
(The original thread for this resolution can be found at, but please do not post to it - use this instead.)
Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #30
Proposed by: Goobergunchia
Description: UN Resolution #30: Common Sense Act II (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: WHEREAS the resolution “Common Sense Act II” was inherently flawed from the start, and its vague wording and broad effects will most likely cause many problems in UN member nations,
GIVEN that the resolution in question forces lawsuits against companies for selling a legal product, no matter how unsafe the product, to be dismissed in court,
GIVEN that the clause in “Common Sense Act II” stating that you cannot sue if you were committing a crime at the time you were injured would make it impossible to file many sorts of police brutality lawsuits,
GIVEN that the clause in “Common Sense Act II” stating that you cannot sue for consuming a legal product that harmed your body in some way would mean that you could not sue if a company made a recklessly dangerous product and you were injured by it,
BELIEVING that this would most likely cause businesses to become more careless in taking measures to make their products safer,
BELIEVING that it is in the best interest of all nations to not have laws forced upon them to make police brutality, wrongful death, liability, ect. lawsuits illegal,
ASSERTING that the resolution “Common Sense Act II” does in fact do the things listed above,
RESOLVES that the resolution “Common Sense Act II” is henceforth repealed to allow UN member nations to pass their own laws concerning the issues addressed by the “Common Sense Act II” proposal.
(Originally proposed by Tisonica.)
Mr. Secretary-General, I ask that the text of Resolution #30 appear in the Forum immediately following my remarks. I would further ask that members of this body review the text of this proposal prior to its submission and to make any remarks that they deem proper to make it more suitable for adoption by the United Nations.
[Lord] Michael Evif
Goobergunchian UN Ambassador
Founder, Democratic Underground region
The text of Resolution #30 is as follows:
Common Sense Act II
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Fantasan
Description: Far too many civil injustices occur each and every day in courts around the world. Frivolous lawsuits plague innocent homeowners and businessmen, who have done nothing wrong but earn enough money to become a target of an opportunist.
Lawsuits on the basis of idiotic negligence on the part of the victim shall henceforth be dismissed in the courts of UN member nations, as they violate the civil liberties of those being sued.
Idiotic neglegence shall be defined as such:
1: Burning oneself with a hot beverage, such as coffee.
2: Injuring oneself while using a tool in a reckless or improper manner, such as without safety gear or for a purpose the tool is obviously not supposed to do.
3: Consuming a legal product which is either high in fat or damaging to the body, such as fast food or tobacco.
4: Any injury incurred during the commission of a crime, such as cutting yourself on a broken pane of glass while burglarizing a home.
This proposal will lower the tax burden on all citizens, it will make the jobs of Judges and Juries easier, and will help restore a modicum of common sense to the world.
Almost four years ago, over the great protests of most speaking on this floor, the United Nations adopted "Common Sense Act II" by a vote of 8,627 for to 4,776 against. Immediately after it was approved, a proposal to repeal this resolution attracted great support, but was removed from the proposal queue due to the illegality of resolution repeals at that time. However, this restriction is no longer in force. And so, with a few modifications for grammar and modern rules, I put before this body for discussion the text of the original repeal, submitted by Tisonica on the 12th of September, 2003, and approved by me shortly after submission.
Lord Evif looks briefly at the desk that once belonged to the Alcardian States before continuing.
(The original thread for this resolution can be found at, but please do not post to it - use this instead.)
Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #30
Proposed by: Goobergunchia
Description: UN Resolution #30: Common Sense Act II (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: WHEREAS the resolution “Common Sense Act II” was inherently flawed from the start, and its vague wording and broad effects will most likely cause many problems in UN member nations,
GIVEN that the resolution in question forces lawsuits against companies for selling a legal product, no matter how unsafe the product, to be dismissed in court,
GIVEN that the clause in “Common Sense Act II” stating that you cannot sue if you were committing a crime at the time you were injured would make it impossible to file many sorts of police brutality lawsuits,
GIVEN that the clause in “Common Sense Act II” stating that you cannot sue for consuming a legal product that harmed your body in some way would mean that you could not sue if a company made a recklessly dangerous product and you were injured by it,
BELIEVING that this would most likely cause businesses to become more careless in taking measures to make their products safer,
BELIEVING that it is in the best interest of all nations to not have laws forced upon them to make police brutality, wrongful death, liability, ect. lawsuits illegal,
ASSERTING that the resolution “Common Sense Act II” does in fact do the things listed above,
RESOLVES that the resolution “Common Sense Act II” is henceforth repealed to allow UN member nations to pass their own laws concerning the issues addressed by the “Common Sense Act II” proposal.
(Originally proposed by Tisonica.)
Mr. Secretary-General, I ask that the text of Resolution #30 appear in the Forum immediately following my remarks. I would further ask that members of this body review the text of this proposal prior to its submission and to make any remarks that they deem proper to make it more suitable for adoption by the United Nations.
[Lord] Michael Evif
Goobergunchian UN Ambassador
Founder, Democratic Underground region
The text of Resolution #30 is as follows:
Common Sense Act II
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Fantasan
Description: Far too many civil injustices occur each and every day in courts around the world. Frivolous lawsuits plague innocent homeowners and businessmen, who have done nothing wrong but earn enough money to become a target of an opportunist.
Lawsuits on the basis of idiotic negligence on the part of the victim shall henceforth be dismissed in the courts of UN member nations, as they violate the civil liberties of those being sued.
Idiotic neglegence shall be defined as such:
1: Burning oneself with a hot beverage, such as coffee.
2: Injuring oneself while using a tool in a reckless or improper manner, such as without safety gear or for a purpose the tool is obviously not supposed to do.
3: Consuming a legal product which is either high in fat or damaging to the body, such as fast food or tobacco.
4: Any injury incurred during the commission of a crime, such as cutting yourself on a broken pane of glass while burglarizing a home.
This proposal will lower the tax burden on all citizens, it will make the jobs of Judges and Juries easier, and will help restore a modicum of common sense to the world.