NationStates Jolt Archive

Press Conference.

Shar Tal
30-06-2007, 20:34
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".... And on international news today, a press conference was held in Quenthar's Rest, the capital of Shar Tal regarding the increased support to the United Nations. the Shar Tal delegate of international affairs, Methalec Sa'rithal stated that "Shar Tal will continue to contribute more to the UN through funding and humanitarian aid." He then turned his focus towards the region wishing to see more initiative from them as well.

"In times of need, us who are as fortunate to have peace and prosperity should reach a hand out to those who are in need of aid and give them what we can." he said. He also questioned the Eastern Pacific UN Delegate Gnidrah's position stating that "The Shar Tal wishes more initiative from Gnidrah, as they have that much support in the Region." and accusing them of not taking part in important UN Resolutions.

This is YSH News. I'm Terry Brackman. More to come as the goverment of...."
30-06-2007, 21:11
[OOC: The NSUN doesn't have a peacekeeping force. This is not RL.]