NationStates Jolt Archive

SUBMITTED: Repeal "Religious Tolerance" Resolution #19

30-05-2007, 01:57
RECOGNIZES that any and all wars fought in the name of God(s) or officially recognized religions should be opposed.

NOTES that condemnation of religious wars may be deemed intolerant by certain religions, thus raising a serious consistency issue if the government is teaching tolerance, while acting intolerant in the eyes of religious groups. This places the government in a bad situation.

REASONS that government has no place in promoting tolerance, as it may be seen as favoring one ideology over another. And any such attempt can be a violation of Article 2 of the universal bill of rights, in that the resolution could encourage governments to punish those who are intolerant.

FURTHERMORE NOTES that to be consistent, this bill should have extended to mandating tolerance of all ideologies, and tolerance of the intolerant. Neither of which are favorable.

OBSERVES that Resolution #19 does not bother to define “tolerance”. Nor does it define religion. Thus, the task of the government to teach understanding of religion, or to attempt to make it’s people tolerant, are difficult. The ambiguity leaves open the room for serious problems.

REASONS that without a definition of tolerance, or religion, this act is meaningless. And could lead to a violation of Article 2 of the universal bill of rights.

EMPHASIZING that this bill is unnecessary, and does little to actually achieve it’s own goals.

CONCLUDES that any government mandates of tolerance of one ideology over another could actually lead to hostile, intolerant behavior, or feelings. And that without limits on how a government could make it’s society tolerant of religion, could likely lead to laws against what could be deemed “intolerant speech against religion”. Which violates Article 2 of the universal bill of rights.

and REPEALS UN Resolution #19 Religious Tolerance
Knootian East Indies
30-05-2007, 14:15
You've found us out. This resolution is blatantly favouring an ideology of tolerance. By doing so, this political body has been blatantly practising politics.

Aram Koopman
Ambassador representing the Knootian UN Office
30-05-2007, 14:23
You've found us out. This resolution is blatantly favouring an ideology of tolerance. By doing so, this political body has been blatantly practising politics.


You'd be amazed at how poorly such things can be received within these halls much of the time.
30-05-2007, 17:19
And could lead to a violation of Article 2 of the universal bill of rights.How could it do that?
30-05-2007, 22:38
How could it do that?

I included how in my repeal, " that the resolution could encourage governments to punish those who are intolerant."
30-05-2007, 22:39
You've found us out. This resolution is blatantly favouring an ideology of tolerance. By doing so, this political body has been blatantly practising politics.

Aram Koopman
Ambassador representing the Knootian UN Office

Why only teach tolerance of religion (both of which are not defined in resolution #19)? Such favoring of only certain ideologies will cause hate and (ironically) actually lead to more intolerance.
30-05-2007, 23:48
I don't know, there are some good things here, yet the fact is it would easily lead to prejudice which for any society is not justified.

It leads to the road of making ones religious beleif a crime.

This is a slippery slope.
31-05-2007, 02:50
This is a slippery slope.
More like a precipice. This is a stupid repeal argument, and I say that as an atheist.
01-06-2007, 15:29
I included how in my repeal, " that the resolution could encourage governments to punish those who are intolerant."No, it can't, otherwise it would have been illegal at submission and never been passed or permitted.
St Edmundan Antarctic
01-06-2007, 17:08
No, it can't, otherwise it would have been illegal at submission and never been passed or permitted.

Remember how old it is? Were there actually any Mods around to check for legality in those days?
Environmental Rebels
01-06-2007, 22:19
I want to vote for your proposal. Though I can't until I get 2 recomdations or something. :(
01-06-2007, 22:24
I want to vote for your proposal. Though I can't until I get 2 recomdations or something. :(

You can always vote on proposals, you just can't submit on unless you have 2 endorsements.

This proposal also has to get in quorum for any one to vote for it as well.
The Most Glorious Hack
02-06-2007, 05:58
Remember how old it is? Were there actually any Mods around to check for legality in those days?Game Moderators existed then, but there were no codified rules on UN Proposals then. Besides, it predates the Universal Bill of Rights, so it cannot be in violation of it.