NationStates Jolt Archive

Repeal "Outlaw Pedophilia"

05-07-2007, 07:50
What, you thought I was serious?

While it does need a rewording, what surprises me most is that 1,363 actually voted to keep pedophilia.
Quintessence of Dust
05-07-2007, 09:42
False. They voted against the resolution, but that does not mean they wanted to 'keep pedophilia'. They may have thought:
- it wasn't something the UN needed to legislate on
- it wasn't written well enough
- it wasn't extensive enough
- it was wrongly categorised

Some of these arguments are mentioned here (; the original proposal of Fantasan (of which I have no record) and subsequent Child Protection Act of Stephistan (Resolution #25) should also be considered.
05-07-2007, 12:13
False. They voted against the resolution, but that does not mean they wanted to 'keep pedophilia'. They may have thought:
- it wasn't something the UN needed to legislate on
- it wasn't written well enough
- it wasn't extensive enough
- it was wrongly categorised

Some of these arguments are mentioned here (; the original proposal of Fantasan (of which I have no record) and subsequent Child Protection Act of Stephistan (Resolution #25) should also be considered.Annoyingly it does not seem to have a copy of any discussions in the forum archives.
05-07-2007, 12:27
Annoyingly it does not seem to have a copy of any discussions in the forum archives.

Not even in the Grand and Ancient Archives of the Most Admirable Deeds and Feats of the United Nations?
Quintessence of Dust
05-07-2007, 12:45
They may have been purged; such threads were waaay before my time. You can probably find some by digging around using Search.
05-07-2007, 13:44
Not even in the Grand and Ancient Archives of the Most Admirable Deeds and Feats of the United Nations?It looks like someone spilt some coffee on the relevant page ;)
New Anonia
05-07-2007, 17:53
Or perhaps they knew the meaning of the word 'pedophilia'?
05-07-2007, 20:25
It looks like someone spilt some coffee on the relevant page ;)

Sadly, a recent study showed that 94.2% of the contents of GAAMADFUN have fallen victim to that fate and are now unreadable.
10-07-2007, 05:22
The debates on Resolution #25 have been lost to the great Purges of the United Nations Forum. However, I still vaguely remember them. The most coherent opponent was Stephistan, who felt that the narrow scope of my resolution would by implication permit other forms of child abuse.

Also, that NSwiki article was written over two years ago, so it's probably a more accurate reflection of history than anything I still remember now.

[Lord] Michael Evif
Goobergunchian UN Ambassador
Sponsor, "Outlaw Pedophilia"
10-07-2007, 06:12
You notice how the guy posted a two liner to try and envoke angered responces then suddenly disappeared?

The Most Glorious Hack
10-07-2007, 06:19
Well, yeah. Drive-by posters happen. Still, the history reminder is nice. And it's nice to see Goober materialize again, heh.
10-07-2007, 06:22
Well, yeah. Drive-by posters happen. Still, the history reminder is nice. And it's nice to see Goober materialize again, heh.


Goober = The Shiznit

P.S. Hack you pain in the butt. I have to find out you live in Chi Town from someone else? I grew up just down the road...well....I-55.... all can go back on topic now.
10-07-2007, 06:52
Glad to be of service. *bows before Hack and Shaz*
10-07-2007, 16:20
Much as I appreciate the good intentions behind the rushed submission and eventual passage of this resolution, I would support its removal from the UN statute and possibly a sensitive replacement that specifically targets child abuse and is more careful with terminology.
