Alcohol consumption resolution
19-06-2007, 21:54
I have proposed a new resolution on alcohol consumption. Please could all delegates take a good read and vote? Thank you :)
Emperor Dave of Great-Scotland
Southern Odinia
19-06-2007, 22:26
what does the resolution say?
19-06-2007, 22:34
Unfortunately, Chestania cannot back this proposal, and encourages other delegates to follow suit.
This resolution does not spell out the new tax rates on alcohol, and does not spell out a plan in doing so. Furthermore, it is in a very casual format, and does not appear to be a well thought out proposal.
Chestania would like to have an alcohol related proposal on the books, but simply cannot back this particular one.
19-06-2007, 22:55
Alcohol consumption
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Great-Scotland
Description: With the world around becoming ever more lax and crime rates increasing as a result of this; this resolution proposes to increase tax on alcohol around the world to discourage excessive consumption.
It is believed this will result in lower crime rates and better moral judgement (perhaps more voting). This would also lower abortion rates, reduce the strain of alcohol related illnesses or alcohol related injuries in hospitals (liver disease, fights, domestic abuse) and increase consumer spending in other areas. The extra taxes could be put to good public use improving public services or the health service.
I can't exactly say this is going to be very popular with the world but if your serious about it, you might want to check out the Reclamation ( forum which helps UN Members draft and write out proposals into a suitable UN Format.
19-06-2007, 23:21
This has about a snowball's chance in hell of passing. Apparently you haven't noticed how popular The Stranger's Bar ( is.
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
We fear that this is demonstrative of the government solution to everything, tax it. Ithania suffers from none of the maladies presented thanks to technological prowess and a wide-ranging education scheme; it is an area of national policy and not an international matter.
We would like to take this opportunity to commend the representative’s nation for taking such a powerful interest in the health of others but we simply cannot support this.
(perhaps more voting)
We believe that this will drive many of the General Assembly’s corrupt…err…morally manoeuvrable ambassadors to instantly detest this.
Politicians in almost every nation do not want people to vote and the people want to vote even less! If there are more voters then they require more energy to convince which means more resources and more potential for failure. If they’re inebriated then it’s far easier.
Anravelle Kramer.
The Democratic Republic of Zyrwick can not possibly vote for this. National Sobriety or whatever Comrade Gramiko refers to often.
However we will use it as insulation for our porto-potty. There has been a crow that has built a nest in there and ruined our previous insulation there.
However on a lighter note, Comrade Ulyanov has authorized the UN Delegation to construct a wattle and daub hut for our residency.
Vladimir Alexandrovich
Janitor for the Zyrwickian UN Delegation.
This is moralization and micromanaging at its finest (or worst, depending on how you look at it). Either way, we'd be unalterably opposed.
- Jinella Agaranth, Ambassador
20-06-2007, 13:28
We too must rise in opposition. Levying a tax on Saul Adlers Winter Brown Lager and the fine wines made in our vineyard regions would choke those companies to the point of oblivion. Forcing shutdowns, closures, and layoffs.
Also selling the notion of Alchohol leading to depravity to our President would be very problematic considering he finds himself a bit of a Vodka snob and is currently on a mission to find the best in the world.
Furthermore we do not believe the solution to a problem is to throw our citizens hard earned tax money at it.
Javar Parez Dequar
Ambassador At Large
The United States of Philimbesi
20-06-2007, 13:34
Politicians in almost every nation do not want people to vote and the people want to vote even less! If there are more voters then they require more energy to convince which means more resources and more potential for failure. If they’re inebriated then it’s far easier.
Anravelle Kramer.
I'm proud to say the USP is NOT one of those nations. We welcome the peoples votes both in the Senate and our People's Representatives and our voter turnout rate is near full.
Javar Parez Dequar
Ambassador At Large
The United States of Philimbesi
Quintessence of Dust
20-06-2007, 14:42
By the way, this is probably illegal. For one, it's in the wrong category: it should be Recreational Drug Use/Outlaw, or I suppose Social Justice/Mild, given the spending criteria, and if it absolutely has to be Moral Decency, I really don't see the implementation of a tax rising above Mild. For two, it contradicts both Representation in Taxation and UN Drug Act, because taxation on intranational activities - it'd have to be a pretty wild bender to cross borders - and decisions on drug policy - with the definition of drugs clearly including alcohol - reverting to national prerogatives under those resolutions.
So, probably not going anywhere.
21-06-2007, 01:14
Libertiua's position is to never raise taxes. Thus, we cannot vote for this resolution.
Tired Goblins
21-06-2007, 01:50
I do not *hic* shuport thish proposal! *staggers back in the general direction of the bar*
Grundy Goblin, UN Rep of Tired Goblins
Clerks and Clerkesses
21-06-2007, 03:56
As representative from a country that supports people's civil rights to do what they want, when they long as it is in their own homes...we can not support such a resolution.
Besides, all the alchies would have the government drowned in our stores of whiskey if this resolution were to pass. We would vote no.
Who wants a drink?
Clerks and Clerkesses, I'll have one if your buying. Neville told me that he won't accept Zyrwickian Leke. Apparently our currency is too depreciated.
Vladimir Alexandrovich
Janitor for the Zyrwickian UN Delegation
21-06-2007, 17:16
I can not support this as much as we like to destroy freedom, this is a mind numbing drugs and taking it away would give me less control.
Clerks and Clerkesses
21-06-2007, 18:15
My pleasure representative Alexandrovich.
Randy McFadden
The United States of Clerks and Clerkesses
Most excellent. Vodka to go with my Proletarii cigarettes for a change! Although, I am not a Representative, just a Janitor. Comrade Gramiko doesn't trust the gnomes to hide espionage--er--I mean clean effectively.
Vladimir Alexandrovich
Janitor for the Zyrwickian UN Delegation