19-07-2006, 11:59
RECOGNISING that the NationStates server ("the server") has limited space, and also
RECOGNISING that there are some repealed resolutions still on the UN History, which are greyed and struck through, and also
ACKNOWLEDGING that even though some of these repealed resolutions are useful, some are not (see resolution #1), and
ACKNOWLEDGING that some resolutions are poorly written and have been replaced by more indepth resolutions (see resolution #95),
This resolution:
RECOGNISES that there are some valued repealed resolutions that they may be sustained for a longer period of time, and therefore
CREATES a system by which all repealed resolutions are removed from the history after a period of time equal to the proportion of "for" votes divided by the amount of "against" votes of that resolution, which is then multiplied by a period of fifty days, and
RECOGNISES that there shall be numerical incontiguity once repealed resolutions are removed, so therefore
CREATES a system by which newer resolutions can fill the spaces of the removed resolutions, by which a numerical contiguity can be restored, and
RECOGNISES that there will then be chronological incontiguity once there are new resolutions in place, so therefore
SETS the UN History page in chronological rather than numerical order.
RECOGNISING that there are some repealed resolutions still on the UN History, which are greyed and struck through, and also
ACKNOWLEDGING that even though some of these repealed resolutions are useful, some are not (see resolution #1), and
ACKNOWLEDGING that some resolutions are poorly written and have been replaced by more indepth resolutions (see resolution #95),
This resolution:
RECOGNISES that there are some valued repealed resolutions that they may be sustained for a longer period of time, and therefore
CREATES a system by which all repealed resolutions are removed from the history after a period of time equal to the proportion of "for" votes divided by the amount of "against" votes of that resolution, which is then multiplied by a period of fifty days, and
RECOGNISES that there shall be numerical incontiguity once repealed resolutions are removed, so therefore
CREATES a system by which newer resolutions can fill the spaces of the removed resolutions, by which a numerical contiguity can be restored, and
RECOGNISES that there will then be chronological incontiguity once there are new resolutions in place, so therefore
SETS the UN History page in chronological rather than numerical order.