29-05-2007, 01:08
Since NationStates started HealthCare and Education have been debateable topics. But i believe it is time for a new sturdy healthcare and education plan for the UN to enforce.
Here is the Rough Draft
HCEDP (health care and education devolpment plan)
Purpuse: SUPPORTS the right for a free education, but only until highschool graduation. RECONGNIZES The fact that many countries are economicly unstable and cannot support there own free health care and free education, thats where the UN comes in.
Article 1: Healthcare plan
Many nations out there have very unstable economy's which means that they cant afford basic healthcare for all there citizins in poverty, but i believe that the UN should set up simple clinics in the countrys that are that unstable. By making these clinics it would help give children education by giving the children shots required to go to school, Simple Surgical procedures that a child might need, and Yearly Checkups that children also need to attend school.
Article 2: Education Plan
This Education plan is simple, in the countries of poverty, the UN can set up schools that are free of charge and supply a set amount of money for them, for pay of the teachers, which would be natives who have had an education.
School should be FREE until after high school.
Article 3: How the two connect
Like i mentioned in article one, Children need Shots and Yearly Checkups to attend school, if they cant afford basic healthcare, than more than likely they cant afford an Education.
To submit this i need people in Democratic North Pacific and endorsements
please join and please support this call for economic devolpment
Since NationStates started HealthCare and Education have been debateable topics. But i believe it is time for a new sturdy healthcare and education plan for the UN to enforce.
Here is the Rough Draft
HCEDP (health care and education devolpment plan)
Purpuse: SUPPORTS the right for a free education, but only until highschool graduation. RECONGNIZES The fact that many countries are economicly unstable and cannot support there own free health care and free education, thats where the UN comes in.
Article 1: Healthcare plan
Many nations out there have very unstable economy's which means that they cant afford basic healthcare for all there citizins in poverty, but i believe that the UN should set up simple clinics in the countrys that are that unstable. By making these clinics it would help give children education by giving the children shots required to go to school, Simple Surgical procedures that a child might need, and Yearly Checkups that children also need to attend school.
Article 2: Education Plan
This Education plan is simple, in the countries of poverty, the UN can set up schools that are free of charge and supply a set amount of money for them, for pay of the teachers, which would be natives who have had an education.
School should be FREE until after high school.
Article 3: How the two connect
Like i mentioned in article one, Children need Shots and Yearly Checkups to attend school, if they cant afford basic healthcare, than more than likely they cant afford an Education.
To submit this i need people in Democratic North Pacific and endorsements
please join and please support this call for economic devolpment