PASSED: Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" [Official Topic]
04-11-2006, 17:52
Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act"
The United Nations,
Strongly reiterating the sentiment of its Resolution #170, "Hearing Impaired Aid Act", that 'Everyone, including the disabled needs a chance for a good life in society',
However disagreeing that a resolution such as "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" is an effective means by which to secure the rights of the hearing impaired to greater opportunities,
Further noting its extreme distaste for the assertion that the hearing impaired are "more vocal" and somehow therefore more deserving of legal entitlement,
Disgusted that such views should be included in a resolution of increasing equality for all, regardless of the nature of their impairment,
Recalling its Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled", and especially its operative clauses 2, 4 and 5,
Observing that "Rights of the Disabled" has already placed upon UN members substantial obligations to facilitate equality of access to public services for the disabled, including those with disabilities related to hearing and communications,
Specifically noting that access to public buildings, adaptation of public education courses, and provision of health care and assistive technology, are already mandated by "Rights of the Disabled",
Hence acknowledging that the provisions of "Hearing Impaired Aid Act", whilst commendable, are wholly redundant by virtue of the passage of the previous, superior resolution, the steadfast commitment to which is now reiterated,
Considering one advantage of "Rights of the Disabled" to be that it covers a wider scope, and does not resort to excessive micromanagement of domestic issues, as "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" regrettably does,
Believing it in the interests of the UN and its members to strike out redundant and superfluous legislation,
Remaining supportive of all attempts to promote the rights of the hearing impaired, and the disabled in general, and thus considering the possibility of resolutions focussing on other areas, such as sign language, research in medical technologies, or political enfranchisement:
1. Repeals "Hearing Impaired Aid Act";
2. Reminds all UN members of their obligations to provide for the hearing impaired under UN Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled".
Resolution #170, "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" (
Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled" (
Not sure how much I'll be around to defend this, but basically, read the repeal, and if you have problems beyond that, raise them. Try not to be dicks.
~Rono Pyandran
Chief of Staff
If this repeal fails, I'll eat half a carton of bubble gum ice cream.
Jorge Trenbakke
Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations
President and Sole Member, Association of People with Anaphylactic Reactions to Bubble Gum Ice Cream
Iron Felix
04-11-2006, 18:21
If this repeal fails I will drink vodka and throw people out windows.
04-11-2006, 18:23
If this repeal fails, we will still have a single interpretor in every school doing nothing and getting paid for it, since we already have schools specifically designed for deaf and legally deaf people. Because our education system rocks balls. And so do our deaf people.
I got a telegram from the author, We Can Not Hear You, which said all of "Don't repeal Hearing Impaired Aid Act!"
I didn't receive a response to my well-written and not-asshole telegram reply. I fully expect the author to not show up, but rather send people TGs.
Norderia's for the repeal.
04-11-2006, 18:23
If this repeal fails I will drink vodka and throw people out windows.
Won't you do that anyway?
Iron Felix
04-11-2006, 18:44
Won't you do that anyway?
Yes, but if it fails I will drink more vodka and throw them out windows with an increased vigor and enthusiasm.
Repealing this makes sense. It is too strict and the other resolution already covers the problem while allowing each state to deal with it as they see fit. We will support it when the time to vote comes.
04-11-2006, 19:13
I got a telegram from the author, We Can Not Hear You, which said all of "Don't repeal Hearing Impaired Aid Act!"
I got that telegram too.
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
Palentine UN Office
04-11-2006, 19:18
If this repeal fails I will drink vodka and throw people out windows.
Ah, it warms the cockels of my heart to see a good Defenestration.:D Ahem, if this repeal fails, then I shall oogle the Thessadorian Ambassador.
Sen. Horatio Sulla
04-11-2006, 19:20
If this repeal fails, I just might take another nap.
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
04-11-2006, 19:23
If this repeal fails I will drink vodka and throw people out windows.
You stick to your job, and I'll stick to mine. Got it?
04-11-2006, 19:24
I got a telegram from the author, We Can Not Hear You, which said all of "Don't repeal Hearing Impaired Aid Act!"
I haven't received that telegram. Did you endorse the repeal? I'd like to know if we can assume that these telegrams are directed just at UN Delegates.
Iron Felix
04-11-2006, 19:42
You stick to your job, and I'll stick to mine. Got it?
But without his defenestration activities, poor Felix is left with only his ranting ability to fall back on.
04-11-2006, 19:50
I received the same TG. The conversation has been as follows.
NOTE: I am paraphrasing.
Don't repeal HIAA!
Provide reasons for my not doing so.
Deaf people are often left out of public health schemes.
That's the beauty of Resolution #160: they're not.
But that's not comprehensive enough.
Yes, it is.
Sum conclusion: I remain unimpressed.
04-11-2006, 19:52
But without his defenestration activities, poor Felix is left with only his ranting ability to fall back on.
Don't be silly! He's excellent at making people disappear in the night, drinking vodka, and shouting. Iron Felix is good at lots of things!
The original proposal doesn't seem to cover anything that the subsequent proposal (Rights of the Disabled) doesn't cover just as well, and without the intrusive micromanaging of national affairs, to boot. Altanar will support this repeal.
04-11-2006, 21:07
I have been informed that the Queendom of Karmicaria supports this repeal and we would like to wish the delegation of Gruenberg luck.
Thank you.
Tana Petrov
Temp UN Representative
Queendom of Karmicaria
05-11-2006, 07:20
I received the same TG. The conversation has been as follows.
NOTE: I am paraphrasing.
Sum conclusion: I remain unimpressed.
To their ambassador's credit, he/she is still carrying on a conversation with you ... there are some resolution sponsors that would have just gotten tired with the UN at this point.
Howie T. Katzman
05-11-2006, 07:53
People who talk about themselves in the third person (in internet poll options, no less) are weird
Sorry Gruen, but I just couldn't go past that one :p.
So as I messed up my vote, I'll state here that Witchcliff, having also received that TG earlier, does support this repeal as we feel the issue is (A) adequatly covered under other resolutions, especially the one that covers all disabled people no matter what their disability is, and (B) too narrow in scope to deserve a resolution of its own.
Meh, I've just parroted parts of the repeal itself, but what the heck. Our nation totally agrees with the arguements presented therein, and feels the original resolution needs to be repealed.
The Most Glorious Hack
05-11-2006, 07:57
I have been informed that the Queendom of Karmicaria supports this repeal and we would like to wish the delegation of Gruenberg luck.
Thank you.
Tana Petrov
Temp UN Representative
Queendom of KarmicariaAnd what will you do if this repeal fails, hmm?
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
In a rare display of political harmony, there have been no objections to repealing this monstrosity within the borders of Krioval. Congratulations on a job well done.
High Chief Serph
Republic of Krioval
05-11-2006, 09:06
Archnimbob Gulliwag III
Top Nob
05-11-2006, 09:11
The newly appointed Emperor of Unkerlantum strongly approves of the repeal, and pledges to work to persuade other nations to vote in favor of it as well.
05-11-2006, 09:22
If this resolution fails I'll throw all of Jason's empty Forhey's cans at people going by my UN Office, preferably at deaf people. Repealing this resolution saves people from getting hit by empty tinnies. Vote for!
John MacKay,
UN Delegate & Ambassador
Ahem, if this repeal fails, then I shall oogle the Thessadorian Ambassador.
I thought she had left permanently?
If this fails, I shall... uhm, finally go on that chocolate binge I've been denying myself for too long.
Christelle Zyryanov,
Ambassador to the United Nations,
05-11-2006, 12:41
Our country strongly believes that strong rules are needed so that people with disabilities could be treated in par with others. We also feel that act 160 is not comprehensive and the Govts of various countries could very well continue to forget to do the basic things that they should do in order to help the disabled. We are not only against this repel but also favour more such resoulutions that deals with the disabilities specicially so that our motto of " Every one should live happily" could be established through out the member countries for our less fortunate brotherins who are suffering from disabilities also.
Minister of Social welfare,
Democratic Rebublic Of Subramani.
05-11-2006, 13:17
Just to throw more information at this:
Those born deaf, as a group, are strongly opposed to having their condition corrected, either through surgery or a hearing aid. Efforts to help them are thus largely a waste of taxpayer money. Those who became deaf later in life or were mainstreamed are "not deaf enough". Those who seek help, and especially those who receive it, are ostracized.
If the poor felt about welfare the way the deaf felt about hearing aids, we'd cut our programs tremendously if not abandon them altogether.
We're spending millions trying to teach a pig to sing. Meanwhile, other groups of disabled people are going without help.
I do not speak for Hethrum, only for Daverana. And Daverana is for the repeal of this wasteful and shortsighted resolution.
Sirat sees no reason to have a law for a specific disability. The more generic law seems good enough to me. I will vote for the repeal.
05-11-2006, 14:41
The Ardchoille delegation thanks the representative from Sirat for saving us the trouble of writing a detailed response. What he said.
Should the repeal fail I pledge to return to my alphabetical recreational activities, which were interrupted by my research on the feasibility of inter-species enterprise between consenting sapients.
Dicey Reilly, Co-President of Ardchoille.
05-11-2006, 14:41
And what will you do if this repeal fails, hmm?
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
If the repeal fails? Nothing. Go back to the office and prepare for the next debate. Why? Should I do something?
Tana Petrov
Temp UN Representative
Queendom of Karmicaria
The Most Glorious Hack
05-11-2006, 14:50
If the repeal fails? Nothing. Go back to the office and prepare for the next debate. Why? Should I do something?A couple things leap to mind...
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
05-11-2006, 15:16
A couple things leap to mind...
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
I'm sorry um...Doctor Leary was it? I don't know what you're getting at. Should I protest in response to the failure of another repeal? I don't see this repeal failing. From what Dahlia has told me, the Gruenberg delegation is quite good at what they do.
Or, is this your feeble attempt at flirtation? If so, this is not the time nor the place for it. Please stick to discussing the topic at hand, Doctor.
Tana Petrov
Temp UN Representative
Queendom of Karmicaria
The Most Glorious Hack
05-11-2006, 16:22
Bah. You're much less fun than your predicessor.
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
05-11-2006, 16:38
Bah. You're much less fun than your predicessor.
Doctor Denis Leary
Ambassador to the UN
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
Oh, I'm plenty fun, when I'm not working. Catch me in the Stranger's Bar and then we can talk. As I have mentioned, this is not the time nor the place Doctor Leary.
Speaking of the Stranger's Bar, I think I'll head there now, since things seem to be slow and we've already stated out opinion on this.
Tana Petrov
Temp UN Representative
Queendom of Karmicaria
Warm Ponds
05-11-2006, 17:54
Warm Ponds's vote against Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" has been noted.
***This nation never wanted the resolution!! But, it passed and the tax rate went up quite a lot. Now that it has been paid for and the tax rate has re-adjusted. We do not want to pay again to have it dis-mantled***
Community Property
05-11-2006, 18:29
<Rises, shakes head, anticipating more heated antagonism>
The People's Democratic Republic of Community Property votes “nay” on this proposal. This is not a firm vote, however; we have asked our legal analysts and social workers to study and report on the consequences of repeal.
Our primary concern lies in the fact that, in order for persons whose hearing differs from that of the majority to be covered under UNR #170, they must be classified as “disabled”. As some in this debate have already observed, “the deaf” are generally opposed to any classification that implies that they are somehow “defective” or “inferior” to the mainstream populace.
If we accept this world view, then the repeal of UNR #170 will mean an end to efforts to accommodate these people in many countries around the world. On the other hand, if we repeal UNR #170 with the expectation that UNR #160 will do in its place, then we have gone on record as declaring these people “disabled”, a position that they find offensive.
In Community Property, those whose hearing differs from the mainstream as a consequence of a congenital or childhood condition are not classified as “disabled”¹; we accept their view of themselves as equal but different from the mainstream, and provide the same facilities we provide any other minority group in an effort to make them feel at home among the greater population. This position, which some of you may consider perverse, is really nothing more than an application of the so-called “Platinum Rule”: Don't do unto others as you would have them do unto you; do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
We urge nations to reconsider the world view implicit in this repeal: that persons whose hearing differs from that of the majority are “disabled”.
¹We do classify some persons as “hearing impaired”, but only where they lose their hearing later in life (as an adult or a senior citizen); at this point in life, these persons see “deafness” as a “handicap”, and seek their “loss” to be “accommodated” or “corrected”, a view that is quite different from those whose hearing differs from that of the majority from birth or childhood.
05-11-2006, 18:35
<Rises, shakes head, anticipating more heated antagonism>
The People's Democratic Republic of Community Property votes “nay” on this proposal.
Our primary concern lies in the fact that, in order for persons whose hearing differs from that of the majority to be covered under UNR #170, they must be classified as “disabled”. As some in this debate have already observed, “the deaf” are generally opposed to any classification that implies that they are somehow “defective” or “inferior” to the mainstream populace.
We urge nations to reconsider the world view implicit in this repeal: that persons whose hearing differs from that of the majority are “disabled”.Right. Perhaps your legal analysts have had the chance to skim the proposal we're voting to repeal today?
Hearing Impaired Aid Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: We can not hear you
Description: Overview: The minority group of those with life-long hearing impairments often goes unnoticed in society. Since this group of people are frequently the most active, publicly, of any of the sensory disabled peoples (eg. People who are blind or mute) the governments of the United Nations Members should take actions to help them.
The Hearing Impaired Aid Act requires that all nations provide the following services/ accommodations to its hearing impair population within 5 years of this Acts passing.
1.) For the population currently attending Public/ Private Schools or colleges.
A.) A skilled interpreter must be provided for students that suffer from a profound hearing loss that amplification cannot help in through the use of auditory amplification devices (eg, microphones in conjunction with hearing aids).
B.) Auditory amplification devices must be provided to students suffering from a hearing loss that would benefit from the use of auditory amplification devices. Also, if needed, an interpreter may be used in conjunction for the more severe loss in this category.
C.) Also schools/ colleges must provide written copies of notes/ announcements to students at their request.
2.) For public Buildings:
A.) All libraries, museums, theaters, malls, or any other large place of public gather must support use of special amplification technology for hearing aids.
B.) If not already done, emergency systems such as fire alarms must use some sort of visual alarm system for people with these hearing impairments.
3.) Health Care:
A.) For those not able to afford hearing aids, ear or hearing assisted surgeries, and medical appointments, the government must provide these people with some or all of the money required to receive these services.
B.) Every hospital must have an audiologist on staff for availability of these patients.
After word: Everyone, including the disabled needs a chance for a good life in society. Do not leave those who can not hear.
Community Property
05-11-2006, 18:37
After posting the foregoing, we decided that we needed to express our position with greater clarity. In order to further this end, we decided that a separate statement would serve this goal far better.
So here, in essence, is the crystallized form of our position:Those whom most of you label as “deaf” are not disabled. They are simply “deaf”. Therefore UNR #160 does not apply to them.
UNR #160 addresses the needs of the disabled; UNR #170 addresses the needs of the “deaf”. As these two groups do not overlap, the two resolutions do not duplicate each other. Both are needed, and therefore, neither should be repealed.
We thank the Assembly for its indulgence in listening to our position on this matter.
Nimsakharō Kunchī's government chooses to abstain from the vote at present, based on the considerations offered by the People's Democratic Republic of Community Property as well as our own reservations on the subject. While we believe that Resolution #170 (which we approved of at the time, under my predecessor Natwarō Kunchenī) is a worthwhile Resolution, the Prime Minister is also aware that the Resolution #160 is quite comprehensive and does cover many of the same issues. Whether the specificity of Resolution #170 is needed remains to be seen. The issue is currently at vote in the parliament, and it is probable that the results of the voting on it there will determine our position.
Chabhyomī Jhewerthō
Ambassador to the United Nations
Community Property
05-11-2006, 18:47
Right. Perhaps your legal analysts have had the chance to skim the proposal we're voting to repeal today?We have skimmed it, but we have further work to do in that area.
OOC: I have a lot to do today, and much of my NS time is currently tied up with trying to shepherd “Individual Privacy” to quorum.<Text of UNR #170>Thank you for posting this here; we have already noted some (unfortunately) contradictory wording that makes analysis of the resolution's meaning problematic. It could be read to either classify the “deaf” as a minority or as disabled; hence our uncertainty on this matter, and the need to subject it to closed analysis.
We thank the delegation from OMGTKK for their astute comments and promise that we will report back when we've finished our study.
“Did the Kennys figure that out on their own?!?”
“It's possible ... I think.”
“Find out what Sammy's been drinking at the Stranger's Bar, and make sure we buy several cases of it to stock our private liquor cabinet. D_mn, I may have to order everyone in the staff to make a daily trip over there!”
Actually, it doesn't say "deaf" anywhere in Resolution #170 either. It says "hearing impaired" and "sensory disabled". It also describes them as being "the disabled." So by the terms used in the very Resolution itself, it gives the 'deaf', as you say, the disabled status that would necessitate their inclusion in Resolution #160. So the Resolution itself causes itself to be redundant. Even though, as you note, it defines them as a "minority group", the two definitions are not mutually exclusive, so the disabled status still stands.
As for my vote - well, I'm all for it, so Eirisle's all for it, but I've got to wait for the regional opinion results to come in, since we're the Delegate and all.
Ran Daverson
UN Representative
Community Property
05-11-2006, 18:51
Nimsakharō Kunchī's government chooses to abstain from the vote at present, based on the considerations offered by the People's Democratic Republic of Community Property as well as our own reservations on the subject. ... The issue is currently at vote in the parliament, and it is probable that the results of the voting on it there will determine our position.We recommend that Dhaana's delegation (and any other delegation with similar reservations) return to this debate in a day or two, where we can discuss this aspect of the repeal among ourselves in greater detail, to our mutual benefit.
I'm against this repeal, for no other reason than loving social justice.
I loves me some social justice.
Those whom most of you label as “deaf” are not disabled. They are simply “deaf”. Therefore UNR #160 does not apply to them.
UNR #160 addresses the needs of the disabled; UNR #170 addresses the needs of the “deaf”.As these two groups do not overlap, the two resolutions do not duplicate each other. Both are needed, and therefore, neither should be repealed.
While we respect the position of our colleague from Community Property, as well as their passion for protecting those who are different, we respectfully disagree with the substance of their argument.
First, we do not agree that all hearing-impaired people have the same viewpoint when it comes to the term "disability". In Altanar (as I suspect is the case in many nations), the hearing-impaired community is split on this debate. Some consider it a disability, while others do not. As the representative from OMGTKK also pointed out, the "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" itself refers to "minority groups" and "disabled peoples".
In any event, we do not feel that a single blanket statement can be used to describe the hearing-impaired community; nor is such a statement a good reason to keep legislation on the books that is duplicative and excessively intrusive and micromanaging of a nation's choices on how to serve their hearing-impaired communities.
We also believe that the objections expressed by the representative of CP are based more on the wording used in "Rights of the Disabled" than they are to anything relating to the document being considered for repeal. We would respectfully suggest if that is the case, they are free to author a repeal proposal for that document. We do not believe, in any way, that "Rights of the Disabled" needs change or repeal; however, we also do not believe that anything about that document provides a reason not to repeal the "Hearing Impaired Aid Act".
05-11-2006, 19:22
Thank you for posting this here; we have already noted some (unfortunately) contradictory wording that makes analysis of the resolution's meaning problematic. It could be read to either classify the “deaf” as a minority or as disabled; hence our uncertainty on this matter, and the need to subject it to closed analysis.
You reject this proposal to repeal a resolution which classifies the deaf as disabled on the grounds that it classifies the deaf as disabled? You recognize that the deaf consider themselves a protected minority and therefore refuse anything that would alter that status - i.e. being able to hear - yet you refuse to endorse a repeal of the proposal that enables the alteration of their status?
The assertion by the representative from Community Property is absurd. I quote from Resolution #160, Rights of the Disabled:
1) Disability is defined, for the purpose of this resolution, as a mental or physical impairment that has an adverse effect on one’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities as long as the adverse effect is substantial and the adverse effect is long-term (meaning it has lasted for at least 12 months, or is likely to last for more than 12 months or for the rest of one’s life);
Obviously, hearing impairment is a physical impairment: one of the hearing nerves. And it does impact the ability to carry out day-to-day activities, such as listening. And it generally lasts for a lifetime. So we can conclude that hearing impairment is indeed covered under Res#160.
Kingsley Thomas
Ambassador to the United Nations
The Congressional Republic of Ceorana
05-11-2006, 21:03
THe Republic of Richpoor understands that UN resolution 160 would include deaf or hearing impaired and therefore will vote to repeal UN resolution 170.
05-11-2006, 22:45
I have sworn an oath on the Eye of Harmony. In the privacy of my own home I and the Master have agreed to vote ...
I would encourage all deligates to vote likewise, but frankly, I don't give a shit.
05-11-2006, 22:46
After posting the foregoing, we decided that we needed to express our position with greater clarity. In order to further this end, we decided that a separate statement would serve this goal far better.
So here, in essence, is the crystallized form of our position:
Those whom most of you label as “deaf” are not disabled. They are simply “deaf”. Therefore UNR #160 does not apply to them.
UNR #160 addresses the needs of the disabled; UNR #170 addresses the needs of the “deaf”. As these two groups do not overlap, the two resolutions do not duplicate each other. Both are needed, and therefore, neither should be repealed.
We thank the Assembly for its indulgence in listening to our position on this matter.
This is perhaps the most ridiculous statement we have heard yet in this Assembly. Severe hearing impairment reduces, and in some cases eliminates, the ability to communicate through speech. It impairs the ability to receive and react to sound cues from one's environment. It is a disability by any logical and rational definition of the term.
The representative of Community Property owes this Assembly an apology for insulting its intelligence. He also owes himself an apology for making a complete fool of himself in public.
By order of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Ausserland:
Patrick T. Olembe
Minister for Foreign Affairs
I personally think that this resolution micro-manages the situation, and that number 160 does a good job for management. We vote for the repeal.
Here's a though. Why don't you role-play still having those laws in effect?
06-11-2006, 01:12
Warm Ponds's vote against Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" has been noted.
***This nation never wanted the resolution!! But, it passed and the tax rate went up quite a lot. Now that it has been paid for and the tax rate has re-adjusted. We do not want to pay again to have it dis-mantled***
Wait, let me get this straight, you opposed the Hearing Impaired Aid Act, because it raised your nation's tax rate, and now you oppose the repeal because you think that the repeal will also increase your tax rate. Let me explain somethint to you, repeals have the opposite effect that the resolution did. In other words, if this repeal passes, your tax rate should drop.
Now if you all will excuse me, I've got a wedding to attend.
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
Wait, let me get this straight, you opposed the Hearing Impaired Aid Act, because it raised your nation's tax rate, and now you oppose the repeal because you think that the repeal will also increase your tax rate. Let me explain somethint to you, repeals have the opposite effect that the resolution did. In other words, if this repeal passes, your tax rate should drop.
Additionally, everyone's economies got shafted after the original got passed! Vote for this to get back your good economy! Woo! Argh, Kingsley, let go of my throat!
Jeremy Jerome Jeremyson XXVII
Asst. Dep. Asst. to the Vice-Director of the Suboffice of Statwanking, Office of Statistics, Ceorana Department of Metagaming
06-11-2006, 12:35
Is clearly utterly extraneous. Deaf people are evidently 'diasabled' as expressed eloquently by the Ausserland delegation. They are covered by #160. Quite apart from that, #170 is ludicrously overly-prescriptive. We in the wasteland of Tharkent prefer to find solutions that suit our own nation's character and feel that the UN's role is in providing goals rather than methods. Repeal this rubbish and spend your nation's saved money on further improving the lot of people with disabilities in a manner that best suits your nation.
Archnimbob Gulliwag III
Top Nob
06-11-2006, 14:29
Yes, but if it fails I will drink more vodka and throw them out windows with an increased vigor and enthusiasm.
I'll join you in both, my friend.
If the repeal fails? Nothing. Go back to the office and prepare for the next debate. Why? Should I do something?
Yeah, get drunk and start chucking people out of windows.
Warm Ponds's vote against Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" has been noted.
***This nation never wanted the resolution!! But, it passed and the tax rate went up quite a lot. Now that it has been paid for and the tax rate has re-adjusted. We do not want to pay again to have it dis-mantled***
I'm against this repeal, for no other reason than loving social justice.
I loves me some social justice.
I suggest we start with these two, Felix. Got a particular preference as to which one you take?
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
06-11-2006, 15:03
First, the OOC guff. Apologies I haven't been around, but the debate is thankfully tame and the vote tally promising. I note, again, that the original resolution's sponsor hasn't made it to the forum; oh well.
The original proposal doesn't seem to cover anything that the subsequent proposal (Rights of the Disabled) doesn't cover just as well, and without the intrusive micromanaging of national affairs, to boot. Altanar will support this repeal.
Whilst I agree, and thanks, there's an important to make: Rights of the Disabled isn't subsequent. It came first - ten resolutions prior, in fact. And frankly - why am I saying this when I know I won't be around to deal with the ensuing debate? - I think the mods made a mistake on letting this one through. Not only is it a strength violation (especially given #160 is only Significant), but it's clearly duplication - I had a hard time thinking of anything else to say in the repeal, to be honest. I voted for #160, because I thought it would prevent this sort of proposal reaching vote, let alone passing. But nevermind: if the repeal passes, all will be well.
I have sworn an oath on the Eye of Harmony. In the privacy of my own home I and the Master have agreed to vote ...
I would encourage all I think it's somehow funny or clever to repeatedly misspell "delegates" to vote likewise, but frankly, I don't give a shit.
Then don't spam up my thread, troll.
Now, ICness:
Our country strongly believes that strong rules are needed so that people with disabilities could be treated in par with others. We also feel that act 160 is not comprehensive and the Govts of various countries could very well continue to forget to do the basic things that they should do in order to help the disabled. We are not only against this repel but also favour more such resoulutions that deals with the disabilities specicially so that our motto of " Every one should live happily" could be established through out the member countries for our less fortunate brotherins who are suffering from disabilities also.
Whilst knowing what your feelings are really brightens up my day, you're going to have to substantiate them. Simply saying what you believe doesn't help the rest of us know why that's so, or why we should care. Specific textual reference would help here.
The tr__bl_ with y__r analysis is it's wr_ng. The r__s_n that it's _____ is that R_s_l_t_o_ #160 defines "d_s_b_l_t_" in s_ch a way th_t w__ld include d__fn_ss:
1) Disability _s defined, for the p_rp_s_ of this r_s_l_t_o_, as a mental or ph_s_c_l impairment th_t has an _dv_rs_ effect on one’s ability to carry out normal day-to-d_y a__i_i_ie_ as long as the adverse effect is substantial and the adverse _ff_ct is ____-term (meaning it has l_st_d for at l__st 12 months, or is l_k_l_ to last for more than 12 m_nt_s or for the rest of one’s life);
Th_r_f_r_, those who _r_ deaf would qualify _s "d_s_b_e_", and be _nt_tl_d to the protections _nd pr_v_l_g_s of Resolution #_6_.
~R_n_ Py_ndr_n
Ch__f of St_ff
Curer __ C_nc_r
Killer of P_pp__s
06-11-2006, 15:46
Either the deaf are disabled and are covered by UNR #160, or - as Community Property has asserted - are NOT disabled and therefore don't need special treatment. You can't have it both ways.
06-11-2006, 16:11
Either the deaf are disabled and are covered by UNR #160, or - as Community Property has asserted - are NOT disabled and therefore don't need special treatment. You can't have it both ways.
We're not sure we understand the point of this comment, but you're correct. And, despite the absurd assertion by Community Property, deafness is indeed a disability. Those suffering from this disability are most certainly covered under UNR #160.
Ausserland has voted FOR the repeal of this grotesque example of NSUN meddling and micromanagement.
Patrick T. Olembe
Minister for Foreign Affairs
06-11-2006, 16:57
Then don't spam up my thread, troll.
One fucking post is not spam. And the fact that I can't spell delegate to save my life is fucking old now. Deal with it and move on!
And with that I shall post no more here.
06-11-2006, 17:10
One fucking post is not spam. And the fact that I can't spell delegate to save my life is fucking old now. Deal with it and move on!
And with that I shall post no more here.
Good call. You might have been added to the defenestration list for having, perhaps, the dumbest reason ever for voting against a repeal.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
Iron Felix
06-11-2006, 18:13
I suggest we start with these two, Felix. Got a particular preference as to which one you take?
Hmm, Belarum seems to be making a misguided attempt at statwanking. Warm Ponds argument, on the other hand, makes no sense at all. I'll take Warm Ponds.
06-11-2006, 19:03
Hmm, Belarum seems to be making a misguided attempt at statwanking. Warm Ponds argument, on the other hand, makes no sense at all. I'll take Warm Ponds.
Alrighty then. Who takes the representative from Tzorsland, though? Shall we share that one? I bet we can chuck him a pretty good distance from the building if we gang up on him.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
Iron Felix
06-11-2006, 19:27
Alrighty then. Who takes the representative from Tzorsland, though? Shall we share that one? I bet we can chuck him a pretty good distance from the building if we gang up on him.
I believe the honorable Mr. Pyandran may have an interest in that particular defenestration.
06-11-2006, 19:35
I believe the honorable Mr. Pyandran may have an interest in that particular defenestration.
Ah, very true. Perhaps we should leave that one to him.
Rono, all you, mate!
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
Warm Ponds
06-11-2006, 23:31
Wait, let me get this straight, you opposed the Hearing Impaired Aid Act, because it raised your nation's tax rate, and now you oppose the repeal because you think that the repeal will also increase your tax rate. Let me explain somethint to you, repeals have the opposite effect that the resolution did. In other words, if this repeal passes, your tax rate should drop.
Now if you all will excuse me, I've got a wedding to attend.
Bob Flibble
UN Representative
Bob, I hope you are right!! I voted against the Hearing Impaired Aid Act when it was proposed.
Warm Ponds
06-11-2006, 23:46
Hmm, Belarum seems to be making a misguided attempt at statwanking. Warm Ponds argument, on the other hand, makes no sense at all. I'll take Warm Ponds.
***You know...I was just thinking...First they start a resolution and then.....Now...its 'cut and run'. Hummmm***
Whilst I agree, and thanks, there's an important to make: Rights of the Disabled isn't subsequent. It came first - ten resolutions prior, in fact. And frankly - why am I saying this when I know I won't be around to deal with the ensuing debate? - I think the mods made a mistake on letting this one through. Not only is it a strength violation (especially given #160 is only Significant), but it's clearly duplication - I had a hard time thinking of anything else to say in the repeal, to be honest. I voted for #160, because I thought it would prevent this sort of proposal reaching vote, let alone passing. But nevermind: if the repeal passes, all will be well.
Eek. I'll take the hit for not being able to count. Sorry on that one. But thankfully, the repeal looks promising.
Bob, I hope you are right!! I voted against the Hearing Impaired Aid Act when it was proposed.
Ambassador Flibble is indeed correct. Since you voted against the original, I would strongly encourage you to vote for the repeal, as it will do what you wanted in the first place.
I apologize if this statement is extraneous.
Kingsley Thomas
Ambassador to the United Nations
The Congressional Republic of Ceorana
07-11-2006, 12:01
At this otherwise jovial and cordial stage in the proceedings, marked by goodwill and generosity of spirit between the members of the UN, two figures suddenly burst into the chamber. Both are wearing tattered army fatigues and have tangled and matted beards and hair down to their waists. One is carrying a machete, the other a rather large looking rifle. The first one looks around wild-eyed and asks "Is this the UN". When replies to the affirmative are received he bursts into tears and in the midst of his sobbing the words "Thank you Ottarkus, thank you sacred otters" can be heard. His companion, though more stoic, is visibly moved.
"Friends", the first figure suddenly cries, "it is I, Leonard Otterby, Ambassador for the Republic of Compadria to the UN, who after a sudden recall home to participate in an expedition against guerrillas in the tiger-otter infested jungles of my homeland, was absent for many moons from this forum".
<shows leech bites and otter claw marks on his alarmingly hairy legs>
"Yet returned from campaigning and dodging bullets, shrapnel, man-traps and what not, I am happy just to be back in civilised company. With people who won't try to kill me or give me paint stripper to drink, disguised as beer. Oh the inhumanity"
<Otterby straightens himself and goes over to his desk>
Fellow members of the UN, honourable delegates, it is the policy of our nation to strongly support the rights those who suffer from physical handicaps are entitled to. Equally, we are fully supportive of the ideal that they should be treated as full members of society and that all necessary means to assist in this process, often difficult for the participants, is made. The UN, as a progressive force for global advancement, should legislate in this regard.
Yet, despite having voted for the resolution now being repealed, when it was proposed intially, we now vote in favour of a repeal. The fact of the matter is, this proposal has been adaquately shown to be both redundant and perhaps even unecessarily complex. The "Rights of the Disabled" resolution indeed covers all eventualities envisaged in this proposal and since the UN, hard-pressed as we are to justify existing legislation, must be as efficient as possible in passing resolutions, striking out redundant legislation such as this is a service to the international community.
May the blessings of our otters be upon you.
Leonard Otterby
Ambassador for the Republic of Compadria to the U.N.
Now I'm in serious need of a stiff drink...
07-11-2006, 14:40
Mr Otterby! Welcome back - it's been a long time. Good to see you again. Kind thanks for your sensible vote for the proposal.
~Lori Jiffjeff
Legal Aide
Minister of Sandy Vaginas
Chair, "Mothers Against Weird Stuff"
07-11-2006, 15:55
The Ausserland delegation joins in welcoming back to these halls the distinguished Ambassador Otterby and his small, furry accomplices. We also commend the wisdom of his vote on this very worthwhile repeal.
Patrick T. Olembe
Minister for Foreign Affairs
07-11-2006, 16:17
We are so overjoyed at Otterby's return, and his (uncharacteristically) sensible vote on this motion, we are willing to forgive the Compadrian delegation's support of the original resolution. If he is in need of something strong -- you voted for HIAA?? What were you thinking?! -- this should help. [Holds out a Growler of Russian Imperial Stout (which is neither Russian nor imperial, but it is rather stout)]
May the blessings of our otters be upon you.
... Seriously though, what were you thinking?
Sammy Faisano
Ambassador to the United Nations
Mr. Otterby,
So good to see you return in good health and spirits. Your presence has been missed amongst these halls. *glances at condition of the two Compadrians* Perhaps you'd like to take a moment or so to relax and refresh yourselves before resuming your seat.
07-11-2006, 18:08
Mr. Otterby,
So good to see you return in good health and spirits. Your presence has been missed amongst these halls. *glances at condition of the two Compadrians* Perhaps you'd like to take a moment or so to relax and refresh yourselves before resuming your seat.
Or maybe they oughta resume their seats before relaxing. Falling off a chair usually doesn't hurt as much as falling down when you're standing up. Of course, in our delegation's case that isn't so, but that doesn't matter.
Lorelei M. Ahlmann
07-11-2006, 20:37
Seriously though, what were you thinking?
If the honourable delegate wants the honest truth, I was under the influence of a little too much Guinness after an evening of revels and I committed the unfortunate error of judging the resolution on its title. Regardless, your kind offer of beer is accepted heartily. A special blessing of our otters for you.
At the sound of the word 'otters', Holt suddenly has a nervous spasm and discharges his rifle into the ceiling of the chamber.
Anthony, put that rifle down for God's sake. We're not in the backwoods anymore.
Anyway, yes, we thank our friends the honourable delegates of Gruenberg, Ausserland, Omigodtheykilledkenny (actually, one chap in our squad named Kenny did cop it a few weeks into our campaign, but that's besides the point) and Kivisto for their kind praise. We hope that further sensible proposals are debate in the halls of the U.N. from this day onwards.
<Drains the Growler of Russian Imperial Stout in a single go>
Ah, thash good shtout...
May the blessings of our otters be upon you.
Leonard Otterby
Ambassador for the Republic of Compadria to the U.N.
Rapid City
07-11-2006, 20:55
*A new member takes his seat at the UN. The tag he places upon his desktop says "Rapid City". He listens intently as the proceedings go by, and waits for a pause in the main discussion* We of the Federation of Rapid City declare our vote by the majority of the senate for the Repeal of #170. Like many others have stated, the Hearing Impaired Aid Act duplicates numerous clauses already implied by #160, Rights of the Disabled, and therefore, makes #170 obsolete.
07-11-2006, 21:29
A rather young man, probably only just into his twenties and dressed like a scruffy college student, takes the Islenska seat and leans over to speak into the microphone,
"After careful consideration, Islenska has decided to side with it's more, ahem, unique neighbors in the Antarctic Oasis, and vote for the repeal."
Christopher Rorth
UN Amabassador for Islenska
Representative of the King
I would like to welcome the representatives of Rapid City and Islenska, and congratulate them for avoiding defenestration.
And welcome back, Mr. Otterby. May the blessings of your otters be upon you.
Christelle Zyryanov (,
Ambassador to the United Nations,
07-11-2006, 21:52
Thank you for the welcome, and may I say that the Ariddian representative is looking lovely today?
The Islenskan ambassador quickly takes a picture with his camera phone.
Christopher Rorth
UN Amabassador for Islenska
Representative of the King
Rapid City
07-11-2006, 22:03
I too thank the Representative from Ariddian for the welcome.
Thank you for the welcome, and may I say that the Ariddian representative is looking lovely today?
The Islenskan ambassador quickly takes a picture with his camera phone.
Christelle blushed.
And in front of the entire GA, too! she thought.
"You're very kind," she said with a gentle smile. "I hope our two countries can get on well and work together here in the United Nations."
07-11-2006, 22:34
Tommo the Stout kicks the door unnecessarily and charges into the GA sans pants (but not boxers, or shoes, thankfully). Juhani follows, calmly pushing the handicapped button and having the door open for him. It wasn't nearly as dramatic as the Stout kicking the door, but then again, Envoy Viljakainen rarely saw a need for drama. Slung over his shoulder was a pair of the Ambassador's pants.
"Where is he!?" The Ambassador finally spots the Compadrians through their overgrowth of hair and plaster dust from the ceiling.
"HAHA! Mr. Otterby, Mr. Holt! Welcome back! The 34th floor has been much too empty without the likes of you!" He jogs up to the delegation's place and firmly shakes hands.
"Look, everybody! The Compadrians are back!" At this point though, it was old news, and few people reacted at all to the Ambassador's announcement. Not the least bit discouraged, Tommo the Stout prances over to the nearby Ariddian delegation and sweeps Crystelle Zyryanov off her feet and spins around a couple of times before setting her back down. That'll show that upstart with the cameraphone.
"Mr. Ambassador!" calls Juhani, raising his voice.
"Yes, of course!" The Stout, brought back to matters at hand heads toward the doors. Juhani hands him his pants which he proceeds to put on while hopping out of the GA. He turns to the Compadrians once more and thrusts a finger at them.
"You boys are gonna get a proper cut and shave, courtesy of Envoy Viljakainen and the lovely Counselor Koskinen later, kammo*?"
Out the Norderians went, Juhani placing his thumb and forefinger on his nosebridge, sighing.
After the doors close, the Stout's voice can still be heard shouting in the hall, faintly.
"We're still in favor of the repeal!"
*OOC: kammo = Norderian "understand" or "capice"
Christelle blushed deeper still, a smile on her face as she watched the Stout's antics. She remained seated, feeling just a little dizzy, and tried to stop herself from grinning.
"Oh, yes... Did I mention we support the repeal?"
"No, you didn't," said Jorge Trenbakke, somewhat unnecessarily. "Welcome back Otterby!"
Kingsley elbowed him in the side. "That was the most obvious ploy in the book, and you never even knew Otterby!"
"Neither did you," Jorge said grudgingly as he slunk down in his seat.
08-11-2006, 06:14
an Oscar Wilde play. If there is there nothing of substance that requires our consideration then the Tharkent delegation will retire early for a hot rub and some reruns of *MASH*.
Archnimbob Gulliwag III
Top Nob
The Most Glorious Hack
08-11-2006, 06:30
Since the Doctor was elsewhere, Father Guido found himself sitting in the GA, watching the insanity. He was, of course, chainsmoking, and using the little 'Thank You For Not Smoking!' sign as an ashtray.
"We'a support this repeal. Oh, and welcome a'back, Otterby! Didn't expect'a you to vanish after I'a made you Pope'a for a day!"
Father Guido Sarducci
The Voice sorta Of The Moral Majority
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
08-11-2006, 14:55
Since the Doctor was elsewhere, Father Guido found himself sitting in the GA, watching the insanity. He was, of course, chainsmoking, and using the little 'Thank You For Not Smoking!' sign as an ashtray.
"We'a support this repeal. Oh, and welcome a'back, Otterby! Didn't expect'a you to vanish after I'a made you Pope'a for a day!"
Father Guido Sarducci
The Voice sorta Of The Moral Majority
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
Good to see both Otterby and Father Guido Sarducci back in these halls.
And I'll leave the flirting with the Arriddian ambassador to the children. If she wants a real man, she knows where to go.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
08-11-2006, 15:15
Good to see both Otterby and Father Guido Sarducci back in these halls.
And I'll leave the flirting with the Arriddian ambassador to the children. If she wants a real man, she knows where to go.
I'm sure she does. And she'd be welcome in Ausserland any time.
Hurlbot Barfanger
Ambassador to the United Nations
08-11-2006, 15:19
I'm sure she does. And she'd be welcome in Ausserland any time.
Hurlbot Barfanger
Ambassador to the United Nations
Wouldn't that be half a man?
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
"Not that my preferences are any concern of this august assembly, Sheik Nadnerb, but I prefer men who don't chop off other people's heads."
Christelle turned to smile at Ambassador Barfanger.
"Thank you, Ambassador. Perhaps I will visit Ausserland one day."
08-11-2006, 16:22
"Not that my preferences are any concern of this august assembly, Sheik Nadnerb, but I prefer men who don't chop off other people's heads."
Christelle turned to smile at Ambassador Barfanger.
"Thank you, Ambassador. Perhaps I will visit Ausserland one day."
I do that once, and I'm gonna be forever painted as the Decapitator?
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
P.S. C'mon...let's be realistic. That Larebil jackass deserved it.
Yes. ( Once was once too many.
Christelle Zyryanov,
Ambassador to the United Nations,
(Image courtesy of Westville News (
08-11-2006, 16:32
(Image courtesy of Westville News (
OOC: That's fucking hysterical! I actually considered having Larebil's ghost haunt the UN building (specifically the Strangers Bar), but you beat me to the idea! :D
08-11-2006, 16:37
Given the debate on this is - quite thankfully - non-existent, I will turn the floor over to Mrs Jiffjeff, who wishes to speak on a relevant, though admittedly somewhat tangential, subject.
~Rono Pyandran
Chief of Staff
Ladies, gentlemen, gnomish scum, I come before you with a heavy heart. I received today a most disturbing letter from a concerned citizen of Ariddia - one of the few inhabitants of that land not afflicted by the plague of socialism - who enclosed a picture (, meant to represent me. It is apparently the cartoon character that Ariddian program Westville News ( uses to represent me, and I must say I find it distasteful, irreverent and hurtful.
We must take a stand against such shameful filth-mongering, and oppose to the greatest extent those who would degrade people only trying to serve the best interests of the people of the world in such hatefully ignorant stereotypes! I call upon all people of good moral standing to write to Canal V's directors, calling upon them to immediately silence these peddlers of sin!
~Lori Jiffjeff
Legal Aide
Minister of Sandy Vaginas
Chair, "Mothers Against Weird Stuff"
08-11-2006, 16:50
Can I get your number, Lori?
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
08-11-2006, 16:59
We must take a stand against such shameful filth-mongering, and oppose to the greatest extent those who would degrade people only trying to serve the best interests of the people of the world in such hatefully ignorant stereotypes! I call upon all people of good moral standing to write to Canal V's directors, calling upon them to immediately silence these peddlers of sin!
~Lori Jiffjeff
Legal Aide
Minister of Sandy Vaginas
Chair, "Mothers Against Weird Stuff"You sound like you need a relaxer, baby. I got a hottub going upstairs, if you're interested.
Manuelo Fernanda ( (apparently)
President of the Federal Republic
Special Envoy to the United Nations
08-11-2006, 17:01
Just before I met my husband, I put a personal ad in the paper, along the lines of "law student, likes cats, etiquette and long walks on beaches, wltm man who has beheaded at least one liberal". On those terms, dear Sheikh, you'd be in excellent standing...but I regret I'll have to decline.
Also...there really is something in the water, isn't there? I'll have to speak to UNBM about it...
~Lori Jiffjeff
Love and esterel
08-11-2006, 17:09
We voted FOR the repeal, as the resolution #160: "Rights of the Disabled" cover this topic.
08-11-2006, 17:11
Just before I met my husband, I put a personal ad in the paper, along the lines of "law student, likes cats, etiquette and long walks on beaches, wltm man who has beheaded at least one liberal". On those terms, dear Sheikh, you'd be in excellent standing...but I regret I'll have to decline.
Also...there really is something in the water, isn't there? I'll have to speak to UNBM about it...
~Lori Jiffjeff
Husband? Bugger all!
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
P.S. If that whole marriage thing doesn't work out, though... ;)
08-11-2006, 17:16
P.S. If that whole marriage thing doesn't work out, though... ;)OOC: Her husband's dead.
Just as I suspected; you only read the Polar Picayune for the pictures.
08-11-2006, 17:17
Psst, Sheikh...
Her husband, Pettikart Jiffjeff, was an officer in the Gruenberger High Sultanic Navy; he died five years ago in a tragic yet anatomically hilarious accident involving pool cues, an elephant and, depending on who's telling the story, anything from one to five gallons of slurry. (
And President Fernanda, Mrs Jiffjeff informs me your offer of a hottub is greatly appreciated. Though I think she'd only be willing to share it with your rubber duck.
~Rono Pyandran
Chief of Staff, and incidentally, would be hitting on Zarazarawotsit if he could say her name
08-11-2006, 17:22
OOC: Her husband's dead.
Just as I suspected; you only read the Polar Picayune for the pictures.
Well, er...yeah. The Polar Picayune ( has some hot pics.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
08-11-2006, 17:26
And I'll leave the flirting with the Arriddian ambassador to the children. If she wants a real man, she knows where to go.
The Islenskan ambassador tries to come up with some sort of witty retort, but failing, resorts to giving the Cluichstan representative the finger, and then sending him several obnoxious text messages.
08-11-2006, 17:31
The Islenskan ambassador tries to come up with some sort of witty retort, but failing, resorts to giving the Cluichstan representative the finger, and then sending him several obnoxious text messages.
I withdraw my offer. The Arriddian ambassador can continue to play in the sandbox.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
OOC: That's fucking hysterical! I actually considered having Larebil's ghost haunt the UN building (specifically the Strangers Bar), but you beat me to the idea! :D
OOC: Glad you like it. ;)
~Rono Pyandran
Chief of Staff, and incidentally, would be hitting on Zarazarawotsit if he could say her name
OOC: Oh, I think she's got used to being called Zarazarawotsit...
Ladies, gentlemen, gnomish scum, I come before you with a heavy heart. I received today a most disturbing letter from a concerned citizen of Ariddia - one of the few inhabitants of that land not afflicted by the plague of socialism - who enclosed a picture (, meant to represent me. It is apparently the cartoon character that Ariddian program Westville News ( uses to represent me, and I must say I find it distasteful, irreverent and hurtful.
We must take a stand against such shameful filth-mongering, and oppose to the greatest extent those who would degrade people only trying to serve the best interests of the people of the world in such hatefully ignorant stereotypes! I call upon all people of good moral standing to write to Canal V's directors, calling upon them to immediately silence these peddlers of sin!
If I may take the floor for a moment to address this issue... Thank you. Ahem. Canal V is an independent news media in West Ariddia, and, although I know many citizens in the PDSRA watch pirated versions of Westville News, we have nothing to do with what goes on in West Ariddia.
Even if those capitalist scum do amuse us sometimes. And that is a striking likeness of Ms. Jiffjeff, is it not?
Thank you.
Christelle Zyryanov,
Ambassador to the United Nations,
Daverson leaned back in his seat, watching the antics of the General Assembly in delighted amusement. "Well this job is certainly looking to be anything but dull," he said to no-one in particular, earning an odd look from an ambassador seated nearby. Deciding that there wasn't anything going on that needed his official attention, and that the seats in here were far more comfortable than out in the parking lot, Daverson yawned, stretched, and promptly fell asleep.
Mindless UN drones
08-11-2006, 23:31
IC: We have no mind of our own. Our delegated voted for it so we did as well.
The Most Glorious Hack
09-11-2006, 00:15
I gotta tell ya, though... spot'a on for Captain Spaulding I (!
Father Guido Sarducci
The Voice sorta Of The Moral Majority
The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
I gotta tell ya, though... spot'a on for Captain Spaulding I (!
Thanks. ;) I had a fair bit of fun doing that one.
09-11-2006, 04:14 (
The Regional Delegate of Gatesville, The Gatesville Princess of Nevadar, has voted FOR the repeal of "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" after reviewing the opinions of the members of the region. This is currently the opinion shared by the large majority of UN voters.
Hellar Gray
09-11-2006, 04:38
What is the Gatesville Princess' stance on Jiffjeff's hubba-hubba factor?
And why is the cartoon Fernanda holding a rubber dick anyway (and cartoon Amb. Braxton)? :eek:
We are also very disappointed that there is no cartoon Riley or cartoon Sammy.
09-11-2006, 04:46
What is the Gatesville Princess' stance on Jiffjeff's hubba-hubba factor?
Ask her yourself if you wish to know, but I don't rate your chances of success very highly. Do make sure to duck very quickly and run away even more quickly after asking if you do risk it.
Hellar Gray
09-11-2006, 06:15
Daverson yawned, stretched, and promptly fell asleep.
OOC: Meh, it's been done. I had my UN Rep. character sleep through an entire debate once.
09-11-2006, 15:27
OOC: Meh, it's been done. I had my UN Rep. character sleep through an entire debate once.
OOC: And he got billboarded, too. :cool:
OOC: Though I haven't said so in a post, I'm sure my delegate is :rolleyes: over all the OT discussion here.
09-11-2006, 20:47
The resolution Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" was passed 10,747 votes to 2,138.
09-11-2006, 21:00
We congratulate the Gruenberger delegation on another fine resolution to pass this body.
09-11-2006, 21:09
Indeed, the Great Star Empire is very happy that this piece of legislation has been passed.
09-11-2006, 21:23
I know I promised I would not post again in this thread, but congratulations Gruenberg on a successful repeal. That was all I wanted to say!
09-11-2006, 21:33
Congratulations Gruenberg!
Congrats! It's good to get another bad law off the books. It's also nice that it gave my economy a big boost.
10-11-2006, 13:21
Thanks for everyone's support on this.
10-11-2006, 18:21
Congratulations on the passage well-written repeal.
Funny how the title didn't seem to scare off as many voters as the attempted repeals of #7 seem to...I don't know if that means that (in the world of title-happy voters) deaf people aren't worth the same consideration as the right to blow your pet guinea pig in the privacy of your own home, but it does invite speculation.
10-11-2006, 19:30
Congratulations to our Gruenberger friends on yet another highly successful legislative effort. As our thanks for getting rid of this intrusive resolution, we will be sending a contingent of CPESL ( servicewomen to aid the Gruenbergers in their much deserved celebrations.
Sheik Nadnerb bin Cluich
Cluichstani Ambassador to the UN
[NS]St Jello Biafra
10-11-2006, 20:22
Three cheers for the author!
10-11-2006, 20:37
Congratulations on the passage well-written repeal.
Funny how the title didn't seem to scare off as many voters as the attempted repeals of #7 seem to...I don't know if that means that (in the world of title-happy voters) deaf people aren't worth the same consideration as the right to blow your pet guinea pig in the privacy of your own home, but it does invite speculation.
Yes, it's odd that most of the comments on this have mentioned redundancy - i.e. they have read the argument. I think the title of the original resolution was more neutral - makes you more likely to read it anyway - so perhaps that's the explanation (but then Repeal "Gay Rights" passed anyway, so who knows).
Warm Ponds
11-11-2006, 00:58
Glad to see my tax went down!! :D Plus, I can tell my people that beening a part of NSUN there is nothing, as their leader can do about it.