NationStates Jolt Archive

Uited Nations Traffic Control Act

11-12-2006, 14:12
As Head of State of the Principality of Heridonia,
I Ask all the UN Delegates to supporto my proposal for three new Resolutions.

We Have Joined the un for a few days but we want to take Immediately an active part in the life of the organization.

Please Support:

The UN Traffic Control Act: To reduce pollution and Boost Public Transports System.

Under-Age Gambling. To forbid Gambling to minors.

Diplomatic Convention. Regarding Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges.

Thank You for your help.

Together we may make the World a Better and Safer place to live in.

HM Prince Gabriel I of Heridonia
11-12-2006, 15:32
Why should i vote yes for this?

In my country, we hold gambling in forms such as Texas Hold'em to be equal to that of a competitive sport for minors. It teaches logic, "reading people", and good use of money. Each season there is a set Entry fee, which parents pay and it is equivalent to the cost of our other sport entry fees, which gives the players enough money to play throughout the season.

Why should i support a ban on this? We don't have children selling their clothes to keepp laying, it is a regulated sport.
11-12-2006, 16:12
Dear Sir,

I Simply Wander How Can you consider Gambling a sport like any other!!

Your point of wiew absolutely deserves my respect
but I do Hope that really few people will follow it.

Gambling is not a sport; it doesen't teach any value or principle, it doesent teach how to build something in life, it doesn't teach anything, neither to administrate money (as you said)!!
It teaches to blindly Hope in Fortune.

In my nation Gambling is Perfectly legal.
But I refuse to present it as a Way to improve our children's education and I hope many nations will do the same.

11-12-2006, 16:29
Gambling is not a sport; it doesen't teach any value or principle, it doesent teach how to build something in life, it doesn't teach anything, neither to administrate money (as you said)!!

As an avid golfer, I must say that, although I certainly consider golf a sport, it hasn't taught me to build anything. In fact, it hasn't taught me anything except new and creative ways to vent my frustrations, such as tossing my caddy into a water hazard when I slice my tee shot or having him executed for no reason other than suggesting I use a fairway wood instead of an iron.

Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
11-12-2006, 18:34
Gambling is not a sport; it doesen't teach any value or principle, it doesent teach how to build something in life, it doesn't teach anything, neither to administrate money (as you said)!!I suppose Gambling teaches you a few things about statistics - but then if you've actually learnt anything about gambling and statistics then you know better than to gamble anyway.
11-12-2006, 18:54
It's always good to see a new member here who's enthusiastic and eager to contribute to the NSUN. So, welcome to the Assembly, Heridonia. Now, let us give you a few suggestions. If you want to write a proposal, there are a couple things you should do first. They can save you a lot of time and effort.

1. Read the Rules for UN Proposals ( posted at the top of this thread. Make sure you pretty well understand them. If you have questions, come here and ask them.

2. Review the resolutions that have already been passed and are still in effect. There are a couple good ways to do this. First, you can look through the UN Timeline ( at the NSWiki site. That will give you a list of all the resolutions that have been passed and many that weren't. There's also Mikitivity's fine subject index (, which can tip you off to resolutions that have something to do with your subject.

Doing these things would have saved you some time here. In the rules, you'd have seen that it's illegal to submit a proposal that duplicates or contradicts an existing one. And in the Timeline or Mikitivity's index, you'd have found that there is already a resolution (NSUNR #127 ( on diplomatic immunity. Your proposal substantially duplicates that one, is illegal, and will be deleted from the submission list by the moderators when they spot it.

When you come up with an idea for a proposal, write up a draft and post it here for folks to look over. You can get some really good advice and suggestions for improvements that way.

Finally, stick to doing one thing at a time. It takes some effort to get a proposal drafted, revised, submitted, approved, and passed. I hate to think of trying to juggle three proposals at once.

Hope these suggestions prove useful and we'll see some good contributions by you as you get used to how things work around the place.

Lorelei M. Ahlmann
11-12-2006, 19:04
First off, welcome. Secondly, if you want us to support your proposals, please post the text of them here, that we we don't have to track them down in the list. Now let's look at your proposals shall we.Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Heridonia

Description: In Strict Relation to the Environment Protection Act (by Homophobic Warriors)With the very first line you've already run into possible legality problems in this case a House of Cards violation. Not to mention the fact that what you're saying this proposal is in strict relation to isn't even a resolution, it's just a proposal.

Recognizing that the increasing number of Oil Powered Veichles is strongly contributing to increase the pollution tax of Our Cities,

Thinking that this situation will seriously endanger our citizens' Health in the near future,

We State as Follows:

Every Nation Member of the UN will introduce by Law the UN Traffic Control Act.

Article 1

A circulation Tax will be imposed by the Government on every Oil Powered Veichle in strict relation to its Nocive Emissions Rate.

Article 2

A dayly access Tax will by imposed by the City Councils on every Oil Powered Veichle entering cities with more than 500'000 Inhabitants (in relation to its Nocive Emissions Rate)OK stop right now. If you submit this again, I'm begging you please click the button marked Spellcheck before the one marked submit.

Article 3

The resulting Income must be spent to boost the Public Transports Sistem, To improve its Efficiency and to make it more suitable in relation to the needings of the citizens; To promote the realization of Green Areas; To create a pubblic Bycicles Hire Service and to support Car Sharing.

Article 4

The amount of the previous Taxes must be decided by National Governments in relation tho the "Life Cost" that caraterize each Nation and respecting, However, the elementary principles of Social Justice.

Article 5

Every nation should provide fundings for those Industries that will show their efforts in reducing the Nocive Emission of the Manufactured Veichles;
And impose a stronger taxation on that industries that will refuse to share these efforts.All in all, aside from the spelling errors and the possible HoC problem, not a bad proposal. I'm not saying that I'd support it, mind you.

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw

Proposed by: Heridonia

Description: Under-Age Gambling Convention

The States Member of the United Nations,

According to the international Protective Policy as Regards Citizens under 18 Years,

Believing that this convention won't represent a limit to the freedom of choice, to the Gambling Industry and to the free jurisdiction of each nation but will be an important step towards the recognition of shared civil rights,

Having in Mind the purpose and principles that such a resolution could support as regards education and cultural progress,

Have Agreed As Follows:

Article 1

Is Prohibited ANY form of Gambling for Citizens under the age of 18.

Article 2

Responsible of any violation to this disposition will be considered the respective owner, seller or provider of the Games.

Article 2 Bis

Co-Responsible of any violation to this disposition will be considered Minors respective Parents or Tutors.

Article 3

Violations of this disposition will be prosecuted by national/regional Laws according to their principles and values.

Article 4

Local Application of this disposition (such as Age Check Procedures) will be ruled by national/regional Laws.Gambling laws are not an international issue and as such should not be decided by the UN.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Heridonia

Description: Convention of Heridonia on Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges.

The States Member of the United Nations,

Recalling that peoples of all nations from ancient times have recognized the status of diplomatic agents,

Believing that an international convention on diplomatic intercourse, privileges and immunities would contribute to the development of friendly relations among nations, irrespective of their differing constitutional and social systems and may support the mutual recognition of shared civil rights

Realizing that the purpose of such privileges and immunities is not to benefit individuals but to ensure the efficient performance of the functions of diplomatic missions as representing States,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
1. The premises of the Diplomatic mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.
2. The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

Article 2
The sending State and the head of the mission shall be exempt from all national, regional or municipal dues and taxes in respect of the premises of the mission, whether owned or leased, other than such as represent payment for specific services rendered.

Article 3
The archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable at any time and wherever they may be.

Article 4
The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity.

Article 5
1. The private residence of a diplomatic agent shall enjoy the same inviolability and protection as the premises of the mission.
2. His papers, correspondence and his property, shall likewise enjoy inviolability.

Article 6
A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State. He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction.

Article 7
1. The members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities.
2. Members of the administrative and technical staff of the mission, together with members of their families forming part of their respective households, shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities specified in articles, except that the immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving State. You know, this is such a great idea that it's been done already (

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
11-12-2006, 19:07
Many Thanks To Loreley M. Ahlmann
Your Help is absolutely welcome.

I would like to ensure you that the Proposal on Diplomatic Imunity,
since it is inspired by the Convention of Vienna (1961),
didn't make me waste too much time!

As Regards Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich adfirmation:

"it hasn't taught me anything except new and creative ways to vent my frustrations"

I note that at least Golf helps you venting your frustrations, Gambling often create new ones!

Thank You.
Homophobic Warriors
11-12-2006, 20:18
Originally Posted by UN Traffic Control Act
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Heridonia

Description: In Strict Relation to the Environment Protection Act (by Homophobic Warriors)
With the very first line you've already run into possible legality problems in this case a House of Cards violation. Not to mention the fact that what you're saying this proposal is in strict relation to isn't even a resolution, it's just a proposal.

Woh woh, stop right there. My proposal will be a resolution in a few days. :p
Wow, I'm optimistic. Only a few approvals more needed. And heridonia, if your proposal is in such a strict relation to mine, then you may want to consult me about it? ;) It may help. Besides, I'm pretty sure that your proposal links better to some other environmental resolution more than it does to mine.

And by the way, everyone, if you are wondering who the hell I am, just waltzing into this game and getting a proposal to quorum immediately..................
I used to be Adolf Barham. I got off to an okay start in the NSUN a few months ago (but let's forget about Murder and Manslaughter Laws :eek: ), and I hope to start improving as a proposal writer from hereonin.
11-12-2006, 21:47
dear Homophobic Warriors And Dear Mr. Fibble,

I do apologize for all my Mistakes.

I've Joined this game for a few days and apparently I'm not so good at It.

Now, I'm sure my proposals will Never become resolutions.
I Accept It, It's The Game.

Mr. Fibble,

You treated Me in a bad and unfair way,
Without that Respect that I think to deserve.
I speak three languages (Italian, English And French).
I'm really sorry for my mistakes but I think you should forgive a bit of confusion in My mind!!!!!

If Gambling does not matter with the UN, What is the aim of the subject "gambling" Into the Proposal Form????

I can be silly, but not completely Idiot.

As regards Diplomatic Immunity,
I'm sorry; I read almost all UN resolutions,
I simply didn't noticed it had been done already!!!

I think there's nothing more to say about my useless proposals.
I Will remain a member of the un but I'm not going to propose any resolution for (at least) the next six months.

Maybe I need to become clever!!!!!

or Maybe I simply need a bit of experience and a sincere, respectful help.(???)

Many Thanks To Lorelei M. Ahlmann
For your Respect and for your Help.
12-12-2006, 07:07
dear Homophobic Warriors And Dear Mr. Fibble,BLOODY HELL! I just went through this with that Elleltian ambassador. It's Flibble, get it right or you'll really find out what I'm like when I'm angry.

I do apologize for all my Mistakes.Hey, we all make them.

I've Joined this game for a few days and apparently I'm not so good at It.

Now, I'm sure my proposals will Never become resolutions.
I Accept It, It's The Game.I wouldn't say never, just that they won't likely become resolution as they're currently written.

Mr. Fibble,

You treated Me in a bad and unfair way,Wait, wait, wait, you think I treated you bad and unfairly? You should be glad that you're dealing with me and not Shiek Nadnerb bin Cluich from Cluichistan.
Without that Respect that I think to deserve.With me, you have to earn respect.
I speak three languages (Italian, English And French).And I speak two: English and Al Behd, what's your point?
I'm really sorry for my mistakes but I think you should forgive a bit of confusion in My mind!!!!!

If Gambling does not matter with the UN, What is the aim of the subject "gambling" Into the Proposal Form????While the UN can pass laws about gambling, it is my opnion that the UN shouldn't because as a sovereigntist I believe that the UN should limit itself to issue that are international in nature.

As regards Diplomatic Immunity,
I'm sorry; I read almost all UN resolutions,
I simply didn't noticed it had been done already!!!And I'm not faulting you for that. Hell, sometimes I have trouble remembering all the resoutions that have passed.

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
12-12-2006, 07:23
Actually, Heridonia, I saw nothing wrong with Mr. Flibble's earlier post. He tends to be a bit abrupt at times (and that's putting it mildly). As you spend more time in the Assembly, you'll find that, unfortunately, there are members who seem to get their kicks from showing off their alleged superiority and sneering at others, especially new members. Mr. Flibble did not do that. I don't see his comments as being unfair or disrespectful at all.

Lorelei M. Ahlmann
12-12-2006, 14:53
As Regards Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich adfirmation:

"it hasn't taught me anything except new and creative ways to vent my frustrations"

I note that at least Golf helps you venting your frustrations, Gambling often create new ones!

Only when you lose...

Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
12-12-2006, 15:07
I do apologize for all my Mistakes.

I've Joined this game for a few days and apparently I'm not so good at It.We were all new once, so don't worry about it.

I suggest you hang around, get an understanding of who people are on here, and how the UN works before jumping in. There are nations on here who will be happy to help (such as Auss), and there are nations who are more inclined to try and score easy points over the'll learn who is who over time.

But stick with it old boy :)
12-12-2006, 19:02
Seriously Flibble, I will try to gain your respect if it will be necessary.

I simply felt offended by your Tone.
It seemed to me you were Mocking me and I don't like to be Mocked by someone that isn't a friend. It's absolutely odious and this is the reason because of which I never speak in that way.

As regards

"Wait, wait, wait, you think I treated you bad and unfairly? You should be glad that you're dealing with me and not Shiek Nadnerb bin Cluich from Cluichistan."

I find it quite presumptuous, but it's just my personal point of wiew.

I've no comments on Al Behd.
It's a language like any other.

My aim was to let you understand that sometimes there's a bit of confusion in my mind because I don't manage to keep those three grammars (Eng. Fr. Ita) completely separated.

I do Hope I will be able to learn something from your experience
because, despite our "different opinions", you've got my deepest respect.

12-12-2006, 21:47
OOC: I'm glad to see that language differences are being addressed appropriately here. Heridonia, I appreciate you taking the time to learn English as well as you have, and I'm sure an intelligent person like yourself will improve rapidly. :)

As others have said, there are different personalities and posting styles here, some of which are not going to be friendly, but you can do well despite that.