NationStates Jolt Archive

A few questions.

10-07-2007, 05:35
So... I have a few things to say. My country is some dictatorship that oppresses people for moneterial gain. However, (I'm just using this as an example, I know its already done) if the illegal slavery act was passed, personally, I think its bad and should be rid of. However the dictator of my country who'd actually be making the choice would think its silly and and vote against it. Do I use my views or my characters view?
The Most Glorious Hack
10-07-2007, 06:15
Most people who post on the forums post as their nation (or characters within their nation) would. Often, this is the same (or nearly the same) as how the player feels, but some play nations that are diametrically opposed to their own views.

The big thing to keep in mind is that most regulars here are frequently posting in character. Don't automatically assume that they actually believe what they're saying, but keep in mind that the characters probably do.

You can check out the Meet the Reps thread (which I'm sure someone will link to) to get an idea of how people play their nations.
10-07-2007, 06:51
You can check out the Meet the Reps thread (which I'm sure someone will link to) to get an idea of how people play their nations.
Damned PoPer
10-07-2007, 11:14
To distinguish between in-character and out-of-character, the following has established:

1) When out-of-character mark it with <OOC>, [OOC], OOC: or something similar

2) When in-character don't use it.

It's quite simple, because every line not marked with OOC is read by other players as in-character.
10-07-2007, 11:59
To distinguish between in-character and out-of-character, the following has established:

1) When out-of-character mark it with <OOC>, [OOC], OOC: or something similar

2) When in-character don't use it.

It's quite simple, because every line not marked with OOC is read by other players as in-character.That's not a universal convention. I rarely do IC (mainly because I've exhausted the whole Roleplay thing when I was in school), so I don't see the need to prefix every single one of my posts with "OOC:"

I suppose that means that if I ever get offensive you can take it personally ;)
10-07-2007, 15:49
To distinguish between in-character and out-of-character, the following has established:

1) When out-of-character mark it with <OOC>, [OOC], OOC: or something similar

2) When in-character don't use it.

It's quite simple, because every line not marked with OOC is read by other players as in-character.

And then there are the people, like me, who sign their posts with the name of the character making the comments. If one of my posts is unsigned then the whole thing is OOC. If only part of a post is OOC, then I'll use the OOC tag.