UN Regional Delegation
Dear fellow UN Members, Delegates & Esteemed Nation State Leaders,
Is it possible to become a UN delgate in a region of one nation i.e. a region you create yourself?
Thank you for your help,
Rt Hon. Richard Jennings QC
The Holy Empire of Ostojic
Ostojic National Headquaters of Internationa Affairs
The Royal Palace of Fontain
10 Lower House Avenue
*** The Holy Empire of Ostojic is proud to serve as a UN Member for the 'Equatorial Alliance' Region ***
Intellect and Art
01-06-2007, 12:18
I've tried this when I'm the only UN Nation in a region, and no you can't. You need at least two UN Nations so one of them can endorse the other. Remember, only one of you can endorse, or you'll not have a delegate. Once a delegate is chosen, however, the delegate can endorse the other person with no loss of their position unless some other UN Nation appears and endorses them.
Thank you for your advise. Best wishes in the game.
St Edmundan Antarctic
01-06-2007, 14:17
You need at least two UN Nations so one of them can endorse the other. Remember, only one of you can endorse, or you'll not have a delegate. Once a delegate is chosen, however, the delegate can endorse the other person with no loss of their position unless some other UN Nation appears and endorses them.
Actually you can both endorse, in which case the role of Delegate would go to whichever of those two nations had been in the region for longest...
02-06-2007, 18:09
I've tried this when I'm the only UN Nation in a region, and no you can't. You need at least two UN Nations so one of them can endorse the other. Remember, only one of you can endorse, or you'll not have a delegate. Once a delegate is chosen, however, the delegate can endorse the other person with no loss of their position unless some other UN Nation appears and endorses them.
OOC: I dig the interplay between local and international politics. I'm just never sure how to RP switching regions.